Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 166 Bond Evolution + Natural Man = Fire Fist Ace

Chapter 166 Bond Evolution + Natural Man = Fire Fist Ace
"It feels...awesome!!!"

Ace, who was severely burned from the inside out, laughed and said.

The pleasure of escaping from the dead made him feel for the first time that ordinary breathing could be such a joyful thing.

At this moment, he really wished he could fall asleep, so as to avoid the burning pain inside and outside his body.

But Lin Luo, who was standing aside, looked at Ace at this time, but he was amazed in his heart.

Should it be said that it is the second only to Luffy in the halo of One Piece World?

Even with such a serious injury, he can still laugh out loud.


It is his character and perseverance that can make Ace successfully awaken the fetters and evolve.

Recalling that my first pot of gold in Pirate World was obtained by Ace trading Shaoshao Fruit...

Lin Luo suddenly felt from the bottom of his heart...

Ace, this client, can handle it!

With the gentle power of life injected into Ace's body, his body, which was already fully mature, began to grow miraculously in an instant.

The scorched tissue was replaced by new granulation.

In the blink of an eye, the scorched body just now recovered from the inside out.

not only.

The new skin on Ace's body was even smoother than before, revealing skin that would make women jealous.


The itching from his chest made Ace scratch subconsciously, and his breathing stopped for a moment.

In the touch from his fingers, he actually felt a smoothness comparable to a baby's skin.

Needless to say, Ace could guess with his eyes closed that all of this was done by Lin Luo, a dimensional businessman.

Looking at Lin Luo who healed himself with a wave of his hand, his eyes were filled with reverence and admiration.

"Hey, thank you, brother Lin Luo!"

After recovering his physical strength, Ace immediately stood up, sighed and said:
"Huh~ It was so dangerous just now!"

"It's a good thing you asked Rotom on your phone to remind me to awaken the domineering look, otherwise I might really have to explain it here."

"Hahaha, how come."

Lin Luo responded familiarly.

No matter how resounding the name of the dimensional businessman is in the sea, Ace's attitude towards him has never changed, just like the scene when the two met for the first time.

And Lin Luo is also happy to get along with people like Ace.

He is not careless like Lu Fei, does not understand awe, nor does he treat him like a god like ordinary people, and respect him at a distance...

It can be regarded as a rare person in the world of pirates who can communicate with Lin Luo calmly.

Lin Luo smiled and said:

"Actually, with the potential of Mr. Ace, I believe that you can complete the bond evolution by yourself without my reminder."

On this point, Lin Luo did not talk nonsense.

It can be seen from the speed at which Ace awakens the overlord-colored arrogance after getting the prompt, his overlord-colored arrogance has already come close.

When it was time for life and death, Ace, who was in a hurry to go to the doctor, would definitely be able to find a way to suppress the fire energy.

He was just a reminder of the icing on the cake.

"Hey, maybe!"

Ace, who was praised by Lin Luo, immediately smiled shyly.

How can I say that Lin Luo is also a dignified dimensional businessman in another world, and being able to be appreciated by him makes Ace feel proud from the bottom of his heart.

But immediately he looked at the evolved fire-breathing dragon, recalled the pain just now, and asked suspiciously:

"By the way, brother Lin Luo, what happened just now?"

"Why does the flame of the fire-breathing dragon appear in my body inexplicably?"

"And why did the fire-breathing dragon become what it is now?"

"That should be the light of evolution, right? Can the fire-breathing dragon continue to evolve after that?"

Ace, who turned into a curious baby, asked several questions in succession.

After all, I just experienced a life-and-death challenge. Although I passed this time, who knows what kind of special situation will arise next time.

Ace had to ask to understand.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ace."

Lin Luo thought for a moment in a deep voice, and then replied with a smile on his face:
"What happened to you and the fire-breathing dragon is not a bad thing, but a great good thing!"

After giving Ace a shot of reassurance, Lin Luo explained in detail:

"Now the fire-breathing dragon is indeed what it looks like after evolution..."

"It's just that this evolution is different from the normal growth and evolution of Pokémon, but it is one of the special evolutions that are independent of the Pokémon's growth system - bond evolution!!!"

"Evolution of fetters?"

Hearing this unfamiliar vocabulary, Eston became even more confused:
"what does that mean?"

According to the knowledge he got from the mobile phone Rotom, the Charizard is indeed the final evolution of this population, and it should not be able to evolve again.

He looked at the fire-breathing dragon at this time, and found that it was also looking at him in a daze.

Obviously, even the old native of the Pokémon world, Charizard, didn't know that he could evolve again.

Lin Luo laughed, and no longer kept it up, and answered him directly:

"After Pokémon evolves to its final form, it is not impossible to evolve or change form again."

"It's just that these are things that only VIP4 and above senior members are qualified to know. It's normal for Mr. Ace not to understand."

"But since Mr. Ace, you are the first to create bond evolution, let me explain it to you."

Lin Luo waved his hand with a smile, and instantly transmitted the confidence related to super evolution, extreme giantization, and Z moves into Ace's mind.


Comprehending the sudden extra knowledge in his mind, Eston let out an exclamation, and his two eyes turned into twinkling stars, showing the look of amazement that he was looking forward to.

"Unbelievable! So there are so many ways for Pokémon to become stronger!?"

Because the charizard is already in its final form, Ace, who has never experienced the evolution of Pokémon, is so excited that he can't wait to exchange the items in his mind immediately.


When he read the prices of MEGA stones, Z pure crystals, and giant wristbands, the blood that had just boiled was instantly extinguished, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it.

"A set of MEGA evolution props actually cost 5000 points!? This... this is too expensive!!!"

Ace made an unyielding voice with his poor will.

God is pitiful.

Aside from the burning fruit that Ace exchanged at the beginning, the points he has earned so far are less than [-] points.

A set of props for MEGA evolution is actually more expensive than his hard work in the past half a year.

There is really no reason!
The best products are clearly in front of him, but he can only watch from a distance.

This feeling, for this curious young man like him, is simply a kind of extreme torture.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Looking at the depressed expression on Ace's face, Lin Luo showed a helpless smile on his face, but he was thinking in his heart:


That's right!

Without the torture of wanting to buy but not being able to afford it, how can customers have the determination to work hard to make money, and then come to themselves for consumption.

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Luo to express such thoughts.

He smiled lightly and continued to answer for Ace:

"Presumably you have already learned about the use of powers such as super evolution and Z moves..."

"That's right! Whether it's super-evolution, Z-movement or extreme giantization, what they rely on is the power of the bond between the trainer and the Pokémon!"

"It's just that these evolutions achieved through the assistance of props are all one-way evolutions, and they don't need too much fetters as a guide."

"The fetter evolution is a purer and more powerful evolutionary form that breaks away from auxiliary props!"

"Only when the bond between the trainer and the Pokémon reaches its peak, and under certain conditions, can the bond evolve!"

"Different from ordinary special evolution..."

"The beneficiaries of the evolution of fetters are two-way!!!"

Lin Luo looked at Ace, his eyes sparkled, like a craftsman seeing a perfect piece of rough jade, wishing he could immediately carve it into a unique finished product in the world.


Even though it sounds like the fetter evolution sounds pretty cool, Ace, whose brain circuit is not responsible, still doesn't understand the meaning of Lin Luo's words.

Lin Luo raised the corner of his mouth, pursed his lips into a smile, and said:
"That's right! Bond evolution goes both ways!"

"This also means that after the evolution of the fire-breathing dragon bond, you, as a trainer of the fire-breathing dragon, will also gain the power from the bond!"

"I think, you should have felt that power just now, haven't you, Mr. Ace?"

"Huh? I already feel it?"

Hearing this, Ace was taken aback for a moment, but then he opened his mouth wide and said in surprise as if he had thought of something:

"Could it be that brother Lin Luo is referring to the continuous flame energy in my body!?"

Lin Luo snapped his fingers crisply.

"correct answer."


Ace hesitated and said with some disappointment:

"This power seems to be useless to me."

In Ace's body, there is indeed a steady stream of flame energy.

It's just that this energy is not a help to him at all, but a burden!
Even now, Ace has to devote a lot of energy to manipulating the domineering color and domineering to suppress this flame energy.

Otherwise, he would be burned by the restless flame just like before.


Listening to Ace's complaints, Lin Luo smiled mysteriously and said:

"Indeed, if it's pure bond evolution, ordinary trainers really can't carry this unique power of Pokémon."



Ace immediately raised his head, his eyes showing anticipation.

There was another crisp finger snap.

A virtual light screen immediately appeared in front of Ace, and a product information was displayed on the screen:
【Force of Nature】

[Effect: After purchasing, the trader will gain the special ability to manipulate Pokémon energy. 】

【Price: 1000 points】

"A force of nature? Can you control Pokémon energy?"

Looking at the short information introduction on the virtual light screen, at this moment, even if Ace's head is not bright, he understands why Lin Luo suddenly showed him this product.

"Could it be that……"

Ace widened his eyes, looked at Lin Luo in surprise and shock, and asked expectantly:

"After possessing the power of nature, I can also control the flame energy of my body like a fire-breathing dragon!?"

"Of course!"

Lin Luo smiled and nodded.

Although the result of fetter evolution is somewhat different from what he imagined.

Lin Luo didn't expect that the energy from Pokémon would actually hurt the trainer himself.

God knows how Xiaozhi completed the battle gracefully while carrying the energy of the Koga Ninja Frog.


Considering that Xiaozhi is not an ordinary person in the Pokémon world, Lin Luo is relieved.

There is nothing that [Protagonist Halo] cannot explain.

Fortunately, not long ago, he obtained the power of nature from Luffy.

The energy channel of fetter evolution, coupled with the energy control of the force of nature, can completely allow an ordinary person, like Pokémon, to control the power that belongs to Pokémon!
Needless to say, Luffy provided the power of nature, Ace perfected the bond evolution, and Sabo provided a lot of points...

These three brothers are really more useful than the other.

It is indeed the Iron Triangle of the Pirate World!


the other side.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Eston became excited, and instantly felt that the pain he had just endured was nothing.

"My goodness!"

He clenched his fists and shouted excitedly.

But not long after, the joyful expression on Ai Su's face subsided instantly.

its not right……

The price of Force of Nature is 1000 points, but my point balance has been used up last time.

Even if it was a cash exchange, but he walked all the way from Alabasta, held countless banquets, and there was not much money left from other pirates.

With my current assets, it is estimated that at most, I can exchange for 500 points.


The flame of hope that had just been ignited was extinguished again, and Ace said unwillingly:
"Do you have to wait a long time before I can exchange this natural force?"

After hesitating for a moment, Ace had no choice but to accept his fate, and sighed:


"I'm sorry, brother Lin Luo, my current money is estimated to be exchanged for 500 points. It seems that the improvement of the evolution of the bond can only wait for the next time."

"Do not."

Lin Luo shook his head lightly and said with a smile:
"There is no need to wait for the next time. With Mr. Ace's current conditions, it can be exchanged for the power of nature."

"What?" Ace said puzzled, "But I don't have that much wealth now."

"Your wealth is indeed not that much."

Lin Luo grinned.

"But you have another thing that can be sold!"

"Has Mr. Ace forgotten? You bought the training experience of Armed Domineering and Knowledge-colored Domineering from me..."

"Ah?" Ace was taken aback for a moment, and then realized in an instant:

"You mean to say, let me sell the domineering and domineering experience!?"

"Of course!" Lin Luo smiled and nodded.

Although there are not many people in the Pirate World who possess the overlord-colored domineering, it is estimated that no one will buy a newly awakened overlord-colored domineering experience.

But who told Ace that this is the only one!

As long as it is not included in the system, it can be exchanged as a resource.

Ace has just completed the bond evolution, and Lin Luo is also happy to give him a hand.



After a moment.

Ace, who exchanged his domineering experience for 500 points, immediately exchanged it for the power of nature.

All of a sudden!
A strange idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

He can control the flame in his body!
The thought that appeared suddenly like an instinct made Ace's eyes light up, as if there were two bright flames burning in them.

"come out!"

With Ace's soft drink, a group of fiery flames suddenly appeared in his palm, and immediately under his control, it instantly wrapped the entire fist, just like the fire-breathing dragon at this time.

"This is actually possible!"

Like a child getting a new toy, Ace immediately showed a childlike smile on his face.

Flames erupted and retracted around him.

With the help of the power of nature, Ace's flexibility in controlling the flame energy is even better than that of the Pokémon Charizard!
At this moment, he seemed to be born for flames.

Blazing flames condensed on Ace's fist.

Ace's eyes sank, he aimed at a huge rock in the distance, and suddenly punched out!
"fire punch!!!"

Accompanied by Ace's soft shout, a huge fist-shaped fireball was instantly like a bolide, across the empty void, and smashed towards the distant rock.

The air along the way was invaded by the fiery breath, forming a distorted area that flickered on and off.

boom! ! !
A violent explosion suddenly sounded.

Under the impact of the sharp explosion, the boulder was instantly shattered into countless tiny fragments, which shot out in all directions.

This sudden change instantly stunned the white bearded group who were watching from a distance.

Marco opened his mouth even more, showing a look of disbelief.

Ace, a non-capable user who was obviously fine before, suddenly became a flame-capable user after a few words with the dimensional merchant! ?
At this time, Marco said that the world is too crazy...

A good person actually said that mutations are mutations. Is there any law for kings?
 Thanks to Shattered Sky, Do Not Vote If You Have Books, Loose Heartstrings, Bloody Solitude, Nobunagasky, Book Friends 2018422193845545 for their monthly support! ! !
  grateful! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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