Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 186 × Garp's Mind × Ace's Dragon

Chapter 186 × Garp's Mind × Ace's Dragon

Lin Luo suddenly pursed his lips and smiled.

After mobilizing several people's interest in the evolution of fetters, he waved his hands and snapped his fingers:
"In order to ensure the confidentiality of information between the players during the competition, we will discuss the transaction after the dinner."

"Uh... also..."

Robin, who had heard Lin Luo's agreement and was preparing to make a deal, suddenly stopped the joy on his face, and immediately turned into a smile with a hint of mystery in it.

Lin Luo responded with a smile, snapped his fingers again, and said to everyone:

"Alright, for the rest of the time, everyone should focus on the dinner party!"

While speaking, a goblet filled with champagne suddenly appeared in Lin Luo's hand.

"In the future games, no matter what the result is, I hope you can enjoy the Pokémon battle happily!"

"Here, on behalf of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, I would like to thank you for your support all the time, everyone has worked hard!"

Lin Luo looked up with a smile and drank the champagne in the glass.

Seeing this, many contestants quickly picked up the wine glasses from the nearby long table, and responded unevenly to Lin Luo:

"Master Lin Luo has worked hard!"



After exchanging a few words with each other, Lin Luo told everyone the place of the transaction, and then left.

As auspicious eggs in lolita maid uniforms appeared pushing the dining car, the restaurant isolated from the outside world suddenly filled with a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

The 32 contestants released their Pokémon and began to enjoy tonight's dinner, as if they had forgotten about tomorrow's game, pouring all their happiness tonight.




Ace held four chicken legs between his fingers in one hand, and kept sending food to his mouth with the other hand. The posture was as ugly as it wanted. He smiled and looked at Garp, who was in the same posture as him, and said:
"Old man, are you really not going to buy the power of bondage? I am very strong now! Then don't capsize in the gutter!"

"If you are worried about money, I still have some rich ones here, and I can lend them to you."

"whispering sound!"

Garp, whose mouth was also full of food, snorted lightly in disdain, and immediately retorted mutteringly:

"My hairy boy, wait until you can really beat me!"

Although I have heard a little about Ace's strength recently, as Ace's grandfather, Garp will not give him any chance to act aggressive.

It's amazing to be rich! ?
If it weren't for the Navy's current financial shortage, he could have the Warring States call him a billion to eight billion...


Thinking of the plan of Warring States and his own boy, Garp couldn't help but feel a tingle in his heart.

When he heard Warring States say this plan for the first time, Garp even had a wonderful feeling of "I am not the one who is crazy" and "I am actually a normal person".

Who would have thought that the Navy and the Revolutionary Army, two completely opposite organizations, would secretly get together one day.

Even he, who is considered crazy and not doing business in the eyes of outsiders, can't keep up with the brain circuits of the Warring States Period.

"Hello, Ace."

After shaking off the messy thoughts in his mind, Garp looked at the grandson across from him again, and suddenly called out.


Ace, whose cheeks seemed to be stuffed with two baseballs, raised his head, and his mouth moved along with the exposed chicken bones.

"What's the matter? Old man, do you regret it?"

"Regret?" Garp sneered again, "Old man, am I that kind of person?"

As he said that, Garp's eyes flickered, and he asked Ace:
"Do you want to guess, what are the prizes for this Pokémon League convention?"


Ace froze for a moment, his eyes were dull for a moment, then suddenly flickered, and said blankly:
"That's right! There are still prizes for this conference! I remember that if you win the third place, you can bring a person back to life..."

"But Master Lin Luo didn't seem to have mentioned the prizes for the runner-up and the champion."

Ace muttered while recalling.


Karp smiled deeply, and said in a mocking tone:
"The dimensional merchant did not say so, so, do you want to come and guess what the prize will be?"

Although the Pokémon League conference has already started, Lin Luo has not told everyone whether there are any rewards for other rankings except for the third place.

After all, a year ago, resurrecting the dead was still an unbelievable thing, and all people's eyes were still focused on it.

And the third runner-up can get such a magical reward, and people have been looking forward to the rewards of the runner-up and champion.

However, after hearing Karp's question, Ace said instantly:

"do not want!"

After chewing a few times, he swallowed all the food in his mouth, and Ace curled his lips in disdain.

"The reward for the champion, after I become the champion, I will naturally know."

"Also, I'm full, I'm going back to practice first, old man."

Just like Luffy who hates being spoiled, Ace is not interested in the reward for the first place at all.

He just wanted to experience the scenery above the peak by himself!
"That stinky boy!"

Looking at the back of Ace's departure, Garp suddenly smiled thoughtfully, but there was a trace of complicated brilliance in his eyes, like anticipation, spoof, and nostalgia.



Ace, who walked out of the restaurant, did not go directly to the practice room to practice as he said just now, but followed the signs on the wall and came all the way to Lin Luo's reception room.

Bang bang bang.

There was a light knock on the door.

"Please come in."

Lin Luo, who was sitting in the office, raised his head and said to the door as expected.

The door opened.

Unsurprisingly, Ace appeared outside the door, first smiled politely, and then walked in familiarly.

"Excuse me, Brother Lin Luo."

Ace smiled foolishly, and Lin Luo also responded to him with a cordial smile:

"I didn't expect that you were the first to come."

"Ah ha ha……"

Ace scratched the back of his head and said knowingly:

"Maybe Cobra and the others are worried about disturbing you, so they want to come back later."

After all, among their group of people, it seems that he and the old man are the only ones who can calmly face the dimensional businessman.

At this point, there is still a while before the end of the dinner party, and he is the only one who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, and dares to disturb Lin Luo.

People like Ace and Luffy, although they usually look silly, actually see problems in their hearts more thoroughly than anyone else.

"You still know how to disturb me~"

Lin Luo glanced at Ace, and after complaining, he snapped his fingers and applied a time-pause magic to the steak in front of him, ensuring that the taste and temperature would not change if he ate it later.

Then he casually paused the Crayon Shin-chan playing on the tablet and stood up.

Wiping his mouth, Lin Luo asked:
"Okay, so Mr. Ace, you came to me, probably for a deal?"


Ace nodded emphatically.

After snatching a few territories from the Big Mom Pirates, the savings of the Spades Pirates filled up again.

He just took advantage of this opportunity to enrich himself.

After seeing Whitebeard's strength, he deeply felt his own weakness.

There is still a long way to go for him to become the king of this sea.

When it came to the transaction, Lin Luo stopped thinking about the Crayon Shin-chan he had seen halfway, and snapped his fingers casually.

A familiar yet unfamiliar interface instantly appeared in Ace's mind.

"Then, Mr. Ace, please redeem the points first."

Lin Luo smiled slightly and quickly entered the transaction state, while Ace also slowly closed his eyes and exchanged points.

This time, Ace thought for an extra long time.

After all, Ace has too many territories in a short period of time, and Ace's control over these islands is not strong.

He had to think carefully about which islands' materials could be exchanged and which islands' materials should be kept for emergencies.

When Ace opened his eyes again, it was already five minutes later.

During these five minutes, Lin Luo stood quietly and waited like the most conscientious salesman.

Seeing that the balance of points in the system instantly increased by 3 points, he immediately showed a gratified smile.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, Ace has accumulated 30 billion Baileys.

With a flash of inspiration in his eyes, Lin Luo stepped forward and said:

"Congratulations, Mr. Ace, you now have a balance of 6000 points."

with a snap.

A virtual light screen suddenly appeared in front of Ace.

The balance column above has changed from 0 to [6000].

"6000 points..."

Ace nodded, and the materials exchanged were not much different from what he expected.

Lin Luo waved again, and the virtual light screen in front of Ace turned into the interface of the exchange mall.

"So, what does Mr. Ace plan to buy this time?"


After hesitating for a moment, Ace directly clicked the interface to the exclusive page for VIP4 members, and then pointed to a certain item above, and said brightly:

"I want to exchange the charizard for the extreme giant device!"

Whitebeard's giant fast dragon has been on Ace's mind for some time now.

That huge body, mighty aura, is simply handsome!

So after getting the points, he immediately chose Gigamax.

Even though this may not be the best option, but for being handsome, Ace thinks it's all worth it!
"Oh? Extreme giant device?"

Lin Luo nodded with a smile, and said immediately:
"No problem, but let's trade in another place. My small office can't fit a gigantic Pokémon."


Ace nodded excitedly.

Thinking of his future self being able to fly on a giant dragon, he couldn't help but feel agitated.

Nothing can stop a man's dream of riding a dragon.

How could the flying dragon lose by riding on the face! ?

With a crisp finger snap, the figures of Lin Luo and Ace disappeared immediately.

And in a certain practice field of Tianshen Daoguan, accompanied by a tremor in the space, the figures of the two appeared here in an instant.

Ace, who has seen too many magical methods of Lin Luo, is no stranger to this teleportation.

As soon as he arrived at the training ground, he couldn't wait to summon the fire-breathing dragon from the elf ball.

"I'm ready, Brother Lin Luo!"

Ace looked at Lin Luo expectantly.

Lin Luo chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, first canceled the 5000 points on Ace's account, and then suddenly summoned a mysterious dark red cloud with his other hand.

Under Lin Luo's control, the dark red mist instantly flew up, expanded, and then completely wrapped the fire-breathing dragon's body!
Extreme giantization is a transformation form that can only be used after the special energy in the Galar region of the Pokémon world is absorbed and utilized by Pokémon and trainers.

In the world of Pirates, there is naturally no power to support Pokémon's extreme giantization.

Therefore, Lin Luo must use the omnipotent integral power to permanently immobilize this energy in the body of the fire-breathing dragon.

This is also the reason why extreme giants with no special needs can be sold so expensive.

of course……

In this way, extreme giantization has become a special ability that can be used anytime and anywhere, rather than the Pokémon world, which can only be used in specific places.

"Mr. Ace, put on this bracelet, and you can make the fire-breathing dragon use extreme power."

After transforming the body of the fire-breathing dragon, Lin Luo created a bracelet about 5 cm wide out of thin air again, and handed it to Ace.

This is Lin Luo's special wristband transformed from the giant wristband in the Pokémon world.

In this bracelet, it not only has the wishing star needed for Gigamax, but also reserves places for Z pure crystal and MEGA keystone, so that traders can continue to strengthen their Pokémon in the future.

"Thank you, Brother Lin Luo!"

After receiving the bracelet, Ace was immediately ecstatic and put the bracelet on his left hand.

Suddenly, a stream of information drilled into his mind, allowing him and the fire-breathing dragon to instantly understand how to use Gigamax.

I saw Ace and the fire-breathing dragon looked at each other, and the two nodded at each other.

Immediately, Ace took out the poke ball and put the fire-breathing dragon into the ball.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

Ace murmured in a low voice, holding the fire-breathing dragon's Poké Ball, and shouted loudly:

"Reveal your new look! Charizard!"

"Great Evolution!!!"


As Ace's voice fell, several beams of radiant light suddenly shot out from the bracelet, and quickly penetrated into the poke ball.

In an instant, the elf ball seemed to be enlarged by some mysterious energy, and suddenly became larger, with pink and alternate lights on its surface.

"Go! Fire-breathing dragon!"

With Ace throwing the Poké Ball forward vigorously.

A gigantic monster appeared out of nowhere, falling directly to the ground like a gigantic mountain.

All of a sudden!
The whole practice room was shaken.

If it weren't for the special reinforcement of the ground and buildings here by Lin Luo, just the appearance of the fire-breathing dragon would probably have smashed a huge deep hole.


Ace raised his head close to 90° with a happy face and shouted excitedly.

And the first time the fire-breathing dragon turned into a giant also showed an excited expression, looking at the empty top of the training room, suddenly let out a roar that shook the sky:


The huge sound wave was like a shock wave, washing over Ace's body over and over again, making his steps backwards uncontrollably.

"So strong!"

Feeling the power generated by the fire-breathing dragon's gestures, Ace's eyes shone with emotion.

He hastily took out his mobile phone Rotom, and scanned the extremely gigantic Charizard.

A moment later, Rotom's screen gave the feedback Ace wanted to see.

[Pokémon: Charizard (extreme giant state)]

[Attributes: Fire, Flying]

[Characteristic: Fierce Fire]

【Level: 79】

"Level 79!?"

Ace's brows and eyes immediately showed joy.

The fire-breathing dragon in its normal state is only level 61 in the strength evaluation.

After the bond evolves, it can reach level 75, which is equivalent to a big step up!

And now after the extreme giantization, it has directly reached the astonishing level 79!
Just a little bit, you can reach the next level of strength.

"The gigantic fire-breathing dragon already has a rating of 79."

Ace raised his head suddenly and clenched his fists excitedly.

"Then if it is after the extreme giantization, then the fetters evolve..."

"What will happen to the fire-breathing dragon?"

 Thanks for the support of the monthly ticket who rode the shark in the East China Sea and died of poisoning! ! !
  The latest information: Kaido and Big Mom were buried together in underground magma.

  This will be Akainu's only chance to stand up.

  If the two four emperors die like this, the magma fruit may become the strongest fruit.

  After reading a big up analysis, there may really be a secret organization within the navy to prevent the navy from being completely controlled by the world government.

  According to this situation, Akainu may become the next gin?
(End of this chapter)

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