Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 173 Emergency training before the game

Chapter 173 Emergency special training before the game (please subscribe!!!)

Join the Revolutionary Army?
Hearing Nami's suggestion, Bella was stunned for a moment.

If it was put in the past, this kind of idea that has nothing to do with her would never have appeared in her mind.

But recently, for some unknown reason, there have been more and more discussions about the revolutionary army around her...

From the ideas of the Revolutionary Army to the recent actions of the Revolutionary Army, they will always be regarded as gossip by the sisters around them.

So much so that she sometimes involuntarily became curious, wanting to see if there was any new movement by the Revolutionary Army recently.

However, such a thing as joining the Revolutionary Army is of no benefit to Bella, a big businessman who is used to being free and undisciplined.


They could really kill a few Celestial Dragons for the world to see.

Thoughts flashed, Bella didn't pay much attention to this point, she just patted her hair lightly, smiled slightly, and led the topic to other places.

at the same time.

Not far from the crowd, many trainers including Zoro and Sanji, like Nami and Usopp, are saying goodbye to their relatives and friends, as if they are about to go far away .

And the reason why this scene happened is that it started with an invitation announcement from the mobile phone Rotom yesterday evening.



Back to yesterday's dinner time.

Tourists who had watched the day's match crowded the commercial street outside the battle area as usual.

And in the training room of the Mafia Wolf Warriors family.

Sauron, who finished his sword training with the Flying Mantis, shook off the sweat on his body, and was about to take a rest.

But right now.

The mobile phone Rotom that he placed on the side cabinet suddenly flew over, the screen lit up, and a voice and text message was sent to him:
[Dear Pokémon League contestant Roronoa Zoro, hello! 】

[In order to ensure the smooth convening of the Pokémon League Conference and bring a grand battle feast to One Piece World, we are hereby sending invitations to all trainers participating in the Pokémon League Tournament Qualifying Tournament for a period of 30 days emergency training. 】

[During the special training period, you need to pay 20 points per day, and the contestants can agree on their own qualifying matches to improve their ranks. 】

[Special training location: Tenjin Gymnasium. 】

【Special training time: X month X day, 1519 in the lunar calendar. 】

【Do you accept the special training invitation? 】


Seeing the message prompt that suddenly appeared, Sauron suddenly showed a dazed look on his face.

It wasn't until he carefully read the information on the screen three times that he understood...

This seems to be an official training camp?
Thinking of this, Sauron was overjoyed instantly.

Zoro, who was once defeated by Suicune, knew very well that with the current strength of him, the double scabbards and the Flying Mantis, there would be no waves in this Pokémon League meeting.

Even Cobra, who ranks third among the Four Heavenly Kings, can make them so ugly. Sauron really can't imagine how powerful Ace who can defeat Cobra and Garp who can instantly kill Cobra will be!

No matter how you look at it, he seems to have lost his chance to do well in this conference.


Sauron is not reconciled! ! !

He, the flying mantis and the double scabbards came to the great route from the East China Sea, experienced ups and downs on the way, and encountered many powerful enemies.

In the end, it can only become the background board of this grand event, standing on the loser's seat and watching others shine on the podium...

This makes a swordsman who is extremely proud in his heart, how can he be at ease!

Even if the hope is slim, even if the road ahead is dark, but he still wants to make a breakthrough!
This is also the reason why he is still striving to practice with Flying Mantis despite not having a ranked battle.

And after seeing the prompt from Rotom on the phone, Sauron's eyes burst into a sharp light.

With his current progress rate, it is almost impossible to achieve the strength to defeat Cobra and Suicune in the Pokémon League Convention.


If it is in the special training set up by the dimensional merchants...

Maybe his strength will grow by leaps and bounds! ?

With a thought, Sauron pointed his finger on the [Yes] button without hesitation.

Immediately, another pop-up window popped up on the mobile phone Rotom:
[Trainer Roronoa Sauron has successfully signed up for emergency special training. Please go to the entrance of the Spirit Center in the battle area at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning and wait for the response. 】



At the same time, all the contestants of the Pokémon League Tournament in the battle area received the same message.

But it was such a simple message that made all the trainers who were actively working hard for the Pokémon League Conference boil up in an instant!

The special training price of 600 points is not an expensive expenditure for those traders who can reach the VIP2 level.

And if these 600 points can be exchanged for a leap in strength, regardless of whether it is useful for the Pokémon League Conference, it is very cost-effective for many people.

At this moment, except for a few trainers who were not interested in the Pokémon League Conference, almost everyone chose to accept the invitation.



Time goes back to the present.

The hot sun in the desert is like a volcanic eruption, covering everyone with scorching breath.

But in this bad weather, none of the dozens of people at the gate of the battle area complained.

Instead, they looked forward to it one by one, just like welcoming noble guests, waiting for the arrival of their guide.

"Has the person sent by Master Lin Luo not come yet?"

A gentle man holding a pocket watch stretched out his hand to block the sunlight in the sky, and looked towards the distant horizon.

Until now, they still don't know how the dimensional businessman will pick them up to the special training place.

But presumably with Lord Lin Luo's usual style, the scene will definitely be very spectacular!
And right now!
From high in the sky, above the clouds, there was a deafening thunderous sound.

Rumble boom! ! !

The huge sound instantly made everyone's hearts tremble.

Everyone immediately looked up.

next second.

The scene that stunned everyone appeared!
I saw a huge island above the distant sky, like a meteorite smashed into the clouds, smashing the few clouds in an instant, and falling down at a high speed.

In just a dozen seconds, the island had already landed on top of their heads.

Huge shadows hang over the battle area, offering shade to hot areas.

But the trainers waiting at the gate of the battle area at this time were not in the mood to enjoy this rare shadow at all.

"God... oh my god! An island is about to be smashed down!!!"

The gentle trainer's eyes widened, and he looked at the island flying towards them in disbelief, his legs were trembling uncontrollably, and he let out a horrified wail.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the expressions of the others did not budge.

The huge island is still falling fast.

Only a few people were not frightened by this sudden change.

For example Sanji.

Feeling the strong wind pressure above his head, he just gently blocked the strong wind with his hands, and lit the cigarette in his mouth.

"come yet?"

He looked at the huge island above his head calmly, but seemed to feel that the noisy voices around him were too noisy, so he closed his ears with disdain.

In fact, anyone with a little concentration can discover the unusualness of that island at this moment.

The exquisite appearance and regular shape, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an ordinary island.

Combined with the reminder given by Rotom on the phone yesterday, Sanji is very sure...

That flying island must have come from a dimensional businessman.

as predicted.

Just when the huge wind pressure was blowing above everyone's heads, the huge island suddenly hovered in the sky above everyone, at a height of [-] meters.

Before everyone could recover from their panic, a spiral staircase without any protective measures suddenly extended down from the bottom of the island and landed directly in front of everyone.

Immediately, a 3D stereo surround sound from Rotom came from the sky:

"All the trainers who signed up for the emergency special training are requested to line up and board the Tenjin Gymnasium in an orderly manner, and do not trample and crowd."


Rotom's voice fell, and everyone looked at me and I looked at you, with a confused face.

Most of the people here are ordinary people. At most, they are wealthy and richer than other people. They have never seen such a magical and unreal scene, and they dare not be the first person to eat crabs.

After all, the height of [-] meters is enough to smash them into meat paste.


Just when everyone was hesitating, there were several figures among the crowd who pushed aside the obstacles in front of them and walked towards the spiral staircase.

"It's Sauron!"

Looking at the iconic green algae head, someone in the crowd immediately recognized the identity of the first warrior.

Immediately afterwards, they suddenly discovered that Sanji and Nami, both known as the new Four Heavenly Kings, were also walking towards the steep spiral staircase.

All of a sudden!
People's first reaction was not why they were so brave, but to look at one of the new four heavenly kings who was trembling in the center of the crowd with blurred eyes... Usopp, the super shooter.



"Every...why do you look at me?"

Feeling the gazes from all around, Usopp's heart trembled suddenly.

But he realized that everyone present seemed to be waiting for his appearance as the last new Four Heavenly King, as if it was some kind of ceremony.

Looking up at the [-]-meter-high spiral staircase, Usopp choked up a sob, then stepped forward with feet like lead ingots.

Although he felt that he should be suffering from the disease of "climbing to high altitudes and dying", but as an extremely face-saving person, even if he died, he had to pretend to be forced!
"Hehe! It's just the first test, so it's hard for you?"

Usopp, whose mouth was trembling, used his strong control to keep his tone as calm as possible. After putting down a cruel sentence, he immediately walked towards the direction of the spiral staircase.

Leave a chic back for everyone to admire.

"The first test?"

Hearing the words left by Usopp, the trainers present were instantly enlightened...

It turns out that this high-altitude spiral ladder is actually a test for them by the dimensional merchants?

That's right, after all, it's an emergency special training for dimensional merchants, so how can anyone just take part in it?

All of a sudden!
Everyone focused on Usopp's back again.

In the crowd, someone immediately sighed:
"It is worthy of being one of the new four heavenly kings. Not only did he remain calm and composed in the face of the test of the dimensional businessman, but he even told us such important information."

"Yeah, I used to think that Usopp was not worthy of the title of the new Four Heavenly Kings, but now that I look at it, it's me who judges the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!"

Under the leadership of Usopp, some other trainers also immediately stepped forward and walked towards the terrifying spiral staircase.



And at the same time.

In the control room of the Tenjin Gymnasium, watching the crowd driven by Usopp's words.

Ainilu, who was sitting next to Lin Luo, couldn't help but nodded, and his eyes focused on Usopp.

"This kid seems to be quite a leader."

Ai Nilu sighed with emotion, and immediately asked Lin Luo who was sitting beside him to say hello.

"Leadership? Usopp?"

Lin Luo looked at Enilo with a funny expression, and reminded him:
"Otherwise, you can try Xinwang to see what he really thinks?"


Enilu was stunned for a moment, and blinked for no reason, but obediently activated his knowledgeable arrogance.

Immediately, a crying voice came into his heart.

"My god! Why is it so high!!! I don't want to climb anymore!!! Help!!! Who will save me!?..."


After sensing Usopp's inner world, Enel suddenly showed black lines on his face.

Taking advantage of the situation, he expanded his domineering aura, and probed towards Zoro, Sanji, and Nami.

In an instant, the black lines on his face became thicker.

"How dare this brat stand in the same position as the other three!? New Four Heavenly Kings!? That's it?"

Anilu said that those who don't want the eyes of the audience in the battle area can already be donated to those in need.

He actually chose a cowardly person to be his idol.

However, facing Enilo's disdain for Usopp, Lin Luo has a different opinion.

I saw him chuckling and shaking his head:

"You can't say that..."

"It is respectable for a fearless person to climb the peak bravely, but a timid person still dares to take his own steps, knowing that there are dangers ahead. Isn't this a kind of bravery?"

Lin Luo smiled lightly.

Although Usopp's character makes him embarrassing and useful.

But sometimes I have to admit that it is people like Usopp who are more representative of ordinary people.

And it was Usopp who took the lead, and the other trainers in the battle area had the courage to take this first step.

In fact, Lin Luo had already taken protective measures on the spiral staircase.

Most of these people are high-quality customers with a net worth of 10 billion Baileys. When they are in danger, Lin Luo has no time to protect them, so how can it be possible to watch them fall from a high altitude.

The reason why such a dangerous spiral staircase was set up is to make these people prepare in advance for this special training in their hearts!
And as for why such a special training is suddenly held when the conference is approaching...

The main reason is that Lin Luo suddenly realized a very serious problem a few days ago.

That is, judging from the current situation, the final result of this competition is actually not too different from the current qualifying result, and there is almost no reversal.

After all, Garp and Ace's strength lies there.

After Whitebeard made it clear that he did not intend to compete, the first and second places were almost the result of the two not running.

Then there is Cobra with Suicune, and Robin with Sun Elf.

After that, there will be the new Four Heavenly Kings headed by Sauron...

The major media made early predictions on the results of the conference based on the divisions of the qualifying rounds.

So much so that Lin Luo suddenly realized that the final result of this game seemed to have nothing to watch.

And without something to watch, it means that there is no expectation.

This is not in line with Lin Luo's original intention of organizing this game.

It was also after realizing this that he immediately made a decision...

Special training!Special training is required! ! !
Now Garp, under the arrangement of the Warring States Period, is going to the base of the Revolutionary Army to discuss matters related to dealing with the World Government, so he definitely won't be able to spare time.

Even if they want to come, Warring States will not agree.

And Ace is continuing to gather the power islands scattered by Big Mom, and the harvest is extraordinary, and he will definitely not give up this great situation to participate in some special training.

Robin is still in Baihua Island, and in order to reproduce O'Hara, he puts all his heart on the high income of the gorgeous contest.

As the king of a country, Cobra cannot leave Alabasta for a long time.

The active players in the first half seem to have their own things to do at this moment.

Lin Luo can just take this opportunity to make a small fuss for these little guys who are not considered strong.

Not to mention that they can pull their combat power to the world's top level like Ace...

At least let them show something different in this competition, right?
Just right, now the bond evolution has started...

Lin Luo intends to take this opportunity to change the traditional fighting style of Pirate World!

By that time, there might be such a dialogue on the sea:
what! ?Are you still eating the devil fruit cursed by the sea?
Is it fun to turn into a landlubber after eating and be easily restrained by Hai Loushi?
How about raising Pokémon?

Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electricity, Ice, Bug, Flying, Ground, Rock, Fighting, Superpower, Ghost, Poison, Evil, Steel, Dragon, Fairy...

18 kinds of attributes are covered in all directions!

Once the fetters evolve, you can have whatever ability you want!
Devil Fruit?

Dogs don't eat!

 Thanks to 0 Hell Puppet Master 0 for the monthly ticket support! ! !
  This teacher Kai can clean up...

  Looking at it this way, there are really no bad guys in the Pirate World...

  Except Momanosuke!
(End of this chapter)

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