Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 168 Young Father

Chapter 168 Young Father (please subscribe!)

The gentle sea breeze blew up the dust on the ground, turning into small tornadoes and passing by everyone.

The moment Lin Luo's voice fell, time in the whole world seemed to be stopped.

Only the clouds above the sky are still floating slowly.

The sun shone on the faces of the Whitebeard Pirates, revealing stunned and shocked faces.

"Wait...wait a minute!"

At this time, Marco, who is the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, couldn't help it, and suddenly took a step forward. After hesitating for a moment, he asked:

"Your Excellency Lin Luo, what do you mean by eternal youth?"


Lin Luo looked at him suspiciously, a smile appeared in his eyes as deep as the starry sky, and asked:
"Eternal youth……"

"Literally, of course, to get your body and soul back into top shape."

" this difficult to understand?"

"no no……"

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Marco's forehead, and he shook his head again and again.

Of course he understood the literal meaning, otherwise, he wouldn't be so excited.

After another moment, Marco's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light of excitement.

He took a deep breath and solemnly said:

"Excuse me, do you mean to be able to return Dad's body to the state of his youth? I mean not the appearance, but everything, including strength and health?"

Marco, who seemed to have re-recognized the methods of the dimensional businessman, couldn't help but use honorifics to Lin Luo at this moment.

But he didn't completely lose his mind.

As far as he knows, beside the former admiral Zefa, there is a fruit ability that can keep people young forever.

It's just that the fruit can only restore people's appearance to youth, but it can't restore people's lifespan and strength to normal.

So just to be on the safe side, he asked this extra question.

"Ha ha……"

As if seeing through Marco's heart, Lin Luo's eyes as deep as the starry sky suddenly flashed a bright light, and replied:
"Don't worry, Mr. Marco."

"It's just going back to the time of the body. How difficult can such a trivial matter be?"

Said, Lin Luo smiled lightly.

That unthinking attitude is like saying that going back in time is just some trivial trick.


The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Under Lin Lu's confident gaze, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly choked up, and their eyes revealed incomparably amazed expressions.

Backtracking time can be called a small trick?

Then they really can't imagine what can be called a "big method" in the eyes of this dimensional businessman.

Lin Luo chuckled again and continued to explain:
"In the myriad dimensions governed by the Chamber of Commerce of Myriad Worlds, there are countless abilities to change and change. Things that cannot be done in the Pirate World may be as simple as drinking water and eating in other worlds."

"Your Excellency Whitebeard is now a distinguished VIP6 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, so it is worthwhile for the Chamber of Commerce to use special means to meet any of its requirements."

"Of course, the premise is that you have enough points."

After the words fell, Lin Luo smiled mysteriously at the white beard.

At this moment, the eyes of all the people present unconsciously looked at Lin Luo's palm that was naturally placed on his chest.

There was obviously nothing in the open palm, but they seemed to see the whole planet, spinning between each other's palms.

Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, Dimensional Merchants...

At this time, Ace was also shocked.

Although he has been in contact with Lin Luo several times, he can't predict what feat Lin Luo will do in the next second.

Manipulating time such as drinking water and eating...

Such a world, I really want to see it with my own eyes.

The excitement in Ace's heart, who had just gained the power of bondage, was forcibly suppressed.

This power is still far from the goal in his heart!


"Goo la la la..."

In the quiet open space, a burst of heroic laughter suddenly came.

Everyone who was frightened by Lin Luo's words froze for a moment, and then looked up.

At this time, the white beard opened his mouth wide, and his beard like a crescent moon kept shaking.

"Go back in time?" He murmured, as if asking Lin Luo, but also asking himself.

A streamer of high spirits suddenly flashed in those late and chaotic eyes.

A different aura suddenly emerged from White Beard's body.

And his expression at this time was also very complicated, as if he was excited and looking forward to it, but he didn't dare to be too presumptuous, for fear that all this would dissipate like a dream.

He looked at Lin Luo and said:

"Your Excellency Lin Luo, if I want to return to my 40-year-old appearance, what price will I have to pay?"

Whitebeard, who didn't pay much attention to the transaction results, suddenly became serious at this moment.

No one can refuse to be young again.

Especially in this turbulent new era, if possible, White Beard would like to re-understand the world.


Also let the world know his white beard again!
And at the age of 40, it was the peak period of his strength!

Lin Luo smiled, seeing White Beard's expression at this time, but couldn't help but praise his wit in his heart.

Sure enough, even a person like White Beard, who has spent his whole life, cannot refuse the charm of youth.

The customer's needs have been mobilized by him, so the rest is for the customer to consume.

After thinking about it, he replied:

"The price of rewinding time is fixed, and it takes ten years as a unit. Every time you let your body go back ten years, you need to consume 1 points..."

"Going back thirty years, you need 3 points."

"What!? 3W points!?"

White Beard was stunned for a moment, his expression stunned.

He was already prepared to bleed heavily, and continued to redeem some points, but he didn't expect to only need 3 points to return to youth! ?
This is so little that he can't believe it.

3W points, converted into Pele, is 150 billion.

This may be an unimaginable sum in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of White Beard, it is an extremely light price.


Whitebeard rolled his eyes, and still said in disbelief:
"Then trouble Your Excellency Lin Luo to help me get back to my 40-year-old appearance."

"no problem."

Lin Luo smiled easily, and waved his hand, the mysterious and unpredictable power of the world's origin instantly turned into the power of time, forming a little bit of starlight, entangled around White Beard's body.

All of a sudden!
A scene that surprised everyone appeared!
I saw that the white beard who had already entered old age and was covered with hidden diseases changed little by little under the mysterious starlight.

First a head of golden, wavy hair sprouted from the top of his head, pushing off his round black cap.

Immediately afterwards, the wrinkled skin that already had age spots shrank and tightened instantly, tightly wrapping the muscles that were harder than steel plates.

The somewhat sparse crescent mustaches are also stiffer, with the two corners growing very slightly upwards a few degrees.

In the blink of an eye, a man exuding a strong and mighty aura appeared in front of everyone.

"Old... Father!"

Looking at Marco, who was younger than himself, he shouted tremblingly.


Two streams of turbid white air spewed out from Whitebeard's nasal cavity, and shot straight down like spears, extending several meters in length.

next moment.

White Beard slowly opened his eyes, although the eyes were full of confusion, but the twilight and turbidity were all gone.

He raised his arm abruptly, as if he was not used to the current strength, and the strong strength brought up gusts of wind.

"This... this is my body!?"

White Beard opened his palm, lowered his head and stared at his palm tightly, and made an unfamiliar young voice.

Looking at the lines in the palm of the hand that although callused, but the blood vessels are expanding and full of strength.

At this moment, without anyone reminding him, White Beard can feel it...

I have really become younger! ! !

He raised his head suddenly and shouted towards the sky.

The endless sound waves turned into violent hurricanes, swept towards the sky, and went straight to the sky.

In an instant, the clouds in the sky burst apart amidst Whitebeard's shouts, breaking into pieces of smoke, and finally disappearing slowly.

The already clear sky turned into a cloudless world at this moment.

The warm sunlight shot straight down, shining on the smiling face of the white beard.

He looked excitedly at the sea, opened his arms and laughed loudly:
"Goo la la la!!!"

"The sea, I have a white beard...

"It's back again!!!"

Immediately afterwards, the arm holding the naginata suddenly exerted strength.

In his hands, the extremely heavy sword was like a branch, and he swung it with all his heart, causing gusts of wind to pass by.

After playing a few knives and feeling the returning power, Whitebeard once again stood the naginata on the ground, his face seemed excited and puzzled...

He slowly lowered his head and looked at Lin Luo.

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency Lin Luo!"

The digger does not forget to dig the well.

Whitebeard didn't look at his sons and daughters at the first time, but instead sent his most sincere thanks to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo smiled lightly and replied calmly:

"That's not necessary, Your Excellency Whitebeard."

"It's just a deal."


Bai Huzi looked into Lin Luo's eyes and found that the other party's expression was still the same as before, without any emotion, so he couldn't help but sighed from the bottom of his heart:
"For Your Excellency, this is just an extremely ordinary transaction..."

"But to me, this is a new life for a new life!!!"

"Your Excellency Lin Luo!"

Whitebeard suddenly clenched the naginata tightly, and said nervously:

"I have an unfeeling request. I wonder if you can satisfy my curiosity?"


Lin Luo raised his eyebrows: "Let's listen."


"This..." White Beard was silent for a moment, with a flash of light in his eyes, and slowly said:

"I want to see the power of Your Excellency!"

"I don't know if your Excellency can fight with me!?"

As soon as the words fell, a nervous expression appeared on the white beard's face.

He was still thanking him for his kindness in the last second, but now he is going to fight against others, which is somewhat impolite.

But White Beard couldn't bear it.

If he was just 70 years old, he might not have made such a request.

But after regaining his youth, his spirit also returned to the moment when he was competing with the heroes on the sea.

He can't wait to see how powerful Lin Luo's power will be as the initiator of the world!

Lin Luo nodded with a smile, and replied without any hesitation:

After all, he is one of the most important customers in his hands. Lin Luo felt that he should meet this requirement.

What's more, letting the other party see a stronger power can better promote the other party's consumption desire, isn't it?
Hearing Lin Luo's reply, White Beard's face brightened instantly.

He hastily smiled and said:
"In this case, please invite Your Excellency Lin Luo to go with me to the nearby deserted island."

With the power of Whitebeard's level, if he used it with all his strength, he could completely destroy Keya Island in an instant.

So Baibeard subconsciously wanted to invite Lin Luo to find an uninhabited deserted island together, so as not to cause trouble to more people.


Facing White Beard's invitation, Lin Luo shook his head lightly and said:

"Desert island? Don't bother, just stay here."


White Beard froze for a moment.

He remembered that in the media reports, the dimensional businessman should be a person who treats life kindly?

If you really want to fight on Keya Island, it will cause countless casualties.

Originally, White Beard wanted to persuade him a few more words.

But then, Lin Luo's words made him stop thinking for a moment.

"With your strength, you can't make any waves in front of me, and you won't make an impression on the residents of the island..."

"So, you can attack with confidence."

Lin Luo smiled indifferently, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

But such words fell into the ears of everyone present, but there were huge waves in an instant.

"This... Your Excellency the Dimensional Merchant is too big, isn't it?"

Some of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates immediately muttered dissatisfiedly.

Although the others did not speak, their eyes showed dissatisfaction.

Although the methods of the dimensional merchants shocked them.

But with such an attitude, is it too small to look down on their white-bearded father?

Their father with a white beard is known as the strongest man in the world!

Now he has regained his youth and possessed even stronger power...

How dare he! ! !
Don't look at Lin Luo's method of going back in time to frighten them, but in the competition of strength, White Beard is still the [No. [-] in the world] in their minds!

Hearing Lin Luo's words, Baibeard was also slightly stunned.

He didn't know that he hadn't been underestimated so much in decades.

Are you going to be angry?

Not really.

This little thing is not worth his anger.

On the contrary, at this time, the white beard became even more curious about what kind of power Lin Luo possessed to be able to say such words?

"Since Your Excellency said so, then..."

"Be careful!!!"

White Beard didn't hesitate. Since the dimensional businessman said so, there must be a reason for him.

The huge naginata was instantly grasped by two strong hands and lifted above the head.

An incomparable aura roared out of his body like an ocean wave!

Armed-colored domineering and domineering-colored domineering intertwined one after another, instantly sharpening the blade of the supreme sharp knife Cong Yunqie even sharper.

The supreme sharpness exudes bursts of coldness under the mask.

And this is just the beginning!

With the sound of glass shattering, several transparent cracks appeared all over Whitebeard's body, as if splitting the space.

The terrifying shaking fruit ability was activated, and it condensed on the blade under the control of Whitebeard.

Since he attacked, he didn't intend to hold back!
I saw White Beard's muscles bulging, his veins exposed, holding a huge Cong Yunqie, and he swung his knife down impressively!

"Be careful, Your Excellency Lin Luo!!!"

Because he hasn't been young for so long, even Whitebeard himself doesn't know how powerful he is with all his strength!
The ground trembled under Whitebeard's feet, and the sky darkened with this mighty blow.

That blow with terrifying power even made everyone around Ace and the Whitebeard Pirates feel terrified, and they dared not move a bit.

The power enough to destroy the world is fully displayed at this moment.

Ling Lie's sword shot up into the sky, and slashed towards Lin Luo from top to bottom.

Not to mention one Keya island, it is estimated that ten islands connected together will be cut off by this violent slash.


Clang! ~
There was a crisp sound like a kitchen knife cutting into a chopping board.

All of a sudden!
The world fell silent instantly, as if the pause button had been pressed.

All visions disappeared in an instant.

The sky, the earth, and the air all returned to normal.

But at this time, everyone in the open space had expressions of shock on their faces.

only because……

The mighty Cong Yunqie was easily pinched by Lin Luo's two fingers at this time, and he couldn't move the slightest bit.

All the offensives disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared before.


White Beard's eyes trembled, revealing eyes that were even more incredible than regaining youth.

Another clear voice sounded.

But this time, the source of the sound was not Whitebeard's shaking fruit power...

Instead, it came from the unparalleled sharp knife Cong Yunqie in his hand.

I saw the huge naginata that was easily blocked by Lin Luo with his index finger and middle finger...

The supreme sharp knife that had been with him for decades suddenly cracked several cracks, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

And what's even more depressing is...

Lin Luo suddenly smiled apologetically as if he accidentally damaged the customer's belongings.

The two fingers were visibly loosened by the naked eye.

Immediately, a power of time that had just been cast on him wrapped around the blade, and immediately repaired the broken Cong Yunqie.

The surface of the knife shines brightly, like a mirror.

Lin Luo said with a smile:

"Hey, I accidentally tried too hard."

"I'm so sorry, Your Excellency Whitebeard."

 Thanks to Broken Sphere and Blind 78 for their monthly support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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