Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 179 Pokémon Attribute Energy

Chapter 179 Pokémon Attribute Energy

The day passed quickly.

After leaving the hot sea of ​​Alabasta, the temperature on the Tenjin Gymnasium began to drop gradually.

On the ring, one group after another of the trainers completed the battle one after another.

Although there was no such high-quality battle between Sauron and Usopp in the subsequent battles, because every trainer purchased the ability to evolve the fetters before the battle, the whole battle was full of highlights.

Lin Luo, a dimensional businessman, was amazed by the evolved Pokémon and trainers.

In the end, with Sanji's gentlemanly confession of defeat in front of Nami, the one-day game came to an end.

As before, with Lin Luo's snap of his fingers, the two people left on the field were immediately teleported to where they should go.

"Lord Lin Luo."

In the void, a thunder flashed.

Ai Nilu's figure suddenly appeared behind Lin Luo, bowed and said:
"The trainers and Pokémon in the winner group have all entered the recuperation state, and it is expected that all recuperation will be completed tonight."

"If there is no accident, they can carry out steering training as planned tomorrow."


Lin Luo nodded with a smile, and asked:
"The records of their previous battle should have been saved, right?"

"Is everything OK in Rotom?"

"So far so good."

Enel nodded immediately.

"Not long ago, Rotom and the others had analyzed the training plans of all the trainers in the winner group."

"Next, just let them train according to the training goals set by Rotom."


Lin Luo nodded with a smile.

In order to perfect the name of the Tenjin Gym, Lin Luo specially ordered a batch of high-tech equipment from the system to assist Pokémon training, which can carry out efficient and specific training plans for Pokémon based on their status.

And after Lin Luo installed the electronic Pokémon Rotom on these machines, these machines immediately became fully automatic intelligent cultivation aids.

As long as you enter specific parameters, you can help formulate a training plan, which is very practical.

After probing the current situation of the winner group with the arrogance of knowledge, Lin Luo also felt relieved, and immediately ordered to Enilo:
"Then for the next period of time, I will leave it all to you."

"If you encounter any problems, please contact me at any time."

As Lin Luo's voice fell, his figure disappeared in front of Ainilu in an instant.

And even though there was no one in front of him, Enil still bowed respectfully and said:

"Please rest assured, Lord Lin Luo!"



In the dense forest behind the island of Tenjin Gymnasium.

The cold moonlight is like a gentle silk, lightly falling on the upper part of the forest, covering it.

In the dead of night, an unprecedented roar suddenly broke the quiet atmosphere.

"Ah!!! Help!!!!"

I saw a figure with legs turning into phantoms and jumping in the void, bringing up a cloud of smoke and dust.

And behind the smoke and dust, a huge creature like a doll bear was walking heavily, following behind this person.

Usopp is very confused!
When I wake up, I'm in the forest.

Why is there such a powerful Pokémon in a cave that I entered randomly! ! ?
【Pokémon: Wearing a Bear】


[Characteristics: Unknown]

【Level: 60】

Looking at the information given on the Rotom screen of the mobile phone, Usopp's pace suddenly became faster.

"It's terrible! It's terrible!" Usopp murmured with a pale face.

Although I know that the loser group will live in the dense forest, but a Pokémon that appears casually has a terrifying power of level 60...

This is probably too much! ?

Even after entering the fetter evolution state, Usopp felt that he was not powerless.

But this forest is so dangerous, no one knows what kind of danger will be waiting for him ahead.

So much so that Usopp has never dared to spend his precious physical energy fighting against bears.

Even the shaving when fleeing was used sparingly.

After half an hour.

With the help of the dim moonlight and his slender figure, Usopp dodged around a corner and hid in a tree hole.

Finally got rid of the bear-wearing pursuit.


"What's going on here?"

Usopp pressed his beating heart hard, forcing himself to calm down.

But just when he was about to stretch out his head to look out, an inexplicably hard object suddenly fell from the tree and hit him on the head.


Usopp let out a scream.

Frustrated, he immediately grabbed the heavy object that hit his head, but just when he wanted to take a good look at what it was when he was so unlucky...

A buzzing sound of wings fluttered suddenly above Usopp's head.

With an unforeseen feeling in his heart, he tremblingly looked at the heavy object in his hand, and suddenly found a pair of sharp and fierce eyes looking at him in the same way.

Iron-shelled pupa, a bug-type Pokémon.

This time, Usopp also recognized the identity of this Pokémon without the reminder from the mobile phone Rotom.

But in his impression, this Pokémon is a herd creature living in the forest.

Generally, where there are iron shell pupae...


Thinking of this, Usopp fell silent for a moment.

Immediately, the neck clicked on the stage like a rusty gear.

Under the moonlight, in the hazy darkness, there were hundreds of yellow figures with spikes on their tails.

"No...isn't it?!"

A smile uglier than crying appeared on Usopp's face, and his body muscles tensed immediately.

Without the slightest hesitation, he used the remaining physical strength to use the navy six-style shaving again, and escaped the encirclement of the big needle bees in an instant.


The big needle bee whose sleep was disturbed didn't seem to intend to let him go just like that.

Accompanied by a disturbing buzzing sound, a swarm of needle bees, like a dark cloud, pursued Usopp in an instant.


In the forest, the heart-piercing roar sounded again.

If there is a tall ape screaming, it is strange, and the sound is heard in the empty valley.



at the same time.

In the middle of the primeval forest, inside a huge towering ancient tree.

"Very energetic..."

Seeing Usopp who was being chased by the needle bee for another half an hour, Lin Luo had an interesting look on his face.

The interior of this ancient tree has already been transformed by him, and now it has become a huge centralized control center capable of monitoring the entire forest.

The entire primeval forest was divided into nearly a hundred areas by Lin Luo.

And every defeated player was dropped into the corresponding area by him.

Most of the Pokémon in the forest are discounted Pokémon that have been evaluated by the system as having no potential or a short lifespan.

It is almost difficult to find a corresponding trainer to sell these Pokémon. Lin Luo happened to have this need, so he exchanged them from the system at a very low price and placed them in this forest.

After these months of life, these Pokémon have already adapted to this place and regard this forest as their new home.

Some Pokémon, such as the big needle bee, began to reproduce.

The reason why Lin Luo created such a Pokémon forest was not only to settle these Pokémon, but also to add a practice place for the Tenjin Gym.

Seeing the members of the loser group in the picture one by one in deep crisis, Lin Luo couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

Live hard!
After you get used to this forest, your strength will definitely change drastically!
In line with the principle of standing and talking without back pain, Lin Luo immediately handed over the monitoring rights in his hands to Little Ibrahimovic.

In such a huge forest, with so many Pokémon, it is obviously not an easy task to precisely mobilize them to attack the trainers at the right time.

But fortunately, Lin Luo has a little Ibrahimovic!
As a veteran game enthusiast, Little Ibrahimovic's brain can already perform multi-threaded operations at the same time.

Once it finds a place where an order needs to be given, it can directly separate a substitute, and then move the substitute in front of the Pokémon that needs to act in an instant to give instructions.

For Little Ibrahimovic, who observes the forest situation through real-time monitoring, it is just a complicated RTS game.

of course……

Ordinary forest survival is still difficult to make these trainers stronger quickly.

Therefore, in the forest in the area where each trainer is located, Lin Luo also moved some hands and feet for them according to the evolved attributes of the fetters.

With the support of these trainers today, Lin Luo already knows all the changes that Pokémon energy brings to trainers.

The energy of the most common general attribute will increase the physical fitness of the trainer's whole body, which can turn a thin and frail scholar into a strong fighter.

The similar combat attribute, although it will also increase the trainer's physical fitness, but more of it will affect the strength of the fists and feet, and will make the trainer's close combat ability more flexible.

Secondly, fire, water, grass, electricity, ice, rock, poison, etc., are energy attacks that allow trainers to release corresponding attributes.

Although each attribute also has some corresponding small characteristics, the main function is to attack the corresponding elements, such as fire, water, flying leaves, electric discharge, freezing, rock protrusions, poisonous gas, etc.

The steel system controls the metal and hardens the body as Sauron shows today.

Fairies can confuse the enemy's mind and make it difficult for the enemy to attack.

The evil type will confuse the enemy's thinking and make the opponent make unfavorable actions.

Flying makes people lighter and faster, and it is difficult to fly out of thin air, but it can be easily done like various light skills in martial arts novels.

The worm system will make people have strong recovery ability and vigilance.

Under Lin Luo's observation, he can be sure that when the energy of the bug system reaches a certain level, even the rebirth of a broken limb can be easily achieved!
The superpower system is very simple, it is to make the trainer also have superpowers.

The dragon type will make people more powerful, and can release terrifying energy wave attacks with their mouths, but at the same time, it will also make the trainer more violent and easily lose their minds.

The ground type is more embarrassing, the effect is that it can make people easily escape the ground, digging holes instantly like Pokémon.

However, the arena of the Tenjin Gymnasium is extremely strong, and the ground-type trainer who played today froze in place after his fetter evolution, without any effect.

The ghost system is more complicated, and it seems that the changes brought to the trainer will vary according to the different Pokémon.

For example, Sauron has obtained the lengthening of the swordsman's soul, while Usopp can share the vision with the sniper tree owl.

Several other ghost trainers have obtained different abilities such as creating hallucinations or making the opponent unconscious, as well as the ability to allow the trainer to launch shadow balls.

Generally speaking, the ghost system seems to be an ability deeply influenced by the soul. Different ghost-type Pokémon will also bring different magical abilities to the trainer.

This is the end.

18 types of Pokémon energy data were collected by Lin Luo.

And with this information, he can select the corresponding Pokémon for customers in a more targeted manner.

In the forest, the members of the loser group are still enjoying the surprise of the night forest.

Lin Luo, on the other hand, has already started planning the Pokémon League Conference.



In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

In the virgin forest.

"Must kill! Konoha Star's Bamboo Forest Javelin!!!"

A green shimmering ammunition flew out suddenly.

Under the friction of the air, the ammunition was quickly ignited and exploded suddenly.

Only a sound of Peng was heard, and a huge tornado suddenly appeared in midair, sweeping towards a huge bear in clothes.


The wearing bear uttered a sky-shattering roar, and the fighting energy instantly gathered in its fists.

Moves - strange power!

The wearing bear with its fists gaining terrifying power stretched out its hands, ready to slap away the storm in front of it.

But suddenly.

On Usopp's face, there was a tricky smile.

"Do you think today's attack will be as simple as before?"

The voice fell.

In the next second, tiny moso bamboos shot out from the tornado.

Usopp suddenly waved his hand.

In an instant, a strong grass-type energy poured out, and instantly acted on those moso bamboos.

Grass-type spawning plant feature activates!
Countless moso bamboos grew in an instant, turning into slender bamboo poles, and then stabbed at the wearing bear like a spear without slowing down!
Bang bang bang! ! !

Under the inevitable sky full of bamboo spears, the wearing bear had no choice but to raise his arms to block his vitals.


Even though he was wearing a bear with amazing defensive power, he was still seriously injured under the bamboo spear that was blessed by the power of the storm.

A deep light suddenly appeared in Usopp's eyes.

Suddenly he shouted:
"Shoot the tree owl, now!"

"Give him the last blow!!!"


With the sound of a high-pitched bird song, a forest ranger suddenly flew out of the lush leaves behind the wearing bear.

It is the sniper tree owl after the evolution of fetters!
A strange light suddenly flashed across its face hidden under the hood.

The majestic grass-type energy immediately condensed around the Sniper Tree Owl's body, forming huge seeds like cannonballs.

Seed Bomb! ! !

There was no hesitation.

Several seeds carrying terrifying energy suddenly fell from a height and bombarded the bear wearing it.

boom!boom!boom!boom! ! ! ...

With the sound of deafening bombardment, smoke and dust suddenly rose in the forest.

After half a sound, wait for the smoke to clear away.

The wearing bear who endured successive attacks was finally exhausted, his eyes turned into circles like mosquito-repellent coils, he lost consciousness and passed out on the ground.

"Win... win!?"

Usopp froze for a moment, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

After half a month of training and improving ammunition...

He finally defeated this powerful and experienced Pokémon!
From today onwards, there will be nothing in this forest that can stop him.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Usopp's mind:
"Congratulations, Usopp."

"You have successfully completed the second stage of training."

"Then next, the third stage of cultivation will be seamlessly started..."

"Under the attack of Ibrahimovic's double, hold on for thirty minutes."

"Please keep going."

As the voice fell, a small and cute figure suddenly appeared in front of Usopp.


For some reason, looking at the Pokémon that suddenly appeared in front of him, Usopp seemed to see a big demon king with a ferocious smile, and was watching him with a playful expression.

It seems to be thinking about how to play with yourself next to make it more interesting.

 Thanks for Dongci's monthly ticket support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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