Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 185 Kaido's Expectation

Chapter 185 Kaido's Expectation

At this moment, anyone with a little brain can realize that something is wrong!
Especially for those powerhouses who have been probing the situation in the arena with the arrogance of knowledge...

In their perception, the two trainers on the ring just now looked very weak.

But after the fetters evolved, they instantly sensed a surge of energy boiling in their bodies.

This energy is actually not very strong for these strong men, it can only be said that it can barely enter the eyes of these strong men.

And what really shocked them was the source of this power!

No matter how powerful the knowledgeable domineering is, they will not be able to detect the energy channel built by the power of fetters.

But they knew that all of this must have something to do with Pokémon!

In the world of pirates, where strength is paramount, strength is the best pass!
Whether it is the power of blood, a strong body, or fruit ability, technological weapons, as long as people can control the right to speak, it is the fundamental pursuit of people's longing.


Not everyone in this world deserves it all.

The power of blood depends on the ability of reincarnation, physical strength requires talent, and fruit ability requires a certain amount of talent and hard work under good conditions. Technological weapons have large limitations and are not recognized by mainstream battlefields.

One after another, it is doomed that only a small number of people in this world can enter the ranks of the strong and obtain the qualification to control their own destiny.

As time goes by, people will eventually come to an end on their own path.

Middle-aged people in the Pirate World such as Doflamingo and Crocodile, although their strength is good, it is already difficult to make further progress.

That's why one of them will develop business and build their own underground kingdom. The other is lurking in Alabasta, looking for the legendary weapon Pluto that has disappeared for many years.

The purpose is to make myself a step further on other paths.

Now, under the guidance of the dimensional merchant, there seems to be a brand new path in the world of pirates!

Although the threshold of this road is not low, for those who really need it, it is nothing at all!
"It seems that the matter of meta trading this time must be raised!"

Doflamingo's eyes lit up, and his five fingers moved slightly, as if a demon was about to move and manipulated his body.



After the fetters evolved, the strength of both trainers and Pokémon has been greatly improved, and the excitement of the battle has directly reached a huge level.

The battle on the arena has completely entered a white-hot stage. The two sides are fighting back and forth in the arena, and the fight is very lively!
Countless flames and rocks seemed to appear from the void, attacking towards the opposite side, but were avoided or resisted one by one.

The level of this battle has finally reached a level enough to be taken seriously by Dover and others.

In the end, it was the trainer of the big rock snake who, relying on the huge body of the big rock snake, blocked the fatal blow from the sausage ape, threw out a rock protrusion, and successfully attacked the noble trainer.

The result of the battle did not cause much emotional fluctuations in the audience.

After all, when the two of them bonded and evolved, the audience's emotions were already adjusted to the highest point.

Even after the two left the stage, there were still heated discussions about the evolution of bonds in the audience.

And this sound, through the big screen, soon extended to places outside of Tenjin Island.




"Is it an ability that allows people to gain the power of Pokémon!? It's so interesting! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Ghost Island.

Kaido, who was slightly drunk, let out a deafening laugh while continuing to pour spirits into his mouth with the huge wine gourd that never left his body.

Watching the big screen temporarily built by the World Economic News Agency.

Even in a state of drunkenness, he still saw the secret of the bond's evolution at the first glance.

After all, as long as you have a little vision and see those elemental moves with the same attributes as their respective Pokémon, you can guess one, two, three.

Don't look at the ghost island where Kaido has been living in seclusion in the new world.

But his attention to Pokémon is not low at all!

After all, one of his goals is to turn all the pirates under him into animal-type abilities!
Just like the name of their pirate group - Beast Pirates! ! !

That's why when he heard that Doflamingo was researching artificial devil fruits, he invested a lot of resources to help him complete this plan.

But now, he has a new idea about the future of the Hundred Beasts Pirates!
If you let every pirate in your pirate group become a trainer, then your reputation as a hundred beasts will still exist! ?


The path of the trainer is much more reliable than the invisible man-made devil fruit!

"Oh, lol, it looks like I need to accumulate some resources to buy Pokémon. The support from Dover should be cut off first! Oh, lol, lol..."

Kaido grinned.

As one of the Four Emperors of the New World, sitting in Wano Country's huge Kailou Quarry, the savings of the Hundred Beasts Pirates can far exceed that of the other Four Emperors Pirates.

He is not as benevolent as white beard and red hair, and he is not as gracious as Aunt who agrees to replace protection money with desserts...

"I just don't know, when will the dimensional merchants come to the new world again!"

"Gudong Gudong Gudong..."

A quarter of the jug of spirits entered his stomach, and Kaido couldn't help but start thinking.

It is impossible for him to go to the East China Sea to find a dimensional merchant.

Now that White Beard has regained his youth, he is vaguely expanding his power.

Although his hand has not reached into the territory of the other four emperors, there are already many islands that were originally unowned, which have been collected by Whitebeard.

Whitebeard's wolfish ambition is obvious.


Don't look at Kaido's five big and three rough, but his mind is extremely delicate.

If it was an old and frail white beard, he would rush to touch it.

It's the white beard who has regained his youth, so let's forget it.

When his hand really touched the domain of the other four emperors, it would not be too late for him to find someone to join forces to kill Whitebeard.

In just a moment, several plans flashed through Kaido's heart one after another.

But in an instant, his eyes regained the blurred look before, and he looked at the big screen broadcasting the alliance meeting.

The two players from Group C are also two little-known trainers.

The strength of the two of them is not even as strong as the nobles and businessmen just now.

After a brief trial, the two bonded and evolved again.

In an instant, the eyes of some of the audience who had no energy suddenly widened!
This is the moment they've been waiting for!
The sudden appearance of bond evolution that allows people to obtain special abilities is like a mysterious, unmined gold mine, exuding a unique and charming charm.

Everyone wants to find out about this and see what kind of treasures are hidden inside.

And precisely because of this, when Lin Luo arranged for the first day of the competition, all he chose were the battles between those who had no strength in themselves.

According to the strength of Sauron and Sanji, they can completely solve their opponents in the state of non-bond evolution.

If there is no need, they will never hand over their cards on the first day.

In this case, Lin Luoke will not be able to fully display the evolution of fetters and attract those potential high-quality customers!


As Lin Luo designed, from group C until today's eighth battle, all the trainers have used bond evolution.

The trainers after the evolution of the fetters have changed their previous behavior of only standing aside and directing Pokémon battles, and they all ran to the forefront of the battle one by one!

After a long period of special training, these people have long been familiar with the power of Pokémon obtained through bond evolution.

The fluctuations in each battle are extremely gorgeous.

Gorgeous flames, overwhelming waves, violent thunder and lightning, fantastic superpowers...

From the original mortal body, this power comparable to or even stronger than a capable person was released, making the audience on the scene and in front of the screen boil instantly.

Some excellent trainers have even reached the level of Xiaoqi Wuhai after the evolution of fetters!

After seeing these people, Crocodile finally lost his expression!

Ever since he retreated to the New World and became Qi Wuhai, he has never made any effort to improve his strength, and his strength has long been inferior to before.

Now looking at each of the weak chickens in the eyes, the elemental attacks casually launched after the fetters evolved have reached a level that I dare not underestimate.

The importance of the transaction was instantly raised several levels in his mind.



The dusk of the blue sky dyed the entire sky crimson, and the dense clouds fluttered with the wind, hitting the boundary of Tenjin Island, and instantly shattered into countless fine water mist, spreading to the surroundings.

As the sun went down, except for a two-hour break at noon, the arena, which had been in a state of fighting, finally quieted down.

The Rockets trio changed into evening gowns more suited to the setting sun, and gracefully floated down from the sky, microphones in hand and smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, audience friends, for your enthusiastic support for the Pokémon League Convention!"

"I declare..."

"The first round of the Pokémon League Preliminary Group Stage, the competition is over here, and we will announce the information of today's winning trainer and Pokémon in the information column later."

"If you are interested, you can look for the nearby Rotom to check."

"Please leave the venue in an orderly manner, we will see you tomorrow at the same time!"

After the concluding remarks fell, the audience suddenly became commotion.

Nearly [-] spectators reluctantly left their seats and walked towards the guided exit.

During the game, the spectators live separately from the players.

The 32 players live in the gymnasium, while the spectators can only live in temporary towns a little further away from the gymnasium.

However, no one present was dissatisfied with this.

Their hearts are still intoxicated by today's battle.

Most of those who can come here have a bit of status.

They are not short of resources to buy Pokémon, but they are short of an opportunity.

Thinking of those trainers with mortal bodies like them, who immediately gained great power after the bond evolved...

These people clenched their fists instantly, and their desire for transactions became stronger.


In order to maximize the impact of the bond evolution and make the audience's reaction more real, Lin Luo would not choose to tell the audience the secret of the bond evolution at this time.

Secrets revealed too soon lose their freshness very quickly.

If they want to exchange the power of fetters, they have to wait until the end of this grand event.



A little later, in the restaurant of the gymnasium.

Except for the last group of players who are still receiving treatment in the treatment room, the rest of the 30 trainers were all called here.

"Good evening, fellow trainers!"

Under the bright light, Lin Luo's figure suddenly appeared.

He was wearing a neat black dress, holding a gentleman's cane, and a little Ibrahimovic wearing a black top hat with a red ring stood on his left shoulder, staring at everyone with two big eyes.

"Hello, Lord Lin Luo!"

Everyone answered in unison.

As for Ai Nilu who appeared behind Lin Luo, they all ignored him by coincidence.

They can't forget who kicked them into the abyss of purgatory again and again during that hellish time.

Lin Luo chuckled, walked lightly to the crowd, and said as he walked:
"Thank you for supporting my work and making this event a success. Everyone has worked hard."

"No hard work! No hard work!!!"

Although they knew that this was just a polite remark from the dimensional businessman, but the voice fell into the hearts of everyone, and it immediately warmed their hearts.

Lin Luo smiled slightly, and in order not to delay the dinner time, he also started to get straight to the point:

"There must be some trainers who want to ask a lot of questions, and now is just a good opportunity..."

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask them now."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Luo's eyes turned to Cobra's direction instantly.

After all, among these people today, he is the only one whose defeat is unclear.

He, who has not participated in special training, does not know the existence of fetter evolution at all.

Sure enough, under Lin Luo's matter, Cobra immediately stepped forward and asked respectfully about the evolution of the bond.

Lin Luo also patiently explained the role of bond evolution to those present who have not participated in special training.

After half a sound.

Cobra, who understood the evolution of the bond, suddenly showed a dumbfounded look, and murmured:
"It's unbelievable that there is such a magical power in the world!"

At this time, Robin on the side suddenly stepped forward and asked:

"Master Lin Luo, can we, who are participating in the competition, trade?"

After listening to the introduction of bond evolution, Robin was instantly moved!
She has already exchanged for the power of nature, and now she only needs 500 points to increase the strength of herself and the sun elves again!

500 points is nothing to Robin who has been in the gorgeous contest for a while.

With the help of Kalifa and others, her reputation has begun to spread around the world, and she even appeared in newspapers several times.

Many people came here admiringly.

Even Robin's current appearance fee is calculated in hundreds of millions.

If it weren't for resurrecting the creatures who died unjustly on O'Hara, Robin's current points would have been enough for her to raise her strength to the level of the top Qiwuhai.

"of course can!"

Hearing Robin's question, Lin Luo immediately grinned.

after all……

That's what he's here for!
 Thanks to the dog, gary for the support of the monthly ticket! ! !
  I heard that Teacher Kai was beaten to death by Bernica! ?Impossible! ?
(End of this chapter)

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