Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 163 The Whitebeard Arrives

Chapter 163 The Whitebeard Arrives

boom! ! !
Fiery air waves soared into the sky, instantly infecting the entire sky.

Accompanied by rumbling buzzing sounds, a blue figure broke free from the thick smoke, and flew towards the distant sky with an embarrassed expression.

"Damn it, how could this kid be so strong!?"

Marco was flying high in the sky, looking at the area shrouded in thick black smoke below, he couldn't help but question from the bottom of his heart:
"Is he really a rookie who just went to sea for less than a year!?"

As the first team captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco asked himself that his vision in this world was broad enough, but today's opponent still shocked him extremely.

"Charizard, use big characters to explode!!!"

Just when Marco was wondering, an excited voice suddenly appeared in the black smoke.

In the next second, an orange figure flew out from the thick smoke, chasing after Marco in the sky.


The fire-breathing dragon with a strong physique came to the sky above Marco in an instant, and a fire suddenly appeared in its mouth, and the blazing flames gathered like sunlight in an instant, gushing towards Marco!

Despite the super recovery ability of the phoenix fruit, Marco still didn't dare to be sloppy in the face of the full blow of the fire-breathing dragon.

The wings that were also burning like flames waved instantly, and the figure in the air paused for a moment, and then quickly flashed sideways.

But at this moment, there was another loud laugh.

"Hahaha, I got you!"

From the back of the fire-breathing dragon, Ace, who had been hiding his figure, jumped up suddenly, regardless of the altitude of nearly [-] meters below.

Armed color domineering armed fists like armor.

Although he only exchanged the initial version of Armed Domineering, but with Ace's own talent and surging blood, his attainment in Domineering has reached a very high level.


Marco was startled, but it was too late to dodge again.

boom! ! !
The pitch-black iron fist suddenly swung on Marco's head. Under the powerful force, Marco instantly turned into a blue meteor and hit the ground below.

Under the dome, the fire-breathing dragon, which had been prepared for a long time, turned around, caught the falling Ace, and flew back to the ground together.



"Are you...are you kidding me!?"

On the island below, a member of the Whitebeard Pirates looked at the shot down Marko with a shocked expression on his face.

"not good!"

Another crew member reacted instantly, quickly took out the phone bug, and shouted eagerly into the microphone:

"Call Moby Dick, call Moby Dick!"

"Here is the first team. We encountered the Spades Pirates when we were collecting the protection fee of Lia Island. Captain Marko is currently fighting with his captain, asking for support!"

"Spades Pirates!?"

The operator on the phone bug was obviously taken aback, as if he didn't remember which pirate group under the banner of the Four Emperors this spade pirate group was actually.

But when he heard the anxious cries of help from his partner on the opposite side, he immediately replied:

"The Moby Dick has received it, and now send people to Lia Island, you hold on first!"

The phone bug was hung up cleanly, but it made the pirates of the first team feel much more at ease.

Although the strength of the opponent is so powerful that it can put Captain Marko at a disadvantage, in the Whitebeard Pirates, almost every captain has the same strength as Captain Marko.

As long as someone can rush over to support, the other party will definitely not be able to escape the palm of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Thinking of this, they looked up at the battlefield in the distance again, holding the weapons in their hands tightly one by one, but they dared not take a step forward to join the battle no matter what.

"It's really strong."

A pirate sighed, he seemed to have recognized Ace's identity.

After all, there are very few people in this sea who can rely on Pokémon to make a name for themselves.

As long as a little comparison is made, Ace's information can be found immediately.

Originally, they went to the island of the Whitebeard Pirates to collect supplies as usual today, but what they didn't expect was...

The Spades Pirates led by Ace suddenly stopped them and said they wanted to take over the island.

The Whitebeard Pirates, one of the majestic four kings, would not be used to the absurd remarks of such yellow-mouthed children, and immediately clamored to give Ace a good look.


They were severely punished by Ace, and they were not freed until Marco arrived.



"Cough cough..."

In the deep pit, Marco, who had been beaten back to his human form, coughed heavily.

A blue flame instantly ignited on his face, and the part that had been sunken into it recovered quickly under the power of the phoenix.

In just a few seconds, Marco stood up again as if nothing had happened.

"It's really a useful ability."

Ace jumped off the back of the fire-breathing dragon, looked at Marco who was recovering quickly, and couldn't help showing surprise on his face, and then laughed again:
"How about you come to be my partner?"

"It just so happens that on my ship, there is still a lack of a reliable ship doctor!"

"My name is Ace, and I am the man who wants to become the One Piece! Follow me, you will never regret it!"


Seeing the sincerity on Ace's face, a black line appeared on Marco's forehead.

This guy, how big is it? One second he hammered himself, and the next second he came to invite himself to his boat.

However, this style of behavior has a bit of the charm of the old man in it.

Ace's behavior made Marco think of his father who went around arresting others as his sons.

Is this kind of big nerve common to the strong?

"I'm so sorry,"

Marco shook his head and said:

"I am very comfortable staying in the Whitebeard Pirates now, I can only refuse your kindness."


A pair of cyan flame wings burned and rose on Marco's back.

Marco stroked his round-rimmed glasses, grinned and said:
"Whitebeard must be the One Piece instead of you!!!"

boom! ! !
A jet-like cyan flame spewed out instantly, driving Marco's body towards Ace.

"That's really a pity!"

Ace, who was rejected, didn't have any abnormal expression on his face. He just sighed lightly, and immediately raised his domineering fist wrapped around the armed color, and swung towards Marco!

There was another shock.

Under the collision of huge forces, a frenzied air flow burst out, rushing towards all directions like big waves.

There was thunder and lightning roaring around the two of them.

The earth also wailed at this moment, trembling constantly.

Looking at Marco wrestling with him, Ace couldn't help grinning, as if he was happy to meet a strong opponent.

After losing the ability to burn fruit, Ace devoted all his energy in training to his body.

In the original timeline, because he relied too much on the powerful power of the burning fruit, he neglected his own training.

Otherwise, as the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, he shouldn't even be able to withstand the blow of the red dog, and was pierced through the chest.

Fortunately, in this life, he missed burning fruit, and instead paid more attention to physical strength.

With the powerful blood talent, coupled with the domineering cultivation experience obtained from the dimensional transaction, Ace's strength has long been unparalleled!

But his opponent, Marco, just fell into the trap of the devil fruit.

He relies too much on the fruit ability, and he is not Ace's opponent at all in pure strength confrontation.

Just a few seconds later, Marco's body was blasted out by Ace, smashed hard on the ground, and plowed a deep ravine.

But Marco can't do anything else, and his recovery ability is the best in the world.

With a flash of cyan flame, all the injuries on his body returned to their original state again, which amazed Ace.

"Sure enough, the power of this new world is far from the great route."

Ace sighed.

This Marco's physical strength seems to be endless. Unless he crushes the opponent with a powerful force at one time, it will be difficult to completely knock him down.

Even when he was fighting Cobra's Suicune, he didn't have such a tricky feeling, which shows how strong Marco is.


This Keya island, Ace is bound to win!
Although in Alabasta, Ace is one of the "Four Heavenly Kings"...

But Robin can use his own advantages to attract large rewards from the audience;

Cobra sits on the entire country, and it is still a country with a war zone. The economy is developing rapidly and the treasury is getting more and more full;

Karp, although he has no way to make money, but his Pokémon Hero can follow him to practice;
Ace could fully perceive the rapid progress of the Pokémon of the three of them in the past few months.

Even though he rewarded anyone from the Elf Center and the audience, he gained a lot...

But in front of these three guys, his progress with the fire-breathing dragon was completely at a disadvantage.

After exchanging the introductory experience for the two of them, they couldn't even afford a power cube, let alone a powerful mega evolution.

Eston felt that going on like this was not an option, so he set sail again and came to the new world.

This time, he mustered all his energy, in order to wrestle with the big pirates in the new world and lay down his own world!

Keya Island, as an important material transfer station in the underground world of the New World, is backed by the Whitebeard Pirates, and its annual income is nearly [-] billion Baileys!

As a condition for being protected by the Whitebeard Pirates, Keya Island will contribute 10 billion Baileys to the Whitebeard Pirates every quarter as protection fees.

After hearing the news, Ace immediately made up his mind and planned to use the Whitebeard Pirates to make the first cut.

As long as he has a lot of funds, he can exchange for more powerful power from the dimensional merchant, and then go to occupy more islands.

This in itself is a positive cycle.

Coupled with Ai Si's character of not being afraid of the sky and the earth, he has no fear of everything ahead.

And there is today's battle.



On Keya Island, there was another violent roar.

At this moment, whether it was the miscellaneous soldiers of the Whitebeard Pirates or the members of the Spades Pirates, they could clearly feel the ground shaking under their feet.

From just now, the thunderous impact has never stopped.

From time to time, the sky changes drastically, and the wind howls fiercely.

The residents on Keya Island locked their doors tightly and did not dare to leave their homes at all. They just prayed that the war would end as soon as possible.

"What kind of terrifying power is this!?"

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates looked at the distant battlefield in surprise.

And the faces of some well-informed pirates were even more dignified.

In their perception, Captain Marco, who has always been invincible, is gradually weakening under the attack of one person and one Pokémon on the opposite side.

This also shows that Marco's physical strength is rapidly declining.



"Red Dragon! Use Ghost Mask!"

With Ace's roar, the fire-breathing dragon that fell from the sky suddenly showed a very exaggerated molesting grimace at Marco.

All of a sudden!
A strange force drilled into Marco's brain, causing his control over his body to drop a bit.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on!?"

Marco yelled sadly in his heart.

Even though he was well-informed, he still couldn't make any resistance when facing the power from another world, and his speed of dodging suddenly slowed down.

And right now!
Ace, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately attacked from Marco's side, and another heavy punch hit Marco's abdomen fiercely, causing his body to hunched in pain instantly.

At this moment, Marco has realized that it is not an option to continue fighting like this.

He can still bear an Ace, but under the attack of the fire-breathing dragon and various weird auxiliary skills, Marco has almost fallen into a state of being powerless to fight back.

If it weren't for the Phoenix Fruit's ability to remain strong, another member of the Whitebeard Pirates would have stopped working long ago.

But going on like this is not an option.

His physical strength is not unlimited after all.

When the physical strength is exhausted, this announces the result of the battle.

After calming down the pain with the help of the fruit ability, Marco immediately waved his wings, his figure flickered away from Ace and the fire-breathing dragon, and then he gasped violently.

"Huh...huh...if this will lose..."

Although he really didn't want to admit it, he, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, was about to lose to a newcomer who had just entered the new world!
This will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Marco didn't want to be this sinner, and it was this spirit that allowed him to persevere until now.


Just when Marco wanted to retreat, and felt that even "being beaten away" was better than "being defeated", a burst of strong breath suddenly descended on this world.

"Goo la la la..."

"Marco, it seems that you have been slack recently, and you have let a newcomer push you to this point!"

With the heroic voice coming, Ace stopped chasing Marco instantly, and looked towards the distant port.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Immediately, Ace grinned lightly at the corner of his mouth, and gave a wry smile:
"Hey, I really provoked a big guy."

 Thank you for the support of the loose heartstring monthly ticket! ! !
  Kaido's new must-kill transformation into a super fire dragon, the burning fruit is really not even eaten by dogs

(End of this chapter)

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