Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 184 ×Confident People×Dover's Discovery

Chapter 184 ×Confident People×Dover's Discovery
"Hello? Did I read it right just now!? His Majesty Cobra, he actually...lost!?"

Seeing Suicune and Cobra who suddenly surrendered and ended up receiving treatment, there was an uproar among the audience.

"One of the majestic Four Heavenly Kings was defeated just like that? There will be no shady scenes in this match!?"

Some supporters of Cobra questioned it, but it was immediately overshadowed by other voices:
"What's the shady scene? Didn't you see that Cobra's face was purple and black? As a trainer without any power of his own, Cobra doesn't deserve to be called the Four Heavenly Kings at all."

"That's right! To be knocked down by Lauren in two or three strokes, with such a record, how can you call it the Four Heavenly Kings!"

A recruit instructor at a naval base pushed his glasses and explained to the people around him:

"You can't say that, that Lauren obviously came prepared. First, he resisted a blow and took the opportunity to attack Cobra, and then attacked him again when he was unable to move, restraining Suicune, and finally released him. The poisonous gas attack that cannot be dodged is simply linked together, it is really a wonderful tactic!"



During the short break, there was a fierce quarrel in the audience about the battle just now.

Soon, Watson discovered a blind spot:

"Didn't you notice just now? That Lauren's body seemed to suddenly release a large cloud of poisonous gas. After the poisonous gas released by King Nido mixed, it seemed to be at his mercy, and sent water to Suicune and Cobra. Hit and rushed over!?"

"Impossible? Could it be that this Lauren is actually an ability user? But he has never seen him use this ability in previous battles?" A spectator who had watched Lauren fight in the battle area immediately retorted.

The voices in the audience were immediately guided by this question, and they started discussing again.



Listening to the noisy discussion of the audience around him, Doflamingo, with his arms folded across his chest, showed a deep doubt on his face at this time.

"The ability to release poisonous gas?"

He murmured softly.

Others may not know it, but Doflamingo, who has a powerful underground intelligence network, knows that the poisonous fruit that can make people release poisonous gas has long been known.

That person is currently guarding the world's most eerie submarine prison, there is no possibility of death, and the possibility of dropping the fruit ability!
But Doflamingo, who has read the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, knows very well that until now, there is only one Devil Fruit that can make people release poisonous substances.


Reminiscent of Lauren's sudden abnormal behavior and the state changes before and after the behavior, a sharp light flashed suddenly under Doflamingo's red sunglasses.


"It seems that this trip to the East China Sea is really not in vain."

He suddenly gave a deep laugh, folded his hands together in front of his chest, and stared intently at the top of the ring.

At this moment, he has already begun to look forward to what interesting things will happen in this arena next.



"Hey Hey……"

After releasing the fetters and evolving, Lauren smirked while receiving King Nido into the poke ball.

"Auspicious auspicious?"

The lucky egg who had been waiting for a long time began to urge him for the second time. Lauren came back to his senses and put the poke ball into the lucky egg's tray with a smirk.

As an officially endorsed regular game, after each match, a professional team will be responsible for the injuries of trainers and Pokémon.

Whether it is Cobra who is in a highly poisoned state, or Nido King who is hit hard by Suicune, they can get efficient and fast healing, and they can be alive and kicking within an hour.

After sending out Queen Nido, Lauren walked alone in the player aisle.

To be honest, even he didn't expect that he could win the first battle so smoothly.

And the opponent's Pokémon is still the Pokémon with the mythical beast that makes the trainers want to see it-Shui Jun!
However, after a short period of excitement, Lauren soon calmed down.

After all, he won this battle without force.

The reason is that the other party did not participate in the special training at the Tenshin Gym, and did not know about the evolution of the Pokémon bond.

But after this battle, Cobra will definitely figure out what all this is going on, and when the main match is over, he will definitely throw himself into the embrace of bond evolution.

At that time, one can imagine the strength of a trainer who has bonded and evolved with the divine beast Suicune.

"Forget it, it's enough to be brilliant once!"

Lauren grinned.

As a king of a country, a king of a country who was squeezed by world government officials, a king of a country for the country and the people, Lauren sees the reality of the future very clearly.

Although participating in the Pokémon League Conference is his wayward behavior.

But Lauren is not really as willful as others think.

As the king of Coster Kingdom, he knows better than anyone what he needs most!
Although the establishment of Ba Dahu Park has improved the country's economic conditions.

But for hundreds of years, the Coster Kingdom, which has been working hard for the gold in the sky, has now become a slave country under the World Government.

From top to bottom, the entire country, whether it is the ministers, nobles, or the people at the bottom, has already recognized their status as a member of the world government, as if carved into their bones.

If he proposes the idea of ​​withdrawing from the world government alliance at this time, it is to let the people of the whole country jump out of the original comfort zone, and there will be a lot of obstruction in Coste.

and so……

He will come to the Pokémon League Convention.

It's not about getting great grades.

It is to let the people of the Coster Kingdom realize the power of Pokémon and see the miraculous power brought by Pokémon!
You know, after more than a year of incubation, the Coster Kingdom now has nearly [-] Pokémon! ! !
Although most of them are green caterpillars with little fighting power, they are enough to amaze the world.

As far as he knows, Lin Luo has never traded such a large number of Pokémon in a second country.

He must make the nation aware of...

Their Coster Kingdom is a unique country in the world!
It is a country that can occupy a place in the world without submitting to any forces!

Even if this is not true, Lauren will use practical actions to make it true!
As long as the people at the bottom of the country stand up from the bottom of their hearts, their country will become stronger and have the ability to escape from the control of the world government!
And King Cobra from Alabasta was in the right place at the right time and got hit by Lauren!
Although it may be a little sorry for Cobra who is receiving treatment in the infirmary, Lauren still wants to say to him:
"Good defeat! Your Majesty the King!!!"



At the same time, within the Kingdom of Coste.

As a famous tourist country in the East China Sea, in every city in Coster, a huge screen has been set up by the major media in the East China Sea for the citizens to watch this Pokémon Alliance Conference.

As Lauren thought...

After he knocked down Cobra, the entire Coster Kingdom fell into a brief silence as if the mute button had been pressed.

But immediately, a huge cheer that seemed to overturn the sky suddenly came from across the country.

The whole country boiled up and down in an instant. Looking at Lauren's back on the screen, he couldn't help exclaiming:
"Oh my God! I didn't expect our King to be so powerful!?"

"Did anyone see the poisonous gas on His Majesty Lauren just now? Did His Majesty eat some devil fruit?"

"Wait! The man on the other side is the king from Alabasta, right?"

"That's right! Didn't you say everything about the introduction before the battle? What's wrong?"

"What's the matter? Don't you know that Alabasta's royal family Neferutali is one of the [-] royal families who founded the world government eight hundred years ago!? A group of illiterates!!!"

"What, how is it possible!!?"

"That old king's backing is so big!?"

"My God! Has our Majesty Lauren actually defeated such a powerful guy? It's amazing!"



With a lot of discussion among the citizens, Lauren's defeat of the royal family that founded the world government immediately aroused heated discussions among the people.

Although, the citizens will not change the inherent concepts of hundreds of years because of a battle.

But the self-confidence of a country is often built from one small thing after another.

Just wait for Lauren to return to China and guide this matter. In the near future, the domestic impression of the world government will definitely be greatly affected.

A small seed has been buried in the land of Coster Kingdom, and it will take root and grow into a towering tree only when someone pours a nectar on it!


The cheers of the Coster Kingdom did not affect places outside the kingdom.

Lauren's victory surprised and excited the audience on the scene and in front of the screen for a moment, but was quickly forgotten by everyone.

Because after a short rest, as the second group of competitors on the first day, they have already stood on the ring.

The two players in the second match were the other two in Group B except Robin and Smaller.

One of these two people is an aristocrat from a small country, and the other is a businessman with a small improvement in business on the great sea route.

And one Pokémon is a poppy ape that evolved from a poppy monkey, while the other Pokémon is a big rock snake with rock and ground attributes!
The backgrounds of the two are not ordinary, and their net worth is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Both have exchanged a large amount of training materials for their Pokémon, so there is not much difference in the strength of Pokémon.

The level of the sausage ape is 46, and the level of the big rock snake is 44.

Soon, the two aggressive Pokémon were fighting together.

Unlike the previous fight between Cobra and Lauren that ended quickly in a few minutes.

In this battle, the Pokémon of the two sides fought for more than ten minutes, which can be said to make the audience addicted to the eyes.

In the arena, the big rock snake used its huge physical advantage and rock moves to continuously narrow the range of activities of the sausage ape.

And the sausage ape can always use its flexible body and explosive jumping to avoid the attack of the big rock snake, and return the color with fire moves.

Although the sausage ape can hit the big rock snake, the fire moves with only half the damage will not have much effect on the physically strong big rock snake.

And the big rock snake had nothing to do with the alive and kicking sausage ape for a while.

The two Pokémon were coming and going, and the arena continued to burst out with gorgeous fire, and there was a huge roar.

In fact, in the eyes of the real strong, the fighting style of these two Pokémon is too low-end, it's like a child's play house.

But in the auditorium, some strong people are still watching the battlefield intently, looking forward to the appearance of a certain picture.

Doflamingo's eyes flickered secretly.

According to his intelligence, the two trainers on the ring, like Lauren, had participated in special training organized by dimensional businessmen.

Seeing the relaxed faces of the two trainers, as if they didn't use all their strength, Dover felt more and more that his guess was correct!

He couldn't help licking his lips, and let out a deep laugh:

"If this is the case, then this world will really become interesting."




The fight lasted until the 20th minute.

The big rock snake, which had been injured many times, finally began to show signs of fatigue.

The trainer of the big rock snake's face tightened, and he stood up straight suddenly.

In front of several shots of Rotom, he suddenly smiled:
"It seems that if this continues, the loser is likely to be me, Viscount Lal."

After all, after a month of painstaking training in the Tianshen Gym, the relationship between these trainers is still very good.

When Viscount Lal heard his words, a smile instantly appeared on his face, and he said:
"So, you are already planning to enter the next stage?"


The merchant trainer nodded and laughed loudly:
"If this drags on, I won't have a chance to show it off!"

"Hahaha, what you said seems like you are going to lose." Lal's eyes flickered, and he said immediately:

"In this case, let us all show our true strength!!!"

"Respond to my heart, Big Rock Snake (Scented Ape)! The bond evolves!!!"

As the two shouted in unison, a sacred light of evolution instantly enveloped the two Pokémon.

"What, the two of them will also bond evolution!?"

The audience, who were confused by the conversation between the two, let out an exclamation when they saw the light of evolution.

But the faces of people like Doflamingo and the others revealed a look of "as expected".

"It seems that the secret is that this mysterious bond has evolved!?"

Dover grinned, his eyes widened, and he stared at the ring.

Under the attention of all the people, nobles and merchants who had little power suddenly stepped into the battlefield.

In the next second, a scene that shocked everyone happened!

"It's about to go! The sausage monkey (big rock snake)!"

As the two shouted in unison, streams of flames suddenly spewed out from the nobleman's body, flying towards the huge body of the big rock snake like bullets.

The businessman was also not to be outdone, clapped his hands in front of his chest, and then slowly separated.

All of a sudden!
A row of sharp rock spines suddenly appeared.

"go with!"

businessman waving,
The two favored each other, and they fought fiercely again.

For a while, the scene was very lively.



in the audience.

Looking at the two trainers who were shooting flames and rock thorns in the field, Long couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and he couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing and sighed:

"It's so strange, watching the battle off the field, I actually have a feeling of being unfamiliar with the world."

(End of this chapter)

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