Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 187 The end of the preliminary round

Chapter 187 The end of the preliminary round
"How do you feel, Mr. Ace?"

Looking at the gigantic Charizard (Ace version), Lin Luo asked with a smile.

"It feels... great!!!"

呲! ! !
Two smoky flames shot out from Ace's nasal cavity.

Feeling the mighty and turbulent flame energy in his body, Ace's eyes seemed to contain a world of flames, bursting with raging flames, as if he would be burned by the flames just by looking at him.

"It's amazing."

Ace clenched his fists, sighing.

He thought that extreme giantization was only used on Pokémon and would not have any impact on trainers.

But when he evolved into a bond with the fire-breathing dragon in a huge state, he instantly felt a flame power that was several times stronger than usual!

Affected by extreme giantization, this flame is not as changeable as the normal Pokémon's energy, but in terms of pure destructive power, it is several times higher than before!
According to the information in his mind, Ace speculates that the shape of the Charizard was affected after being extremely gigantic, which caused the focus of Pokémon's energy to shift.

After half a sound.

Acquainted with the new state, Ace and the fire-breathing dragon slowly returned to their original state, but the expressions on their faces still remained as powerful as before.

At this moment, Ace even had the idea of ​​wanting to fight Garp in his heart!

Ace knew that Garp, who didn't have a small private coffers, absolutely couldn't afford a communication evolution worth 1000 points once.

In other words, the strength of that Haoli is at most around level 55!
to be frank……

This level, coupled with Haoli's excellent physical skills and domineering practice, his real strength is comparable to that of Cracker, one of the three generals of the Big Mom Pirates that Ace met not long ago.

It's a pity that this strength is still a bit too weak under Garp's power, and he is not even qualified to intervene in their battle at this level.

At that time, an extremely gigantic fire-breathing dragon whose strength is at the level of the admiral, plus his trainer whose strength is second only to the admiral...

He may not necessarily lose to the old man.

With such a mood in mind, Ace's eyes showed a glint of excitement again.

For Ace and Luffy, Garp's iron fist is a naked childhood shadow.

They have been suffocating since they were young, and that is to hurry up and become stronger, and then beat the old man!
With a flash of thought, the image of himself pushing Garp to the ground and talking about his brain collapse has begun to appear in Ace's mind.


After a smirk, Ace immediately gathered his mind.

He is not so stupid as to take his intentions seriously.

Ace turned to look at Lin Luo and asked:
"Brother Lin Luo, can you recommend some skills that are suitable for Charizard and the price is around 1000 points?"

Grinding the gun before the battle, unhappy also light.

Anyway, there are still 1000 points left, and Ace doesn't plan to keep them for the New Year, so he just crosses them all off at once.

Hearing Ace's question, Lin Luo suddenly thought about it.

"Is it suitable for the skills of the fire-breathing dragon?"

This question stumped Lin Luo.

It is not because the fire-breathing dragon has no skills to learn, but the skills at the price of 1000 points are almost common to the public, and it is difficult to help the current strength of the fire-breathing dragon.

After a while, a new information bar appeared on the virtual light screen.

"Mr. Ace, what do you think of this skill?"

After choosing for a long time, Lin Luo finally came up with a common skill in the Pokémon world:
[Movement: Iron Tail]

[attribute: steel]

[Effect: Concentrate the energy at the tail, making it as hard as steel, causing a certain degree of force damage to the enemy, and there is a certain probability that it can penetrate the enemy's defense. 】

【Price: 1000 points】

[Purchase requirements: VIP3 or above]

"Iron Tail?"

Looking at the name of the move on the information bar, Ace was taken aback for a moment.

Charizard has been training for more than a year, and Ace bought all kinds of fitness equipment suitable for Charizard, as long as it was available in the mall.

Now the Charizard has biceps, triceps, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles, thigh muscles, calf muscles and so on.

But only his flaming tail, Ace has never seen it exercised.

Neither he nor the Charizard paid attention to it before, but now seeing the name of this move, Ace's heart suddenly lit up!
After learning Iron Tail, doesn't it mean that the last weak point on the Charizard's body is gone?

For the fire-breathing dragon, this is simply a magical skill!
With a twinkle in his eyes, Ace nodded instantly and said:
"Brother Lin Luo, this is the only skill! Please exchange it for me!"


Seeing that Ace was so satisfied, Lin Luo couldn't help pouring a cappuccino for his brain cells that had just died, and immediately laughed:

"no problem."

With the sound of a crisp finger snap, a ray of light flew out of Lin Luo's hand and shot between the fire-breathing dragon's eyebrows. ,

At the same time, the newly increased points on Ace's balance suddenly returned to zero eggs.

"So, do you have any questions, Mr. Ace?"

Lin Luo asked with a polite smile, but in fact, he was thinking about half of the steak he ate.

"No!" Ace replied with a smile.

After obtaining the extremely giant transformation, he now only wished that the time would pass faster and meet a powerful opponent as soon as possible!

"I wish you good results in the competition!"

Lin Luo smiled lightly.

With a snap of his fingers, he disappeared in front of Ace in an instant.



After a good meal, the time came to half past seven in the evening.

It seems that in a social setting, this is a very suitable time to visit.

Robin and Cobra came to Lin Luo's office one after another.

It's just that in order to revive the scholars on O'Hara, Robin needs to accumulate points. After buying a 500-point Bonding Power, he left in a hurry.

Afraid of staying longer, she couldn't help but started to buy some other things.

For Robin, the current Pokémon League Conference is not her main battlefield.

She doesn't need to pay too much for this game.

Her battlefield is the Pokémon Contest half a year later!
Now there is no need to spend too many points in order to improve strength.

A few minutes after Robin left, Cobra walked in right after him.

Same with Robin.

The results in the Pokémon League Conference are also not what he values.

He doesn't have much strength himself, he just came to join in the fun.

For Cobra, the most important thing is to make the people of the Alabasta kingdom rich.

His purpose of participating in this meeting even has the same meaning as Lauren, simply hoping that his citizens can see the strength of their king, so that they can become confident from the bottom of their hearts.

However, everything went wrong.

He actually lost the game embarrassingly in the first game of the entire event.

Although winning or losing the preliminary round was not important, he still felt that he was ashamed!
So in a fit of rage, he not only bought Bond Evolution, but also added three new moves to Suicune for future battles, consuming a total of 5000 points, a total of 25 billion Baileys!
After Robin and Cobra left, no one came to Lin Luo to make a deal.

After all, among these contestants, the ones that should be traded have already been traded during the special training.



Silent all night.

In a blink of an eye, the faint moonlight was replaced by bright sunshine.

The air above the clouds is exceptionally dry and refreshing.

of course.

Their delight is not only the weather today, but also the second round of the next preliminary round!
After a night of fermentation, the term bond evolution has completely become the top priority of people's attention in the world of pirates.

If at this time, Lin Luo created a Weibo-like communication platform in Pirate World, then the word fetter evolution would definitely be at the top of the hot search list, the kind that would not drop for days!

Especially among some strong players in the world of pirates, they are full of expectations and imaginations about the evolution of fetters.

It's not that most of these physical masters don't look down on the ability of the devil fruit, but they can't accept the negative effects of being cursed by the sea.

Compared with having the ability of a devil fruit that is negatively affected by the curse of the sea, buying a Pokémon, and then fettering evolution to obtain special abilities...

This path is not only safe and reliable, without side effects, but also allows people to have a fully reliable combat partner!

In the eyes of these powerhouses, it is simply not too cost-effective!

It is rumored that the value of a devil fruit is [-] million Baileys, but it was spread by some people who have never seen a devil fruit.

The truth is...

In the auction house, the starting price for even the weakest animal-type fruit dish is 1 million Baileys.

The superhuman system will have greater fluctuations according to different abilities.

And no matter what the natural ability is, as long as it appears in the market, there will be no less than 10 billion Berries!

It is common for a powerful devil fruit to be sold for more than a billion Baileys.

For the same price, you get an ability and a side effect, and you get an ability and a powerful combat partner...

Between one increase and one decrease, the people who buy Pokémon are simply winning, okay?
In just one night, all kinds of analysis and information on the evolution of bonds became ubiquitous, and people's attention to the Pokémon League Conference continued to rise.



Holy Land Mary Joa.

The Five Old Stars sat upright in the meeting room.

In the middle of them, a huge light screen is broadcasting today's preliminary match.

In the picture, it happened to be Robin from Group B, who was fighting against Captain Smoker from the same group.

Wu Laoxing frowned.

It stands to reason that the ghost stone of the ghost system should restrain the sun elves of the super energy system.

However, with a large supply of resources, Robin's Sun Elf level has reached level 58, which is nearly 20 levels higher than Smoker's Ghost Stone!
What's more, the sun elves also mastered the color of armament, the color of knowledge and arrogance, and the control of the sixth style of the navy is even more naval than Captain Smoker's!
After the whole battle, Robin won the game easily without even using the fetter evolution.

Seeing Smoker, who couldn't accept the failure, being carried away on a stretcher by two lucky eggs, Wu Laoxing's brows suddenly frowned even tighter.

"What's going on? Didn't Smoker say he was the number one in the Navy's boot camp? Why, he couldn't even touch the side of the devil's son?"

Wu Laoxing, who had his arms around the first generation Guiche, suddenly questioned angrily.

Although Smog is a navy that is not liked by the world government, at the Pokémon League meeting at this time, he represents the navy and the face of the world government!


None of the people present could answer his question, and there was no need to answer him.

Because at this moment, the other four five old stars were showing the same expression!
The blond Wu Laoxing suddenly sighed: "So many intelligence personnel have been sent out, so there is still no movement at all?"

"Even the agents at the Pokémon League convention said there was no chance of contacting the dimensional merchant."

"If this continues, the world will be out of our control!"

"This one……"

Another Wu Laoxing in charge of the intelligence department gave a slight pause, and then said:

"It can't be said that there is no movement at all!"

"Spandam of CP9 sent a report some time ago, saying that one of his agents had almost traded with a dimensional merchant on Baihua Island in the Great Route..."

"It's just that because she has too few resources, she doesn't have the qualifications to communicate with the dimensional merchants for a long time, so she specially applied for a fund to trade with the dimensional merchants."


The fat five old star with a mustache in charge of finances nodded.

"Although Spandam is a waste who relies on flattery and relationships, the abilities of the CP9 group are worth looking forward to, and there is no problem with their loyalty to the World Government."

"Spandam said it should be 2 Baileys at VIP10 level, right? As long as you can get in touch with the dimensional merchant, let alone 10 billion Baileys, even 100 billion Baileys are worth it!"

"Just ask him to contact me directly later!"

Wulaoxing is not completely ignorant of dimensional transactions.

In fact, the information they possess can be said to be the most comprehensive among non-trader organizations.

But fate seems to be playing a joke on them, and their people will never meet the dimensional merchant anyway.

Now I finally have a hope, and of course I will hold it tight at all costs.

After hearing the good news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief in unison, thinking silently in their hearts...

This group of agents can be regarded as a reliable person, and I will tell the various departments later that those who can support must strongly support it!

In this way, Kalifa, who was watching the game obediently in the villa on Baihua Island, somehow entered the sight of the five old stars, and in the following period of time, obtained an unprecedented huge sum of money!


Time flies like a white horse, passing day by day.

In the blink of an eye, the six-day preliminary round was over.

And the top 16 of this Pokémon League Conference has been freshly released.

They are:
Cobra and Lauren in Group A;

Among them, Lauren won the first place in the group stage with a record of complete victory!
Robin and Smoker in Group B;

Although Smoker was defeated by Robin, he still easily won the game with his fruit ability when facing the other two trainers.

Karp and Crowe in Group C.

This group has nothing to say.

The battle with Karp can be said to be the shortest battle in the entire preliminary stage.

Every opponent was punched by him one by one.

So much so that when he played, there was even a shout of "One Punch Man" in the audience.

Apart from being punched by Garp, Crowe didn't say it was easy to win to the other two trainers, but it was almost a battle without suspense.

The winners of Group D are Usopp and Lu Renjia.

Sanji and Pao Huiyi of Group E.

Nami and Liu Mangbing in Group F.

Sauron and Tu Feiding in Group G.

Ace and Bian Bu Xia Qu from Group H.

Amidst the cheers of thousands of spectators at the scene, the preliminary round of the Pokémon League Conference came to an end.

And what follows is the exciting knockout round of the top 8!

The 16 players will be broken up one by one, and the organizer, namely Lin Luo, will personally arrange the order of their battles.


This time, Lin Luo didn't act directly.

He's blatantly shady.

The purpose is to let the world quickly see...

What a terrifying power that Pokémon can unleash! ! !

 Thanks to Pluto Messenger and the support of the monthly ticket for a condolence! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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