Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 167: MEGA Evolution × Gigantic Transformation × Z-Move

Chapter 167: MEGA Evolution × Gigantic Transformation × Z Move (Subscribe)

boom! ! !
It seems that Lishan's fire fist is just the beginning.

After adapting to the newly acquired ability, the violent flame entrenched in Ace's body completely let go of himself at this moment, turning into a ferocious dragon, burning everything around him to his heart's content.

The majestic flames were like huge waves, sealing off the entire area.

In a blink of an eye, the open space around Ace turned into a waste of ruins, the land was dry and cracked, and gravel was everywhere.

The fire-breathing dragon on the side was also not to be outdone, testing the power of its new form with Ace in the sky full of flames.

The original fire-breathing dragon with heavy feet and light fists completely broke away from the shackles of the original body after the fetters evolved. Its fists are like Mount Tai, and its feet are flying swallows!

Every punch and kick is like a hurricane roaring, shaking the air, full of domineering.

Except for the energy without fighting attributes, the fire-breathing dragon at this time is a proper high-energy fighter!
All its previous efforts seemed to be for the arrival of this day.

Sharp eyes, tense muscles, and fiery flames are all deadly weapons that offer a funeral song to the enemy.

Under the power of one man and one dragon, the earth continuously wailed in pain.

However, Ace and Charizard, who got new toys, had a great time playing and using their new powers to their heart's content.



And the other side.

Seeing that Ace and Charizard have adapted to the new power, Lin Luo also showed an intriguing smile on his face.

The energy light ball representing the power of fetters, together with special abilities such as the power of nature and domineering cultivation experience, is sleeping quietly in his ability storage space.

To Lin Luo's surprise...

The price of copying the power of bondage is only 500 points, which is only half of the price of the power of nature.

However, this may also have something to do with the particularity of the power of fetters.

It is different from the power of bondage on Ace at this time, although the ability copied by Lin Luo is named by him as the power of bondage...

But in fact, this ability is only able to build a bridge of energy transmission between the trainer and the Pokémon.

However, the amount and efficiency of energy transfer still depend on the bond between the trainer and the Pokémon.

"It feels a bit like the setting of the power feedback from the monster to the host in the novel of beast control." This is Lin Luo's subconscious evaluation after copying the power of the fetter.

However, the value of the power of bondage is only 500 points, even if it needs to be matched with the power of nature of 1000 points, it is nothing to the vast majority of traders today

In any case, this can be regarded as creating a possibility for trainers.


Starlight flickered in Lin Luo's eyes, staring at Ace in the raging flames.

Just now, he discovered another feature of the Pirate World, which is what strong people like Ace have...

That monster is generally inhuman!
You must know that whether it is bond evolution or mega evolution, including Z moves and extreme giantization, it will put a huge burden on the trainer.

This is also the main reason why trainers can only perform one operation on one Pokémon in a battle in the Pokémon world.

Especially for bondage evolution, in the case of sensory sharing, the trainer must have outstanding physical fitness and energy to keep up with the battle of Pokémon.

But this negative effect, after arriving in Pirate World, was well offset by these guys with monster physiques.

Just like Ace at this time, Lin Luo could see that his physical strength was constantly declining under the evolution of the fetters.

However, this attenuation does not matter to Ace's overall performance, but it is enough for him to maintain the evolution of this bond for ten days and a half months.

This time seems to be a bit too much for today's battle.


Under the premise of this abundant physical fitness, can the trainers of One Piece World use the power of fetters to perform other form changes?

For example, after the fetters evolved, the fire-breathing dragon mega-evolved again, then gigantic again, and used Z moves against the opponent?

Although there will be certain conflicts and obstacles between various operations, such as mega evolution and fetter evolution, they essentially make Pokémon stronger through the power of fetters.

It's just that the power of bond evolution comes from trainers and Pokémon, while the power of mega evolution comes from various mega keystones.

This is also the reason why the trainer has the same form despite the mega evolution carried out through his own fetters.

But all of these, under the power of the omnipotent world source, are nothing but small problems.

On the premise of not changing the essence of things, just making some modifications will not consume many points.

Including those MEGA evolutions that are not available in the Pokémon world, Lin Luo can also modify the internal structure of the MEGA keystone so that all Pokémon have the possibility of MEGA evolution.

by that time……

With this series of BUFF superimposed, what will the power of Pokémon become?
Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Luo's mouth suddenly rose slightly.

"Perhaps, it may be possible to break the limit of this world!"

He muttered softly.



After another half-tone.

Ace and the fire-breathing dragon finally fully adapted to their new forms, and walked over from a distance heartily.

Ace looked excited:
"So much fun! This is so much fun!"

"The fetters evolve, it's too powerful!"

Ace, who had tasted the power of fire for the first time, blushed.

After adding the power of the flame, Ace felt that his strength had increased by at least 1.5 times!

Bond evolution is not like a devil fruit, except that it cannot permanently maintain the state of bond, it has no side effects!

There is no need to be afraid of sea water, no need to worry about Hailoushi, let alone the armed domineering, and suddenly has the ability comparable to a devil fruit.

Sure enough, trading is the kingly way to become stronger!

"After all, it is a bond evolution that is rare in the Pokémon world. It is not surprising to have such power."

Facing Ace's surprise, Lin Luo still showed a calm smile, as if he had already become accustomed to everything.

Affected by Lin Luo, the excited Ace also seemed to realize that he was a little too excited, so he smiled embarrassingly.

Just when he was about to say something, a heroic laugh suddenly interrupted his conversation with Lin Luo.

"Goo la la la..."

"Sorry to interrupt the conversation between the two of you."

The Whitebeard Pirates, who had been watching for a long time, finally took action at this moment.

A group of pirates headed by Whitebeard suddenly came over.

The huge naginata was inserted into the ground by the white beard. The man who could make the world tremble slowly took a step forward and came to Lin Luo.

With a height of 7 meters, standing in front of Lin Luo is like a hill.

But the strange thing is that anyone who looks at it from a distance will feel that it is the momentum of Lin Luo's side, which obviously overwhelms the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this time, Whitebeard's mood was also slightly complicated.

Having been in a high position for a long time, he suddenly didn't know how to face this visitor from another world.

After a while, he was mentally prepared, took out his most natural state and smiled:
"Everything that happened today really made this old man amazed!"

"Your Excellency Lin Luo, I wonder if this old man is qualified to conduct a transaction with you?"


Lin Luo pursed his lips and smiled, gestured to Ace, then turned around and said with a smile:
"As the strongest man in the world, one of the Four Emperors of the Great Sea, Your Excellency Whitebeard, of course he is qualified to conduct dimensional transactions."

Lin Luo raised his head indifferently and said:

"You must know the rules of the transaction, but I don't know. How many points are you going to redeem? What do you want to buy?"

The rules of dimensional trading are now all over the sky with the reports of major media.

As Whitebeard, it is impossible not to know these things, so he did not intend to repeat the introduction.

It's just that what Lin Luo didn't notice was...

The moment his voice fell, the faces of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates became very strange.

After all, they had been at the top of the world for a long time, and this was the first time they saw someone talking to their father in such an evaluative tone.

Although Lin Lu's identity is somewhat special, even though this time it was the father who made the request first...

But this strange feeling still made the white bearded children show a little astonished expression on their faces, and they were very uncomfortable.

This is the first time for them who have always been high above others to take the initiative to ask others, and they are still under the leadership of their father.

And the opposite of them.

The white beard who is at the top of the world has a very peaceful mind. When Lin Luo answered affirmatively, there was even a hint of joy unconsciously exuding from the brows.

Whitebeard immediately showed a crescent-like smile, and smiled expectantly:
"Goo la la la..."

"It's good to be able to trade! It's good to be able to trade!!!"

"It doesn't matter how many points you redeem and what you buy!"

"Let everything be handled by Your Excellency Lin Luo!"

Whitebeard waved his hand.

For him, it doesn't matter what the deal is.

It is only the first time he has come into contact with otherworldly creatures like Pokémon, and the adventurous spirit that he had when he was young is rekindled in his heart. He just wants to bring his children to see this interesting creature from another world.

"No requirement is often the biggest requirement."

Lin Luo chuckled, but shook his head secretly in his heart.

Whitebeard's idea is not like a high-quality customer.

After all, if customers do not have a clear transaction purpose, how can they be willing to pay a large price for transactions.

Lin Luo could perceive that the resources on White Beard that can be used to redeem points are very considerable.

As one of the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates have many island countries under their control.

Some of these islands are all owned by the Whitebeard Pirates, while others pay tribute to the Whitebeard Pirates on a monthly or annual basis.

After decades of rule, it is estimated that even Whitebeard himself does not know how much assets he owns now.

Such a large number of customers, how can we not cultivate them well! ?
With a thought, Lin Luo showed a little helplessness on his face, snapped his fingers in the direction of the white beard's head, and said:

"All in all, you should redeem enough points first!"

With a crisp finger snap, a virtual interface suddenly appeared in Whitebeard's mind.

At the same time, it is about the use of the trading system.

"It's amazing!"

Feeling the message in his mind, Whitebeard smacked his lips suddenly, and became amazed.

However, he was not in a hurry to redeem points.

Because on the light screen in his mind, there are too many materials displayed!
Famous swords and guns, devil fruits, giant battleships, gold, silver and jewelry...

If he hadn't seen this interface, Whitebeard himself might not have known that he had so many mobilizable resources.

It's just that he didn't immediately exchange these things into points like other traders. Instead, he turned to look at Marco beside him and asked:
"Marco, how much Bailey can we use now?"


Marco, who didn't know what was going on in Whitebeard's mind, was taken aback for a moment, and he answered after thinking for a while:
"After leaving aside the maintenance costs of all the warships and the pocket money of the brothers, we still have about 500 billion Baileys."

"500 billion?"

Hearing this astonishing number, Whitebeard was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

He has never asked about the finances of the Pirates, and today is the first time he knows that he has become so rich before he knows it.

There was a flash of light in the muddy eyes, and he grinned the corner of his mouth instantly, and laughed very boldly:

"Okay! Then exchange for 500 billion Baileys first!"

Whitebeard didn't choose to touch those battleship weapons and devil fruits.

Already 70 years old, he knows that he has not been too good for a few years.

He only hoped that in these last days, he would have the opportunity to live up to his magnificent life like Roger.

In his opinion, those weapons and devil fruits are the materials needed by his children.

At sea, power is everything.

These resources can also be regarded as his legacy to his children.

On the contrary, something like Bailey is purely external to him, just a number.

With the thought of Whitebeard, on a huge island under his name, a certain warehouse used to store cash was instantly ransacked.

And when Whitebeard opened his eyes again, there was already a mobile phone Rotom in front of him that was suitable for him.

"Congratulations, Your Excellency Whitebeard, you have become a VIP6 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce in one fell swoop!"

The voice of the dimensional businessman Lin Luo came:
"From now on, you can buy any item in the mall system!"

"In addition, as a high-level VIP6 member, you are already eligible to make any purchase requests."

"Whether it's the life of eternal youth, or the power of invincibility in the world, as long as it is within the capabilities of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce, you can buy everything you want!"

As long as you can pay enough points.

After finishing speaking, Lin Luo smiled mysteriously at White Beard.

Regardless of the astonished expressions of him and the Whitebeard Pirates.

With a wave of his hand, the item information in the mall system was transformed into an information stream, and input into Whitebeard's mind.

Although he was not allowed to exchange all his net worth into points, 500 billion Baileys is not a small sum, and Lin Luo is already very satisfied with this.


He who probed Whitebeard's inner world with mind reading technique already knew what Whitebeard was thinking at this time.

As an old man, he has almost given up getting anything for himself.

The reason for exchanging 500 billion Baileys is actually to select some suitable Pokémon for Marco and others, and help them strengthen their strength like Ace.

It can be said that Whitebeard's thoughts are now completely aging, even if he doesn't want to admit it, but all his thoughts at this time are for his children.

But it doesn't matter!

Lin Luo smiled in his heart.

If all this idea is based on Whitebeard's advanced age.


As long as Whitebeard regains his youth, won't all problems be solved?

(End of this chapter)

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