Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 180 Stress Kid Sanji

Chapter 180 Stress Kid Sanji
boom! ! !
The flames all over the sky turned into meteor missiles, smashing towards a thin figure in front like destroying the world.

A little Eevee looked at the flames in the sky, but with a gratified smile in his eyes, he let out a loud cry.


All of a sudden!
Terrifying energy gathered in front of him, condensing into regular golden stars one after another.


Following Little Ibrahimovic's loud chants, countless stars were launched instantly, like precise missiles colliding with flaming meteors in the sky one by one!

Under the collision of high-speed stars, the flame meteor is like shattered glass, instantly shattered into countless sparks, and slowly disappears into the void after the last ray of flame is dissipated.

Sanji and Flame Chicken fell back to the ground at the same time.

But their expressions were extremely serious at the moment.

Thirteen days!
No one knows how they got here during the thirteen days!
Ever since Sanji and the evolved flame chicken bonded and evolved to defeat the 62-level Gyarados, they have ushered in a bleak life in hell.

For the little Eevee in front of him, Sanji was more impressed than others.

Because he saw this cute little guy in front of him with incomprehensible power beat the world's top naval admiral Akainu until he was knocked into a coma.

It was also on that day that he received the grace of the dimensional merchant and became a trainer.

But even after killing Sanji, he never imagined that one day he would face the attack of Lord Linluo's Ibrahimovic!

Although the Ibrahimovic in front of him is just a substitute of the main body.

But after all, the strength of the main body is there, even if it is just a substitute, it still has the power that Sanji can't match!
During these thirteen days, Sanji tried his best to complete the test.

In the beginning, let alone survived the attack of Ibrahimovic's stand-in for thirty minutes, he would be defeated in just two minutes.

And thirteen days passed.

His bond with the flame chicken finally deepened to a certain level, and the energy of Pokémon and the bloodline factor in his body had a wonderful entanglement relationship, allowing his body to burst out with terrifying power again.

It was with this power that he finally got a chance to survive the attack of Ibrahimovic's substitute, and had the power to fight.


At present, the situation is not so optimistic.

Sanji's eyes were condensed, but his legs were wrapped in a circle of flames like a dragon, exuding a fiery breath.


On the other hand, the Ibrahimovic stand-in after landing seemed to see Sanji counterattack, and the entire Pokémon became excited, digging up on the ground with its front feet, as if ready to go.

"Heh... what a power that makes people helpless."

The corner of Sanji's mouth moved slightly, and he let out a wry smile, but his expression became more determined.

And beside him...

After the fetters evolved, the appearance of the flame chicken has changed a lot.

Perhaps due to the influence of the bloodline factor in Sanji's body, after the fetters evolved, the periphery of the flame chicken's body seemed to be covered with a layer of flame armor, emitting red hot light,
The exposed body also changed from red to jet black, matching Sanji's suit perfectly.

The flowing long hair turned into curly curls, staying on both sides of the top of the head, like elephant ears.


Sensing the fighting spirit in Sanji's heart, the flame chicken immediately screamed, and its strong legs suddenly exerted strength, and suddenly turned into a red lightning bolt as if with the help of a god, and attacked Ibrahimovic again.

On the other side, Sanji also turned into a dark silhouette, jumped up and came into the midair.

Since elemental attacks are useless, then he will use the fighting attacks that he and the flame chicken are better at! ! !

"Cha! (Flame Kick!)"

"Blaze Demon Wind Foot... first-class ground meat!!!"

The two attacks, one up and one down, are like flaming spears tearing open the void, hitting Ibrahimovic.

The scorching heat along the way swept across the four directions, burning the air scalding hot.

Looking from a high place, it is obvious that there is a unparalleled fire in the forest, which shows the strength of the bombardment of Sanji and the flame chicken!

Peng! ! !Peng! ! !
Two deafening sounds erupted in the forest one after another.

Huge sound waves swept around like a tsunami, crushing the trees and creating a large open space.

Immediately afterwards, a flame shot up into the sky and went straight into the dome!
The raging flames seemed to want to burn everything up, and the fiery flames spread in all directions.


The center of the battlefield.

The complexions of Sanji and Flame Chicken changed at the same time.

Because what they hit with all their strength was a lavender energy barrier.

The unparalleled power of flames invaded the barrier, but it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, without getting the slightest response.

Sanji and the flame chicken, even the Ibrahimovic's defensive barrier has no way.

Call ~
The flames all over the sky suddenly dissipated.

Sanji and Flame Chicken, who were united in one mind, retreated, with a little disappointment on their faces.

"Sure enough, isn't it okay?"

According to their experience, after the attack fails, they will be greeted by an overwhelming shadow ball attack from Ibrahimovic's stand-in.

That attack that can easily crush rocks and crack the ground, has no dead ends...

Even if they are knocked down, there will be healing Pokémon who will come to treat them, but if it's okay, who would like to suffer injuries for no reason?


Sanji raised his hand.

Just when he was about to give up this test and announce that he would admit defeat and prepare for the next one...

A burst of rhythmic applause suddenly came from behind him.

pop... pop... pop...

"Lord Lin Luo!?"

Sanji turned around in surprise, and suddenly found that Lin Luo was standing behind him at some point.

Thinking of his performance of failure just now, Sanji blushed suddenly, and hurriedly said:
"I'm really sorry, Lord Lin Luo, we haven't completed the second test yet, and I've let you down."

at this time.

Sanji's heart was actually very disturbed.

After all, in the previous battle, he played as the finale, and even directly announced his abstention when facing Nami.

In his opinion, this is likely to affect Lin Luo's expectations of him.

But there is no way.

He has chivalry in his heart, even if he is killed by a woman, he will not let any woman suffer the slightest harm.

This is an agreement between him and his mother, giving up this point is equivalent to letting him give up his life.


Facing Sanji's apology, Lin Luo just smiled lightly.

After all, he knew this would happen a long time ago and arranged it specially, so how could he blame Sanji.

Lin Luo smiled and said:

"No need to apologize, Sanji-san."

"You can stick to what you believe in, which is a very remarkable thing in my opinion."

"While this may add some obstacles to your future path, it is also because of your belief that you are so strong, isn't it?"

"Lord Lin Luo!"

Hearing Lin Luo's words, Sanji suddenly raised his head, with sparkling lights in his eyes, as if he had met a bosom friend.

But Lin Luo nodded, and did not dwell on this matter for too long, but instead said in a congratulatory tone:

"Sanji-san, I'm here to inform you that you have successfully passed Eevee's test..."

"From now on, you can go back to the gym and receive more scientific and formal training."

"What!? Really?"

Sanji was overjoyed, but immediately he hesitated and said:

"But Lord Lin Luo, we don't have the strength to survive Ibrahimovic's attack for 30 minutes."

"It's ok."

Lin Luo shook his head.

"The purpose of the test is to let you get stronger faster through this method, not to make you achieve a certain goal."

"What's more, everyone's fighting style is different. Your current use of flame energy and your fighting skills with the flame chicken are enough for you to enter the next stage of practice..."

"It's just that there are only a few days before the start of the conference. I hope you can prepare in advance!"

"I will definitely not let you down!!!"

After receiving Lin Luo's explanation, Sanji suddenly showed a look of surprise, and immediately responded positively.

"Hehe, I believe so."

Lin Luo chuckled again.

Suddenly, there was a crisp finger snapping sound in Sanji's ear.

And the next second, when he came back to his senses again, he was in a room full of technology.

"Sanji, right?"

A voice came from beside his ear.

Sanji looked up, and suddenly found a tall man holding a mysterious instrument to scan him.

It was Anilo who had the position of a dimensional merchant assistant.

"Master Enel!"

Sanji greeted immediately.


Enilu nodded indifferently in a deep voice, and immediately said:
"Don't move, I will conduct a full-body examination for you now, and then arrange a training plan for you."


Sanji immediately stood up straight when he heard the words.

A quarter of an hour later.

Sanji, who had already changed into a light training suit, was taken to a special room.

As soon as he entered, a sense of suffocation immediately invaded Sanji's brain.

In front of him, there was a small room burning with raging flames.

What's even more frightening is that Sanji's foot that had just taken half a step suddenly stayed in the air.

A familiar feeling suddenly hit his heart, making his heart throbbing suddenly.

At this moment, Enilo's voice came again:
"The next task for you and the flame chicken is to practice in this flame gravity room..."

"The temperature of the flames in this room will gradually increase, and the gravity will always be exerted on you beyond your limit..."

"Every day, food and water will appear from the portal over there. In order to prevent the food from being burned and the water from being evaporated, you need to take in energy at regular intervals."

"Okay, then, please do your best!"

"Come on!? What?! Wait a minute!?"

Sanji, who was not ready yet, was about to say something, but with a sound of Peng, a 44-yard foot suddenly kicked his ass, and kicked him directly into the training room.


Terrifying high temperature invaded Sanji's body instantly.

Fortunately, at this time, he has not exited the bonded evolution state, otherwise, the high temperature alone would have been enough to burn him to ashes.

However, even so, with gravity beyond the limit, Sanji's fate will not be easy.

In the training room, there was a cry of pain.

However, Enilu still seemed to have never heard of this, and clapped his ears impatiently.

After all, in the past half a month, he has heard too many voices like this.

Standing at the door of Sanji's training room, Enilo looked around, and he was able to see the special training rooms lined up one by one.

In addition to the necessary gravity functions, these training rooms have made some special adjustments according to different trainers.

For example, some are extremely cold glacier worlds, some are electric shock worlds where thunder and lightning are raging, and some are death worlds with constant poisonous gas...

After the evolution of fetters, even ordinary people can gain a certain amount of power, and after receiving this month of hell training, even a dog should have the power to easily defeat the Bandit King at this time.

The reason why Sanji was sent back here in advance was actually because Lin Luo discovered that...

After the outbreak of Sanji's bloodline factor and the evolution of the flame chicken, the pressure that Ibrahimovic's substitute put on Sanji has been far worse than before.

In addition, the reason why Lin Luo let him come to the forest is to hope that the Pokémon in the forest can make the strong chicken evolve in battle.

Now that the goal has been achieved, naturally he can't let him relax.

So Lin Luo kicked him back directly and accepted even more hellish practice.

Anyway, Sanji, who has the blood factor, is a stressful kid.

The more pressure he faces, the stronger the power hidden in his bloodline becomes.

Although after the bond evolution, the strength of Sanji and Flame Chicken has even surpassed many big pirates in the New World who have a bounty of more than 5 million Berries...

But after breaking free from the shackles and evolving, Sanji's strength is no more than that of a pirate with a bounty of tens of millions, close to [-] million Baileys. There is still a long way to go before the limit of the blood factor.

This is the end.

Among the original protagonists who boarded the Tenjin Gym together, only Usopp is still digging the seeds of special plants in the forest to fight against Ibrahimovic.

After all, his combat style is quite special.

In order to improve Usopp's strength as soon as possible, Lin Luo also specially exchanged and collected some special seeds and spread them around Usopp to help him improve his fighting style.



Time passed little by little.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the first three days of the Pokémon League Conference.

And during this period of time, the voice of the sea on the Pokémon League Conference is getting louder and louder.

Near the sea area that Balati restaurant took before, there are already dozens of sea hotels at this time!
Although it has never been rumored that the Pokémon League Conference can be watched for free, there are still an endless stream of tourists coming here, waiting for the conference to be held.

The newspapers and media have made full preparations early.

Even though the conference has not yet been held, they have already made many special interviews around the conference.

A conference that may change the world pattern is about to begin.

After no one, what will the world look like three days later.

But precisely because of this, more and more eyes will be cast here.

The Five Old Stars, the Navy, the Revolutionary Army, the Four Emperors, the Seven Martial Seas, all the pirates and mafia families...

The elites of One Piece World are waiting curiously or worriedly...

Waiting for a new era to come! ! !

 Wow! ! ! !
  Thank you for the 10500 starting point coin reward from the Iron Fist Saint Judge! ! ! ! !

  Thank you Iron Fist Saint Judge and the two bosses for their monthly ticket support! ! !
  grateful! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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