Selling Pokémon from Pirates

× Imagine 172 × Extremely Giant × Gymnasium

× Imagine 172 × Extremely Giant × Gymnasium
The port town of the Kingdom of Alabasta, Rapeseed Blossom.

This port city, which was famous for its perfume production last year, has already become the only legal channel for thousands of tourists to enter the Kingdom of Alabasta.

The huge flow of people has led to the rapid development of the town. In just a few months, the place has become full of tall buildings, which is very splendid!
A year ago, Cobra probably never dreamed that his own country, which is desolate and has a harsh environment, would one day become a world tourist power.



"Is this the place? The Kingdom of Alabasta with the battle zone?"

An inconspicuous small ship slowly docked at the Rapeseed Flower Port, buried among the many large ships around it.

Wearing a black suit and a blue striped tie, Sanji suddenly jumped off the small ship.

Followed by him was a man with a gloomy face carrying a large bag and a small bag.

"Come on, Ajin, go get a map of Alabasta and ask how to get to the battle area."

With anticipation and curiosity, Sanji and Ajin officially stepped into this kingdom which is on the cusp of the world.

At this moment, Sanji can be said to be full of confidence.

For more than a month, with his superb cooking skills and the only restaurant, he made a lot of money in the starting tribe on the upside-down mountain in the form of a monopoly.

They all talk about where the restaurant is opened and what price it sells.

A restaurant on top of an upside-down mountain is no less cherished than the Michelin three-star restaurant on Earth's Pearl of the Orient.

In addition, in line with the natural law of "Everyone is coming", almost every wealthy person who boards the starting point tribe will not miss a meal of local delicacies in this unique place.

In this way, the meal standard of Sanji Restaurant gradually increased. In the end, each meal cost several million at the checkout, and it would be embarrassing to say it!

In just one month, Sanji managed to collect 5 million Bailey's wool in the starting tribe with only his cooking skills.

This terrifying speed of accumulating money directly shocked Sanji.

Immediately afterwards, he immediately contacted Zhefu, without saying anything, but left a message of "people are stupid, there is a lot of money, come quickly".

After receiving the news, Zeff did not directly move Bharati's team here, but he also sent a group of highly skilled cooks to Sanji.

It is precisely for this reason that Sanji was able to escape and start his next journey.

After leaving Klick, a big man, to ensure the security of the restaurant and continue to practice cooking, he brought Ajin and two people to the Kingdom of Alabasta.

With the arrival of Sanji, the trainers in the entire battle area have completely entered the frenzy stage.

Seeing that the Pokémon League Conference is approaching, all the trainers who signed up for the qualifying competition began to sprint crazily during this period.

According to the conference rules set by Lin Luo, when the deadline comes, only the top 32 trainers on the ranking list are eligible to participate in this world-renowned event!

In order to compete for this rare and valuable place, the entire battle area can be said to be a mess.

Except for the few at the top, the strength of the other trainers is almost the same, plus a large number of people gathered...

In the rare official qualifying matches in the past, after the last few days, there are more than ten qualifying matches for the audience to watch almost every day.

And during this extremely lively time, two major events that shocked the world happened one after another in the world outside the battle area.

For a while, the world was dazzled.

The first thing is that the authority of the Big Mom Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, has been challenged!
Under the leadership of Captain Ace, the Supernova Spades Pirates took down 4 islands belonging to the Big Mom Pirates, and fought a battle with the generals sent by the Big Mom Pirates. After winning, they captured Big Mom's son. Then get out of the way.

This made the new world, which had been stable for more than ten years, instantly boil like a bombshell!
Some interested media even discovered the identity of the Ace trainer, and found out a lot of information related to it, and published it in the newspaper.

All of a sudden, it attracted a lot of attention from the world.

Everyone wants to see whether the old brand power of One Piece World is more stable, or the power of Pokémon from another world is stronger.


Before they move the bench and get ready to eat melons,
The second thing that happened suddenly completely shattered the three views of the aborigines in the pirate world!
That is, Whitebeard, one of the four emperors, lost two supernova pirates who were overwhelmed and tried to imitate Ace within a week.

Of course, the point is not Whitebeard's strength, nor the two unlucky pirates who were killed in seconds.

What really astonished the world was...

In the picture in the newspaper, the 40-year-old white beard with blond wavy hair standing with a knife and laughing heartily! ! !
Although there is no tangible evidence to prove it, when some media and organizations compared the photos of Whitebeard 30 years ago, everyone realized one thing...

That is him with the white beard, regaining his youth! ! !
Seeing that the incident was imminent, the Whitebeard Pirates did not choose to remain silent.

Whitebeard took the initiative to stand up, and in an interview with Morgans, the president of the World Economic News, he generously admitted that he had made a deal with the dimensional businessman and regained his youth!
All of a sudden!
The world is shaking!

Whether it's the revolutionary army planning the world government, the hypocritical navy, or the other four emperors in the new world...

In short, as long as anyone has seen the true strength of White Beard, at this moment, there is no one who is not afraid!
God knows, whether this unpredictable sea can still withstand his toss.

It can be said that for a while, Whitebeard's limelight even overshadowed Pokémon.

But what followed were the four characters of Dimensional Merchant, which came into people's eyes again.

With the increase in the number of Pokémon in the sea, the dimensional businessman who had faded out of people's sight and became a background board returned to the world's sight again.

A topic about "What else can't be done by a dimensional businessman?" is the most popular topic in Xitihai.

Because of the return of Whitebeard's strength, the whole new world became tense again.

Even the aunt who has been harassed by Ace repeatedly, she didn't get dizzy and sent more people to trouble Ace.

Instead, they began to shrink the sphere of influence and gather strength to prevent the sudden invasion of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Only those who have truly experienced that era will know how powerful Whitebeard was in its heyday!
They have to guard against it!
And this just happened to give Ace a good respite.

During this period, Ace even made a deal with Lin Luo, exchanging 5000 points with the supplies he snatched from the Big Mom Pirates, and bought a set of Giganta suits.

The reason why I didn't buy other suits was mainly because I was stimulated by the huge fast dragon with white beard, and I had an inexplicable pursuit of becoming bigger and stronger.

And the gigantic charizard also responded to Ace's expectations.

After several confrontations with Big Mom Pirates, Charizard's strength has finally reached the 60th level.

And after the double blessing of fetter evolution and extreme giantization, its strength has reached level 79 under Rotom's evaluation.

Although it has not broken through level 80, it is not considered the world's top combat power, but the level 79 fire-breathing dragon has finally fulfilled a long-cherished wish in its heart...

That is the trainer who defeated him!



Just like that, time flies by.

In a blink of an eye, another two months passed quietly.

In the battle area...

As the qualifying matches progressed, several popular and powerful players gradually appeared!

They are Roronoa Zoro, a three-knife swordsman from the Wolf Warrior family of the Mafia, with 48 victory points in the black iron rank;

Nami, the thunder warrior from the Rose Chamber of Commerce, has 42 victory points in the black iron rank;
Super shooter Usopp from Mond Arms Enterprise, black iron rank, 39 victory points;
And the flame knight Sanji Black Iron from Baroque Sea Restaurant has 45 victory points!

That is to say, after the Four Heavenly Kings, these four rookies have occupied half of the entire battle area in the past two months.

Faintly, some people have even begun to call these four people by the title of the new four heavenly kings.

some of……

Zoro and the Flying Mantis' unstoppable sharp slash, Nami and Pikachu's magnificent thunder and lightning hell, Usopp and the sniper tree owl's incomparable all-round sniper attack, Sanji and the strong chicken burning everything...

No matter which one it is, it will bring the audience an eye-opening and eye-catching visual feast.

In addition to these four people, many outstanding characters appeared in the battle area one after another.

Such as Black Cat Captain Crowe, Pleasure Prince Lauren, etc...

Their strength is also not to be underestimated, following closely behind Sauron and the others, they are closely catching up with the rankings.

It's just that because the way of fighting is not gorgeous enough, and there is no one to brag behind it, it has not caught the attention of too many people.

In the blink of an eye, there is less than a month left before the Pokémon League Conference.

On this day, the audience who came to the battle area to watch the qualifying match suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon...

That is, all the trainers who are qualified to participate in the qualifying competition are all gathered at the gate of the huge pyramid at this time, but they don't go in.

This made many people suddenly become curious, and they all cast their attention.

At the same time, the gathered trainers.

Usopp stood facing Kaya.

"Keya, you have to take care of yourself while I'm away! If someone bullies you, go to Captain Bucky! Although this guy is sometimes unreliable, but during this time In terms of friendship, he will definitely help you!"


Keya squinted and laughed, helped Usopp straighten his lapel, and said softly:

"I got it! Don't worry, Usopp! Don't forget, my current strength is not weaker than that of the sniper tree owl~"

While speaking, Keya suddenly raised her pink hand, turned it into a fist in front of Usopp, and shook it cutely twice.

"Uh...that's true."

Looking at the pink fist in front of him, Usopp's brain couldn't help but recall the scene of Keya throwing a stone and shooting down the tree owl from the sky a few days ago.


Compared with Ke Ya, he himself, who is about to face unknown cultivation, seems to be more worried.



And the other side of the crowd.

Nami, who was surrounded by flowers, was also saying goodbye to a group of reluctant sisters.

I saw Nami also showing a reluctant look, embracing her little sisters one by one.

In just three months, the young and powerful Nami has already become a key figure in the Rose Chamber of Commerce.

Although she doesn't have any real power in name, Nami's status is now second only to Bella, the president of the chamber of commerce.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the vice president was the last one.

And Nami's actions are indeed worthy of such treatment by the chamber of commerce.

After saying goodbye to the other sisters one by one, Nami came to the president of the Rose Chamber of Commerce.

Looking at the charming young woman in front of her, Nami immediately showed a look of reluctance like the little sister next door.

She hugged Bailey suddenly, and gently shook her cheek between the two peaks to express her attachment.

After a while, Nami slowly let go of Bella, and whispered:

"Sister Bella, the business of Ba Dahu gift shop may trouble you in the next period of time."

"Don't worry, Nami!"

Bella patted Nami's hair gently.

Every time she sees Nami's expression like this, she can't help but think that if she has a daughter, she should be about the same age as Nami.

As a result, every time Bella looks at Nami, there will be an inexplicable and unclear emotion hidden in it.

In these two months, Nami can be said to have fully won Bella's trust!

While participating in the qualifying competition to improve her winning points, she also took time to help Bella make suggestions, thinking about the next direction of the chamber of commerce when the unofficial competition did not have much ratings.

The Ba Dahu gift shop is one of the main projects that Nami is currently in charge of.

As one of the new four heavenly kings, Nami has a lot of popularity.

Based on the principle of using all available resources.

After each battle, Nami will show a cute appearance and ask everyone to patronize her shop more.

And a store with celebrity endorsements, the popularity can be imagined!

In this way, the name of Ba Dahu Gift Shop has been completely established among tourists.

The Rose Chamber of Commerce also took the opportunity to make a lot of money during the sluggish period of competition quiz.

It can be said……

Now Bailey is already considering whether to train Nami as the next generation successor of the chamber of commerce.

After receiving Bella's response, Nami immediately smiled sweetly, and said very well:
"Sister Bella is here, of course I feel relieved!"

"Wait for me, Miss Bella!"

"After receiving the special training from the dimensional businessman this time, I will definitely have even stronger power!"

"At that time, I can go to those Tianlong people and avenge our bleak experience in the past!!!"


As soon as Nami's words fell, Bella quickly covered her mouth, looked left and right, and found that no one else noticed Nami's words, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

She hurriedly approached Nami, like a mother scolding her child, whispered:
"You can't say such things, Nami!"

"No matter what, this sea is the sea of ​​the Tianlong people after all! The world is also the world of the Tianlong people!"


Nami smiled confusedly:
"I heard that the revolutionary army is gaining momentum recently. There are rumors in the sea that they are provoking the authority of the world government and liberating those oppressed countries like the Kingdom of Hyde."

"Maybe, maybe they will help us take revenge!"

"What!? The Revolutionary Army and the others...!?"

Bailey was taken aback for a moment, his eyes blurred for a moment.

But in the next second, she flicked Nami's head lightly and said:
"No matter how the revolutionary army is, we are just a small chamber of commerce on the great route, and the Tianlong people are not something people like us can afford to provoke."


Nami looked at Bella and said softly:
"We can join the Revolutionary Army, Sister Bella!"

 Thanks to Riding Shark Donghai and Zhuge Damao for their monthly support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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