Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 162 The Sun Also Rises

Chapter 162 The Sun Also Rises (Subscribe)

The sunlight through the clouds shines on the sparkling sea, like a piece of golden cloth floating on the sea.

Facing the brilliance of the morning sun, the naval transport ship returning with a full load headed for the headquarters of the navy.

on the deck of the ship.

Sengoku, Aokiji and Crane stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the Howling Whale King who was slowly disappearing into the sea level, but there was a dignified look on their faces.

Looking at the rising sun in the distant sky, Zhan Guo couldn't help but sternly said:

"I didn't expect that the old stubborn gang from the world government would also contact the dimensional businessman. It seems that those guys are not as unreasonable as imagined."

The crane on the side stroked his pale hair, as if he hadn't slept all night, which made the elderly vice admiral a little depressed.

She shook her head slightly, a trace of worry flashed in her tired eyes.

"After all, the reality is already in front of me. From the moment Chinu was defeated in the East China Sea, I have already guessed this step."

"No matter how much the Tianlong people want to maintain their supremacy, in front of the dimensional businessmen who can easily lead the world, they are just monkeys jumping up and down in the zoo, just entertaining themselves."

"I think Wu Laoxing is also aware of this, so he made this change."

Warring States pondered for a while, and then continued:
"Fortunately, the dimensional businessman can clearly reject the transaction attitude proposed by the world government, at least the other party is not for the purpose of trading people who have no bottom line."

"Yeah, at least we still have a chance to make amends."

Looking ahead, the crane whose eyes swayed with the wave light of the waves murmured.

At this moment, Sengoku and Crane had completely believed what Garp had said to them before.

The reason is the dimensional merchants, there is no need to lie to them.

Even though it was Aokiji who was communicating with the dimensional businessman just now, the two of them did not let down their vigilance in the slightest.

The moment Lin Luo appeared, they used their knowledge and arrogance to perceive Lin Luo's strength.

The feeling of oppression suddenly made the two old guys realize...

Perhaps the destruction of the world is only in the other party's thought.

And this made them even more determined to betray the belief of the world government.

Even the dimensional merchants feel that the Tianlong people should not exist, so what are they entangled with!



In the new world, on a certain hidden island.

A phone bug with a strange appearance and a certain white navy cap suddenly rang.

Bling Bling... Bling Bling...

Long, who was busy approving various documents, suddenly stopped his work, and immediately stretched out his hand to the phone bug with a look of surprise on his face.


"Hey, dragon."

On the other end of the phone bug, came the voice of Marshal Warring States.

"We have just completed the transaction with the dimensional merchant and obtained a batch of resources that can enhance the strength of Pokémon..."

"It's just that if you want to wait for the Pokémon in the navy to form an effective combat force, you may have to wait for a while. How is your side?"

"I'm here?"

Long was stunned for a moment in doubt, and then his face was overjoyed.

He instantly realized that when Zhan Guo asked such a question, it meant that he had agreed to his previous proposal.

Long immediately replied:

"My side is ready. A few days ago, before the final preferential eligibility, the Revolutionary Army conducted a transaction worth 100 billion Baileys with Donghai's dimensional merchant assistant."

"The power of the revolutionary army in the East China Sea can no longer be underestimated, plus the power of your navy..."

"I'm sixty percent sure!"

"Sixty percent!?"

The phone bug of the Warring States Period immediately frowned and said:

"This confidence is a bit too little."

"And don't forget, in the new world, there are still a large number of pirates watching here."

"Although the dimensional merchants have not been to the new world yet, with the connections of the Four Emperors, it is estimated that they have already obtained information about dimensional transactions, prepared funds long ago, and are waiting for the dimensional merchants to come to the new world."

"Even if we can overthrow the world government, how should we face the impact of the new world?"

"I think this matter is still to be discussed."

"I'll let Karp come back in the near future, and then send him and the crane to find you in the New World."

"After that, you and Crane will discuss and come up with a clear plan."

"no problem!"

Although he was rejected by the Warring States Period, there was no frustration on Long's face, but a gratified smile, with a feeling of "I am not alone in my way".

At least……

In this world, there are still people who are willing to face the darkest hour with him.

It should be said that he is Dad's partner.

Although he holds a high position in the navy, what he thinks about is the common people in the world.

There must be many such people in the world.

The dragon's gaze froze suddenly, and he turned to look at the sky outside the window.

The morning sun, rising from the east, drives away the darkness and brings new light to the world.

Long slowly clenched his fists.

The appearance of the dimensional businessman gave him unprecedented hope.

So he must also work hard, with the help of his current advantages, to completely open up the world pattern! ! !

"The sun will rise as usual!"



"What a big sun!"

In the new world, the Spades Pirates, who had just escaped from a sea of ​​blizzard, seemed to have lost their memory, and instantly enjoyed the beautiful weather today.

Ace was sitting on the deck, grilling skewers in his left hand and spirits in his right, feeling very happy.

"Hey, fire-breathing dragon, it's time for a banquet!!!"

Looking at the Charizard who was still exercising in the training room, Ace yelled.

Deus at the side walked over shaking his head, persuading:

"Stop yelling, Ace."

"It's impossible for the fire-breathing dragon to come out before finishing the morning training. I just sent someone to deliver food to it. Don't worry."

"This guy……"

Ace pouted, and said stinkingly:
"Isn't it Suicune who has never fought Cobra before? Anyway, I finally won the battle under my efforts to turn the tide, right? Why are you so serious~"

"Hahaha, please don't say that."

Deus laughed.

"Let the charizard hear it, and it will be sad."

"As a Pokémon, I have never defeated the opponent's Pokémon, but relied on the trainer to defeat the opponent..."

"Since that battle, Charizard has always felt that it was ashamed of Pokémon."


Bangsi, the temporary chef of the Pirates, immediately said:

"I think the fire-breathing dragon is hiding on purpose because he doesn't want to eat the food I cook!?"

"I overcooked the meat this time, how could it be so disrespectful!? No, I have to pull it out today!"

The heroic female pirate Bangxi immediately stood up and walked directly to the training room of the fire-breathing dragon.

After a while, the fire-breathing dragon with two dumbbells in his hands was pulled out by Bangxi with his arms between his neck.


The fire-breathing dragon looked sad.

It's not that it can't get rid of Buncy's shackles.

The main reason is that its head is now firmly pressed against the hemisphere on Bonsey's chest, making it a dilemma.

If you use too much force when you break free, it will be bad if you hurt Buncy.

No way, the fire-breathing dragon finally sat on the deck under Buncy's violence, holding a dumbbell in one hand and eating barbecue in the other.

It really can't understand why it is a fire-breathing dragon and keeps exercising every day, but its progress is not as fast as its own trainer.

The current level of the fire-breathing dragon has reached level 59, and the violent flame power in its body has already been tamed by its strong body.

It is only one step away from entering the next big stage.


In the battle with Suicune a month ago, he suddenly discovered that Ace's strength has directly reached the 60th stage after purchasing Armed-colored Domineering and Knowledge-colored Domineering!

Even if it also learned to be armed and domineering, its performance on the battlefield is not as good as Ace.

This made the fire-breathing dragon very depressed.

It is very puzzling, it and Ace, who is the Pokémon! ?
Obviously most people in this world are very weak, but my own trainer is like a monster, he will sneak away if he is not careful, it seems that it has no sense of existence.

Here, the fire-breathing dragon continued to sigh.

But Ace, who had already downed three glasses of spirits, stood up in the lively atmosphere.

"Little ones!!!"

After drinking high, his face was slightly drunk, and he shouted a little ruddy:

"We are about to enter the waters of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Next, what awaits us will be one tough battle after another!"

"However, I believe that everyone is ready!"

"Since we have set our sights on the highest position, we will face all kinds of difficulties and obstacles!"


"I will trouble everyone for the next journey!!!"

Gudong Gudong Gudong...

Strong alcohol went down his throat quickly.

Ace's face turned even redder.

A dropless wine glass slammed on the table.

Accompanied by drunkenness, Ace suddenly opened his arms, looked at the scorching sun above his head, and shouted:

"One Piece, I'm sure!!!"

 Thanks to Huang, Liang, sad me, Riding Shark East China Sea, and Yueshuai’s mooncakes for their monthly ticket support! ! !
  grateful! ! !

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(End of this chapter)

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