Selling Pokémon from Pirates

× Imagine 164 × Overlord

Chapter 164 Overlord × Fierce × Fetters (6800 words, please support!)

"It's Dad!!!"

Marco, who was struggling to recover his physical strength, was taken aback suddenly, and when he saw the Moby Dick sailing towards the port of Keya Island, his face immediately showed a look of surprise.

But immediately, a guilty look flashed in his eyes.

It is already a very embarrassing thing for the dignified captain of the Whitebeard Pirates to force a rookie kid to be rescued by the whitebeard father.

As the old man said, since the Whitebeard Pirates became the Four Emperors, few people in this sea would come to trouble them, and he did slack off.

No matter what Marco thinks at this time.

Seeing the Moby Dick approaching aggressively, Ace felt trembling all over his body.

Even if the huge ship has not docked on the shore, he can feel a suffocating sense of oppression.

Today's Ace is no longer a fledgling fool.

After seeing Garp's true strength in Alabasta, he already has a clear understanding of the world's top power.

It is conceivable that Whitebeard is capable of winning the title of "World's Strongest Man" in the sea suppressed by Mr. Garp.


It is obviously not in Ace's character to let him escape in such a desperate way.

So what if it is strong, so what if it is doomed to fail.

Like the thousands of pirates in the new world...

Since he chose to come to this sea, he has already put life and death aside!

At this moment, Ace no longer focused his eyes on Marco, but looked at the shore flickeringly, and looked at the figure gradually appearing at the bow of the ship.

"Come on! Let me see how powerful the world's top combat power is!"

Ace muttered inwardly.

And behind him, the flame on the tail of the fire-breathing dragon was also burning, full of fighting spirit.

boom! ! !
Before people arrive, the momentum goes first!
The overlord-like arrogance that seemed to be substantial attacked Ace and the fire-breathing dragon instantly with an extremely strong sense of oppression.

One person, one pet's complexion froze for an instant, but then it was the same as before, staring closely at the top of the Moby Dick with eyes full of fighting spirit.

Ace, who is already familiar with domineering, of course knows that the oppressive feeling just now comes from the opponent's domineering and domineering.

He even knew that he also had the aptitude to release this kind of domineering energy.


Because there are too few audiences for the domineering look of the king, even Master Lin Luo has no relevant experience for sale, so he has not yet grasped the essence of the domineering look of the king.

"Gu la la la... boy, are you provoking our Whitebeard Pirates!?"

A tall figure suddenly appeared at the bow of the Moby Dick, it was Whitebeard who was known as "the strongest man in the world"!
After getting up, several captains of the Whitebeard Pirates lined up in a fan shape and looked at Ace together.

The Whitebeard Pirates have a total of 16 squads. Except for the second squad whose captain is vacant, there are a total of 15 captains, and each of them has the strength of the emperor's deputy or second only to the emperor's deputy.

It's just that other people, like Marco, went to other islands to collect protection fees, and there are only 8 people who are still on board.

In order not to let the battle affect the residents of Keya Island, the location where Ace and Marco fought is about one kilometer away from the port.


With a chuckle from Whitebeard, he actually jumped and jumped directly from the Moby Dick in front of Ace.

boom! ! !
The earth hummed beneath the man's feet.

Cong Yunqie in his hand waved in the void, a cold light flashed, the blade turned and pointed at Ace.

"Little devil, if you dare to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates, you must know what will happen!?"

White Beard smiled, but his body was full of momentum, like a mountain standing in front of Ace.


Ace responded quietly.

The jet-black armed domineering quietly attached to both fists.

"White Beard, the strongest man in the world, although I didn't expect to meet you so soon, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

"Gu la la la... What an arrogant brat!"

Whitebeard laughed, and looked at Ace without any hostility, but full of appreciation.

To be able to possess such strength at this age, the future of this brat in front of him is immeasurable.


Whitebeard's eyes moved back, and immediately saw the fire-breathing dragon full of fighting spirit.

Although he has heard a lot of news, this is the first time he has seen the appearance of Pokémon.

Seeing the hunting heart, with a sound of Peng, Whitebeard suddenly plunged the naginata into the ground and took a step forward.

"Little devil, you..."

Ace's heart tightened, and he immediately set up his driving, ready to face the battle at all times.


The rolling aura on White Beard's body suddenly stagnated, a crescent-like smile appeared on his face, and he stretched out his hand and said:
"Come be my son!"

Ace: "???"

"What the hell!?"

Ace frowned, a little confused about White Beard's way.

But it is obviously not a good thing to be a son to someone.

This feeling, as if I was underestimated?

Ace was immediately dissatisfied:
"Since you don't do it, don't blame me for being rude!!!"

Apart from anything else, Ace jumped up and punched first, starting the battle.

It was an unremarkable punch, but it seemed to have unparalleled momentum, even though it was swung towards White Beard's abdomen.

"Gu la la la, today's young people are really impatient!"

Whitebeard continued to laugh, but the naginata in his hand turned into a fierce and sharp cold light, and slashed at Ace's fist with all his strength.

Peng! ! !
The black fist collided with the blade in mid-air, and there was a loud noise like thunder in an instant.

Ace's expression froze.

The fist that collided with the naginata seemed to be holding up thousands of hectares of ocean waves at this moment, and the weight of layers rushed straight to the top of his head.

"This strength is really no worse than the old man's!"

Feeling the strength so strong that it made people feel desperate again, Ace immediately showed a wry smile on his face.

Who can believe that this power actually comes from an old man who is over seventy years old! ?

With just one blow, Ace understood that his strength was not at the same level as the opponent's.

Fortunately, the opponent this time did not have the help of Pokémon!

"Charizard, use the call!"

Against such opponents, Pokémon's auxiliary skills are obviously more effective than damaging skills.

The fire-breathing dragon, which had already been prepared, came to Whitebeard's side in an instant, opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, and roared into Whitebeard's ears.


Like a substantive sonic wave, it hit Whitebeard's brain layer by layer.

All of a sudden, under the effect of the call skill, Whitebeard's eyes suddenly blurred and lost focus.

"Take advantage of it now!"

Ace, who has experience in fighting Garp, knows that the roar of the fire-breathing dragon will not make Whitebeard lose his mind for too long.

I saw him block with a heavy punch, and instantly knocked Whitebeard's naginata aside, and then stepped on the huge naginata blade with his whole body bursting out, and punched Whitebeard's side face heavily!
boom! ! !
It was as if two huge iron ingots were colliding together, and the sound of the golden ge mingling sounded instantly.

The sound waves surged down, turned into violent winds, and swept away towards the surroundings.

As for Whitebeard's face, a large piece was sunken under this heavy blow, and blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth in an instant.


The white-bearded captains who came in a hurry saw that their father had been punched by someone, they immediately gave a look of disbelief, and immediately ran towards the battlefield anxiously.

"Don't go there!"

At this moment, Marco, who had escaped from the center of the battlefield, fell from the sky and stood in front of many captains.


Several captains stopped in unison and looked at Marco with puzzled faces.

The cyan flame slowly disappeared in the air, and Marco retracted his wings. The expression on his face was also very complicated. Complex emotions such as surprise, doubt, emotion, and guilt were concentrated on his face at this time.

He shook his head lightly, continued to stop everyone from coming forward, and said slowly:

"Don't you see, daddy is laughing?"




Whitebeard is laughing.

And it's laughing, laughing wildly!

Ace punched with all his strength, leaving an obvious mark on Whitebeard's face, but it also woke him up from the trance state of the cry.

Feeling the pain on his face, the corners of Whitebeard's mouth couldn't help grinning.

"...It's really interesting! That shouldn't be the ability of the devil fruit just now, right!?"

"Could this be the ability of the legendary Pokémon!?"

White Beard laughed, not at all as if he had been punched, and there was a crystal light in his eyes.

"I really didn't expect that the old man would be able to catch up with such interesting things after a long time."

"Roger, you died early!!!"

White Beard opened his arms, and his heart, which hadn't throbbed for many years, suddenly resumed its beating decades ago under Ace's punch just now.

All of a sudden!
The sky seemed to be shattered, revealing cracks that penetrated one after another.

At this moment, the clouds split apart.

A tsunami-like domineering arrogance surged over White Beard's body, and then came out in full force!

Even the air became thickened under this terrifying momentum.

Whitebeard was very happy.

He seemed to have found the feeling of the past again.

That's the feeling of adventure and seeing new things.

Even though he is old, White Beard...

It's an out-and-out pirate!

Like Luffy, he is a pirate who enjoys adventure and freedom!

For him, being able to truly see the power of Pokémon makes him happier than anything else.

At least this shows that there is still a place in this world worth his adventures!


And the other side.


Suddenly hearing the name of the person he hated, Ace frowned again.

However, under the baptism of the domineering look of the white beard, he couldn't spare too much energy to think about other things other than fighting hard.

Air waves passed over Ace's body time and time again, mixed with mental shocks that made his brain chaotic.

"Is this the spirit of Whitebeard!?"

Ace uttered a surprised question in his heart.

It was hard for him to imagine that someone could suppress himself to such an extent with just a domineering look!

Under the impact of the domineering look that seemed to be real, Ace's feet were instantly stepped out of two deep pits, and his face was extremely painful.

In fact, at this moment, as long as he retreats, he can escape the impact.


He doesn't want to retreat!

At least, when his body reaches its limit, he won't take a step back!
This is what Ace has always been stubborn about.


Ace could feel that under the impact of layers of domineering aura, there seemed to be some kind of power in his body, which was about to wake up.

It seems that as long as I can take a step forward, that power will completely erupt!

Only a king can step forward in front of another king!
After realizing this, Ace's ferocious face gradually returned to normal, and the corners of his mouth slowly grinned, revealing a smile.

He had a hunch that it wouldn't be long before the domineering arrogance in him would wake up!
As if there was some kind of tacit understanding, Whitebeard didn't do anything at this time. Instead, he laughed and continued to exude domineering arrogance, and continued to put pressure on Ace and the fire-breathing dragon.

And the eyes he looked at Ace became brighter and brighter, as if he saw his junior had achieved some amazing achievements.

In fact...

In the minds of Roger, Whitebeard and others, all those who dare to go to sea and come to this sea are those who inherit their will.

The earth is humming, and time passes by little by little.

The surrounding captains with white beards also gave up their attention.

Although the father's overbearing arrogance did not release in their direction, just the slightest residual power made them feel difficult to breathe.



Just as Ace struggled to resist the domineering impact of the domineering look and gradually found the feeling, a roar with a fiery aura suddenly came from behind him.


bake! ! !
Fiery pain suddenly hit from behind, and Ace's body was instantly enveloped in flames.

"Not good! Charizard!?"

Feeling the familiar heat, Ace's complexion changed instantly, and his unrelenting belief suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Compared with faith, partners are obviously more important to Ace.

Ace turned his head quickly, and suddenly found that the fire-breathing dragon was exuding raging flames, its eyes were red, and it was wailing in pain.

And Ace's mobile phone Rotom also flew out instantly, and yelled like a warning:
"Warning! Warning! The fire-breathing dragon's body has excess fire energy, and it is facing a crisis of energy runaway. If the energy in the fire-breathing dragon's body cannot be calmed down, it may cause serious damage to its body!"

A familiar warning sound rang in Ace's ears.

Keith still couldn't believe it.

He knew that his charizard seemed a little different.

Under the double influence of the characteristics and the violent power in the body, the greater the pressure on the fire-breathing dragon, the more turbulent the flame energy in the body will be.


Hasn't that power been subdued by the fire-breathing dragon! ! !

Ever since he almost went berserk in Rogge Town, the fire-breathing dragon has been exercising his body all the time, working harder than anyone else!

The original fire-breathing dragon can only spit out a lot of hot flames, but its body is extremely weak.

But now...

Not to mention how strong the fire-breathing dragon is, at least it was able to stand up again under Garp's heavy blow.

What's more, even in the battle with Garp, the fire-breathing dragon never had such a situation.

How did Ace know...

While the fire-breathing dragon is growing and becoming stronger, the violent flame energy in its body is also growing accordingly!

It is precisely because it has been exercising itself that it does not let this energy burst out in normal times.

Possible energy, the more you accumulate, the more you will get.

And the characteristic is a kind of biological instinct of Pokémon, which cannot be controlled.

Just like the lazy characteristic of the king of leave, whether it is positive or negative, Pokémon can only choose to passively accept everything brought by the characteristic.

Now, under the double impact of the domineering spirit and body of the Overlord Color, the fire-breathing dragon's flammable and explosive fire characteristics finally exploded.

The violent flame energy gushed out like a tsunami, instantly enveloping the fire-breathing dragon and Ace.


Whitebeard also immediately noticed something was wrong, and he quickly put away his domineering look.


The fire-breathing dragon that has been triggered by the fire feature can no longer return to calm.


Ace yelled worriedly, his armed domineering covered his whole body, endured the scorching heat of the flames, and walked towards the fire-breathing dragon step by step.

"Charizard! Calm down! Protect your internal organs with armed domineering! Don't be controlled by power!!!"

Staring at the fire-breathing dragon's red eyes that seemed to be burning with flames, Ace roared at the top of his voice.

However, the fire-breathing dragon at this time could no longer hear any outside sounds.

The raging fire energy is like a rampaging truck, running around in its body, making it impossible to concentrate.

Only a painful roar can make it feel better.

"Damn! What now, Rotom!?"

Ace went to the doctor in a hurry, and quickly asked Rotom, who was also scorched by the flames, by his side.

The mobile phone Rotom is also suffering, but it still makes a plan:
"The reason why the fire-breathing dragon suffers is because of the excess energy in its body, which makes its physical body unable to bear it."

"Just like the flame that roasts us now, this is the power of the fire energy that leaks out after breaking through the body of the fire-breathing dragon."

"If you can find a way to channel the energy of the fire-breathing dragon, it will return to normal!"

After Pausing for a moment, Rotom suddenly said again:

"Lord Lin Luo already knows about our situation, and he is rushing here now. However, given the distance between us, it may take about 10 minutes for Master Lin Luo to arrive here."

"ten minutes?!"

Hearing that Lin Luo was going to help, Ace froze for a moment before his joyful expression appeared.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed.

He wasn't sure if the Spitfire would be able to maintain this state for ten minutes.

In other words, even if Master Lin Luo is sure, he doesn't want the fire-breathing dragon to suffer for such a long time.

Thinking of Rotom's suggestion just now, Ace's eyes suddenly lit up.

He immediately looked at the tail of the fire-breathing dragon.

There was originally the fire-breathing dragon's flame of life burning there, a flame that would never burn him anyway.

But now, Ace can feel the obvious heat from the flames of the fire-breathing dragon's tail.

The originally orange-red flame was now crimson, as if blood mist was rising from the flame.

Apparently, the fire-breathing dragon's tail has become an outlet for the violent energy in its body.

That is to say...

There is also the violent power in the fire-breathing dragon!

Thoughts flashed, Ace made a decision in an instant.

I saw him walking towards the back of the fire-breathing dragon abruptly against the flames, grabbed the wildly waving tail, and raised the tip of the tail in front of him.

"Charizard! Wake me up!!!"

Ace roared suddenly, then took a big breath, and grabbed the tip of the fire-breathing dragon's tail with his mouth.

Even with the protection of armed domineering, Ace can still feel that his head is being burned by flames.

But at the critical moment, he can't control so much anymore!


Ace pinched his nose, and sucked heavily at the flame at the tail of the charizard!

All of a sudden! ! !
The rioting flame energy seemed to have found a vent, and frantically poured into Ace's mouth, along his throat, and went straight into his body.

At this moment, Ace felt that the strongest alcohol he had ever drank in his life was less than one percent, one thousandth of what he felt at the moment...

Only when the violent flame poured into his body, could he understand what kind of impact the fire-breathing dragon was enduring.

A large amount of flame power surged in Ace's body.

At this moment, he was just glad that he bought the training experience of armed domineering before, and knew how to use armed domineering to protect the organs in his body.

if not……

The moment the flame entered his body, he might be burned to ashes.

In the end, Ace, relying on his physical strength several levels higher than that of the fire-breathing dragon, unexpectedly resisted the baptism of the power of flame.

The blood in the eyes of the fire-breathing dragon, whose pain suddenly eased, lightened slightly. As soon as it raised its eyes, it saw Ace biting its tail.

The face of the fire-breathing dragon also changed instantly!
The tail suddenly exerted strength, trying to pull it out of Ace's mouth.

The impact of the flames, even a fire-type Pokémon like it, can't bear it, let alone Ace, a human being!
However, Ace firmly grasped the fire-breathing dragon's tail and let the flames hit him.

"Oh... (I, I can bear it!)"

The fire-breathing dragon let out a wail, trying to get Ace to give up the act of self-mutilation.

But Ace just gave him a smiling face back, although the smiling face was already out of shape under the burning of the flames, as if saying:
"Leave everything to me!"

One person, one dragon, four eyes facing each other.

In the blazing flames, there seemed to be some kind of power different from the flames mobilizing the bodies of the fire-breathing dragon and Ace.

This kind of power seems to have always existed, but it was fully revealed after Ace absorbed the energy from Pokémon.

this moment!
Ace and the fire-breathing dragon have a wonderful feeling...

It was as if they could understand each other's thoughts without making any sound.

This power seems to appear out of thin air, and it seems to come from the hearts of both parties.

As blessed as his soul was, Ace let go of his mouth suddenly.

But then, a wonderful scene happened!

The flame energy in the fire-breathing dragon's body didn't stop sending to Ace's body.

Instead, it presents a magical cycle, with energy flowing uninterruptedly between the two.

If Lin Luo appeared here at this time, his eyes would definitely widen in surprise.

Because this is exactly the power of fetters that he has been waiting for!Let the trainer and Pokémon have the same mind, the magical power of unity of mind and mind! ! !

Don't think this is a good thing!
Under the effect of the power of fetters, the flame energy in the fire-breathing dragon's body was instantly distributed to Ace for more than half!

How can Ace, a native of the Pirate World, resist the flame energy that even the fire-breathing dragon can't bear.

And the fire energy is not as gentle and controllable as the water energy, not to mention the violent fire energy!


Ace suddenly let out a painful scream, his body was filled with the power of flames, and it continued to burst out.

At this moment, the fire-breathing dragon, who had accepted Ace's power, regained consciousness. Looking at Ace whose whole body was burned by the flames, he stared anxiously.


The fire-breathing dragon was in a hurry, frantically absorbing the flame energy flowing from Ace, but he didn't know how to relieve Ace's pain.



At the same time, outside the exception.

From Whitebeard to the captains of the various teams, the Whitebeard Pirates are also staring at each other at this time.

He wanted to help Ace and Charizard, but because he didn't understand the current situation, he didn't dare to do anything.

Seeing that Ace was about to be burned to death by the flames, Marco on the side finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Father, let me help them!"

Although they were still enemies before, both Ace and Marco admired each other very much, and they didn't have any hatred. Instead, they seemed like friends who didn't fight each other.


White Beard also nodded.

He doesn't know anything about the current situation, but considering Marco's fruit ability, it shouldn't be a problem to ask him to help now.

In fact, from the very beginning, White Beard had always had a guess in his mind.

Before this guess comes to fruition, he can't just watch Ace die.

Marco, who got Whitebeard's consent, nodded immediately, and his body instantly transformed into a phoenix with blue flames, even if he got up, he was about to fly in the direction of Ace.

But at this moment! ! !
An ancient voice that seemed to come from the void suddenly recalled in the minds of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates:

"Wait a minute!"

 Thank you for the support of the loose heartstring monthly ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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