Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 171 The New Four Heavenly Kings

Chapter 171 The New Four Heavenly Kings
People say that the fall of one era will inevitably lead to the rise of another era.

The wheel of history rolls forward, pressing on everyone's face, leaving clear marks.

With the departure of Garp not long ago, there was only one old man, Cobra, left. The Four Heavenly Kings of the battle area failed to withstand the torrent of the new era after all, and gradually faded out of people's vision.

What followed was an era of big Pokémon where a hundred flowers bloom and thousands of pets contend!



"Friends in the audience! Let's raise our hands and welcome the champion of the [-]th Wolf Warriors Cup, the three-sword swordsman..."


Bang bang bang bang! ! !

Accompanied by the dancing ribbons and the roaring salute, a man with green hair slowly stepped onto the podium.

Amidst the cheers of the audience around him, Zoro slowly lifted up the huge trophy filled with [-] million Berries in cash, and looked around with a natural and unrestrained smile on his face.

In just seven days, Sauron and Flying Mantis used the sharp blades in their hands to cut down one enemy after another. With absolute strength, they showed hearty battles to all the audience who followed the Wolf Warriors Cup. fighting!




The audience shouted Sauron's name, and under the presidency of the host according to the closing ceremony procedure according to the script, the [-]th Wolf Warriors Cup, which lasted for a week, came to an end.

Zoro, holding a trophy full of cash, approached the dark contestant passage.

Although he didn't meet any decent opponents in the past seven days, he was still very satisfied to be able to easily win the 1 million Pele bonus.

"Well, anyway, there are so many bonuses, let's take Johnny and the others to have a drink later."

On a rare and happy day, Sauron decided that something good happened, and it would be better to share it with everyone.

Although in order to resurrect Gu Yinna, Sauron had faintly acquired the good habit of being stingy.

But looking at Johnny and Joseph, following him all the way from the East China Sea to the great route, facing various difficulties on the way without a single complaint, it would be a lie to say that they were not moved.

Even for Alrita and Keby, Sauron is grateful.

It is not easy for these four people to be able to make it to this day. It is still necessary to relax properly.


The moment Sauron stepped out of the player's tunnel, several figures suddenly stopped in front of him.


Sauron frowned, and immediately recognized the leader, Mr. Brown, the organizer of the Wolf Warriors Cup.

But just when Sauron thought that the other party was going to backtrack and try to get back the bonus, Brown suddenly took a step forward and looked at Sauron with twinkling eyes.

"Congratulations on winning the championship, Mr. Sauron!"

Brown showed a profiteer-like flattering smile, which made Sauron frown even more.

He subconsciously pulled out a hand holding the trophy, and slowly moved it to his side.


Brown's next move completely stunned Sauron.

"I'm sorry to take up your time, Mr. Sauron."

Brown waved his hand slightly behind him, and five burly men stepped forward immediately, each carrying a huge black suitcase in their hands.

One of the burly men put the suitcase on the ground and opened it quickly.

All of a sudden!
Sauron seemed to see a ray of light from the gap in the suitcase.

When he blinked, he suddenly found that the suitcase was full of Baileys!
From a preliminary look, it is estimated that it will not be less than the Bailey in my hand.

Brown continued to smile obsequiously, and took a step forward:
"Mr. Sauron, I don't know if it would be nice to move to my company's headquarters. I have a business worth 5 million Baileys. I want to communicate with Mr. Sauron..."



And at the same time.

On the outskirts of the battle area, in a magnificent building.

"What!? You want to sign me as your professional trainer!?"

Nami's eyes widened slightly in astonishment, and she looked at Bella with a bumpy figure in front of her in puzzlement.

"That's right!"

Bella held a long tobacco rod in her mouth, slowly exhaled a big mouthful of smoke, then smiled charmingly, and said kindly:
"Although little sister Nami possesses such strength at such a young age, the sea area of ​​the Great Route is destined to be beyond the reach of one person."

"And ah..."

Bella sighed a long time, with a little sadness on her face, and said:

"As a weak woman, there is no way to be alone in this sea."

"You just came from the East China Sea, and you may not understand that in this world, beauty is sometimes a sin!"

"You may not believe it. Twenty years ago, I was the concubine of the king of a prosperous kingdom, just because I was favored by a Tianlong person who visited the kingdom..."

"But my husband didn't let me sleep with the Tianlong people because of the face of a man."


"That Tianlong man was so angry that he ordered his subordinates to kill in the palace. If it weren't for my sister, I took advantage of the chaos and escaped. I really don't know what will happen!"

Bella's eyes flowed, as if it brought back bad memories in her heart.

The flickering eyes seemed to bring her back to the night that changed her life twenty years ago.

After a while, Bella suddenly sobbed.

She slowly raised her head, her charming eyes made people feel pity.

Bella looked at Nami, and continued to persuade with a sigh:
"So, Nami..."

"If we want to survive in this cruel sea, we must unite all forces that can be united!"

"Only when our cohesive strength is strong, the world will not hurt us because of our beauty!"

"We have the right to say no to the world!"

"So Nami, come and join my Rose Chamber of Commerce!"

"Let's work together to make women's voices unique to the world!"

A palm with long fingers was placed in front of Nami.

Nami raised her head slowly.

It was hard to believe that that sonorous and forceful voice came from the mouth of this woman over 40 years old.

Suddenly, a line of clear tears flowed from the corner of Nami's eyes.

"So, Sister Bella, you also have such a past."

"Also?" Bella was taken aback suddenly.

I saw Nami's eyes were soft and her tears flowed lightly.

Seemingly realizing that she was a bit out of shape now, she quickly wiped away her tears, and then said:
"I'm dissatisfied with Sister Bella. In fact, the reason why I became a trainer and came to the great route is because I have a similar experience to you!"

"The king of Hyde Kingdom, the country where I live, actually wanted to please a Tianlong person..."

In the office of the president of the Rose Chamber of Commerce, a bizarre and tear-jerking story of a girl's escape unfolds slowly.

Listening to what Nami said about the experience of the girl who lost her parents, was bullied by local officials, and was almost skinned and turned into a "work of art", even Bella, who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, couldn't help being moved.

She caressed the top of Nami's head, her eyes sparkled, and she hesitated.

After a while, she suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a poor child."

"However, everything is over, and our days to come will definitely get better and better."


Nami, who was sobbing in Bella's arms, nodded choked up, like a child who is being bullied and talking.

After a long time, Nami, who had already joined the Rose Chamber of Commerce, walked out of the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce with joy on her face, and walked towards her hotel.

Turning a corner, a figure in a dark suit suddenly came out of the darkness.

Crowe frowned and asked puzzledly:

"Miss Nami, what did they tell you?"

"It's nothing."

Nami shook her head with a light smile, and said calmly:

"It's just that I want to join their chamber of commerce and be a free thug and spokesperson for them."


Crowe was taken aback for a moment and opened his mouth wide.

"But...but you have talked for so long? Did you agree?"

"Why don't you agree?"

Nami looked at the shadow in front of her eyes, and said slowly:

"You have to know Chloe, sometimes, the free ones are the most expensive!"

Under Crowe's puzzled eyes, Nami smiled slyly.

In fact, she could see that the deeds that Bella told her had indeed happened to her.


If anyone sympathizes with Bella and underestimates her because of this, it can only be said that this person is truly naive!

How could a woman who was able to spend 20 years on the great route as a woman and establish such a family business be a simple person.

From the beginning to the end, Nami knew that Bella just wanted to use the painful experience to let her guard down, to draw closer to each other, so that she could make better use of herself.

Seeing Bella's familiar appearance, Nami had reason to suspect that she had used the same reason to coax a large number of ignorant girls.

But one thing is...

Bella did tell her what she had said, she just used the trust and labor of the ignorant girls for nothing, and didn't let them do anything to sell their personality.

This is also the main reason why Nami is willing to agree to Bella's invitation.

She could see that when telling the past experience, even if it was a story that had been told countless times, when the Tianlong people were mentioned, the hatred and anger buried deep in her heart would still spew out inadvertently.

Bella has a sentence that speaks to Nami's heart.

Unite all forces that can be united!

Now the revolutionary army's operations in the East China Sea are getting smoother.

In just a few months, the revolutionary army has overthrown the brutal rule of 4 countries that are not members of the world government and laid a certain foundation.


Even so, the strongholds and strength of the revolutionary army on the great route are still worryingly small.

And Bella, who is in charge of the Rose Chamber of Commerce, is worth billions of dollars, and also has the experience of being persecuted by the Tianlong people, is the strength they can unite!
Thinking of this, Nami raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and said to Crowe:

"Captain Crowe, you can act in the battle area by yourself during this time. The Pokémon League Conference is coming. At that time, the world will definitely be in a storm."

"Under the premise that Sabo and the others are not going to participate in the Pokémon League Conference, the two of us will be the only spark left by the Revolutionary Army in the conference."

"You, you have to work hard!"

"Miss Nami, don't worry!"

Crowe nodded seriously.

Smart, he already heard something from Nami's tone, and immediately smiled slightly:

"Then, from now on, I wish Ms. Nami's plan a success!"

Smart people never need too many words when they talk.

After just a few words...

The two figures passed by.

Crowe was once again hiding in the darkness.

And Nami reappeared under the sun with a joyful face, like a child who just found her belonging.



"Mr. Usopp, this is 20 billion Baileys, please take a look!"


In a spacious and luxurious office, Usopp and Bucky squeezed together face to face, staring dumbfounded at Bailey who piled up like a hill in front of him.

Contrary to the performance of these two idiots, Ke Ya with her light and blond hair swiftly glanced over Bailey Mountain.

Just a moment later, Keya's serious face instantly burst into a bright smile like an iceberg melting.

She nodded to Usopp:
"There is no problem with the number."


Usopp choked up, stretched out his hands trembling slightly, and held them tightly with Mond.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation! Hahahaha!!!"

Mond laughed, not belittling Usopp just because he was a child, nor belittling him because of his dementia.

He, Mond, a famous arms dealer on the Great Route, has been impressed by Usopp's talent!

While Mond is an arms dealer, he is actually an avid arms fan!

It is the hobby that supports him step by step to today.

Don't look at his usual rough and naive appearance, but once it comes to topics related to arms, he will seem to be a different person, instantly full of fighting spirit and full of shrewdness!
God knows!
How excited Mond was when he saw Usopp firing the ammunition that stored Pokémon skills!
Turning Pokémon moves into ammunition was a genius idea, and he couldn't stop being obsessed with arms!
As soon as the preliminary competition was over, Mond found Usopp non-stop and expressed his intention to acquire the opponent's ammunition formula.

After nearly a week of thinking, Usopp finally agreed to his request and sold him a formula called "Konoha Star" for 20 billion Baileys.

After receiving the formula written by Usopp, Mond immediately felt like a treasure, and quickly memorized the contents of the formula in his mind, and then destroyed the formula.

Although the formula says that Pokémon that can use grass-type energy are required to cooperate, this is not a difficult problem for Mond, who has a big family and a big business.

"Oh, right!"

Suddenly Mond yelled.

Usopp, who was putting money into the snakeskin bag, was taken aback for a moment, and he raised his head stiffly, fearing that Mond would repent and eat the black.
"What... what's wrong!?"

Mond patted the table and suddenly asked:
"Mr. Usopp, the next step is to prepare to participate in the qualifying round of the Pokémon League competition?"

"Ah?" Usopp was taken aback, and replied, "Yeah, what's wrong?"


Mond said in a slightly deep voice, slowly:

"It's like this. Although I am an arms dealer, I am also in the game and casino business."

"I want to ask Mr. Usopp if he would like to be the image surrogate of our competition. If possible, before the end of the Pokémon League competition, I am willing to pay 1 million Berries per month as a reward! "

Although you have already purchased the formula of Konoha Star, you can find a few trainers with grass-type Pokémon to open the production line of Konoha Star, and sell this magical ammunition to every corner of the Great Airway.

But Mond won't forget...

On Usopp's body, there are still many formulas for special bullets!
Ammunition that can shake the earth, ammunition that can release powerful sound waves, ammunition that can send out powerful slashes...

After 7 days of fighting, Mond was completely fascinated by Usopp's fighting style, and even more fascinated by the four-dimensional pocket-like ammunition bag on his side.

It's a pity that in order to organize the next game, his cash flow is tight, and he can only buy a relatively stable ammunition formula.

But seeing interesting and powerful ammunition slipping away like this is obviously not Mond's style.

That's why he came up with such a way, trying to use money to keep Usopp by his side, and buy more ammunition formulas when the time comes!

not to mention……

Mond had a premonition, and asked this submissive young man in front of him to be the spokesperson of his arms dealer...

Maybe there will be unexpected surprises!

 Thank you for the reward and support of A Kan! ! !

  Thanks~, I am so elegant, and the monthly ticket support of book friend 120525193259255! ! !
  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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