Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 177 Both evolve!A brand new version of Versus!

Chapter 177 Both evolve!A brand new version of Versus!

"Then... what is that!?"

Some regular customers in the battle area saw the blazing flames gushing out of Ace's body on the screen, and their faces immediately showed surprise.

Obviously, when he was in the battle area, Ace didn't have the ability of this flame...

However, the raging flames projected from the screen made everyone present turn red!

In a fixed picture of a raging flame, the picture on the virtual light screen stopped abruptly, and the virtual light screen also slowly disappeared.

But the astonishment on the faces of all the people present did not attenuate at all. Instead, they all stared at Lin Luo in shock, expecting Lin Luo to give them an answer.

This group of trainers who have become accustomed to Lin Luo's work style knows very well...

Once their great Master Lin Luo uses the virtual light screen, it means that their point balance will be greatly reduced.

Facing the novelty products recommended by the dimensional merchants, they can't control their desire to buy hands at all.

because that...

It's so tempting!
Obviously, this dimensional businessman from another world is about to make another big move!
as predicted.

At the moment when the picture ended, Lin Luo suddenly opened his arms in applause, and laughed loudly:
"Everyone, have you seen it?"

"That gorgeous fire, that artistic explosion!"

" can't wait to know the truth of all this?"

"Then I won't play tricks here anymore!"

Lin Luo chuckled like self-deprecating, and immediately raised the light ball representing the power of bondage to Sauron and said:

"Mr. Sauron, this is another part of your reward, but before distributing it to you, there is one more thing you need to decide."

"Master Lin Luo, please speak!"

Sauron, who couldn't wait to see the power of the fetter, quickly leaned forward and said.

Lin Luo raised the corner of his mouth and hooked his fingers.

The elf ball at Sauron's waist immediately released the Flying Mantis, and at the same time, the double scabbards hanging behind Sauron's back also flew out.

Lin Luo smiled and said:

"The power of this bond can only allow you to complete the bond evolution with one Pokémon, but you currently have two Pokémon..."

"So you have to make a choice, whether to choose the flying mantis, or choose the double scabbard, or..."

"Take out 500 points, and then buy a copy of the power of bondage, so that the rain and dew can be evenly covered."

"Of course, there is one thing I want to tell you in advance..."

"Based on your current situation, only one Pokémon can be selected for bond evolution at a time."

"Come on, Mister Sauron, please make your choice."

Lin Luo handed over the control of the light group to Sauron, and smiled to signal him to make a decision.


Under the attention of everyone, Sauron suddenly pursed his lips and smiled.

He suddenly raised his head, looked at Lin Luo, and smiled back:

"Do I still have a choice, Lord Lin Luo?"

I saw him take a step forward, walking between the two Pokémon, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and continued talking to himself:

"Since this kind of power is called the power of bonds, the deeper the bond between me and Pokémon, the stronger this power will be, right?"

"In this case, no matter which Pokémon I choose, it will be extremely unfair to the other one."

"So I choose C! I want to redeem the points and buy another bond."

"a wise decision!"

Seeing Sauron's radiant eyes, Lin Luo immediately burst out laughing.

With a wave of his hand, the trading system was summoned in Sauron's mind.

Although the endorsement fee given to Sauron by the Wolf Warriors family is not too much, but a mere 500 points is still worth it.

All of a sudden!
Two beams of light flew into the body of the Flying Mantis and the double scabbard at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, several rays of light flowing with colorful star spots extended from the bodies of the two Pokémon at the same time, extending all the way to Sauron's body.


Sauron clenched his fist blankly.

Unlike the previous force of nature, at this moment, he could clearly perceive the changes in the energy in his body.

It's just that this change seems a bit crowded, as if two forces entered a channel at the same time, neither giving way, and the result is that no one can move forward.

At this moment, Lin Luo's voice came again and entered Sauron's ears:

"Forget what I said before? You can only choose one Pokémon at a time for bond evolution..."

"So, choose the Pokémon you want to use in the battle and perform bond evolution!"


Sauron hesitated for a moment, then turned his gaze to the Flying Mantis and the double scabbards.

Just when he was hesitating which Pokémon to give the first time, Flying Mantis took the initiative to stand up.

"Cha! (Let's evolve the double scabbard first!)"

Flying Mantis looked firm, and actively cut off the energy channel of the power of fetters.

For it, which is rooted in kendo practice, the power increase brought about by the evolution of the fetters is not so important.

On the contrary, the double scabbard with dual attributes of steel and ghost may bring unexpected surprises to Sauron after the bond evolves.

Sensing the intention of Flying Mantis, Sauron nodded immediately.

There was no need for too much words between the men, he immediately continued to communicate with the double scabbards.

As the double scabbard that he has been carrying around for a long time as an extension of his body, the thickness of the bond between Sauron and it is of course beyond doubt.

After all, the sword is the life of a swordsman!
Suddenly, a dazzling white light appeared from the body with double scabbards!

It is the light of evolution that is incomparably sacred to Pokémon!

Just at the right time, Lin Luo raised his voice again:

"Cheers, gentlemen!"

"From this moment on, you will see a brand new power system!"

"This is a miraculous power created by the interaction and fusion of power between the two worlds!"

"A new experience! A new version!"

"are you ready!?"


The dazzling light dissipated like fragments.

In the blink of an eye, a pair of brand new double scabbards (Sauron version) appeared in front of everyone present.

The slender sword was straight and straight, and Senhan's blade exuded a scarlet ghostly aura.

The long silk satin turned crimson and wrapped around the hilt of the sword.

The originally ordinary arc-shaped sword frame has also become a mysterious "卍" font at this time, as if it contains some powerful power.

Compared with the double scabbard like a broad sword before, the double scabbard at this time is more like two long knives with red mist effects.

The size is even more similar to the Wadaichi characters on Sauron's waist.

"This is the double scabbard after the bond evolved?"

Sauron stretched out his hands, and two double scabbards flew in, and he held them tightly.

And at the same time.

Feedback from the power of fetters also began to affect Sauron at this moment.

Different from Ace's pure power of fire, having a double scabbard of steel and ghost, giving Sauron feedback is more complicated.

At the moment when the twin scabbards completed the fetter evolution, Fu Ling suddenly realized something.

Suddenly, a bright light burst out from Sauron's eyes.

"Sword come!"

As Sauron yelled, the word Hedao at his waist flew out suddenly, and flew into Sauron's mouth in an instant without anyone touching it.

At this moment, Sauron has already understood the first way to use the energy of the steel attribute - to control the metal! ! !
It's just that the ability to control metal is very limited.

Maybe it's the reason for the law of steel-type Pokémon in the Pokémon world...

At present, Sauron can only control being placed close to him for a long time, and his breath metal is contaminated.

And the only one that meets this requirement is the Hedaoyi character that Sauron has been carrying close to him for a long time.

After all, the double scabbards have their own consciousness and do not need his control at all.

But in this way, Sauron can completely free his hands and mouth, and directly act as a sword fairy, remotely controlling the three long swords to attack the enemy.

The second way of using steel attribute energy is similar to the domineering entanglement of armed domineering, that is, it can make the metal in contact with his body stronger.

I saw Sauron's eyes flashing brightly.

The blade of He Daoyi's characters instantly became sharper, and even the gentle blade began to emit bursts of cold breath.

With the three blades as the boundary, paired with the scarlet ghostly aura released by the double scabbards at this time, the upper end is an icy cold aura, while the lower end is a blood-thirsty scarlet color...

Three long knives formed a very strange sword gesture.

At this moment, every trainer who was watched by Sauron's icy eyes would involuntarily shudder and feel lingering fear.

But soon, Sauron, who felt the ghost attribute, suddenly closed his eyes.

Different from the energy of the steel attribute that directly acts on the body, the injection of the ghost attribute directly penetrates into Sauron's soul.

All of a sudden!
Sauron only felt a burst of brain expansion!
This kind of expansion is not painful, but it makes him feel sober like never before!
as if...

His soul was strengthened in general.

At the same time, an aura belonging to the soul of the double scabbards also began to affect Sauron.

As the Pokémon incarnation of the cursed sword in ancient times, the body of the double scabbard contains the souls of countless swordsmen who have used it on the battlefield.

You know, in the ancient times of the Pokémon world, there was no such thing as a trainer!
These swordsmen are all strong men who hold ordinary irons and fight against the monsters created by nature!
At this moment, with the injection of ghost energy, the soul power of these swordsmen was completely integrated with Sauron.

Sauron, who had already achieved outstanding results in the way of swordsmanship, took a step further in an instant, and completely stepped into the realm of a great swordsman!
This wonderful feeling made Sauron, who was performing bond evolution for the first time, tremble in his heart.

"Is this the power of bond evolution!?"

Realizing the brand new body, Sauron showed a slightly arrogant and confident smile on his face.

"Really, it's too strong!"

Yousen's scarlet sword pointed at Usopp at the other end of the battle stage.

Sauron, who couldn't wait to test his new power, laughed at Lin Luo:
"Lord Lin Luo, I'm ready! Excuse me..."

"Can the battle begin?"

"of course."

Lin Luo nodded with a smile.

Ignoring the trainers who were already stunned at the scene, they turned to Usopp and asked:
"So Mr. Usopp, are you ready?"


Usopp, who had been stunned by the evolution of Sauron's fetters, was taken aback for a moment.

He who was still feeling the magic of fetters and evolution suddenly discovered...

I want to fight against Sauron after the evolution of the fetters! ?
What a joke! ?

Although I don't know how much growth will be brought to Sauron and the double scabbard after the fetters evolve...

But he couldn't beat Sauron in the first place, let alone Sauron after he evolved against the fetters.

"Wait... wait a minute!!!"

"I'm not ready yet!"

Usopp waved his hands in a panic, and stepped back unconsciously.


Lin Luo smiled slightly and asked:

"Excuse me, Mr. Usopp, what else do you need to prepare?"

"After all, there are many things to do today, and I hope you can save everyone's time as soon as possible."

"This, this, this..."

Usopp was sweating profusely, looking at Zoro who was glowing with blue and red mixed light.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up!
Usopp yelled:

"Wait a minute, Lord Lin Luo!"

"It's too unfair for Sauron to fetter evolution alone!"

"Excuse me, can I buy products now!?"

"I also want to buy the power of bondage!!! After both of them are bonded and evolved, this kind of battle is only fair!"


Lin Luo pretended to be in a daze, then nodded with a smile.

"You're right, then..."

With a crisp finger snap, the interface of the trading system suddenly appeared in Usopp's mind.

Unlike the poor Sauron.

Usopp, who started to expand the arms business, is not to mention a rich man, but the wealth he owns is enough to easily make up for the investment that Kaya's father made in him.

I dare not say too much, but with 1500 points, Usopp can still take it as he says.

In order not to annoy Lin Luo and others, Usopp also speeded up on purpose, and directly exchanged all the Baileys into points.

A full 5000 points! 25 billion Baileys!
This money is enough to revive Usopp's mother.

But it's easy for him to make money now, and it's not too late.

Compared to resurrecting his mother, Usopp now wants to play the game well in front of him.

In any case, Master Lin Luo specially emphasized to be optimistic about himself...

Even if Usopp doesn't want to make progress anymore, under Lin Luo's watchful eyes, he still has his own small thoughts, and wants to better show his value!
After all, that is the nobleman who changed his life!
Without Lin Luo's approval, Usopp might never have the courage to leave that small village for the rest of his life.

After releasing the sniper tree owl, he immediately nodded to Lin Luo and said:
"Lord Lin Luo, I have a total of 5000 points now, please help me exchange them for the power of bondage, the power of nature, the move seed bomb, the experience of primary knowledge and domineering, and the experience of intermediate navy six-style shaving."

Like a machine gun, Usopp uttered several trading items in a row within a few seconds. Obviously, he had prepared for a long time and came prepared.

In addition to the 1500 points required for bond evolution, the price of the move seed bomb is 1500 points, and the entry-level knowledge color and intermediate navy six-style shaved are 1000 points respectively, which just spends Usopp's 5000 points.

Usopp is very aware of his weaknesses and strengths, so what he trades for is the ability to maximize his strengths and avoid his weaknesses.

Needless to say, the power of fetters and the power of nature.

Seed Bomb is a rare powerful move among the grass-type moves, and it can be used as a very good offensive method when paired with the lush characteristics of the sniper tree owl.

And knowledge-colored domineering and navy six-style shaving are the abilities that Usopp can think of to be the most helpful in combat under the current situation.

In any case, his own weak characteristics are a big failure.

Knowledgeable domineering can make Usopp "see" Sauron's movements, and the navy six-style shaving can help him avoid Sauron's attack at a critical moment.

And when the money was in place, Lin Luo was unambiguous, and instantly transformed the ability Usopp needed with a smile on his face.

The move was naturally assigned to the sniper tree owl.

The domineering experience and the new navy six-style shave were also integrated into his body by Usopp.

As an elite light flashed past his eyes, Usopp's aura changed instantly.

Although he is still so unconfident, compared to the previous attitude of being ready to give up at any time...

At least at this time, Usopp is seriously preparing for the battle, preparing to fight Sauron.

And after exchanging the fetters for evolution, a dazzling light of evolution instantly burst out from the tree owl's body.

In the blink of an eye, a brand new sniper tree owl (Usopp version) appeared in front of everyone!
 Thank you for your support! ! !

  Thanks to He Wei's love and Swimsuit Chiyo for their support! ! !

  Thanks for the support of the monthly tickets of Huo Shao, Qi Sha Dong Hai, and Poisonous Tongue Quilt! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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