Chapter 174 The beginning of the relationship between the green algae head and the curly-haired monster (please subscribe!!!)
A hundred meters above the sky, a green figure stepped over the last step like lightning, and stepped on the marble floor tiles of the Tenjin Gymnasium.

Sauron looked around and suddenly found a huge open space all around.

Only directly in front of him, about a kilometer away from him, was a majestic and magnificent building.

Around the building, there is a lifelike five-clawed dragon surrounded by carvings.

The Shenlong was staring at him with bright scarlet eyes at this moment, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Before Sauron took a closer look, a voice that seemed to come from the depths of his soul suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Come to the hall."

Hearing this familiar voice, Sauron's eyes flickered for a moment.

"Lord Lin Luo?"

After murmuring in doubt, he immediately tidied up his appearance.

Although he didn't know what would greet him, Sauron still walked forward obediently.

But suddenly, an invisible force suddenly exerted on Sauron's shoulders, like a mountain, making his steps forward suddenly stop, as difficult as a lead ingot.

"This...what's going on here!?"

Sauron struggled to maintain his body, not letting himself be overwhelmed by the sudden force.

He asked puzzledly.

And at this moment, Lin Luo's voice came from Sauron's mind again:
"This is the second test, the gravity field."

"On the road from the entrance to the main hall, I have imposed special laws."

"The gravity on your body is just the maximum that your physical body can bear. Only by withstanding this pressure can you continue to move forward..."

"And if you want to accelerate forward, you have to constantly push the limit."

"You can choose to go little by little at a speed that suits your body, or you can try to push your limits and increase your speed."

"In the end, the person who arrives at the main hall the fastest will get a small gift from me."


"Come on, young man!"


The voice in my head stopped abruptly.

But Sauron, whose whole body was suppressed by gravity, realized it instantly.

"A gravitational field that needs to withstand the limit to move forward!?"

"Master Lin Luo can even do this kind of thing?"

After feeling a sigh in his heart, Sauron's eyes suddenly showed an unyielding light.

"As long as you continue to accelerate, can you break through the limit of your body?"

"This test seems to be a very perfect place to practice!"

Zoro, who has been training his body for many years, not only did not feel any difficulty in the gravity that reached the limit of his body, but he also began to think about it.

After lightly licking his lips, Sauron suddenly discovered that he had already started to like this place.

You don't need to spend a lot of money to customize training equipment, as long as you can move normally on this land, you can achieve the result of practicing hard.

In the world, apart from here, where else is there such a good thing!

Even though the dark green short boots fell down.

Sauron took a step forward abruptly.

Although this step was only a short distance of less than 50 centimeters, Ai Nilu, who was by Lin Luo's side, suddenly stood up with an unbelievable look on his face!

"He He……"

Enilu stretched out his finger, looked at Sauron who had already taken the second step with surprise on his face, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

To know……

After Linluo built the Tianshen Temple, Anilu was the first guinea pig to try these practice facilities.

At that time, in order to take the first step, he had to brew for more than a minute before adapting to the gravity on his body and took a small step forward.

This level is not a test of physical strength, but a person's resilience and talent.

Being able to be valued by the dimensional businessman, Enilo thinks that his talent has reached the top of the world.

But now, a green-headed boy who just popped up at random has created such a feat.

This dealt a big blow to Enilo, who still felt that he was superior just now.

On the other hand, Lin Luo, with a slight smile on his face, waved his hand lightly, and said with a smile:
"Don't make too much fuss, Enel."

"Roronoa Zoro is a person who is qualified to reach the top of the world. It is not enough to have such potential."

After all, he is a man who can grow up to cut Kaido at the age of 21.

Whether it is the favor of the will of the world or Sauron's own efforts, his future will eventually shock many people.

"Roronoa Zoro..."

Enil murmured the name, as if he wanted to keep the name firmly in his heart, his eyes widened, and he stared closely at Sauron who took another step forward and walked forward.

Time passed little by little.

After Zoro, Sanji, who is also physically strong, also boarded the entrance of the Tenshin Gymnasium.

The same voice, like a programmed program, explained to him the rules of the gravitational field ahead.

"Gravity Field?"

Seeing Zoro who had walked a few meters ahead, Sanji's eyes froze instantly.

Ever since he was defeated by Sauron last time, he has always harbored grievances.

It was also from then on that he gave up his culinary skills and concentrated on his cultivation.

For some reason, in Sanji's heart, he always wants to compete with the weird guy in front of him, and he can't help but get angry when he sees him.

"Damn green algae head!"

Spit the cigarette in his mouth to the ground, as if the cigarette butt was Zoro in front of him, Sanji stepped on it fiercely, and rubbed the cigarette butt vigorously with the complex textured sole.

The jet-black leather shoes stepped out in an instant. Although it took a little less time than Sauron, the decisive speed still surprised Enil in the monitoring center.

He left Lin Luo beside him guiltily, and couldn't help but start to worry about whether he would lose his job as a dimensional businessman's assistant because of his poor performance.

Good thing...

The few people who came after that made Enilu breathe a sigh of relief.

Neither Nami nor Usopp acted too shocking.

Just move forward little by little under the existing pressure.

This relieved the restless Enilu immediately.

Next, one after another, people boarded the Tianshen Taoist Hall, but without exception, no one had a brilliant performance.

Time soon came to noon, and the trainer at the end of the team came to the entrance panting.

"Huh...huh...I'm really exhausted."

As a son of a nobleman who needs to be served by others all the year round, Viscount Kevin said that today he almost finished his year's exercise in one day.

Fortunately, although he is useless, he eats well, drinks well, and his physical strength is not bad, so he finally boarded the entrance of the Tenjin Gymnasium.

But as soon as he raised his head, he saw a large group of people ahead of him, who were gritting their teeth fiercely as if they were constipated.

Not long after, Viscount Kevin joined the constipated ranks.



Time passed little by little.


In the monitoring center, Lin Luo looked at Zoro and Sanji who were walking at the front of the line, with an expression of appreciation on his face.

"I remember you walked this road for three hours, right?"


Enel was taken aback in embarrassment, and then replied with some shame:

"Yes, it is."

The real results are there, and Enilo can't deny it at all.

"Is that so..."

Lin Luo chuckled, but his eyes were fixed on Sauron who was about to reach the finish line.

Exactly two hours have passed since he started this gravity test.

During these two hours, Sauron broke through his own limit three times, and his speed became faster and faster!

And the distance between Sauron and the main hall is only the last fifth.

In other words, if Sauron maintained his current state during the final journey, he would arrive at the hall within 2 hours and 30 minutes.

It's 30 minutes faster than Aini Road!

And if he makes another breakthrough in the last distance, his results will be even more terrifying!
What's even more frightening is that just behind Sauron, there is actually a blond boy following closely behind at a speed that Enilo can't understand.

If there is no accident, this blond boy named Sanji should also complete the test within 3 hours.

Is this the vast world that Lin Luo talked about?
Although transactions with Qinghai people have already begun, most of the transaction partners selected by Anilo are wealthy businessmen.

Judging from his performance, Enilo is undoubtedly very successful.

But for those who traded with Enilo, their lifetime achievements almost came to an end.

Unless they invest more resources in Pokémon, it will be difficult for them to achieve much.

In fact, this is the case for many of these people in the gravitational field today.

And what Lin Luo has to do is to let these people who have been unable to make progress bloom new vitality again!
Points are important, but being able to change the perception of the world through Pokémon is what Lin Luo wants to do most at the moment.



"It's... almost here..."

In the gravitational field, Sauron's eyes were wet with sweat, and through the hazy refracted light, he could vaguely see the gate of the main hall right in front of him.

But it was this one step away that made Sauron feel as difficult as ever!

After several limit breakthroughs, Sauron only felt that he was carrying a few huge mountains on his back. Even if he wanted to move a centimeter more, it was extremely difficult.

The surrounding air seemed to have become thickened, making it difficult for him to inhale into his lung cavity.

In fact, as long as Sauron stabilizes the current speed, he is 100% sure to reach the finish line.


He is not willing!

He doesn't want to give up this excellent opportunity, even though he has broken through his own limit many times along the way, but this is not enough! ! !

He is even faster!It can also be stronger!
With the advent of the new era, there are still so many strong men in front of him, how could he be content with the status quo!

Kuina in Huangquan is looking at her!
boom! ! !
A heat wave-like steam suddenly burst out from every pore on Sauron's body.

Sauron was overjoyed instantly!
He is very familiar with this feeling!
Because just now, he has experienced it several times.

This feeling of expanding blood vessels...

I broke through again!
A arrogant smile suddenly appeared on Sauron's sweat-soaked face.

And he does have this arrogant capital!

The dark green boots stepped forward again.

The speed of walking was a little bit faster than before.



At the same time, in the monitoring center.

"They... have broken through again?"

Enel stared numbly at Sauron who broke through again.

At his current speed, it is very likely that the final time will be controlled within 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Enil, who has personally experienced such extraordinary pressure, knows very well how terrifying Sauron is who can do this!
If just now, he might have thought that Sauron's talent might be one level higher than his own...

So Sauron, who was able to break through again, had completely left him behind with his talent.

But before Enilu's numb heart returned to normal, a crimson figure caught his attention instantly.



bake! ! !
A fiery breath suddenly permeated the entire gravity field.


Lin Luo's eyes suddenly lit up, and when he waved his hand, the heat in the gravity field dissipated instantly, and slowly condensed on a person.

And this person is Vinsmoke Sanji, who is closely following Sauron, and has blood factor technology in his body!
Although Sanji tried his best to deny his family lineage, the power of Vinsmoke's scientific research did indeed flow in his body.

Now, this power, under this huge pressure, finally broke out!

A roar like flames erupted from Sanji's throat.

Seeing Zoro in front of him speeding up again, thoughts of unwillingness also flooded Sanji's body.

Obviously when he just came up, Sauron only walked two or three meters longer than him.

But the gap between them now is nearly [-] meters away.

He didn't want to admit that he was weak, but behind the green algae head in front of him, he was like a complete waste.

Looking at Zoro who repeatedly broke through the limit in front of him, Sanji finally understood...

A normal human body cannot catch up with this green algae head.

so he……

Stop being a normal human being!
At this moment, the "bloodline factor" hidden in his body was completely activated.

Endless energy nourishes every cell of Sanji.

The extremely resolute exoskeleton, the super terrifying recovery power, and the unique power of fire...

All the powers that had been hidden for a long time finally emerged under this endless pressure.

Although he thought that this power might come from Vinsmoke, under the tremendous pressure and the competition with Sauron, Sanji couldn't control that much anymore!
The jet black leather shoes suddenly stepped out!

Immediately afterwards, Sanji seemed to have upgraded and evolved, moving forward step by step, faster and faster.

This miraculous scene immediately made Enilu's expression change again.

Just because Sanji's speed at this time has surpassed Zoro.

The distance between the two is constantly getting closer.

And I don't know if Sauron felt the hot breath coming from behind.

Just as the finish line was approaching, his speed actually increased again! ! !

At this moment, Enilu didn't want to make any more expressions at all.

Forget it.

Tired, destroy it.

He is really suspicious now, did Lin Luo's praise of him before deceive him in order to make him an assistant?

Looking at the talented people who appeared one after another, Enilo felt that he was so ordinary for the first time.

In this regard, Lin Luo, who felt the strange gaze of Anilu, just smiled slightly.

His eyes were filled with surprise as he looked at Zoro and Sanji who were about to arrive at the hall.

Although he knew that Zoro and Sanji would be very strong, they were able to break through the limit again and again, to the point that even he was shocked, which made Lin Luo have to guess again...

Sauron and the others, how much power of the world's origin is contained in them.

Like Bailey and Devil Fruit, people in Pirate World are also one of the carriers of the world's original power.

It's just that some people have very little original power.

Some people contain a surprising amount of original power.

In the world of pirates, the amount of original power in people like Sauron does not mean how powerful this person will become.

It can only show that the world has made more arrangements for them.

But if you go to other worlds, without the shackles of the Pirate World...

The original power in Sauron's body will completely become their own power!

This power will not make them instantly stronger, but will turn into talent, hidden in Sauron's body.

For example, in the world of Naruto, with the blessing of the original power, Sauron will become a super genius who knows all the sword skills at first sight and is strong once he uses them!

Sanji might turn into a ninjutsu genius too.

"Thinking about it, it seems quite interesting."

Lin Luo suddenly smiled and murmured.

"When I have a chance in the future, I can arrange a time travel mission for them to play."

Just thinking about it, Lin Luo felt that the plot was enough to write an online novel.

The title of the book is: "About Pirate Characters Traveling to the Naruto World and Being Invincible"!


Just as Lin Luo was planning his future plans, a sound of his body falling to the ground suddenly reached his ears.

Lin Luo withdrew his thoughts, and suddenly realized that Sauron had walked out of the gravity field before he knew it, and was the first to arrive at the hall.

Elapsed time: 2 hours and 14 minutes.

And Sanji, who followed closely behind, although he exerted strength in the later stage, his speed was even much faster than Sauron, but he lagged behind too much in the early stage.

In the end, I only completed this test with a score of 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Like Zoro, Sanji, who had exploded his physical potential, passed out without even the strength to speak as soon as he arrived at the main hall.

It seems that although the power of the bloodline factor has enhanced his physical fitness, the mental consumption of him cannot be underestimated.

Lin Luo looked up and looked behind, and found that even Usopp, who was the third place, seemed to need at least 4 hours to complete the challenge.

Lin Luo immediately waved his hand:

"Take them to rest first, and when they wake up, bring them to see me."

"Obey, Master Lin Luo!"

Anilu responded in a low voice instantly, and immediately showed a complex expression, using electromagnetic force to control two stretchers to lift them up and transport them to the rear lounge.

Suddenly, Sauron who was lying on the stretcher seemed to regain some strength, opened his mouth slightly, and murmured in a small but firm voice:

"I... am the first!"

 Thanks to Qisha Donghai, girl, you bit my mouth, what a joke, and book friend 20210309291039559 for their monthly support! ! !
  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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