Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 175 The Significance of Special Training

Chapter 175 The Significance of Special Training

How heavy is the pressure that reaches the limit of the human body?

If it was two hours ago, Usopp might only show a blank face when facing this question.

But now, he can tell you clearly...

The extreme pressure of the human body is like countless chains extending from the void, imprisoning your body so heavily!
tick tock...tick tock...

Drops of turbid sweat fell from Usopp's long nose and broke into eight petals on the ground.

Unlike Sauron and Sanji, who broke through and accelerated all the way, Usopp's body does not have such a strong talent to support him to do these things.

All he could do was to strengthen his beliefs and take every step, step by step, under great pressure.

Not giving up is already his only belief at this time.

But the others behind Usopp were already panting from exhaustion.

For Nami, who has never done physical training, she has to rest for a few minutes every time she takes a step.

In a short period of time, there is almost no hope of completing the test.

Even a person like Crowe with a certain amount of strength in himself is not as strong as Usopp in the face of the gravity that has reached the limit of his body, and he must stop for a while between every few steps.

As for those merchant trainers, there is no need to say more. If the passage to go back has not been closed, they really want to turn around and go back to the ground to escape this crushing hell.

Fortunately, most people came based on the principle of coming, even if they could only move a little each time, they did not give up this rare opportunity.

Finally, the morning passed.

With Usopp doing his best, he took the last step of the gravity field.

The final score is 3 hours and 55 minutes.

It has to be said that Usopp surprised Lin Luo a little at the end.

Who would have thought that he would run steadily for 980 meters, and in the last 20 meters when he was about to reach the finish line, he would magically break through the limit of his body.

It should be said that he is a player who always stands in surprise, and can always make unexpected behaviors.

Moreover, it is different from Zoro and Sanji who passed out as soon as they reached the finish line.

After arriving at the main hall, Usopp suddenly put his hands on his knees, bent over like a long-distance runner, and breathed heavily.


Usopp's talent is indeed not as good as that of Sauron and Sanji, but his resilience allowed him to survive in an environment surrounded by a group of monsters.

With the body of a mortal, it is comparable to the gods.

This is what Lin Luo appreciates about him.

"Congratulations, Usopp."

A phantom passed by, and Lin Luo suddenly appeared in the hall, came to Usopp, and greeted him with a smile.

"Master Lin Luo!!!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Usopp's expression froze suddenly, and he immediately raised his head and said respectfully:

"Long time no see, Master Lin Luo!"

"Well, it's been a long time."

Although through the mobile phone Rotom, Lin Luo can know everything that happened around Usopp.

But for Usopp, since the first transaction, he has not seen Lin Luo for a year.

After inspecting Usopp's physical condition, Lin Luo couldn't help showing approval.

"That's right, so much stamina is still preserved, I really didn't misread you, Usopp."

"It seems that I should be more demanding of you."


Usopp was taken aback for a moment.

Hearing Lin Luo's praise, he wanted to cheer in his heart, but after hearing Lin Luo's next words, his face instantly turned livid.

"Thanks to Master Lin Luo's wrong love!"

"Actually...Actually, I'm extremely tired now!"

"So it's aggravating or something... I don't want to bother Mr. Lin Luo..."

"Cough cough!!"

The pale-faced Usopp bent his body, pretended to be tired, and coughed twice.

Just a small test is already so exhausting, and Usopp doesn't have the guts to accept the heavy pressure that Lin Luo put on him.


Usopp's little trick can't fool Lin Luo.

Facing Usopp's refusal, Lin Luo just smiled lightly, glanced at him with inexplicable eyes, and waved to Enilu behind him.

Enilo understood instantly, stepped forward and said:

"Usopp, right?"

"Congratulations on completing the gravity field test, follow me next, and I will take you to your dormitory to have a look."

"Ah? Okay, okay, trouble lord."

In order to avoid extra training, Usopp hurriedly took a step forward, and after bending over to Lin Luo for a gesture, he quickly followed Enilo to the rest area at the back of the main hall.

Don't dare to stay for a moment.

Only Lin Luo was still staring at Usopp's back with a smile on his face.

Want to avoid extra training?

If it is someone else, it is possible.

But Usopp, that is the person who was written by Lin Luo in the small book long before he boarded the Tenjin Dojo.

With this extra training, even if he wanted to run, he couldn't!

The trainers who are now on the list are either like Karp, who are powerful and not afraid of any powerful enemies, or like Ace and Sauron, who are talented and can quickly become stronger in a short period of time.

They are all legends in the world of pirates, and they are destined to leave a strong mark in the history books.

It can be said that even if there is no Pokémon, they will get their current status sooner or later.

One or two is fine.

But now there are too many top players, how can this highlight the contribution of Pokémon to the world of pirates?
So when thinking of this question, Usopp's figure instantly appeared in Lin Luo's mind.

It's true that Usopp's talent is equally impressive, whether it's super-long-distance precision and arrogance, or his superb sniping skills, or his magical weapon-making ability, it all shows that his talent is far beyond ordinary people.

But there is one thing...

That is his talent, his sense of existence is too low!
It is difficult for ordinary people to find the shining points in him.

And Lin Lu can take advantage of this.

Just imagine, in the Pokémon League Conference, a trash character recognized by everyone, relying on the power brought by Pokémon, passed five levels in the game, defeated six generals, and overcame obstacles along the way, defeating a large number of strong one by one. Cut off the horse...

This kind of visual impact and drama is definitely more eye-catching than the simple fight of the strong, and it can prove the power of Pokémon!
What's more, anyway, it was Usopp who was injured during the extra training, not him.

Lin Luo suddenly pursed his lips and murmured a smile: "All this is for your own good, Mr. Usopp, you will know in the future."



Two hours have passed since Usopp completed the test.

At this time, the Tianshen Gymnasium has already returned to the sky.

Without the protection of the clouds, the dazzling sunlight is like a flame piercing the void, spreading the suffocating heat evenly in the gravitational field, on each of the testers.

Just when the testers couldn't bear the heat and were about to faint.

In the mighty sky, the divine dragon hovering around the main hall suddenly seemed to come to life, exhaled a long mouthful of green breath, and rushed towards everyone present.

This green breath is like a handful of sweet springs in the desert, nourishing everyone's heart, and giving the testers who are about to lose their strength, the courage to move on again.

Time passed bit by bit.

Until the sun was about to set, finally...

Nami, who lived up to expectations, was forced to save face, and watched the three who were also the new Four Heavenly Kings complete the test one after another, and finally began to work hard, becoming the fourth person to complete the test.

Elapsed time: 6 hours and 15 minutes.

"Congratulations, Miss Nami."

As before, at the moment Nami completed the trial, Lin Luo appeared again to greet her.

In line with the principle of being compassionate and cherishing jade, he deliberately mobilized a little life force, so as not to let Nami faint on the ground.

If Usopp is a diamond in the rough that Lin Luo is about to polish, then Nami is definitely a diamond that has been hardcovered!
Her Pikachu has not only aroused the power of the mind to stimulate the potential, but also has the double power increase of the electric ball.

It can be said……

Today's Pikachu is the only Pokémon among these few people who has the strength to defeat Cobra's Suicune!

However, in order to confuse Bella, Nami seems to have been hiding her strength and did not go all out.

Lin Luo believes that after this one-month special training, Pikachu's strength will definitely shock the whole world!
"Lord Lin Luo!"

Seeing Lin Luo, Nami's face suddenly brightened.

Since borrowing the half-price BUFF from the Revolutionary Army, Nami has exchanged various supplies during this time.

With the support of the Revolutionary Army, Nami is now an out-and-out VIP3 member. With the help of half-price BUFF, she has selected a variety of high-strength skills for Pikachu.

The skill that Lin Luo sells is not a simple CD, and then let Pokémon learn by itself.

Instead, at the moment of deciding to buy, in the form of a memory, it directly appears in Pokémon's mind.

Especially under the guidance of the well-informed Ba Dahu, today's Pikachu has an astonishingly strong tactical reserve.

Even if it is the Three Holy Birds of the Revolutionary Army, if they are not careful, they may suffer a big loss in the hands of Pikachu!

As a result, Nami's status in the Revolutionary Army has risen steadily, second only to Krall, who grew up in the Revolutionary Army.

And to be able to get to this point today, and to resurrect her own mother, of course Nami will not forget who bestowed all of this.

So for Lin Luo, she is more grateful than anyone else.

"Master Lin Luo, I'm really sorry, my talent is too bad, I'm ashamed of you!"

Thinking that she was so long behind Usopp to reach the finish line, Nami immediately blushed and blamed herself in shame.

"It's ok."

Lin Luo chuckled, comforting the diamond in front of him and said:

"Everyone has things they are good at and not good at, and your talent is no less than anyone else's."

"As long as it is used reasonably, it can also shock the world."

"Lord Lin Luo!"

Nami immediately raised her head, her little face was flushed, her eyes flickered, and she was very excited.

It is her greatest honor to be recognized by Lin Luo.

"Thank you for your encouragement! I will definitely become stronger!!!"

"Well, I believe you."

Lin Luo still smiled lightly, nodded, and gestured to Enilo:

"Go down and rest first."

"Afterwards, Enel will tell you what to do."

"This way please, Miss Nami."

Enilo appeared at the right time and guided Nami to the rest area at the back.



That is, after Nami, the next to complete the test is Captain Crowe who followed Nami to the great route.

Elapsed time: 6 hours and 30 minutes.

In fact, with Crowe's strength, he was originally capable of catching up with and completing the trial before Nami.

However, considering the strategic significance of Nami's new title of Four Heavenly Kings, Crowe deliberately slowed down the pace and chose a relatively suitable result for himself.

Close to Zhu Zhechi.

After joining the Revolutionary Army, Crowe's personality and vision also began to change.

Compared with the momentary glory, Nami's plan is obviously more important.


Crowe, who had completed the test, was not greeted by Lin Luo.

With the support of the breath of life, as long as the people outside don't give up, they can definitely complete the test before the sun rises tomorrow, and Lin Luo doesn't need to worry too much.

After welcoming Nami, he handed everything over to Anilo, and ran to the office center to arrange all the preparations for tomorrow's special training.



Night falls.

The pitch-black sky did not affect the Tenjin Gymnasium.

With the help of various electrical appliances Rotom and technological products, the Tenjin Gymnasium is still brightly lit at this time.

After taking a shower in the dormitory, Nami shook her wet hair and walked in the spacious corridor in light sandals.

With life experience in the battle area, Nami is no stranger to everything in the Tenjin Gymnasium.

While humming a song, she came to the restaurant in the rest center.

As soon as the slender legs stepped out, a familiar voice suddenly came from Nami's right side.

"Miss Na~mei~!!! You are finally here!!!"

A black whirlwind with pink star eyes suddenly appeared beside Nami.

The next second, Sanji's figure suddenly appeared in front of Nami, and immediately bowed down in a gentlemanly manner, making a guiding gesture.

"Miss Nami, please go this way. I have prepared today's dinner for you, and arranged the food that Ba Dahu and Pikachu like."

"Trust me, today's dinner will definitely satisfy you and your Pokémon!"

"We can just enjoy the candlelight and discuss the beauty of life at the same time."

"Thank you, Sanji."

Nami smiled sweetly.

"But this is not Bharati Versus Restaurant, you don't need to serve me."

"How can that be!"

Sanji's face turned serious instantly, as if he was talking about something serious.

"Serving beautiful ladies is my duty!"

"No matter where it is, as long as Ms. Nami needs it, I will show up at any time to fulfill any of your requests!"

I am not afraid that perverts will fight, but I am afraid that perverts are educated.

Sanji's remarks, if it were a young girl who was not deeply involved in the world, she might have been blushed and agreed to it.


Nami, who has long been used to Sanji's appearance, just smiled lightly, and praised very scumbag:
"Sanji-san is indeed a reliable gentleman."

Immediately, the cool slippers stepped out again, and walked towards the direction guided by Sanji.

It's not that Nami wants to have dinner with Sanji...

Instead, in the direction guided by Sanji, Nami saw Sauron and Usopp who were already sitting there feasting.

The three of the new four heavenly kings are all sitting together, so if she doesn't go...

Doesn't it seem a bit too out of gregarious.

And, for some reason.

Obviously she met Sauron, Usopp, and Sanji just by chance.

But in her heart, she felt that these three people made her feel closer than Captain Crowe beside her.

Maybe, we were good friends in the previous life, maybe...

Nami teased in her heart, with a relaxed smile on her face.

 Thanks to Shadow of War, Dog, and Gary for their monthly support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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