Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 176 Sales before competition

Chapter 176 Sales before competition
"Good evening, Nami."

Seeing the beautiful girl approaching gracefully, Usopp immediately greeted with a smile.

Although they don't usually meet much, the new four heavenly kings who are also in the battle area, they don't see each other when they look down, and they are quite familiar with each other.

Even Zoro, who was at the side, stopped his eating speed slightly when he saw Nami, and nodded to her as a signal.

"Good evening, Usopp, Zoro."

Nami sat down very naturally.

Sanji on the side immediately turned into a black whirlwind, waiting around Nami like a waiter in a restaurant.

Sauron and Usopp seem to be accustomed to Sanji's flattery.

After all, the business of Balati Battle Restaurant in the battle area is very good. It is not a secret that Sanji, the chef, looks like a bird.

On the dining table, as Sanji said, the food that Nami likes has been prepared.

And next door, Usopp's sniper tree owl, Sanji's strong chicken, Sauron's double scabbard and flying mantis are also enjoying a nutritious meal.

This is a kind of Pokémon food second only to energy cubes, and it usually costs points to buy in the battle area.

The price is not too expensive, but it is definitely not affordable by ordinary families.

However, during the special training period, as long as you pay 20 points per day, these things can be provided for free, and there is no limit to the number.

In line with the law of long live whoring for nothing, Nami immediately released Ba Dahu and Pikachu.

"Mr. Ba Dahu, Pikachu, it's time for dinner!"

Nami smiled, pointed at the food that Sanji had prepared next door and smiled.

"Mi!" "Pickup~"

As soon as Ba Dahu and Pikachu appeared, they immediately smelled delicious food. The two Pokémon, who had been hungry for a day, immediately ran to the next door and started to eat.

And seeing the two Pokémon eating happily, the smile on Nami's face became even brighter.

But immediately, she turned her head again, picked up the goblet with the exquisite dessert on the table, and tasted it carefully.

When the dessert was half eaten, Nami suddenly raised her head slowly, looked at the three men around her, and asked with a smile:


"How much do you know about this special training?"


Zoro and Usopp stopped eating at the same time and looked at Nami.

But in the next moment, the eyes of the three people including Sanji turned to Zoro again.

Usopp rubbed his oily fingers, curiously said:
"Compared to this, I'd rather know what kind of reward you got for being the number one in the gravity field trial?"

"The things that Lord Lin Luo sent out in person, shouldn't be very simple, right?"

"This one……"

Sauron shook his head and said:

"I just asked Mr. Enilo, but Mr. Enilo said that even he didn't know what the prize Mr. Lin Luo prepared..."

"That's it."

Nami nodded and murmured, and picked up a piece of steak with the fork at hand again, raised it to her mouth as if thinking:
"According to my guess, everyone should be able to pass the gravity field test tonight, that is to say, the official special training should begin tomorrow."

Usopp said: "After all, time is tight, and there is still one month before the Pokémon League Conference starts."

"I think Lord Lin Luo specially taught us here for training in order to make us perform better in the conference."


Zoro, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

He looked downcastly at the reflection of the smooth surface of the knife on his right hand.

"After all, we are... still too weak."

"Perhaps Master Lin Luo thinks that our strength is not enough to participate in this grand event that attracts the world's attention."

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the four people present suddenly became stiff.

Even Sanji, who admired Nami's face, became silent at this moment.

If someone said they were weak before, they would never admit it.

But after seeing Kap's destructive iron fist, and seeing Suicune's power to lift the sky with tsunamis at every turn...

They have to admit that their current strength is really weak.

And for Nami, who has seen Rogia's strength, she can better understand the helplessness in Sauron's words.


It is estimated that apart from Garp, there will not be such a high-end combat power in the Pokémon League Conference.

But now that they have come here, their goal is not just to be a short-lived ordinary trainer.

With the existence of dimensional merchants, the channel for them to become stronger is no longer limited by time.

If possible, who doesn't have a first dream in mind?

Except, of course, Usopp.

Seeing the three of them suddenly fell silent, Usopp, who guessed what they were thinking, couldn't help tightening his collar.

Compared to Zoro and Sanji's pride, compared to Nami's lofty goals...

Usopp is just a small townsman who just wants to see an interesting world and want to show off.

He doesn't particularly care about what kind of results he can achieve.

With his current ability, he can revive his sick mother at any time.

It's just because there are too many things in the recent period, and there is no time to take care of so many things, so the resurrection has been postponed.


What does it mean to never get into a commotion again.

If he told about Lin Luo's plan to train him at this time, he would probably be despised to death by the jealous eyes of the other three, right?
After thinking about it, Usopp choked up quietly, but still didn't say the secret in his heart.

It's just that Usopp couldn't help but feel trembling when he thought of the mysterious smile that Lin Luo looked at him when he parted.

I hope that the next special training will not be as scary as today.

Silently taking a sip of hot cocoa, Usopp continued to remain silent.



As Lin Luo expected, with the blessing of the breath of life, everyone finally completed the challenge.

Under the reception of Anilu, the trainers were sent to their dormitories one by one.

Silent all night.

Silence is Tenjin Gymnasium tonight.

Lin Luo was lying on the water bed in the lounge, looking at Ibrahimovic who was still wearing the old man's ring, and couldn't help persuading him:
"Don't play too late, Ibrahimovic. Don't forget that you have important tasks tomorrow."

"咘咘咘嘿~(I got it, I got it.)"

Hearing the impatient voice of little Ibrahimovic, Lin Luo couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, it is better to hit the child as early as possible. The current little Ibrahimovic is really getting more and more disobedient, and he is not as cute as he was when he was a child.



In a blink of an eye, the time came to the early morning of the next day.

The exhausted trainers ran to the lobby to gather in a hurry, before they even had time to eat breakfast, amidst the calls of Rotom on their mobile phones.

"Are you all there?"

Just when a group of trainers were puzzled, a voice suddenly came from above their heads.

Glancing at the trainers present, Lin Luo silently nodded.

With a crisp finger snap, all the trainers present suddenly disappeared in place.

And at the same time.

Around the huge arena in the Tenjin Gymnasium, a group of trainers with confused looks appeared.

"All right."

Lin Luo coughed twice, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

I saw him slowly flying to the center of the ring, and introduced to everyone:
"First of all, congratulations to all of you for completing the gravity field test."

"Although everyone's grades are good and bad, being able to complete the whole course of the gravity field shows that you are ready for the next special training."

"I am very pleased with this."

Lin Luo smiled alone, his eyes swept over everyone present.

The group of trainers in the audience is also very proud to be recognized by the dimensional businessman.

All of them held their heads high, completely ignoring the true meaning of Lin Luo's words.

The only one who can see through the truth is a sniper with a long nose.

Because he was prepared in his heart, Usopp immediately shrank his neck when he heard Lin Luo's words.

After walking the gravity field, you are ready for the next special training! ?
Doesn't that mean that the next special training is even scarier than the gravity field! ?

At this moment, Usopp really wanted to say aloud, "I have a disease that will kill me after a special training."

It's a pity that when he looked around, everyone's faces were filled with anticipation and excitement, as if they were about to welcome such a wonderful life.

For a moment, Usopp was unaccompanied.

Lin Luo on the stage continued to speak.

"OK! Next, we will conduct the first stage of special training..."

"First of all, I need each of you to fight a battle first, and the winner will receive personal guidance from the owner of the Tenjin Gym, Enelu..."

"He will tailor the best training plan for you according to the characteristics of each person and Pokémon."

"Whether it's venue or nutrition, the Tenjin Gymnasium will have an unlimited supply!"

"Of course, because there are too many of you, even the owner of the hall, Enel, can't take care of all of you."

"So those who lose can only wrong you, enter the forest behind the gym, and practice with the wild Pokémon there by themselves."

"Friendly reminder, the wild Pokémon in the forest are all irascible types. I hope you can spend the first stage of training perfectly under their wild nature."


Lin Luo's voice fell, and the audience fell silent for an instant.

What's the meaning! ?

They just passed through the gravitational field, after sleeping, they will accept the battle?

And the loser group still has to enter the primeval forest, survive in the wilderness, and practice on their own?
Then what is the significance of their coming to the Tenjin Gym?
The trainers immediately put away their previous anticipation and became dazed.

Instead, Usopp...

After listening to the rules explained by Lin Luo, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's sniper tree owl has reached level 41.

Although it is not the most powerful Pokémon among all the people present, with his shooting coordination, as long as he does not meet Sauron and the other three monsters, Usopp is confident that he can win everyone.

"Wu~ It's okay, it's okay, it seems that Master Lin Luo wants to do special training for outstanding trainers."

Usopp wiped his sweat in his heart, feeling:

"Although I don't know what the extra training is, at least it shouldn't let me go to the wilderness to survive and waste this good time..."

Just when Usopp thought so...

Lin Luo's voice came from the direction of the ring again:

"Then, let's have the first battle."

"The opponents are Sauron and Usopp, please come to the ring."

Usopp: ? ? ?

With question marks on his face, Usopp walked slowly onto the ring in the passageway specially made out by the people around him.

Seeing Sauron sharpening his knife and jumping up, Usopp couldn't help but look at Lin Luo.

Suddenly, Lin Luo was staring at him with deep and meaningful eyes.

At this moment, he understood...

It turned out that the so-called additional training had already begun.

But he was really skeptical. Was it really more training than targeting him to fight against Sauron?

At this moment, Usopp even began to reflect on whether he had done something bad and offended Lord Lin Luo.

To know……

Even if they are both the new Four Heavenly Kings, there is still a gap in strength between them.

Just like Garp and Cobra, although they are both known as the Four Heavenly Kings, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.

Ordinary trainers, Usopp and Sniper Tree Owl are not afraid.

But if the enemy is Zoro and Sanji, who are extremely strong in their own right, then he can already click to surrender directly.

It's a pity that Lin Luo is obviously not going to give him a chance to "surrender".

"Okay, now that the two sides are ready, then I will hand over this ring to the two of you."

Lin Luo said with a smile, and suddenly, he added as if he suddenly remembered something:

"Oh, right!"

"In yesterday's gravity field test, Mr. Sauron successfully won the first place with an excellent result of 2 hours and 14 minutes."

"Then I will give you the reward for the test now."

While speaking, two clusters of light suddenly flew out from Lin Luo's hands.

One is in the shape of a milky white flame, and the other is in a transparent color that fluctuates like a water polo.

Lin Luo pushed the milky white flame in his hand forward, and said with a smile:

"I believe that everyone should no longer be unfamiliar with the force of nature."

After all, it was a product that had been on the mall for a long time, and he didn't introduce it too much.

The force of nature instantly melted into Sauron's body.

Zoro blinked suspiciously, looked at his limbs, and found that there was no special change.

At this time, Lin Luo already held up another transparent light group and said:

"Then next, please allow me to introduce our new product - [The Power of Bonding]."

"The power of bondage!?"

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on the light ball in Lin Luo's hand, showing a curious expression.

At this moment, Lin Luo also reincarnated into the image of the original businessman again, recommending like a propaganda:

"The power of bondage, this is a special power that is very rare in the Pokémon world!"

"He can communicate with the minds of trainers and Pokémon, and use the bonds of both parties as buttons to transmit power to each other."

"The Pokémon that has absorbed the trainer's power will combine this power to evolve again."

"And trainers can also use the power of fetters to generate energy unique to Pokémon in their bodies."

"Combining with the power of nature allows the trainer to control the characteristics of Pokémon's energy, the combination of the power of nature and the power of fetters can allow trainers to gain powerful abilities like Pokémon!"

With a snap of fingers, a huge virtual light screen suddenly appeared above everyone's heads.

And Ace, who evolved from the charizard bond, also appeared on the screen.

Lin Luo smiled and said, "I think everyone is familiar with the trainer named Ace on the big screen."

"Next, please look at the power Mr. Ace possesses after obtaining the power of bondage."

The picture time on the screen is very short, just a scene of Ace fighting the fleet of the Big Mom Pirates.

I saw the familiar Ace suddenly jumping high from the bow of the Spade Pirates, and a bright flame burst out of his fist.

In an instant!
The blazing flames expanded infinitely, reaching the size comparable to a battleship in the blink of an eye.

"Emperor Yan, Great Yan Jie!!!"

boom! ! !
A huge fireball flew out, facing the three battleships ahead.

Burned by the blazing flames, the three warships of the new world were instantly shattered into pieces.

When the flames dissipated, on the surface of the sea, there was only a piece of damage and the corpses of the enemy.

 Thanks to the dog, gary for the support of the monthly ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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