Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 183 ×The World Was Shocked

Chapter 183 ×The World Was Shocked
"Is it me in the first scene!?"

Looking at her own profile photo on the big screen, Lauren was startled for a moment.

Although he was prepared when he got the lottery in Group A, he was still very nervous when he really became the first player in this tournament.

What's more, his opponent is still Cobra who is known as the "Four Heavenly Kings"!
And his Pokémon is a water-type beast known as one of the three holy beasts-Shui Jun!
The remaining 30 trainers left one after another.

Under the watchful eyes of thousands of spectators, the two kings came to both ends of the ring respectively.

"I didn't expect the first match to be against you!"

Cobra took out the exquisite Poké Ball containing Suicune, and smiled with emotion.

"Yeah, I didn't think of it either."

Lauren gave a wry smile.

The two kings who are both members of the world government are no strangers to each other.

The two met several times around the time of the World Government Conference.

And after Lauren became a trainer and came to the battle area, the two had a brief meeting in Alabasta.

Although Cobra is not very supportive of Lauren's decision to hand over the important affairs of the country to the ministers of state and run out to be a trainer by himself.

But through communication, Lauren made Coaster an excellent case of Ba Da Hu Paradise, and Cobra gave a lot of help in building the Holy Land of Silly Beasts.

Because the two people's ruling philosophy is almost the same, and they are both high-quality kings for the country and the people, so they talked very happily and had a good relationship.

At the back of the arena, on a commentary seat that appeared at some unknown time, the Rockets trio sat in a state of distress.

Miao Miao, who was sitting in the middle, put the microphone near her mouth, and immediately said:
"It seems that the players are ready, so I announce..."

"The first battle in Group A of the Pokémon League Preliminary Tournament officially begins!"

The roar of a salute sounded again in the sky.

Cobra and Lauren, who were in the center of the ring, threw the Poké Ball in their hands at the same time.

"Come out, Sui-kun!"

"Come on, King Nido!"

The two roared with great momentum.

In an instant, two powerful Pokémon appeared on the ring.

One is blue all over, with a wind-like streamer tail fluttering around it for two days, like the incarnation of the wind, which makes people yearn for it.

The other one was huge, with an uncomfortable purple color all over its body, and a strong purple poisonous gas was exuding from the spikes on its back and the top of its head.

At this moment, whether it was the handsome Suicune or the fierce and vicious King Nido, they all attracted a lot of attention instantly.

The moment the two Pokémon appeared, the two experienced trainers immediately issued an attack command without the slightest hesitation:
"Suijun, use the wave of water!"

"King Nido, use the poisonous water chestnut!"

The two Pokémon that just appeared on the stage instantly condensed the energy of the corresponding attributes, and at almost the same time, the two attacks were released at the same time!
boom! ! !
The water fluctuations from the water-type beasts were like unstable shells, hitting King Nido.

"Don't hide, resist it!!!"

Looking at the swiftly galloping waves of water, Lauren suddenly became ruthless and insisted that King Nido use the Poison Ling skill instead of avoiding it.

Even if the ability of the water system is better than that of the ground system, Nido King will cause double damage! ! !
boom! ! !

Accompanied by a violent roar, Nido King suddenly let out a scream, and his huge body was sent flying by the impact of the wave of water explosion, and slid more than ten meters on the marble floor of the arena.

And just a second before the wave of water hit King Nido, the poisonous water chestnut skill was finally condensed, and was ordered by King Nido to pour it out.

All of a sudden!
In the sky near Cobra and Suicune, countless tiny purple thorns suddenly appeared, scattered downward like raindrops.

The thorns landed on the unsuspecting Suicune and Cobra.

The complexion of one man and one beast changed suddenly.

Suicune's condition is better.

But Cobra's face turned blue and purple within a few seconds.


Seeing that the plan was successful, Lauren immediately gave a foolish smile.

His Nido King is currently only level 48, and it is wishful thinking to want Suicune, who is at least level 60 and restrained by attributes.

So Lauren made a plan from the very beginning, betting that King Nido would not be killed by Suicune!
Then apply poison to Suicune and Cobra!
Reality is not a game.

In the poisoned state, both humans and Pokémon will lose blood, that is, lose physical strength, and will also be given hidden BUFFs such as dizziness and slow movement.

The reason why Lauren is so sure is because he has been in a state of poisoning for half a month!
It can be said that even without bond evolution, Lauren's poison resistance has almost reached the limit of human beings.

Thinking of the devilish training in hell, Lauren's plump body trembled suddenly, and then immediately turned to look at King Nido who was blown away.

"How is it, King Nido? Can you still stand up!?"


During Lauren's inquiry, King Nido stood up slowly while clutching his stomach.

But there was a hint of pain on its fierce face.

Fortunately, Suicune didn't use his full strength for the first attack just now, otherwise he would never stand up so easily after suffering double damage.


Everything is undecided! ! !
Seeing King Nido stand up, Lauren immediately grinned.

His gaze turned to the opposite side again.

Cobra took a staggering step forward, forcefully supporting his body with unsteady legs and feet.


Princess Weiwei, who was in the battle area and was watching the broadcast of the battle, suddenly yelled worriedly.

Under Nido King's poisonous water chestnut attack, Cobra in the poisoned state has entered a dizzy state.

Regardless of whether Cobra can hear clearly, Lauren said with sharp eyes:
"I have to admit, Your Majesty Cobra, in the battle of Pokémon, we as mortals are really too weak, and we will only hinder our Pokémon."

"What did you say?"

The dazed Cobra raised his head reluctantly, and looked at Lauren in puzzlement.

I saw Lauren suddenly opened her hands, with a sly look on her face and shouted:
"I say……"

"Let me show you! The power that belongs to me and King Nido!"

"Go ahead, King Nido!"


King Nido roared loudly, and all of them showed arrogant smiles at the same time.

"Use our bonds to present the first gorgeous salute to the world!"

"King Nido! Bond evolution!!!"

A dazzling white light suddenly shot out from Nido King's body.

Seeing the divine light, the faces of the trainers on the scene and watching the battle in front of the screen were instantly shocked.

"Impossible! Lauren's Nido King, how could it evolve again!?"

Under thousands of eyes, the light of evolution dissipated instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a Nido King who was fatter than before appeared in front of people.

After the evolution, Nido King, because he was too fat, lost all his original viciousness, and was replaced by a naive look.


Seeing Nidowang and Lauren in the arena looking a little funny, the audience all over the world didn't know what expression to show for a moment.

But the evolved Lauren and King Nido had smiles on their faces.

After the evolution, King Nido recovered more than half of the damage he received just now, and he no longer looked as struggling as before.

And after the fetters evolved, Nido King's strength jumped from the previous level 48 to level 56.

Although it is far from Zoro and Sanji's ability to directly raise Pokémon to two major ranks, this is already an outstanding performance among many participating trainers!

Two pairs of innocent eyes suddenly looked at Suicune.


Suicune glanced back at Cobra, and found that his trainer had entered the state of pulling the brakes as expected, and immediately showed dissatisfaction on his face.

Why not let Weiwei take part in the competition instead of you!

After complaining in his heart, Suicune also looked at the other side with sharp eyes.

The poisoned state does have some effect on it, but the effect on it is almost negligible.

How could the noble and pure divine beast Suicune be defeated by the dirty poison system!

From Shui Jun's mouth, a dragon chant suddenly came out.

All of a sudden!
Sen Leng's majestic ice energy began to gather at its feet.

Although it has cooperated well with Cobra recently.

But Suicune itself is a highly independent Pokémon!
Even without the trainer's command, its strength will not decline in any way!

The opponent can use the poisonous water chestnut to attack in an area, so can Suicune!

Ice move - Frozen Wind!
Call ~
A gust of cold wind invaded the entire arena in an instant,
A white mist enveloped the entire arena.

"Hey? It's too cold!"

Seeing Bing Sen Kuangfeng on the ring stage, the audience immediately voiced their dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, there is a protection system in the auditorium. After feeling the sudden drop in temperature, a transparent barrier immediately appeared in front of the auditorium, completely offsetting the coldness of the freezing wind.

"Is it another double-damage ice skill?"

In the freezing wind, Lauren frowned suddenly as he watched the ice crystals condense instantly on his body.

It's too much for him to fight Suicune, a beast of over sixty levels, but the opponent's attributes are twice as good as his own.

If it weren't for the evolution of Nido King's fetters, influenced by himself, it has a half-fat characteristic in the physical sense, which can resist some elemental damage, and their group really makes the opponent restrain themselves.

Lauren let out a long sigh, and immediately turned his gaze.

If this is the case, no wonder they are mean!

"King Nido!"

Lauren suddenly roared, and King Nido instantly understood.

With the help of the blurred vision under the icy wind, he suddenly roared, his fists condensed the power of earthy yellow, and hit the ground hard!
Ground-based moves - the power of the earth!

Boom! ! !
Accompanied by a dull sound, a majestic and violent energy immediately hit the poisoned Cobra like a swift and fierce earth dragon!
Lauren knew very well that it was wishful thinking to defeat Suicune head-on with their strength.

So their solution is to attack Suicune's trainer!
Cobra was originally an old and frail middle-aged and elderly person. In the poisoned state, he had no power to dodge, and could only let the terrifying force of the earth hit him.


Seeing this, Suicune, who was about to continue attacking, immediately canceled the energy that the battery life gave to the freezing wind, with a trace of complaint on his face, but he still quickly applied a layer of white mist to himself, blocking Cobra's body as a protective cover. in front of you.

The berserk energy came to Suicune's feet, and after being blocked, the attack mechanism was triggered immediately, suddenly drilled out from the ground, and blasted towards Suicune's body!

Suicune cried out in pain.

The white mist on his body kept surging, fighting against the power of the earth.

Seeing this, Lauren's eyes flashed brightly.

Before the battle, Lin Luo told all the trainers with ground attributes one thing.

In order to make up for the inability to dig holes with ground-type energy after their fetter evolution, when they are fighting, a special ground-type energy will surge out of the arena.

In this way, all ground-type moves used in the arena will receive 1.5 times the power compensation!

After the fetters evolved, the power has been increased by a large amount. After this 1.5 times increase, it has gained an attack power comparable to level 60!
As the attacked party, the ground will be restrained by Suicune's ice and water elements.

But as the attacker, the ground system's attack will not be affected in any way!
"Although it's a bit despicable, I'm sorry!"

Lauren murmured apologetically, and immediately mobilized the energy of the poisoning system in her body.

All of a sudden!
A purple gas erupted from his physical energy.

"King Nido! Poison domain!"

呲! ! !
The poisonous mist all over the sky covered half of the arena in an instant, and immediately attacked in the direction of Suicune and Cobra.

And with the help of Lauren's ability to control the poisonous gas, the poisonous mist of Qingtian suddenly spewed out from King Nido's mouth, rushing towards the opposite side like a tsunami.

Poison type moves - highly poisonous!
The arena that was shrouded in the gust of wind just now turned into a world of poisonous gas.


Being attacked, Suicune, who had no time to adjust his state, suddenly inhaled poisonous gas, and his face instantly became ugly.

Lauren laughed and looked at Suicune.

"Hahahaha, this is the highly poisonous aura that King Nido and I soaked in the poisonous mist room for more than ten days to master. Even if you have the body of a beast, you can't care about it!"

Although the special training in hell was painful, Lauren had to admit at this moment...

It is that devilish training that created their current strength!

A rich purple instantly penetrated into the bodies of Suicune and Cobra.

Suicune, who possesses great strength, is fine.

It's just that after the mortal Cobra inhaled the strong poison, his face instantly turned purple, and he fell into a highly poisonous state.

Under this terrifying poison gas, whether Cobra can persist for three minutes is a question.


Seeing Cobra in a highly poisonous state, Suicune's face immediately revealed a look of unwillingness.

But in the end, it still roared at the host platform in the distance.

The Pokémon League Conference does have the ultimate protection for trainers and Pokémon, and it is not allowed to make up for trainers and Pokémon who have lost combat effectiveness.

But it was obvious that Cobra, who was just dizzy just now, was not in the protection ranks.

Continuous states such as poisoning and burning are also not included in this protection.

In order to prevent Cobra from dying miserably in the preliminary round, Suicune could only abandon his dignity and made a surrender request to Meow.


After a brief silence, Miaomiao got up abruptly and announced calmly:

"I declare..."

"The winner of the first match in Group A of the Pokémon League Tournament Preliminary Tournament is..."

"His Majesty the King from the Kingdom of Coster—Joliver Lauren!!!"

A strong reverberation lingered over the entire sky where the gods arrived.

At this moment, the entire Pirate World was shocked by this game!
 Thanks to He Wei's love and Swimsuit Chiyo for their support! ! !

  Thanks to Chief White Horse, Loose Xinxian, Planting Flowers P, Assassin Shadow Man, book friend 20210604173923462 for their monthly support! ! !
  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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