Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 161 The Frozen Body

Chapter 161 The Frozen Body

Using superpowers to read Aokiji's inner thoughts, Lin Luo immediately found the special feed he wanted to buy in the system.

Compared with other props that can make Pokémon stronger, this special feed is actually not as complicated as imagined.

It is nothing more than a chemically synthesized nutrient.

The effect of this substance is very simple, that is, it can stimulate the cells of the carp king, enhance their own vitality, and make them more active.

Under the observation of Pokémon scientists, it was discovered that...

The reason why carp kings are difficult to evolve is because their brain capacity is too low, and their bodies are hard and fleshy, so they have no natural enemies...

So in daily situations, the carp king's way of life is to be able to lie down and never stand, and to be able to lie down and never float, which is as lazy as it gets.

Unless it is during reproduction, the biological instinct engraved in the DNA will urge the carp kings to exercise.

In the Pokémon world, there is a special phenomenon called "Carp Leaping over the Dragon's Gate", which refers to the fact that a large number of carp kings have to overcome various difficulties and obstacles in order to go upstream to lay eggs and reproduce offspring under the biological instinct, including some waterfalls.

With a sufficiently strong amount of exercise, the energy originally accumulated in the carp king's body will play a role, thus forming a phenomenon of large-scale evolution of the carp king.

It is from this phenomenon that scientists in the Pokémon world have developed this targeted special feed.

Because it does not contain special energy itself, the price of the feed is also very affordable.

A 3-month supply of King Carp is only a few points.

Even with some water system energy cubes to ensure 10% evolution of the carp king, the total cost will not exceed [-] points.

Using 10 points, which is equivalent to using 500 million Baileys, exchanged the navy for a rear admiral-level combat power.

In the eyes of Aokiji, this is simply a bargain!

I don't know why, seeing Lin Luo's warm smile under the moonlight, Qingzhi always has a feeling of being cheated.

"It should be my own illusion, how could Master Lin Luo cheat himself?"

Aokiji murmured in his heart, when he thought that he had obtained such a strong combat power with only a small price, it would be impossible for him to be cheated!

In the end, Qingzhi spent 5 points to buy enough feed and a batch of water system energy cubes for 5000 carp kings to complete evolution from Lin Luo.

The Carp King purchased for 5000 points half a year ago has not been of much use in half a year, and after half a year, I will spend 5 points to buy breeding materials...

Maybe that's why Aokiji felt weird.

It's just that before the transaction, Lin Luo said everything he needed to say. He chose to buy the Carp King himself, which does not constitute deceit.

After all, exchanging 275 billion Baileys for 5000 Gyarados is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

After casually crossing out the 5W balance in Qingzhi's account, Lin Luo looked at Qingzhi with a smile on his face.

"Sure enough, it was right to ask Qingzhi to buy Carp King..." he murmured softly in his heart.

Different from the strong and hawkish style of Akainu, Lin Luo can see at a glance that Aokiji is the kind of good officer who is willing to spend a lot of resources on ordinary naval soldiers, so he sells it to the King Carp that is suitable for naval soldiers. And weak dinghies.

However, since the other party helped him digest so many salted fish Pokémon in this way, and even helped the group of carp kings evolve at their own expense, Lin Luo felt that it was necessary to give Aokiji some sweetness.

Profiteers also have a conscience!
"Admiral Aokiji, I will put all the food and energy cubes on the ship for you."

"Master Lin Luo, please."

"No trouble."

What's the trouble with making money.

Lin Luo smiled and waved his hand.

In an instant, the transport battleship that had just floated sank again.

The feed enough to feed 5000 carp kings for 3 months was directly summoned by Lin Luo in the transport compartment of the battleship.

Looking at the remaining 1 points in Qingzhi's account, Lin Luo smiled and said again:

"Now that the carp king's evolution problem has been solved, should General Aokiji consider buying a powerful Pokémon for himself?"

"for myself?"

Aokiji's tone froze, a little hesitant.

He subconsciously looked towards the Warring States and Cranes behind.

After all, these funds are all public funds of the navy, and if they are used for himself, it always makes him feel like using public funds.

Originally, he planned to use the remaining 2 points to buy another [-] weak Dingyu.

The combat effectiveness of the weak Dingyu is obvious to all the navy.

1 weak Dingyu have the combat power equivalent to the high-level Shichibukai, and 3 weak Dingyu can definitely have the strength of an admiral!

This is what Aokiji had considered before the transaction.

However, the words of the dimensional businessman will not be aimless.

Since the other party has made a suggestion, it is better to follow it.

Sure enough, when he turned his head, he happened to see Zhan Guohe and He were giving him supportive eyes.

Qingzhi gave a slight pause, then immediately looked at Lin Luo again, and asked:

"I wonder if the adults have any good suggestions?"

"There is a good Pokémon that is very suitable for you."

Lin Luo smiled lightly.

With a snap, followed by a crisp finger snap, a huge virtual screen suddenly appeared in front of Aokiji.

And at the top of the screen, a powerful Pokémon whose whole body is made of ice crystals is displayed.

[Pokémon: Regis]

[Attribute: Ice]

[Characteristic: Frozen Body (Halves the stamina consumption in ice and snow weather, and continues to recover)]

【Level: 70】

[Price: 1W Points]

Lin Luo said:
"Reggiece, a glacier Pokémon with a single ice attribute, is one of the legendary Pokémon in the Pokémon world."

"Its body is composed of glaciers from the Ice Age of the Pokémon World. The conical glacial limbs allow it to move freely on extremely slippery glaciers."

"The characteristics of the frozen body, combined with the ability of General Aokiji's frozen fruit, can make it have a strong endurance in battle."

"In my opinion, this is definitely the most powerful Pokémon for you, General Aokiji!"


Looking at the "+" pattern composed of yellow dots on the screen of Reggie Ace, Aokiji, who had no feelings for Reggie Ace at first, found out instantly after Lin Luo introduced...

This is definitely the most suitable Pokémon for you!

Ever since his strength reached the level of a general, Aokiji has seldom cooperated with other people in combat.

Needless to say the other two generals.

Akainu and his fruit ability are naturally contradictory, and the yellow monkey is a complete slacker.

And the strength of the vice admirals was too different from his, so they couldn't cooperate with him at all. Instead, they had to worry about not hurting their own people with their freezing power.

But if it is this Regis, there is no need to worry about this situation at all!
After hesitating in his mind for a second, Aokiji immediately nodded and said:
"Lord Lin Luo, you are right, I want this Pokémon!!!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Lin Luo smiled and stretched out his palm.

A special elf ball composed of ice crystals slowly appeared in his palm.

The bright white moonlight shone on the surface of the Poké Ball, immediately reflecting a cold light.

Regice's normal body surface temperature is minus 200 degrees. Even with the ice-type Poké Ball carrying it, it still can't stop the cold air that radiates outward.

But this cold air, to Aokiji, is more like an excellent cold baby, which will only make him feel more real.

"Thank you, Master Lin Luo!"

Aokiji took the poke ball and thanked him.

Although he had experienced a pleasant transaction, he always unconsciously lowered his posture when facing Lin Luo.

Facing this existence in front of him and the mysterious Myriad Realms Chamber of Commerce behind it, he, a frozen man who ate frozen fruit, would always feel a chill in his heart.

The more powerful a person is, the more he can feel Lin Luo's terror.

They simply cannot understand what kind of things this kind of existence that can manipulate the world will do.

The reason why they rebelled against the World Government during the Warring States Period was that a large part of the reason was that they learned from the Revolutionary Army that the dimensional merchants had provided them with help.

Warring States and cranes are very worried that the existence of Tianlong people will annoy Lin Luo, which will lead to the destruction of the whole world.

Who knows how a good Pokémon is destroyed.

Even Pokémon with similar or even stronger combat power can be sold as commodities with clearly marked prices, so how can people in their world not?
Instead of waiting for the group of pigs from the Tianlong people to anger the dimensional merchants and cause the destruction of the world, it is better to stand in line first and kill the dangerous germ in the cradle.

(End of this chapter)

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