Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 181 On the eve of the conference, flamingos and sand crocodiles

Chapter 181 On the eve of the conference, flamingos and sand crocodiles
East China Sea, the sea area where Balati Sea Restaurant is located.

The day before the official opening of the Pokémon League Conference, Lin Luo returned here again.

High above the sky, Lin Luo, who was hidden among the clouds, looked at the bustling sea below, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Is everyone's enthusiasm for Pokémon soaring to this level before you know it?"

In the crowd below, Lin Luo saw the intelligence personnel from the World Government, the Revolutionary Army BOSS Dragon hiding in the crowd, and several Shichibukai who were sneaky and embarrassed to show up.

And this time.

As the president of the World Economic News, Morgans is holding a camera and a microphone, wandering among the big shots one after another, conducting pre-match interviews.



"It's really rare. I didn't expect that even an underground emperor like you would travel all the way to the East China Sea..."

"I don't know what Mr. Doflamingo, one of the Qiwuhai, thinks about tomorrow's huge event?"

In the Balati Sea Restaurant, which has been re-expanded three times, Morgans is sitting in a private private room, holding a pen and paper, and looking at the person in front of him with bright eyes.

On the opposite side of him, Doflamingo, who was dressed like a flamingo, grinned suddenly, revealing a sinister smile.

Both of them are one of the kings of the underground world in the pirate world, and now they meet in the East China Sea, of course Morgons will not let go of such a good scoop.


Accompanied by a deep and strange laugh, Doflamingo slowly looked out the window.

Outside the window at this time, there are still ships coming from afar, squeezing into the central sea area along the gap.

At this moment, Mingming Doflamingo didn't say anything, but he seemed to say a lot.

"Is it a huge event?"

Suddenly, Dover snorted, then shook his head as if mocking himself, his face sank, and he looked at Morgons.

"Do you think that after tomorrow, it will really be a grand event to welcome us?"


Morgans frowned, and the messy feathers suddenly protruded.

"What do you mean, Dover?"

Sensing the different aura hidden in Doflamingo's words, he immediately asked curiously:

"Do you also think that the arrival of aliens will cause any harm to our world?"

In fact.

Not everyone in Dahai supports the existence of dimensional merchants and Pokémon.

Either they are sincere, or they have ulterior motives, they preach the harmfulness of Pokémon and spread the belief of rejecting Pokémon.

Although such people are extremely small, as the president of the World Economic News, Morgans understands their ideas quite well.

That's why he questioned Doflamingo like this.


Facing his question, Doflamingo showed his annoying face again and let out a weird and sinister laugh.

"Fufufufu, who knows?"

Under the scarlet sunglasses, there was a gaze that seemed to be addicted to people, but looked forward to looking into the distance.

Dover continued:
"But I'm sure of one thing..."

"For that mysterious dimensional businessman, maybe the grand event in our eyes is just a game of pretending to be a house wine in his eyes."

"Even rejuvenation can be done easily, such a terrifying existence, no matter whether it radiates goodwill or malice towards us, we can only choose to bear it silently, can't we?"

"So, you also think that the dimensional merchant will bring disaster to the world?"

As if Morgans had discovered the big news, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He would never take it seriously if others said it.

But if this person is Doflamingo, then he has to savor it carefully.

But anyone with a certain status in the new world knows that Doflamingo hides a shocking secret!
And it is precisely because of this secret that he can always detach himself from ordinary people when looking at problems.

If Dover also said that the dimensional merchants will bring disaster, then he will definitely let this sentence be reported!

As for the authenticity of the matter?
He doesn't care!

As long as you can send out eye-catching news, that's enough!


Hearing Morgans' question again, Doflamingo shook his head suddenly, and the corner of his mouth raised:
"No no no, Morgons, disasters are always relative!"

"What may be a disaster for others may be a rare opportunity for you and me..."


After the words fell, Dover let out another burst of weird laughter.

It's just that there are some different emotions mixed in this laughter.

No one can understand Doflamingo's feelings after learning that Whitebeard has regained his youth.

He had gone through untold hardships and even killed his own brother and wanted to obtain [eternal life], but now he suddenly saw it in someone else.

As the former Tianlongren and the current Qiwuhai, he also thought that he grasped the true meaning of this world.

Even though his strength is not as strong as the Four Emperors, he still feels that he is one of the focuses of this world.

There must be a place for him in the future of the world.

This is also the pride and arrogance he has always had in his heart.

It is precisely because of this arrogance that he was able to overcome obstacles all the way to his current position.

But now, the concept of a different world suddenly spread across the sea.

This made Dover suddenly realize that the identity and status he had been begging for had suddenly changed, and it didn't seem so fascinating.

It may even be just a joke in the eyes of others.

This dealt a blow to him, who had always been arrogant.

Dover also sent people to the first half of the great route to find the figure of the dimensional merchant.

However, Lin Luo, who does not need to be afraid of the power of nature on the great route, has been wandering aimlessly in the sea, making it difficult for people to catch him.

So Doflamingo came here, in addition to witnessing the convening of the conference, he also hoped to get online with the dimensional businessman.

As a weapon seller in the underground world, he knows very well what Pokémon will bring to this world.

He also believes...

The world is not good for no reason.

When a dimensional businessman came to this world, he must have asked for something else.

But what does this matter?

Just like the era of great pirates opened by One Piece Roger.

The arrival of a new era will surely trigger a new bloody storm.

All he had to do was to ensure his own cleanliness in this rain of blood.

And what he said just now was just a little reminder to him in view of Morgonz's identity in line with his identity.

Among the many old-fashioned forces, it seems that there are not many people who have decided to accept the concept of another world.

Don't look at Morgans reporting news about dimensional merchants and Pokémon all day long, but he is just trying to make his news more eye-catching.

Really want to say how much he looks forward to Pokémon?Actually not.

That's why Doflamingo reminded him.

He hopes that among future competitors, there should be more "old friends" like Morgans who know everything about him.

Just like Ace who is making trouble in the new world...

He has now defeated many fleets of the Big Mom Pirates and occupied half of the territory of the Big Mom Pirates.

Fighting against a group of Four Emperor Pirates with one's own strength is something that Doflamingo can't even imagine.

And it is said that Ace Mingming can release the power of fire like a capable person, but he is not afraid of the influence of sea water and Hailou stone at all.

With this ability, the Big Mom Pirates had several special ability users, all of whom directly destroyed the ships, and had to expand the battlefield into the sea to win by taking advantage of it.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Spades Pirates, they would not be able to face the pursuit of so many capable people.

For such an existence that is completely beyond the concept of the world itself, Doflamingo just wants to say something from the bottom of his heart:
"Join if you can't beat it!"

"Master Dimensional Merchant, I want to learn this too!!!"



at the same time.

Doflamingo is not the only one who also came to this sea area of ​​Shichibukai.

On a huge ship.

Crocodile bit his cigar and stood right in front of the ship, his small eyes squinting uncomfortably.

Using the identity of Qiwuhai, he successfully came to the East China Sea from the great route, but he was still able to put on a calm face as if he saw through the world of mortals in the face of this unfamiliar sea.

"Boss, there are too many ships ahead, there is no way, we may have to stop here."

A burly bald man came over suddenly and said to Crocodile.


Crocodile groaned, then laughed loudly:
"Who said there is no way ahead?"

While speaking, he waved his hand violently.

A huge sandstorm suddenly appeared above the humid sea!

"Then... what is that!!?"

The sudden sandstorm startled the people on the surrounding ships.

Some merchants who came to play were staring at the sandstorm like a natural disaster in front of them.

The rapidly rotating grains of gravel are like bullets, which makes people tremble with fear.

If they were involved in such a sandstorm, absolutely none of them would be able to survive until the end of the sandstorm.

Good thing...

Thinking that this is a grand meeting for dimensional merchants, Crocodile did not dare to be too cruel and reckless.

Just blowing the boats ahead with a huge sandstorm, and laughing again:
"MR 1, pass my order, move on!"


Seeing his own BOSS casually showing such strength, MR·1 immediately felt that his choice was correct, and hurriedly ran down, ordering the sailors to move forward.

After the closure of Baroque Works, Crocodile lived in the battle area for a while under Robin's light.

With the example of Suicune and seeing the powerful Pokémon in the battle area, he immediately made a decision to abandon the long-planned [Pluto] and prepare to embrace the Pokémon.

In the past few months, he has been busy reorganizing the Baroque Works.

It's just that without the help of Robin, an excellent secretary, it would be too difficult to bring Baroque Works to the previous level.

Fortunately, after he chose to expose his identity, he successfully attracted some former senior agents of the work agency.

In a few months, they made a comeback and accumulated a lot of resources.

Now, Crocodile came here with these resources, the purpose is actually the same as that of Doflamingo, he wants to join the camp of the new era and become a brand new trainer!
Thinking of this, Crocodile once again looked into the distance.

But suddenly!

A black silk thread cut across his body suddenly, cutting it in half instantly.


Seeing this, MR·1, who hadn't completely walked away, was shocked for a moment, and shouted in a panic.

But Crocodile, who was in the first line and two stages, remained calm.

The body whose upper body was sliding suddenly turned around and looked to the other side of the ship.

The crimson cigar exudes a curl of smoke.

Crocodile suddenly said:

"This way of greeting is not polite at all, Flamingo."


Next to the Crocodile ship, Doflamingo, who was separated from Morgans, stood in the penetration, with one foot on the railing of the ship, one elbow on his knee, and said with a strange smile:
"You're the one who's being rude, right?"

"As soon as I came up, I used sandstorms to attack other people's ships. I don't know, I thought I was afraid of your little crocodile, fufufufu..."

"What a disgusting laugh."

Crocodile Gujing mocked calmly, his body gradually disintegrated, and the broken body in two recovered again, staring at Doflamingo with fixed eyebrows.

And Dover saw that Crocodile was able to elementalize and dodge the attack in an instant under the sneak attack of himself being attacked by the silk thread wrapped around the armed domineering, so he didn't underestimate him.

The two villains looked at each other at this moment.

In an instant, the surrounding air suddenly thickened.

MR·1's expression on the side also became tense in an instant, his arms turned into double blades, and he stared at Doflamingo tightly.

However, at this moment.

Doflamingo laughed suddenly, and said:

"Fufufu, it seems that you, an old crocodile, don't want to be eliminated by the old era."

"Hmph, of course."

Crocodile snorted softly, and immediately asked:
"Even you, a flamingo, can think of things, you don't think you are the only smart person in the world, do you?"

"Smart people? No, no, no..."

Dover shook his head again and again, a bright light flashed on the crimson lens:
"A truly smart person is now fighting against the Quartet with his young body in the New World! Fufufufu..."


Mentioning Whitebeard seemed to be in pain, after Crocodile spat, he suddenly fell silent.

Whitebeard, whom he regards as a sure-fire man, has gained the power of Pokémon...

What's even more frightening is that he also gained the power of youth.

It was a huge blow to him who tried to eliminate Whitebeard by changing the times.

That's why he deliberately ran from the great route to the East China Sea, just to get on the big ship of Pokémon earlier.

The two Shichibukai communicated briefly for a while, and passed by again under the advancing of the boat, without any fight breaking out.

This made MR·1, whose heart was hanging beside him, heave a sigh of relief.

But right now!
A cry like a dragon's chant suddenly came from under everyone's feet!
MR·1 was shocked instantly, and hurriedly looked towards the direction of the cabin below.

But he soon realized that the sound did not come from the ship, but from the deep sea below the ship!
The sea water suddenly boiled, as if a volcano in the deep sea was erupting.

Immediately after...

MR·1 only felt a turmoil under his feet, and the whole ship seemed to be shaking.

In the next moment, an inexplicable sense of weightlessness suddenly came!
Their ship unexpectedly broke out of the water and was lifted up by something.

But when MR·1 ran to the side of the ship and looked around, he suddenly found that they were not the only ship being lifted up.

At this moment, all the ships in the entire sea area that came to visit the event were lifted up by the pitch-black earth, flew upward at high speed, and came into the thick clouds.

Under the huge impact wind pressure, the layers of white clouds dispersed, and what appeared in the eyes of everyone was a huge island suspended in the sky!

"Welcome to the Tenjin Gym."

A mighty voice that seemed to come from the depths of the soul suddenly sounded in everyone's minds.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the huge island slowly floated towards them.

It was as if they were being invited to visit the island.

(End of this chapter)

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