Chapter 178
Compared with the huge change of Sauron's double scabbard, the overall appearance of the sniper tree owl after the fetter evolution has not changed much.

The long green hood completely covers the entire face, as if to hide himself completely.

The plump wings became sharper, like arrow feathers ready to go, facing the enemy in front.

At this time, the sniping tree owl is like a ranger hiding in the jungle, hiding himself in a low-key manner, but ready to give the enemy a fatal blow at any time.

And at the same time.

The energy feedback from the sniping tree owl also began to swirl in Usopp's body.

The first thing to work is the grass-attribute energy, which is the main attribute of the sniping tree owl.

An enlightenment-like sense of enlightenment popped up in Usopp's mind instantly.

Usopp raised his hand, and a sharp leaf made of energy suddenly appeared on his fingertips.

"This is... the power to shoot the tree owl?"

Usopp looked happy.

Similar to Ace's fire-attributed energy, Usopp, after the evolution of the bond, has successfully obtained the ability to condense leaves or seeds with grass-attributed energy to attack.

of course……

The power of this attack method is incomparable with fire-attributed flames, and even inferior to the special ammunition made by Usopp.

But fortunately, the grass attribute energy has two other functions, one of which is to give birth to plants...

It's a pity that Usopp can only wait until later to explore this ability.

At least in the next battle, he has no chance to try.

The second function is to allow Usopp to recover his physical strength by irradiating sunlight like a plant.

That is the legendary photosynthesis!
If giving birth to plants might just be a gardener attribute, then this photosynthesis is an out-and-out combat talent!

In addition, a phantom attribute energy slowly flowed into Usopp's sea of ​​consciousness like a clear spring, which immediately made his brain more clear.

Even more amazing is...

At this time, he actually gained the vision of shooting the tree owl, and two images appeared in his mind at the same time.

It was a strange feeling, but Usopp didn't feel the slightest discomfort.

When he raised his head, two perspectives of Lin Luo and Sauron appeared in his mind.

He knew that the same thing was happening in the mind of Sniper Shooting Tree Owl at this time.

"Shared vision?"

Usopp murmured, looking at Sauron and Lin Luo who had been waiting for a long time, he suddenly nodded and said:
"Lord Lin Luo, I'm ready!"


"Don't you need to familiarize yourself with the newly acquired power?"

Lin Luo asked with a smile.

For this high-quality customer who just contributed 2 points to him, Lin Luo's attitude has changed significantly.

But Usopp, who was focused on fighting, shook his head slightly, and replied firmly:

"No need, Lord Lin Luo, I can fight anytime."

Lin Luo looked at Sauron, then at Usopp, and suddenly laughed and looked at the people present:

"Let us hand over the next venue to Sauron and Usopp!"

"Let's witness the first battle between the Kidnapper and the Kidnapper in One Piece World!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Luo's body instantly turned into a phantom, and then disappeared.

Sauron and Usopp on the ring also immediately put on airs.

Although he thought that there was no possibility of victory, Usopp still planned to fight hard.

By the way...

Also test where your current limit is.

"Shoot the tree owl, use the flying leaf storm!"

As soon as the battle started, Usopp directly released his ultimate move, using the Flying Leaf Storm, which is not weaker than the seed bomb.

Against a powerhouse of Sauron's level, holding back any point is a sign of arrogance.

Call ~
Suddenly, a gust of wind roared!
Huge grass-type energy condensed in front of Usopp and Sniper Tree Owl!
Although Usopp cannot use energy to use Pokémon moves, he can use this method to strengthen the skill of sniping tree owls!
A huge tornado composed of sharp blades instantly rose into the sky, occupying half of the overwhelming land and sweeping towards Sauron.

"Just kidding!?"

Nami outside the battlefield suddenly let out an exclamation, looking in disbelief at the moves jointly launched by Usopp and the sniper tree owl.

Nami, who is sensitive to the weather, can easily sense the power contained in this strong wind!
And that's what surprised her.

In her opinion, the storm of flying leaves in front of her is almost comparable to Pikachu's current full blow!
You know, Pikachu is a Pokémon with such a magical weapon as an electric ball. Its full blow at this time can already injure the three holy birds.

That is to say, the sniper tree owl and Usopp after the evolution of the fetters were able to burst out with a power of over 60 levels, which is equivalent to breaking through two large sections in one breath...

This is incredible!
Along with Nami exclaiming, there were also a group of trainers watching the battle.

Although they can't feel the true power of Feiye Storm, they know one thing clearly...

That is Usopp, who can definitely kill any of them in seconds.

This made a group of trainers feel very puzzled.

Before coming to Tianshen Dao Hall, he could instantly kill himself. After coming to Tianshen Dao Hall, he could kill himself even faster...

Then the Shinto Hall, they didn't come in vain! ?
However, no matter how surprised everyone outside the battlefield was, Sauron's expression, who was also a beneficiary of the bond evolution, did not change at all.

Looking at the terrifying storm in front of him, he suddenly grinned.

"Is this your meeting gift? If so, let's fight back in the same way!"

While speaking, the muscles of Sauron's whole body tensed suddenly, and his angular arms were as hard as steel.

Although he didn't exchange for the armed color domineering, the power of the steel attribute brought him the same effect.

"Three Swords Style Black Rope..."

"Big tornado!!!"

Call ~
Sauron's body suddenly spun!
At this moment, the will of the Great Swordsman was condensed and gathered within the blade.

The three sharp long knives exuded unparalleled sword intent, turning into fierce slashes and flying in the sky, forming a huge tornado, hitting towards Feiye Storm.

boom! ! !
Two huge wind pressures collided together.

The confrontation between the slash and the flying leaves made the sound of "ping-pong-ping-pong" metal fighting on the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, the two storms could not do anything to the other, and slowly lost their strength in the mutual spiral, and finally disappeared.

The streamer in Sauron's eyes flickered, bursting out with fire full of fighting spirit.

Obviously, the first confrontation just now made him recognize Usopp's strength.

Sauron suddenly smiled and said:

"The temptation is over, next, I will use all my strength!"


Usopp responded in a deep voice, and immediately took out several special ammunition from his pocket, sandwiched it between his five fingers, and said seriously:

"me too."

The two agree with each other, but the brief conversation elevates the intensity of this battle to the extreme.


And the conversation between the two made everyone present gasp for an instant.

It's hard to imagine that the devastating blow just now was just a temptation at the beginning of the battle between the two.

What would it be like for those two to fight seriously! ?

Of course, the most shocking thing is actually Enilo who has been watching all this in the office center.

Before, Lin Luo told him that he wanted him to use a share of the power of fetters, but the arrogant Ainilu refused without even thinking about it.

After all, in his opinion, even the people of Qinghai can achieve the fetter evolution, so there is no reason why he, a quasi-god with the goal of "god", cannot do it.

What's more, he is already good at manipulating lightning, so he won't even be backlashed by Pokémon's energy.

But look now...

If I can't quickly awaken the fetter plan on my own, my combat power may be overtaken by a group of Qinghai people!
An inexplicable sense of oppression suddenly appeared in Enilo's heart, which made him also determined to work hard.

At the same time, a terrifying confrontation storm broke out in the arena!

No more words!
After the evolution of fetters, Usopp and Sniper Tree Owl, who have become one as one, can instantly know each other's thoughts even if they don't need to communicate with each other.

Not to mention Sauron holding double scabbards.

The sword itself is an extension of his body.

on the ring.

A series of gorgeous slashes pierced the void and swept towards Usopp.

However, with the help of knowledgeable domineering, Usopp has already seen through Sauron's attack route, and the shaving that has been immersed in it for many years is launched instantly under his feet.

Under photosynthesis, physical fitness, which was originally a weak point, became irrelevant at the moment, supporting Uso to avoid Sauron's attack one by one.

Immediately, Uso, holding special ammunition, opened his slingshot, and the sniper tree owl in the sky turned into two endless machine guns.

In an instant.

Special ammunition and sharp flying leaves flew towards Sauron's body from all directions, without any dead ends!

Even if Sauron swung his sword and slashed, there would always be ammunition or flying leaves caught in the net hitting his body.

But fortunately, after possessing the steel attribute, Sauron's body is still indestructible, just a few flying leaves and explosions will not cause him any serious injuries.

At this moment, it was like celebrating the new year in the arena.

The sound of crackling and crashing can be heard endlessly, and the colorful ammunition is like fireworks, all blooming on the ring.

All of a sudden, Sauron and Usopp couldn't help each other!
Thanks to Lin Luo's reinforced life in the special arena, otherwise, the battle between the two of them is probably enough to destroy half of the island.

"Unbelievable! That guy Usopp, he can fight Sauron for so long!?"

Shocked by the scene in front of him, Sanji even forgot to take off the cigarette butt in his mouth, watching everything on the field intently.

It is hard to imagine that Usopp, who is not very strong in his eyes, can gain such power after the transaction!
Of course, being able to achieve this level has a lot to do with Usopp's tactical choice.

Time passed slowly.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

In the case of continuous ultra-extreme use of the six-style "shaving" of the Navy, Usopp's physical recovery cannot match the rapid consumption after all.

In a failed shaving, Sauron caught the horse's foot and chopped it down with a single knife, ending the battle.

"Clang clang clang!!!"

There was a sudden rush of copper bells in the sky, like the end bell of a boxing ring.

Lin Luo's figure appeared in midair again.

I saw him standing in the void as if he was stepping on flat ground, looking at the sniper tree owl who was unconscious with a sword in his body and also fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

Lin Luo couldn't help showing a mysterious smile on his face.

It has to be said that Usopp's fighting style is really beyond his expectations.

To be able to develop a fighting style with the main goal of escaping in the world of pirates, a reckless man per capita...

Usopp is a genius!
Thoughts flashed by, Lin Luo immediately turned his gaze to Sauron, who was already scarred.

Even with the strengthening of the steel attribute, after enduring hundreds of attacks, his resolute body still suffered serious injuries.

Of course, these scars are nothing in the high-tech recuperation equipment of the Tenjin Gymnasium.

Lin Luo smiled suddenly, and opened his arms in a cheering gesture:
"Let us congratulate the winner of the first match - Roronoa Sauron!"

"Then next, Mr. Sauron will be qualified to continue practicing in the Tenjin Gym."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Usopp, who is the loser, will spend the rest of his days in the virgin forest behind the island."

With the appearance of a crisp sound, the two figures of Sauron and Usopp on the battlefield disappeared instantly.

Obviously they were sent to where they should go by Lin Luo.

In an instant, Lin Luo announced with a smile again:
"Then, please invite the next two trainers."

"The contestants in the second group are Tochuqi Kanjiji and Ragolai Dodiaodiao..."

"Invite two trainers to come to the ring."

For the second group of candidates, Lin Luo did not choose the already arranged Sanji and Nami.

After all, based on Sanji's knightly principle of not hitting women, it is estimated that he will consciously admit defeat in front of Nami.

Although letting Sanji lose the battle is also within Lin Luo's plan.

But in this way, the scene that was just heated up by Sauron and Usopp may be deserted.

So Lin Luo directly called another group of players up.

Soon, two young men of similar stature stepped onto the ring.

Even though these two are both businessmen, they have a certain strength in themselves. In addition, the industries behind the two have strong funds, and the Pokémon they exchanged are also very powerful.

It is just right to be the candidate for the second match.

Just as Lin Luo made a move, ready to announce the start of the battle.

Tochuki Kanjiji on the ring suddenly raised his hand and shouted:
"Please wait a moment, Lord Lin Luo."


Lin Luo's arm, which was about to swing down, stopped suddenly, and did not rise because it was interrupted at all. Instead, he asked very friendlyly:
"Mr. Tochuki Kanjiji, what can I do?"


Tochuki Kankiji first smiled apologetically, and then said:

"Master Lin Luo, before the battle, can I also buy a copy of the power of bond between Mr. Sauron and Mr. Usopp just now?"

"of course can!"

Lin Luo replied with a smile brighter than the sun in the sky.

Tochuki Kankiji's face was filled with joy, and he said quickly:

"In that case, Lord Lin Luo will be troubled."

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, Lagolai Do Diao Diao on the other side couldn't hold back anymore, and said quickly:

"Master Lin Luo, I also want to buy a bond!"

 Thanks for the monthly ticket support of Riding Shark East China Sea! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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