Chapter 182 Opening!
If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for people to believe that one day they would be lifted into the sky by a huge whale...

What's even more unimaginable is that above the height of [-] meters, there is a huge island welcoming them!



"In order to make it easier for everyone to participate in tomorrow's Pokémon League conference, please follow the signs to board the island in an orderly manner."

"You can get an ID card at the entrance, one card per person."

"For holders of ID cards, Tenjin Island will provide free accommodation and catering services."

"If you have other needs, please communicate with the nearest Rotom."

With the clear and loud reminder sounding in the mind, a huge yellow arrow appeared in front of everyone's eyes, guiding everyone to wait in an orderly manner.

No matter whether they turned around or closed their eyes, the arrow in front of them still pointed straight in a certain direction.

This made the strong men including Crocodile and Doflamingo frowned suddenly as they watched the scene in front of them.

Being able to invade their brains casually, doesn't that mean that everything you see next may be what the other party wants you to see?

Although I know this is unlikely to happen.

But this feeling of being invaded into the brain by others without a trace really makes suspicious people like them very insecure.

Unfortunately, they have nothing to do about it.

"Does this count as a horse attack?"

After trying to use domineering to fight against the abnormality in his mind to no avail, Doflamingo suddenly grinned.

It's just that his smile is more or less bitterly self-deprecating.

It's one thing to be able to recognize reality, it's another to be able to accept it.

Just when he landed on Tenjin Island, he felt that he was like those toy coolies in Dressrosa.

It can only be controlled by the owner of this island at will.

After hesitating for a moment, Doflamingo finally accepted the powerlessness.

Gently waving his hand, he led a few of his subordinates off the boat, merged into the huge flow of people, and disappeared.

In a blink of an eye.

The originally empty Tenjin Island instantly became lively and crowded with people.

Although there is still a full day before the official start of the match, in order not to affect tomorrow's start process, Lin Luo specially welcomed the audience to Tenjin Island one day earlier.

In fact, Lin Luo certainly didn't care as much about the competition as Doflamingo imagined.

After all, he was still counting on his point balance to skyrocket again after this conference!

For this reason, Lin Luo even deliberately spent a lot of points to make the Howling Whale King gigantic, and treat it as a moving piece of land to serve the audience who came to watch the game.

On Tenjin Island, there are hundreds of Rotom electrical appliances floating in various places on the island, serving every audience.

It's just that what these viewers don't know is...

At this time, Lin Luo was watching all of them in the centralized control center of Tianshen Island, and kindly labeled them as three-six-six-six or nine-class.

"...This nobleman from the Kingdom of Boer should be able to trade several million Baileys."

"President of the Kate Chamber of Commerce, this should be able to reach [-] million..."

"What!? This person's entire net worth is only hundreds of thousands of Baileys!? You are so poor. If you don't work hard to make money, you still have the time to watch the game!!?"

In the centralized control center, Lin Luo is using the system's functions to check the residual value of each person, and let the Rockets trio and Ai Nilu record it.

Almost all those who are willing to come to watch the game are those who are interested in Pokémon. With these data in hand, Kojiro's work will be easier in the future.

Of course, people such as Long, Doflamingo, and Crocodile also entered Lin Luo's vision.

"The dragon of the Revolutionary Army? Since the last transaction, the Revolutionary Army is now poor and worthless, just pass."

"Crocodile? After being stolen by Robin, it shouldn't be so fast to make a comeback, pass."


Looking at the close-up of the flamingo on the screen, Lin Luo suddenly paused.

"Control the economic lifeline of a country, and have a huge underground business?"

"This wild Tianlongren, you can prepare for some contact."

Dover, who was queuing up to get his number plate, suddenly shuddered.

Poor thing he didn't know at this time, the moment he landed on Tianshen Island, his assets had already been targeted by Lin Luo, a dimensional businessman!


During this day, many ships came to this sea area one after another, preparing to watch this grand event.

Lin Luo did not refuse anyone who came, and directly sent them to Tianshen Island with people and boats, and settled them in the temporarily created city.

Silent all night.

The next day.

In the morning, eight o'clock sharp.

The day the Pokémon League Conference officially kicks off.

As the colorful fireworks of the Alliance Gym bloomed in the sky, elegant light music resounded over the island, soothing the crowd.

Hundreds of Rotom electrical appliances are like smart elves, guiding every spectator into the arena in an orderly manner, to the competition venue that looks like a Dragon Ball martial arts field.

It took two hours until exactly ten o'clock before all the audience found their seats and sat down safely.

Dozens of cameras Rotom hovered around the ring, filming everything that happened on the ring without any dead ends.

A relay station composed of four huge screens Rotom also appeared above the ring.

The fireworks all over the sky have not stopped since eight o'clock, rendering the whole sky colorful.

The scene is unprecedentedly vast!
"As expected of a dimensional merchant!"

In the auditorium, looking at the excited crowd around him, Long couldn't help but become more dignified with the shoe prints on his face.

He inquired about some news yesterday. It is said that last night, the dimensional businessman met with several large media bosses in the Great Airway in turn, and authorized today's broadcast rights to them overnight.

And the broadcasting rights of Four Seas were given out early.

If there is no accident.

From the very beginning, what happened here has now been seen by people all over the world.


Pokémon brought power and opportunity to the Revolutionary Army.

But at the same time, such power and opportunity will face everyone in the world.

Even if the dimensional merchant has no plans to deal with the world government at present, it can be seen from the young and powerful white beard that the products of the dimensional merchant will not only be sold to the revolutionary army.

In other words, while the Revolutionary Army is growing stronger, other organizations in the world are also becoming stronger.

And that's what the dragon is worried about.

Even if their plan succeeds and overthrows the World Government...

But can this world really be as stable as I wish?

The dragon's eyes swept across Doflamingo's and Crocodile's faces one by one.

Looking at these careerists with twinkling eyes, Long's heart was full of doubts and confusion.


This world-renowned event will not change in the slightest because of his doubts.

Just as Long guessed, Lin Luo has successfully connected the broadcast data to all parts of the world.

Because of the large number of media that chose to cooperate, this broadcast is even more terrifying than the future top war on the original timeline.

Especially in the East China Sea, the birthplace of Pokémon.

Goa Kingdom, Cocoyasi Village, Cipro Village, Rogue Town, major naval bases...

As long as it is a place where people have lived, the broadcast screen will be erected without dead ends.

This is also the most basic requirement for Lin Luo to agree to allow some small media companies in Donghai to broadcast the game.

Relatively speaking, there are not many areas where you can watch the game broadcast in the other three seas and the great route, but this is enough to satisfy the curiosity of most people.

at this time.

People all over the world are watching the big screen intently.

Although the competition has not officially started, watching a fireworks show through the screen can also satisfy the curiosity and expectations of these ordinary people.

And at the moment when the time came to ten o'clock sharp, a thunderous salute suddenly sent a huge and incomparable firework into the sky.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

In an instant, the fireworks covering the entire sky suddenly exploded, emitting a dazzling white light.

"Ah!? What happened!?"

The audience at the scene closed their eyes for an instant and asked puzzled questions.

And at this moment, a strange voice suddenly came from the surrounding speakers Rotom:

"I heard someone say 'Ah!? What happened!?'"

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"

"Then I will tell you mercifully!"

The dazzling white light dissipated, and in an instant, three figures appeared on the originally empty arena!
"It's Musashi, Kojiro, and Meow-sama!"

Some Donghai trainers immediately recognized the Rocket trio.

At this time, the Rockets trio were wearing gorgeous evening gowns, acting handsomely like an elegant stage play, and posing in various chic POSS.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the world!"

"Carry out the game of love and truth!"

"Lovely and charming host character!"



"We are the hosts of this Pokémon League Conference!"

"Wonderful and exciting battles are waiting for us!"

"That's it, meow!!!"

With a magnificent salute as the background, the Rockets trio successfully entered the eyes of the world.

When the familiar opening remarks ended, the Donghai people on the scene immediately burst into loud cheers.

In the past six months or so, the Rockets trio designated by Lin Luo to carry out trading activities in the East China Sea has gained considerable popularity.

Coupled with the fact that the trio are friendly and interesting, they have captured a lot of fans.

"Oh!!!! It's Miss Musashi!!! Miss Musashi, I miss you!!!"

"Master Kojiro, you are so handsome today, Yo~! Yo~!"

"Meow, hey (drool), my meow..."



In the arena, the Rocket trio who took back the POSS smiled and responded to the shouts of the audience, and immediately began to advance the process according to the plan.

I saw Musashi raised his arms high and shouted to the chanting audience:
"Good morning, everyone!"

"Welcome everyone to come and watch this year's Pokémon League Conference. So without further ado, let's take a look. After a year has passed, let's see which outstanding trainers have successfully entered the competition!"

Musashi went straight to the point.

As soon as the voice fell, a huge virtual screen suddenly appeared on the ring.

At the top of the screen, a figure appeared.

The navy cloak of justice flutters in the wind, his short pale hair is neat and tidy, and on his face that has been marked by the years, there is a hint of cynical expression.

【Monch D. Karp】

[Rank: Black Iron]

[Victory Points: 70]

【Winning rate: 100%】

"It's the naval hero Garp!"

The sailors in the crowd suddenly turned serious, stood up excitedly one by one, and shouted vigorously.

Amidst the violent shouts, Kojiro picked up the microphone and shouted loudly:

"Smiling and looking at the sky, thousands of troops will break through, and God will win with one punch!"

"Let us invite the trainer who still maintains a 100% win rate in qualifying and is also the trainer with the highest win point in the rank - Monkey D. Karp!!!"

As Kojiro's words fell, a white lightning suddenly fell from the dome, and everyone hit the extremely solid ring like a shooting star.

Peng! ! !
Suddenly, the entire island seemed to tremble!
Everyone felt their bodies shaking.

And when they stabilized their sight again, a burly figure suddenly appeared on the ring.

The person who came was Karp with a bright smile on his face.


Garp grinned, and then slowly walked to the far left end of the ring according to the previously agreed procedure.

"This old man."

Looking at the radiant Garp on the ring, the solemnity on Long's face immediately dissipated. Thinking of the meeting between father and son not long ago, he couldn't help showing a look of irony.

At this time, Miao Miao suddenly snapped her fingers.

The figure on the virtual light screen changed instantly, and a young figure appeared.

Under the orange sun visor, there is a handsome face with sharp edges and corners. The naked upper body is full of scars, but it is proudly displayed like a soldier's medal.

【Portgas D. Ace】

[Rank: Black Iron]

[Victory Points: 66]

【Winning rate: 98.5%】

Although he has been busy dealing with the Big Mom Pirates since he arrived in the new world, Ace's second-ranked victory point is still unbeatable.

Miaomiao, who was in charge of the introduction, suddenly grinned, showing sharp fangs and cheering:

"In the name of Emperor Yan, pardon all fires in the world."

"Next, let us welcome the supernova from the great route, the king of flames—Portgas D. Ace!!!"

bake! ! !
In the center of the arena, a raging flame was suddenly discovered.

Immediately afterwards, a strong arm pierced through the flames suddenly, and walked out from the raging fire.

Like Garp before him, Ace grinned at the many camera positions, and then walked towards the far right end of the ring in style.

Next, under the introduction of the Rockets trio, one figure after another appeared on the ring in an unexpected way.

"The king of a country has the demeanor of an emperor!"

"Welcome His Majesty the King of Alabasta - Neferutari Cobra."

"All the fragrances have always been competing for beauty, and the fragrance of a hundred flowers is scattered in one flower!"

"Welcome to Nicole Robin, an archaeologist and gorgeous trainer from O'Hara, West Sea!"

"Nine mountains and eight seas, there is no self-stop!"

"The lightning that moves at my fingertips is my eternal belief in this life!"



Following the enthusiastic and generous introduction of the Rockets trio, the top 32 trainers in the qualifying competition appeared on the ring one by one, and then lined up.

The smoker Smoker released by the revolutionary army...

Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp who have experienced cruel hell training...

As well as Crowe, who performed slightly worse in the special training, but still outstanding, and Lauren, the prince of entertainment...

Although this is not the place for the gorgeous contest, people such as Ace and Zoro still have a large fan base.

The number of people in the ring is increasing, and the atmosphere of the audience is also rising rapidly, and soon reached the peak!

It wasn't until all 32 players showed up before the qualifying match that the Rockets trio suppressed the mics, suppressed the cheers from the scene, and began to explain the rules of the game:

"Next, I will announce the preliminary competition process."

"The 32 trainers will be divided into eight groups of ABCDEFGH through a lottery to compete."

"Each group has 4 players, and the 4 players play against each other. One point is awarded for a win, and no points for a loss."

"At the end of the preliminary competition, the top two players in each group with the highest points, a total of 16 trainers, will be eligible to enter the main competition."

"Then next, each contestant, please get ready and go to the center of the ring to draw your group number!"

boom! ! !
As soon as Miao Miao finished speaking, a huge gashapon machine appeared in the center of the arena.

Under the eyes of everyone, 32 contestants came to the gashapon machine one by one to draw their own groups.

Except for Karp, almost everyone had a nervous look on their faces.

After all, half of the contestants will be eliminated directly in the preliminary round, and no one wants to be a passer-by in this grand event.



"Group B..."

Looking at the label in his hand, Smoker's eyes froze suddenly, and then he turned his head slowly, looking at Robin who was waving from the fans.

Although he did not participate in the special training at the Tenjin Dokan, Smoker, who was very lucky, was successfully shortlisted for the preliminary competition of the Pokémon League Conference with a score of 30th before the end of the first qualifying competition.

Because the ranking was low, when it was his turn to draw lots, most of the groups had almost been determined.

And in his memory, apart from two players he didn't know in Group B, there was another one in the battle area, Nicole Robin, who had the title of "Four Heavenly Kings"!

In other words, in the next preliminary stage, he will have a match with the woman in front of him!
Smoker, who was confident enough in his own strength, immediately grinned.

With his 30th qualifying result, he has almost no passerby fans.

In addition, he has not been working in Rogge Town for a long time, and even many locals in Donghai have never heard of his name.

In the eyes of many viewers, Smoker is just an inconspicuous little player.

It is precisely because of this that he urgently needs an excellent opponent to prove his strength!
Smoker is good at everything, friendly to the common people, and cruel to the bad guys.

But one thing happened, he was extremely conceited about his own strength.

Maybe that's why it's perennially number one at Navy training camp...

No matter how many times someone beats him on the head, this self-confidence will not change in any way.

That's exactly what it says:

Obviously so ordinary, but so confident.

In his opinion, the last time he lost in the hands of Crowe was entirely because he didn't know enough about Pokémon.

Today, he is no longer what he used to be, and he will definitely not make the mistakes of the past again!

At this time, Smoker had even begun to fantasize about showing off his skills in the next battle and shocking the whole world!

And the opposite.

After watching Smoker draw the lottery, Usopp suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

With a domineering sense of knowledge, he can easily perceive Smoker's strength, so he is very worried about meeting him in the preliminary round.

In the last few days of the Tenjin Gymnasium, Usopp, who also underwent the final hell training, did not participate in the final ranking sprint like the others, and kept some cards for himself.

It was also like this that he didn't want to meet the strong prematurely and expose his true strength.

The lottery he drew was Group D, and the other three trainers in this group had all been defeated by him, so they knew it well.

"It looks like it should be able to enter the race smoothly."

Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately looked at the sky.

At this point, the draw for the last two trainers has ended.

Immediately afterwards, a huge virtual light screen suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The corresponding players are marked on the top according to the eight groups of ABCDEFGH.

In almost every group there is someone who Usopp cares about.

Cobra in Group A;
Robin and Smoker in Group B;

Karp in Group C;

Sanji in Group E;

Nami in Group F;

Sauron in Group G;

Ace from Group H.

Seeing this grouping, some caring people have actually realized...

It seems that in order to prevent the excellent trainers from killing each other and being eliminated in advance, the dimensional businessman specially arranged such a grouping, so that the old four heavenly kings and the new four heavenly kings are in different groups.

It can be said to be a naked black box operation.


What does it matter!

Seeing such a grouping, the audience not only showed no dissatisfaction, but cheered loudly.

It is a good thing for them that their favorite players can enter the main match almost stably.

At this time, Miaomiao, who is the host, continued:
"OK! All the contestants have already obtained the labels of the corresponding groups. Please remember the respective group numbers."

"Next, we will conduct a six-day preliminary round."

"Two trainers will be selected from each group to fight each day, with a total of 8 games a day."

"Please see the big screen for the schedule map."

A flowchart detailing 48 games appeared high in the air.

Miaomiao squinted her eyes, the gold coins above her head shone brightly, and continued:
"During the preliminary competition, the audience can freely choose which group they want to watch according to their own preferences."

"Then, don't gossip!"

"Next, let us welcome the two players from Group A..."

"His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Alabasta from the Great Route - Neferutali Cobra."

"And His Majesty Joffrey Lauren from the Kingdom of East China Sea Coster!!!"

"Please leave the rest of the contestants and hand over the stage to the two kings!"


As soon as Miao Miao's voice fell, the audience immediately burst into cheers like a tsunami!

"Cobra and Lauren!? Oh my god! Are there two kings in the first place? This match is too exciting!!!"

Although there were quite a few big figures at the scene, most of them were ordinary people from the East China Sea who came to join in the fun.

Thinking of His Majesty the king who is usually aloof, he is about to beat him to death in front of them.

This sense of shock is definitely not weaker than seeing two beauties fighting!

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that we were lucky enough to see a battle between kings."

"Come on! Your Majesty Cobra, blow up the dog's head on the opposite side!"

"Your Majesty Lauren, let the other party see how powerful we Donghai people are!"



As the other contestants left the arena one after another, the audience at the scene immediately boiled up, shouting for the contestants they supported.

(End of this chapter)

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