Selling Pokémon from Pirates

× Chapter 170 ×Wolf Warrior ×Striker ×Rose

× Chapter 170 ×Wolf Warrior ×Striker ×Rose
"I really didn't expect that I would trade with the Four Emperors so quickly."

In a luxurious villa in a different space, Lin Luo spent a long time choosing in front of the refrigerator, and finally decided to have a glass of mango milkshake from a Pokémon five-star chef, and walked slowly to the desk.

And on his side, Ibrahimovic, wearing a pair of heart-shading mirrors, linked his limbs and tail, manipulating a character in the screen with a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, who was fighting with a striker named "Mikayla" "Blade" strange BOSS to fight.

Seeing Ibrahimovic frowning, Lin Luo couldn't help poking his head curiously.

Immediately he sighed deeply again.


Unexpectedly, the games that I haven't had time to play in these years are all cheaper than this little guy.

Putting his mind away, Lin Luo once again turned his gaze to the computer in front of him.

After ordering the computer Rotom to turn on the screen, he immediately clicked on the home page of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce.

all of a sudden.

A detailed data report appeared in front of Lin Luo.

[Number of online members of Wanjie Chamber of Commerce: 2058]


[Number of participants in the Pokémon League Conference: 82 people]

[Number of participants in the Pokémon Contest: 250]

Doing the math, more than 10 months have passed since Lin Luo came to Pirate World.

Except for the initial stage of starting a business in the previous month, the subsequent trading career can be said to be smooth sailing.

Not only gained the invincible strength in the world of one piece, but also guided the sea, and a large number of warriors who went to sea for Pokémon appeared.

Of course, those wealthy businessmen and dignitaries who have no courage but have rich pockets also contributed a lot to Lin Luo's "Pokemonization of One Piece World" plan.

And after successive transactions with several big clients such as the Revolutionary Army, the Navy, and Whitebeard, the balance of points in Lin Luo's hands finally exceeded 200 million.

Overall, momentum is good.

In three months' time, the Pokémon League Conference will begin.

Because the entry threshold is too high, there are not many people who are qualified to participate, only a handful of 82 people.

The primary selection criteria of the conference is to take the top 36 of all contestants, almost as long as they reach the entry standard of VIP2 level, there is a half chance of reaching the finals.

The current highest ranking is of course the naval hero Karp who left Alabasta not long ago, with 67 victory points in the black iron rank, ranking first!

Although in Pokémon, Garp's wrist strength and Gyarados are not so powerful, but he is really invincible as a trainer.

Even if Cobra's Suicune was under Garp's iron fist, he could only scream from the beating and had no power to fight back.

In second place was Ace who had just parted with Lin Luo.

With 60 victory points in the black iron rank, second only to Garp in strength, he is below one person and above ten thousand people in the battle area of ​​Alabasta.

The third and fourth are of course Cobra and Robin who are known as the Four Heavenly Kings.

At present, the victory point of these four people can be said to be far ahead, leaving many people behind.

And from the fifth place, the rankings began to become chaotic.

Most of those who can spend 10 billion Baileys to become VIP2 members are wealthy businessmen and dignitaries.

They have almost no strength themselves, and they have bought powerful Pokémon by spending money to get to where they are today.

Affected by their own fighting consciousness, these people are also very confused when commanding Pokémon.

Obviously among them, some Pokémon are stronger than Robin's Sun Elf.

But with the combination of Robin's fruit ability and the sun elves, he is still at the point of being beaten.

of course……

There are a total of dozens of VIP2 members who are eligible to participate in the Pokémon League Convention.

Although it is possible to maintain a few qualifying matches a day for everyone to watch, the people who fight back and forth are not interested in it, and people have long been tired of watching it.

In fact, the real masters of today's battle area are those VIP0 and 1 trainers who are not eligible to participate in the Pokémon League Conference.

Most of these people are pirates of the great route, or warriors who entered the great route from the East China Sea.

Being able to pass through the screening of rising sea currents and upside-down mountains, this group of people is not to say how strong they are, but they are definitely monster-like existences to ordinary people!

It's a pity that they who are really capable can only be a small low-level trainer because they can't make up 10 billion Pele.

Fortunately, the sky is endless!

The open battle field in the battle area brings new hope to this group of people!

Many people have already started to use the venue here to hold unofficial competitive games.

There are three large-scale competitions held this month alone.

Of course, these billionaires are not some Pokémon-loving philanthropists.

What really attracts them is the attraction of Pokémon battles and the quiz revenue behind the competition!
Since the closure of the Rainland Casino, the wealthy businessmen and dignitaries in Alabasta have lost a good place for entertainment.

Coupled with the months of hard work of the slow beasts, the Alabasta kingdom is not as chaotic as before.

Even some remote cities have become extremely prosperous, coupled with the special style of the desert area, the Kingdom of Alabasta has become a famous tourist country in the great sea route.

There are countless tourists coming and going every day.

As the saying goes, as long as you stand on the tuyere, pigs can also fly.

Nowadays, the three words [Pokémon] are a strong wind outlet.

In the battle area, whether you are selling milk tea or snacks, as long as you add a word related to Pokémon in front of the booth, you can attract a large number of people to stay.

And this group of businessmen aimed at this point and established one after another small Pokémon battle casinos in the battle area. Through the games they created themselves, they sat on the bank to empty the pockets of the gamblers among the aborigines and tourists .

have to say……

No matter in which time and space, opening a casino is a lucrative business!

These businessmen often only need to send some people, publicize their game a little bit, and then they can sit at home and count the money slowly.



early morning.

The scorching sun in the desert shines on this hot land like a huge spotlight.

At this time, in a place called Slow Beast Hotel outside the battle area.

A middle-aged man with a pointed head and thinning hair was holding a written instruction and asked the green-haired man in front of him:

"Mr. Zoro, please confirm again, you have a total of 2 Pokémon, one named Double Sword Scabbard, and the other named Flying Mantis, right?"


Sauron nodded in affirmation.


The middle-aged man murmured, a smile could not help but appear between his brows and eyes, and he put two checkmarks on the notebook, confirming the names of the two Pokémon.

Immediately, he immediately looked at Sauron, smiled and said:

"Okay, Mr. Sauron, I have registered your entry information for you, and I will explain to you the rules of our Wolf Warriors Cup..."

"Our game is a 1VS1 match, which means a battle between a trainer and another trainer..."

"Different from traditional qualifying matches, our competition does not limit the number of Pokémon participating. That is to say, Mr. Zoro can use two of your Pokémon at the same time when fighting."

"I know that." Sauron immediately nodded in response.

It was after he learned of this that he chose to sign up for this Wolf Warrior Cup competition.

In addition to the Wolf Warrior Cup, the other two competitions that are currently underway, one that only allows Pokémon to release long-range skills, and one that restricts the gender of participating trainers, are not for him to sign up for.

Of course, apart from the rules of the game, Zoro cared more about what the middle-aged man would say next.

"It seems that Mr. Zoro has done enough homework before signing up."

The middle-aged man smiled and continued:

"Then you must have a certain understanding of the competition."

"Currently, the Wolf Warrior Cup is still in the registration stage. Including Mr. Zoro, there are already 126 people who have signed up for this competition."

"It is estimated that by this evening, the number of applicants will exceed 128. At that time, someone will come to inform Mr. Sauron of the start time."

The middle-aged man coughed lightly, and immediately continued:

"After paying a certain rental fee, we have applied for a total of 6 battle venues. There will be a total of 36 games in the preliminary stage, which will last for two days..."

"Wait a moment!"

Before the middle-aged man could finish his introduction, Sauron suddenly interrupted him with an impatient expression, saying:
"The process of the game is already clear..."

"I just want to know, is the bonus you mentioned true?"

Sauron raised his head impressively, with naked gazes in his eyes, his purpose was self-evident.


Xu was interrupted for the first time when he was talking about the competition. The middle-aged man was obviously taken aback, but then he smiled again and replied:

"Of course it's true!"

"The registration fee for the Wolf Warrior Cup is 300W Bailey, as long as you can pass the preliminary round, you can get your registration fee intact."


"If Mr. Zoro has that strength and wins the Wolf Warriors Cup, you will get a huge bonus of up to 1 million Baileys!"

"Mr. Sauron, please rest assured that our company has already held three competitions here. It has a good reputation and will never default on the prize money of the contestants..."

"On this point, Mr. Sauron can find out after a little inquiring together."


After hearing that the prize money for the champion was 1 million Baileys, Sauron immediately grinned, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

"I'm still very assured of your reputation."

"After all, if you dare to deceive me, you should know what will happen."

An invisible momentum was suddenly released from Sauron's body, instantly causing a layer of cold sweat to flow from the forehead of the middle-aged man.

He hastily laughed twice, and said with lingering fear:

"Please rest assured Mr. Sauron, sincerity is the most important thing in my business!"

"That's the best."

After murmuring, Sauron withdrew his momentum, tilted his head and shouted behind him:
"Keby, give him the registration fee."

"Yes, Master Sauron!"

Kebi, who had been standing behind Sauron, immediately stood up straight like a soldier, and then slowly found out the 300W Bailey from the money pocket beside him, and handed it to the middle-aged man.

After receiving the money, the man's face immediately burst into an incomparably bright smile.

He didn't expect that he came out on a whim to take charge of the registration of contestants, and there was a surprise!

Don't look at Sauron who seemed to threaten him a little just now, but a man, he can bend and stretch!

What's a little deterrent?
As the founder of the Wolf Warrior Cup, nothing can make him happier than a strong contestant with a strange Pokémon!

He believed that when the two names of double scabbards and flying mantis were published, they would definitely attract more curious eyes for the Wolf Warriors Cup!

With popularity, his casino business will naturally increase!
Thinking of this, the smile in the middle-aged man's eyes became even brighter.

With this Mr. Zoro and two Pokémon who have never heard of it sitting in charge, I believe that the popularity of the Wolf Warrior Cup will definitely overwhelm the competition created by the other two companies!
What shooter cup?What rose cup?

One does not allow Pokémon to fight in close quarters, and the other only allows women to participate...

How could such a game be as interesting as our Pokémon battle in the Wolf Warriors Cup! ?
After walking out of the hotel gate, the smile on the middle-aged man's face never stopped.

At this moment, even the venomous sunshine in the sky seemed unable to satisfy his joyful mood.

As luck would have it, at the fork in the road back to the company, he ran into the founders of the other two competitions at the same time.

A middle-aged man with two guns on his waist, Mond, who was about his age, was also a well-known arms dealer in the first half of the great route.

And another, a slightly older woman, Bella, who is graceful and charming, although the information is not reliable, it is said that she was once the concubine of a king of a certain country.

Because of the sudden sudden death of the king, in order to avoid the cruelty after the royal family's struggle, he took his belongings and ran to the great route.

"Hehe, how are you all?"

The middle-aged man's expression of joy instantly subsided, revealing a poker face, and greeted him with a half-smile.

After all, they are all colleagues who come here to make a living, no matter how much they scold behind their backs, they are still cheerful on the surface.

after all……

Make money with peace.

"Hey, isn't this Boss Brown and Boss Mond? It's really a healthy and good life to get up early in the morning for a walk."

"Ah ha ha,"

The middle-aged man, that is, Brown laughed loudly, waved his hand and said:

"I can't help it. The world is getting more and more interesting. I want to live a little longer to see what the future will look like."


Mond nodded foolishly, as if saying "me too".

Standing against Ruoda's sun with hypocrisy, the three of them stood at the intersection as if they exchanged warm greetings very cordially, and talked useless nonsense for a long time.

In the end, Bella ended the undisputed conversation on the grounds that she was "worried about sunburning her skin".

The three of them passed by.

But at the same time, an elite light burst out from his eyes.

"Wait! With Sauron (Usopp) (Nami) participating, the most popular game this month must be our Wolf (Shooter) (Rose) Cup!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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