Selling Pokémon from Pirates

× Imagine 165 × Awakening × Evolution

Chapter 165 × Awakening × Evolution × Surrender (Please Subscribe!)
The intruding voice instantly interrupted the thoughts of everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates.

The captains immediately raised their heads and looked in the direction of the voice in their minds.

In the mid-air where they were slanting upwards, a man in a colorful casual shirt and holding a lemon ice drink quietly appeared there, as if he was on vacation but was suddenly called back to work by the boss, standing in the wind.

"What a surprise!"

The man was muttering, but he slowly floated down to the side of White Beard.

The drink in the mouth seems to be subconsciously sent into the mouth, and then gulped down.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates raised their spirits instantly, put their hands in their weapons, and guarded against the man who appeared out of nowhere.


But that person didn't seem to see them, his eyes were still fixed on the rising flames in front of him, and the wailing Ace.

Marco, who was going to rescue Ace, stopped suddenly and looked at the person who stopped him in confusion.

"You are?" Marco asked puzzled.

His intuition was telling him that the person who suddenly appeared in front of him was not simple.


He's most likely here for Ace.

It's just that Marco is a little uncertain. Since he came here for Ace, why didn't he let himself save Ace?
His phoenix flame can heal most injuries in the human body.

Whitebeard's reputation as a ship's doctor is not in vain!
Hearing Marco's question, the man seemed to notice him suddenly, and his eyes slowly moved away from Ace.

He looked at him, then glanced at the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, smiled apologetically, and said:

"Sorry! All my attention was on Ace just now, and I didn't notice a few people."

"In the next dimension, businessman Lin Luo received a distress signal from Mr. Ace, so he came here to investigate."

"I took the liberty to visit and disturb everyone."

"What!? You are a dimensional businessman!!?"

As soon as Lin Luo finished speaking, there was an uproar among the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although after a series of miraculous events, no one in the pirate world would doubt the authenticity of the dimensional merchant.

But for pirates in the new world, dimensional merchants and Pokémon are still a very rare thing.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were all dumbfounded. They never expected that the legendary dimensional businessman would suddenly come to them in this way.

Even White Beard showed surprise at this time.

After being plotted by the fire-breathing dragon, he just mentioned his interest in Pokémon. Unexpectedly, within a few minutes, the dimensional merchant came to them.


Whitebeard turned his head again to the distant flames, where Ace was still howling in pain.

Unexpectedly, for this brat, the dimensional businessman would come here specially?
Could it be...

Is he really the one he guessed?

From the first time Whitebeard saw Ace, he found that Ace looked very much like that dead ghost Roger.

After a short confrontation, Ace's character and strength made him feel inexplicably familiar.

Coupled with the time after Roger was executed, there were indeed rumors in the Navy that "Roger left behind a sinful blood".

There are always indications that this brat may really be Roger's unlucky son.

It's just that all of this is just a guess in his mind.

Regardless of whether Ace has a relationship with Roger or not, his performance today is enough to impress Whitebeard.




Ace in the flames let out another heart-piercing scream.

Even Marco, who had just fought with him, could no longer listen to it.

He quickly turned his head to look at Lin Luo, and asked puzzledly:
"Mr. Dimensional Merchant, why don't you let me save Brother Ace? Hearing his voice, he will not be able to hold on anymore!"

This time, the Yuan merchant came suddenly, obviously it should also come to save Ace.

Marco really didn't understand why the dimensional merchant wanted to stop him.

"Don't worry, Marco."

And at this moment, White Beard's voice suddenly came.

I saw him staring at the flames in front of him with twinkling eyes, and suddenly grinned and said:
"I think the Dimensional Merchant wants to wait for that kid's domineering aura to awaken before helping him?"

"What!? Overlord look domineering?"

Marco was stunned for a moment, his Adam's apple choked up, and then he turned his gaze to Ace.

"That kid, do you have the same kingship as Dad?"

Although in the new world, there are not a few people with the aptitude of overlord, but the halo on this kid...

Is it too much?

Strong strength, mysterious Pokémon, domineering look, and an enviable age.

With all these auras stacked together, Marco felt that Ace was almost like the protagonist in a novel.

The only bad thing is probably a bizarre life experience.

And the other side.

Seeing that Whitebeard answered Marco's question for him, Lin Luo nodded without saying a word, and focused all his attention on Ace again.

In fact...

What Lin Luo is waiting for is not just the awakening of Ace's domineering color.

at this time.

In his eyes, he can clearly perceive that from Ace and the fire-breathing dragon, there is a power originating from the spirit and heart, intertwined between the bodies of one person and one dragon.

If Lin Luo can't guess, it should be the "power of bondage" that he has been waiting for for a long time!
However, under the effect of the power of the fetter, Lin Luo could only see that the fire-breathing dragon was continuously sending flame power to Ace, but he couldn't see any feedback from Ace to the fire-breathing dragon.

Do not……

It should not be said that there is no feedback, but that the power that can be fed back has not yet awakened!
If Lin Luo's perception is correct, the power of bondage brought Ace the fire power of the fire-breathing dragon.

What brought to the fire-breathing dragon should be Ace's aptitude for being a king with more than a million people - domineering and domineering!

To complete the bond evolution, the spirit and body of Ace and Charizard must be integrated into one.

Ace already has the fire-breathing dragon's flame.

But the domineering domineering look that represents spiritual power in Ace's body, the charizard from the Pokémon world has never had it!
So the power of fetters is now working hard to drag Ace's spirit and help him awaken the domineering look.

The domineering and domineering aura that was just ready to come out after being stimulated by the white beard just now is only a little bit behind.

However, looking at Ace's situation, he doesn't seem to realize the problem.

After all, how can a person who has been burnt out have the leisure to care about such messy things.

of course.

It is not enough to just awaken the domineering look.

What Ace still needs to do is to use his domineering aura to completely suppress the flames of this riot!
Otherwise, after the fire-breathing dragon undergoes bond evolution, Ace can only endure the pain of the flames, which is completely inconsistent with Lin Luo's imagined picture of Pokémon and trainers complementing each other.

Ace's fire-breathing dragon is a mutant among fire-breathing dragons, and the flames in its body are far more violent than the flames of normal fire-breathing dragons.

Although this flame created the powerful talent of the fire-breathing dragon, it also brought it a great burden.

It's just that the fire-breathing dragon is a fire-type Pokémon after all, and can adapt to this violent fire-type energy to a certain extent.

Ace is different...

Let’s not talk about whether the One Piece World and Pokémon are not acclimatized.

The power of the flame itself cannot be as gentle and obedient as the water energy of Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja Frog.

Only Ace can pass this hurdle.

Only when he conquers this restless flame with his own will, the first bond evolution of Pirate World can be considered complete.

Anyway, Lin Luo is here, no matter how many injuries Ace suffers, he can treat him easily, and there is no need to worry about any worries.


If you can't witness the emergence of bond evolution, then the points that Lin Luo deliberately teleported across the world are not in vain.

"Come on, Ace!"

Lin Luo looked forward to it in his heart.



Time passed by every minute.

In the blink of an eye, five minutes had passed since Ace was attacked by flames.

But these five minutes, to Ace at this moment, seemed like a second like a year.

The fire-breathing dragon on the side was even more anxious, but it couldn't control the flame energy emanating from its body at all.

On the contrary, the more it is worried about Ace, the stronger the bondage will be, and the faster the flame will flow.

Under the attack of this flame, Ace had already knelt on the ground in pain, supporting the ground with his hands, preventing himself from falling down completely.

he knows……

Once he falls, there's a good chance he won't get up again!
In fact, if it was just a simple flame, it would be impossible for Ace to be so embarrassed.

The point is...

This flame appeared directly in his body!

The already violent flames came into the body of Ace, a human being, and became even more restless in an instant, rising vigorously as if trying to burn everything around him.

Even though Ace was physically strong, this kind of burning from the inside out still made him howl with biological instinct.

Every time he howled and roared, Ace felt that the pain in his body would ease a little.

But what's even stranger is...

Amidst this pain, Ace's spirit was exceptionally clear, he couldn't even fall into a coma, and could only feel the pain clearly.

"Didi! Didi!!!"

But at this moment, an abrupt electronic sound suddenly sounded.

I saw the mobile phone Rotom endured the scorching, and came to Ace's ear and shouted:
"Ace! Ace! Master Lin Luo has come!"

"However, my lord does not intend to help you immediately. My lord said that this is your chance, if you can awaken the domineering arrogance in the burning of this flame, and use the domineering arrogance to subdue the flame..."

"The strength of you and the fire-breathing dragon will be greatly improved!"


After Ace, who was enduring the burning, heard Rotom's information, his consciousness froze suddenly.

Domineering and domineering, can you subdue this flame?

Ace, who endured so much, suddenly felt like a big fool.

Domineering and domineering, he has already found a way.

It's just that just now he was focused on helping the fire-breathing dragon relieve the pain, so he put the domineering look behind him.

Now after being reminded by Rotom, he immediately mobilized his energy.

The pain in his body seemed to be his help. Driven by the pain, Ace uttered a loud roar:

"Ah!!!!!! Come out for me!!!!!!"

boom! ! !
There is no blockage at all, as if everything is going well,
Peiran's domineering aura burst out, sweeping across the world like a gust of wind and a vortex!
Where domineering passes, whether it is the invisible air or the shaped rock, it seems to be baked by a hot flame, becoming restless and emitting a burnt brown breath.

Under the influence of Pokémon's fire-type energy, Ace's overlord look and arrogance unexpectedly changed.




Lin Luo, who was observing Ace, suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face.

Pokémon energy can affect Bawangxuan's arrogance, which he never thought of.

I just don't know if this is the unique power between Ace and Charizard, or if all overlord-colored arrogance can be infected by Pokémon energy.

Due to the first outbreak of domineering arrogance, Ace didn't control it at all, and his arrogance instantly passed over the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The captains who had seen the domineering look countless times didn't care too much, and let Ace's domineering pass by.



The complexions of the slightly weaker captains changed instantly!
A burning sensation from the soul invaded their brains in an instant. In addition to the dizziness of Overlord Color itself, they even felt unbearable pain for ordinary people.

Even the white beard was not spared, his face wrinkled, and a crystal light shone in his eyes.

"It's really fun."

Feeling the mutated overlord's arrogance, Lin Luo smiled lightly, and waved his hand to help everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates dispel the pain.

Instead, his eyes focused on the fire-breathing dragon.

Now that Ace's domineering color has been awakened, no matter whether Ace surrenders the flame or not, the fire-breathing dragon that has obtained Ace's spiritual power can undergo bond evolution!

as predicted.

Ace's domineering look dispelled all the flames around him, revealing his body and the fire-breathing dragon again.

All of a sudden!
I saw a white light suddenly covering the whole body of the fire-breathing dragon.

In its dazed state, the Charizard...

Evolve again! ! !

The light of evolution shattered and turned into star spots and slowly disappeared into the air.

A brand-new fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

As if soaked by the violent flames, the skin of the Ace Charizard (referred to as Ai Pen) is even more red.

Perhaps due to the influence of genes, a third horn has grown on the back of Ai Fang's head, but unlike Super Charizard Y, this horn is of moderate length and is not obtrusive. On the contrary, it forms a crown shape with the original root horn. Make it look oppressive.

At the same time, the length of Ai Peng's neck and mouth has also been shortened. Instead, his arms have become longer and thicker, and his legs have become more slender and slender. He looks very agile, as if he was born for fighting.

In addition to the more lush flames at the tail, the fire-breathing dragon's fists also ignited raging flames.

The fist carrying the blazing flames, just by looking at it, gave people an unfriendly look.


The fire-breathing dragon, which had successfully bonded and evolved and gained new power, no longer had the previous publicity at all, but stood calmly on the spot.

And if you look closely, it is not difficult to see that his eyes are flashing with the same pain as Ace.

Obviously, under the bond evolution, it is connected to all Ace's feelings.

The two of them looked at each other and nodded in unison.

All of a sudden!
The domineering domineering aura with burning aura emanated from Ace and the fire-breathing dragon at the same time, rushing into Ace's body together!

Under this domineering spiritual power, the flames in Ace's body really began to calm down.

Although the burning sensation still exists, it is no longer as unbearable to Ace as before.


"Finally, it's done!"

Ace and the fire-breathing dragon sat on the ground with the same buttocks, and the two looked at each other and smiled, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Lin Luo's figure flashed, and he moved in front of Ace and the fire-breathing dragon in an instant.

At the same time, two forces flew into the bodies of Ace and the fire-breathing dragon one after another, quickly recovering all the injuries in their bodies.

After treating one person and one dragon, Lin Luo showed a warm smile and asked:
"You two, how do you feel?"

(End of this chapter)

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