Selling Pokémon from Pirates

× Imagine 169 × Big Dragon × Big Mom

Chapter 169 ×Giant Dragon ×Big Mom × Broken Membrane (Please Subscribe!!!)
The audience was dead silent! ! !

Before swinging this knife, White Beard actually thought about it:
As a dimensional businessman, Lin Luo may really have the strength not to take himself seriously.

But he never expected that the ending would be like this!
When I was at the peak of my strength, I tried my best to strike, but was blocked by mere two fingers.

And it seems that the opponent is still trying to restrain his strength as much as possible.

This made Whitebeard, who has been at the top of the world since he was an adult, find it a bit incomprehensible, and even more unbelievable.

of course.

Also unbelievable are the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

They have followed Whitebeard all the year round and they are very aware of how powerful their father is, not to mention that he is still a "returned" father now.

But at this time, their father, who had always been invincible in their minds, was actually defeated by the sum of the opponent's two fingers. This reality was really hard for them to accept, and they felt that the world had become strange.

After half a sound.

Instead, the battered Whitebeard was the first to come back to his senses.


He let out a long sigh with a complex expression, and slowly withdrew the naginata.

If we say that the young white beard who was standing with a knife in front of him was full of vigor and momentum, looking down on the world.

Now he is like a frog who has just climbed to the mouth of a well, seeing the vastness of the world for the first time.

There was only bewilderment and shock on his face.

"How? Do you still want to fight?"

Lin Luo's eyes flickered, and he looked at Whitebeard with a smile on his face.

Whitebeard's throat rolled suddenly, then he shook his head with a smile.

"Gu la la la, forget it!"

"The gap between us is too far away!"

"I never thought that I, with a white beard, would one day become a frog in a well."

I thought I could see the depth of the strength of the dimensional businessman, but unexpectedly, I only saw a vast ocean...

He would never make such a ridiculous request again until he learned how to swim.

White Beard raised his head and looked at Lin Luo with faint fear of the unknown.

Seeing this, Lin Luo just smiled slightly.

In the world of Pirates, level 90 seems to be the highest limit that creatures can reach.

Even the young Whitebeard's level is only at the peak of level 89.

Not to mention that after level 90, every level up is a world of difference from before.

In front of Lin Luo, the [True · World Limit], Whitebeard's strength is like that of a primary school student who has not graduated, which is incomparable.

However, Lin Luo knew very well that his own strength was accumulated one after another by high-quality clients like Whitebeard.

So even with unparalleled power, he never underestimated anyone.

Especially these premium customers!
Lin Luo smiled, and immediately comforted him and said:

"No need to underestimate yourself, Your Excellency Whitebeard!"

"Being able to possess this level of power under the suppression of the world's barriers, the talent of Your Excellency Whitebeard is already astonishing."

"If you have the chance to leave this world, I believe you will do a lot!"

"World... barrier...?"

Hearing this unfamiliar vocabulary, Whitebeard vaguely felt as if he had grasped the important point, his eyes hardened in an instant, and asked modestly:
"What it is?"

"It is a protective film that can make the world exist stably, and you can also understand it as a container that carries the world."

Lin Luo explained with a smile:
"In order to prevent being swallowed by the nothingness of the void, every dimensional world needs such a container as a protective film, which can help the world shield the world from external forces."

"But at the same time……"

"World barriers will also limit the power of creatures in the world, so that the power of creatures cannot transcend a certain level."

"Because once a power that exceeds the limit of the world appears in the world, that power will be like a sharp long needle, piercing the barriers of the world, and may eventually cause incalculable consequences."

"But then again,"

"If you compare the world barrier limit of your world to [-]%, then the strength of Your Excellency Whitebeard has actually reached [-]%."

"Even in thousands of dimensions, the number of existences that can get so close to the barriers of the world is only modest..."

"So His Excellency Whitebeard is already proud to have such strength."

"I see." White Beard replied casually, and then suddenly fell silent again.

If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to see that the pupils of this 7-meter-strong man are trembling vigorously at this time.

World barriers?Thousands of dimensions?
Although it was just a few simple words, at this time Whitebeard felt like a person who had been walking with his head down, suddenly raised his head and discovered the vast and boundless universe.

To be honest, the total amount of shocks he has received in his life may not be as much as this short ten minutes.

And the instigator of all this is the mysterious and vast dimensional businessman in front of him who seems harmless to humans and animals.

After digesting the information about the barriers of the world, Whitebeard took another long breath, his eyes flickered, and he finally asked the question in his heart:
"Excuse me, has His Excellency Lin Luo's strength reached the limit of the world barrier?"


Lin Luo casually smiled lightly, and answered the wrong question:

"Every dimensional businessman, when entering the new world, will seal his power to an extremely low state, in case he accidentally brings unnecessary trouble to the new world."

"That's why when I first came to Pirate World, I was so weak and was rescued by Ace."

Lin Luo glanced at Ace with a smile.

The others followed him instantly.

Ace, who was suddenly mentioned, was taken aback for a moment, and then he hammered his palm and said:
"No wonder Brother Lin Luo looked so weak at that time, it turned out to be to protect our world."

"Ha ha……"

Lin Luo nodded with a chuckle and continued:
"With the passage of time and understanding of the world, we and other dimensional merchants will slowly restore our strength until we reach the limit of the world."

After speaking, Lin Luo no longer explained too much.

But although he didn't answer Whitebeard's question directly, Whitebeard still understood the meaning of Lin Luo's words:

The reason why I am so strong is because the limit of the world only allows me to be so strong.

In other words...

The real strength of Lin Luo, a dimensional businessman, is far beyond the ultimate strength that One Piece World can bear!

Thinking of this, Whitebeard suddenly took a deep breath.

Immediately, his mind froze, and he immediately threw out the thoughts in his mind.

After living for 70 years, his experience instinctively guides him not to think about those distant things.

The unattainable goal will only make the dream chaser exhausted on the way forward.

And Lin Luo, who had finished fooling around with the white beard, also grinned at this time, clapped his hands, and started doing his old job...

Or the real purpose of his trip.

"Okay, Your Excellency Whitebeard, let's stop talking here first."

"Let's talk about the transaction."


Whitebeard's spirit shook instantly.

Under Lin Luo's constant flickering and deception, he was no longer as indifferent to the result of the transaction as he was just now.

With a thought, White Beard's eyes suddenly turned to Ace who was on the side.

Just now he watched with his own eyes that Ace, with the help of Pokémon, inexplicably acquired new abilities and improved his own strength.

The 40-year-old White Beard was already at the peak of his power in his life.

This power is indeed extremely powerful, but it also means that it is difficult for him to move forward!
So, if you want to go forward and see the wider world...

Maybe Pokémon would be a good choice!

As a VIP6 member, Whitebeard has already had a lot of product information in his mind, and he also knows that Ace just used the power of the combination of the power of bondage and the power of nature.

"Is it a means to gain power by bonding with Pokémon?"

White Beard clicked his tongue, suddenly smiled and said:

"Please also trouble Your Excellency Lin Luo to recommend me a Pokémon that suits me!"

Sorry, boys.

Dad may have to embezzle part of the inheritance left to you.

"Is it suitable for your Pokémon?"

A light flashed in Lin Luo's deep pupils, and when he looked at the strong figure of the white beard, he suddenly had an answer in his heart.

With a crisp finger snapping sound, Lin Luo raised his hand and summoned a huge virtual screen of light to appear in front of Whitebeard.

"I don't know, does this Pokémon fit your fancy?"

Lin Luo grinned.

Suddenly, a huge orange-yellow figure wrapped in black mysterious lines appeared on the virtual light screen.

[Pokémon: Fast Dragon]

[Attribute: Dragon, Flying]

[Characteristics: Multiple scales (the body seems to be covered by thick scales, the defense is amazing.)]

【Level: 85】

【Price: 70000】

[Remarks: Affected by unknown mysterious power, its size is 50 times that of a normal fast dragon. 】


The Pokémon that Lin Luo chose for Whitebeard is the huge fast dragon that once appeared in the Zhenghui Lighthouse!

With a height of 100 meters, this fast dragon has undoubtedly entered the ranks of the powerful.

If you don't count those magical priesthoods and just look at strength, the strength of this fast dragon is definitely not weaker than some second-level gods.

The huge fast dragon is perfect for matching the white beard who is also different in size among humans.

And looking at the mysterious figure of Kuailong on the screen, Baibeard's eyes suddenly froze.

"A fast dragon?"

"Although I don't know what relationship you have with that little dragon Kaido, but..."

"It's up to you!!!"

Although he didn't know much about Pokémon, he believed in Lin Luo's choice and made an instant decision.

"Pleasant to work with."

With Lin Luo's voice full of laughter, a special elf ball instantly appeared in Whitebeard's hand.

"Poke ball? It's really a magical prop!"

Whitebeard, who already knew how to use the poke ball, didn't hesitate at all. He pressed the button on the poke ball instantly and threw it towards the open space in the distance.

"Come on, fast dragon!"

"Welcome to the world of pirates!!!"


Accompanied by the sound of a high-pitched dragon chant, the earth trembled instantly.

Peng! ! !
Even though the huge Kuailong landed on the ground, its body, which was more than ten times taller than Whitebeard's, instantly blocked all the sunlight.

A shadow hung over everyone's heads.

Because Whitebeard operated too quickly, the captains who hadn't realized what happened turned their attention to the huge monster that suddenly appeared.

"Is that... the Pokémon that Dad exchanged for?"

Sage, the captain of the 4th team, licked his lips, his face showing a radiance of excitement.

After all, they are people who have seen the world. Although a huge monster of 100 meters will shock them, it will not scare them.

After all, their little Ozzy is 380 meters tall!
In their eyes, the huge fast dragon, which is only a hundred meters long, is even a little "small".

of course……

Perhaps after seeing the true strength of the giant fast dragon, their thoughts may change slightly.


At this moment, the giant fast dragon slowly lowered its head, turning its eyes like spotlights downwards to look at its trainer.

The moment he came out of the system, the giant fast dragon already knew everything, and he naturally agreed with Whitebeard to be his trainer.

Of course, consent is one thing, approval is another.


The huge fast dragon groaned softly, bent down suddenly, grasped the huge hand into a fist, and swung it towards the white beard.

The sudden punch suddenly made the spirits of the captains nervous again.

But before their brains react...

It's just that Whitebeard suddenly let out the same roar, put the naginata in his hand aside, also stretched out his hand and turned into a fist, and hit Kuailong's giant palm.

boom! ! !
Two very inconsistent fists, one big and one small, collided together, but landed in mid-air smoothly.

White Beard lowered his head, and his crescent-like white beard trembled slightly.

next second.

He raised his head suddenly, with an excited smile on his face, as if responding to Kuailong's roar.

"Please teach me a lot!!!"

After just one blow, one person and one dragon had a clear understanding of the strength of both sides.

The huge fast dragon immediately opened its mouth wide, and smiled foolishly, as if it recognized White Beard's strength.

And Baibeard, who had personally felt the power of the huge Kuailong, also understood why Lin Luo recommended this Kuailong to him.

It may be strange to say...

From the power of Kuailong just now, White Beard felt the loneliness of the other party inexplicably. That feeling was very similar to himself who once searched for his family all over the world.

Could it be that this is what His Excellency Lin Luo meant?

White Beard turned his gaze to Lin Luo, and suddenly found that the other party was also looking at him with some deep meaning.

It seems that everything is self-evident.

It turns out that in the Pokémon world, there are lonely existences like me.

Whitebeard said silently in his heart.



In the next half an hour, several captains of the Whitebeard Pirates came to Kuailong one by one to welcome the new member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Whitebeard exchanged a sum of points with Lin Luo, exchanging the power of fetters and the power of nature.

As for other props such as the mega keystone, he plans to wait until he goes back and ask Marco to check the supplies first before exchanging them.

After the transaction, Lin Luo, who adhered to the principle of being clean and tidy, only chatted with two high-quality customers, White Beard and Ace, and left Keya Island because he had other things to do.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates over there were still chattering around the giant fast dragon, as if they had forgotten why they came to Keya Island.

Only Whitebeard looked down at Ace and the fire-breathing dragon beside him.

The two of them stared at each other for a moment.

Whitebeard grinned abruptly, and laughed in a slightly mocking tone:
"Still fighting? Brat?"

"I don't use the huge fast dragon. If you can beat me, this Keya Island will belong to you in the future."

" come to be my son, and I can give you all the benefits of Keya Island."

"Goo la la la..."

Whitebeard laughed.

"This old guy!"

Ace, who was teased by the white beard, looked up at him, and then at the huge fast dragon in the distance, but he didn't care about the other party's teasing.

He turned abruptly and looked in the other direction of Keya Island.

At this time, the Spades Pirates, who noticed the abnormal situation on the coast, just rushed over.

Ace retracted the fire-breathing dragon, and let out a chuckle as he walked towards his partner.

"For the sake of the fact that you just wanted to rescue me, this island is temporarily entrusted to you for safekeeping."

The sun hat on the top of his head was suddenly buckled, covering Ace's eyes, but it didn't stop him from letting go of his harsh words:
"Wait for me, Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Sooner or later, we'll be on top of the world."

"At that time, I will come back and finish this battle with you!"

"What a stubborn brat."

Whitebeard looked at Ace's back with a smile on his face, but he didn't reach out to stop him.

Although in the end, he didn't figure out whether Ace was Roger's son.

What does it matter! ?
As long as there is such a young man in the sea, it is enough.



"Boss!" "Ace!" "Captain!"...

Everyone in the Spades Pirates ran over in panic.

They have discovered Whitebeard's pirate group, and the Whitebeard who is watching them.

Everyone in Spades instantly became tense, their muscles tensed, and they didn't relax until Ace walked in front of them.

"Let's go, let's get out of here."

Coming to Deus's side, Ace said softly.


Dieus was taken aback, and looked at the white-bearded people in the distance inexplicably.

"But...the Whitebeard Pirates are here..."

As soon as the words came out, Deus wanted to give himself a big mouth.

Only then did he realize that after being in contact with Ace for a long time, his thinking has been taken all over the place!


How dare he say that?
Deus immediately looked at Ace, for fear that the other party would suddenly recall what he said and planned to fight the Whitebeard Pirates.

Fortunately, what he was worried about didn't happen.

Ace stopped suddenly and was silent for a moment.

Just when Deus thought he was hesitating to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace suddenly said:

"too early!"

"Our strength is not enough!"

"I need more deals!"


Deus, who didn't know what happened on the coast, was at a loss.

But it's a good thing if you don't go head-to-head with the Four Emperors.

He quickly said, "It's better to leave here."

"The strength of the Four Emperor Pirates is indeed not something we can compete with now."

"In short, we'd better leave the sea area controlled by the Whitebeard Pirates first, and find a place to develop slowly."


Rarely, Ace agreed to Deus's plan, nodded and said:
"The sea area of ​​the Whitebeard Pirates is indeed not suitable for our development."

Deus's face immediately revealed a look of relief. It seemed that his own captain had also begun to grow up.

But then, Ace's words made everyone in the Spade Pirates change their colors again:

"So I decided to..."

"We're going to trouble the Big Mom Pirates!!!"

A flame of fighting spirit suddenly rose in Ace's eyes.

He has already seen the power of the Four Emperors.

Very strong!Strong to unfathomable!
Don't look at how Lin Luo easily blocked Whitebeard's full blow just now...

But when he saw that slash, Ace was already thinking about how he should deal with Whitebeard.

But after thinking for a long time, he only came up with one answer...

He can't handle it!

He couldn't imagine what would happen to him if he was hit by such an attack.

But because of this, he had to make a choice.

Lin Luo has come to the new world.

No one can guarantee that his next trading target will not be other Four Emperors.

So he had to deal with these four emperors in advance before the other four emperors gained the power of Pokémon!

The Four Emperors are indeed powerful, but after the evolution of the fetters, they and the fire-breathing dragon are not without the power to fight!
Therefore, the Big Mom Pirates, the weakest of the four emperors, have become Ace's first choice!
He must trade as soon as possible, and then become stronger, otherwise he will only be seized by these old guys with huge resources!

A white beard can easily take out 500 billion Baileys!
The assets of the other four emperors will definitely not be weaker than that of Whitebeard.

Ace clenched his fists tightly, looking at the sky far away, his pupils flickering.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of what Lin Luo had said to White Beard.

Break through the barriers of the world and go to other worlds?

Although it was a sentence that Lin Luo praised Whitebeard, it was firmly remembered by Ace.

Perhaps, this may be a little too far away for him.

But Ace firmly believes that,
Sooner or later, he will reach that height.

At that time, he must go and have a look...

What kind of scenery is outside this protective film!
 Thanks to Nicholas Death Omen for his monthly ticket support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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