Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 188 The King and the Cook

Chapter 188 The King and the Cook

"Everyone in the audience, good morning everyone!!!"

Still a familiar voice, still a familiar dress.

The Rockets trio stood in the middle of the ring, holding a microphone, with enthusiastic and bright smiles on their faces, and waving their arms to the audience around them.

After straightening and letting down the hair that had been waxed so much, Musashi instantly turned into a pure and charming young girl.

"Thank you for your warm support for this conference!"

"The six-day preliminary competition finally ended successfully in a tense and exciting atmosphere. After a day's rest, we ushered in the main competition of this year's Pokémon League Tournament!"

"Next, let us welcome the top 16 of this conference with warm applause!!!"

【Legends never die】

【When the world is calling you...】

A low melody suddenly hovered in the sky of the ring.

When the rhythm of the first drum broke out, a heavy foot suddenly stepped on the steps of the ring.

Garp, wearing a cloak of justice, walked slowly towards the center of the ring with a positive expression under the rendering of the BGM.

Behind him, Ace and others entered the ring one after another according to the order of qualifying results.

16 people lined up.

It can be seen that the makeup and costumes of everyone standing here today have been carefully designed by professionals according to their fighting style and personality.

A huge projection of light particles suddenly appeared above the sky of the arena. With the blessing of special technology, it is guaranteed that no matter which angle the audience looks from, they can see it clearly and clearly.

In the projection, the wonderful moments of the 16 contestants on the court during the preliminary round were played!
Garp's Iron Fist kills with one blow, Ace's Burnout, Zoro's sharp slash, Nami's Thunder Prison World, Sanji's violent kicking skills, Usopp's jungle world...

One after another wonderful pictures are shown in front of audiences all over the world with BGM.

In the heart-pounding drumbeat, the edited clips are even more deeply rooted in people's hearts than the live world situation.

This group of locals who have never watched the hot-blooded clips of station B, or even watched the TV shows, were instantly aroused by this projection.

There were loud cheers at the scene!
"Come on! Ace!!! You are the fifth emperor of this sea!!!" This is a little pirate who was infected by Ace's deeds.

"Lieutenant General Garp, Colonel Smoker, come on! Let these young people see the strength of our navy!" This is the East China Sea Navy who sneaked in to watch the event.

"Don't embarrass us Balati, Sanji!!!" These are the chefs of Balati restaurant.

"Brother Sauron! Come on! Get rid of them!!!" These were Johnny and Joseph hidden among thousands of people, and Alrita and Keby who stood behind them and waved the flag for Sauron.

"Miss Nami, Miss Robin, I will record your most beautiful moments!" This is no less than Sanji, who holds a camera and prepares to capture missing moments!
"You are the best! Usopp!!!" Keya accidentally squeezed the metal support stick in her hand into a palm shape, and under the terrified eyes of Bucky and his group, she waved her hand with gusts of wind , Shouting for Usopp.



Amidst the cheers of thousands of spectators, the song ended, and the projection of light particles also came to an end in an appropriate rhythm.

Kojiro smiled slightly. He was born in a noble family and already had a good appearance and temperament.

Facing thousands of spectators, it even stimulated the potential charm in him.

Kojiro raised his arm abruptly, pointing his finger at the sky in the shape of a pistol.

Whoosh~! ! !

Peng! ! ! !

A firework huge enough to reflect the entire island suddenly exploded in the sky.

Kojiro picked up the microphone:
"I declare..."

"The Pokémon League Tournament is officially starting!!!"

"Let's welcome the first group of players for this game..."

"Neferutari Cobra vs. Blackfoot Sanji!!!"

"That's it! Meow!"

Miao Miao finally said something with a sense of presence.

At the scene, after hearing the first group of contestants revealed by Kojiro, there was an uproar in the auditorium.

"What!? His Majesty Cobra is the first to appear!? Did he buy it?"

"Don't be embarrassed, black brother, 16 to 8 is a knockout round. The new Four Heavenly King Sanji is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he really bought it, then how wrong he spent his money!"

"Hahahaha hiccup..."



Because of the unfavorable performance at the start of the preliminary round, even though Suicune defeated the opponent's two bonded evolution players with invincibility in the next two games, the audience at the scene will still be affected by the first impression when they look at Cobra. Look at him through tinted glasses.

Under the eyes of everyone, Cobra showed a faint wry smile.

There was no way, as the first contestant to appear in the preliminary round, his performance was really bad, and even seriously delayed Suicune's retreat. He could understand the mood of the audience at this time.


Suddenly, a smile flashed across Cobra's eyes.

He purposely hid the evolved form of his bond with Suicune, just for this day! ?
Cobra is no stranger to Sanji.

After all, when he opened a restaurant outside the battle area, he still had to go through the administrative review of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Cobra knows that Sanji is an excellent physical fighter, and his Pokémon Flame Chicken is also a Pokémon that is good at close combat.

If it was before the preliminary round, he might not be sure to fight Sanji.

But now, he is full of confidence!
no way!
The water king after the bond evolution is really too powerful! ! !

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, Cobra and Sanji quickly stood on opposite sides of the ring.

Miaomiao in the presiding seat put her face close to the microphone, and then announced:
"Pokémon League Conference, 16 to 8 knockout rounds, the first Neferutari Cobra vs. Blackfoot Sanji, the battle begins!"

"Come out! Suicune!!!"

"Come on! Flame Chicken!!!"

The moment Meow Meow's voice fell, Sanji and Cobra threw the Poké Ball in their hands at the same time.

Under the two red rays of light, two Pokémon suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

And right now!
A scene that stunned the audience appeared.

Sanji and Cobra stood up straight the moment they summoned the Pokémon, and shouted towards the battlefield:
"Burning to your heart's content! Flame Chicken!"

"Sui-kun! Show off your majesty!"

"Bond evolution!!!" × 2
Without the slightest hesitation, the two directly started the bond evolution in the first second of the battle.

You know, in the preliminary round, Sanji, like Cobra, never showed the bond evolution form.

No one expected that the two of them would directly perform bond evolution at the beginning of the battle!
In fact, this situation is not surprising.

Cobra, who has seen the powerful strength of Sanji and Flame Chicken, is very worried that he will be killed by the opponent's combo in seconds like he was in the battle with Lauren, so he directly enters the bond evolution state immediately, adding a little bit to his weak self. layers of insurance.

And Sanji's thinking is not too different from Cobra's.

When he learned that his opponent was Cobra, Sanji's heart was not easy at all.

After all, even after the bond evolution, the flame chicken's combat power is only around level 65, which is not much different from Suicune's strength.

In anticipation that Cobra may have mastered the evolution of the bond, he must be prepared for a tough battle.

Whoa! ! !
Two lights of evolution bloomed above the ring.

In an instant, two brand new Pokémon appeared on the ring!

Feeling the blazing power that suddenly appeared in the body, it blended with the power of his own blood, releasing a more powerful and terrifying power.

Sanji raised his head slowly, as if his head was bursting with anger, sparks of fire flickered in his eyes.

Under the firelight, there was a pair of extremely calm pupils.

"Do you want to bond the evolved Suicune?"

After crossing the flame chicken in the evolution state of the bond, Sanji saw the new form of Suicune at a glance.

After evolving from the bond with Cobra, Suicune changed from his previous lightness and agility, and his temperament changed instantly.

Suicune, who had always had a peaceful face, suddenly revealed a calm and majestic kingly appearance at this time!
Anyway, Cobra is also the king of Alabasta, and the blood of the Neferutari clan flows in his body!
No matter how kind he is usually, no matter how friendly he is to his subordinates...

As one of the twenty families who founded the world government, the blood of Neferutari Cobra also flows with the nobility and majesty of the royal family.

The nobility and majesty flowing in this bloodline just caters to the divine beast blood in Suicune's body, allowing it to formally evolve from an ordinary Suicune into the "Northern Wind Incarnation" worthy of the name of "Sacred Beast"!
"It's not a good stubble!"

Sensing the majestic aura released from Suicune, Sanji frowned.

He could feel that Suicune at this time was more than a little stronger than him and the flame chicken!
In other words, the opponent has already crossed that threshold after the bond evolved, and stepped into the ranks of level 70.


Although he doesn't like to face difficulties, there is also a noble knight hidden in Sanji's heart that no one should underestimate!
"Let's go first, flame chicken!"

There was a flash of fire in his eyes, and Sanji suddenly let out a soft drink.

No need for any words, the same mind under the bond evolution made them react instantly.

The two figures wrapped in flames disappeared in an instant, leaving only a blazing fire and lightning in the air.

This move is exactly one of the navy's strongest six-style physical skills - shaving!

Thanks to Klick and Akin, with the continuous efforts of these two people, Sanji, the owner of the restaurant, finally collected enough points and bought two copies of [Navy Six Styles Shaved Beginner Experience].

Although what he bought was just a beginner's experience, under the continuous practice of him and the flame chicken, the two, who already have developed leg strength, have long practiced the shaving move with such pure love!

Seeing the two figures that suddenly disappeared, Cobra didn't show any signs of panic.

After all, there are too many people who can use this trick in this final stage!

"Suicune, use Loud Roar!!!"

Cobra yelled loudly, and used the new move that he bought from Lin Luo six days ago.


Suicune, who instantly understood Cobra's intentions, uttered a dragon chant.

All of a sudden!
In its mouth, even if a black-purple energy light ball appeared, it continued to grow bigger!
Roar loudly, a special move of evil attribute, attack the enemy through condensed energy, if the enemy is in the attack state, the special power of the loud roar will affect the enemy, making the opponent cancel the idea of ​​​​attacking; if the enemy is not in the attack state, it will make the enemy's The desire to attack is reduced.

Although the evil attribute is not the main attribute of Suicune, it is not even a secondary attribute...

But even a random blow from the evolved Suicune would be enough to destroy the world.

What's more, having learned the lesson of Lauren's battle, Suicune will never hold back from the enemy, and every attack will be its full blow!
And just when Suicune gathered his strength, two figures wrapped in flames suddenly appeared in the void, attacking Cobra with incomparable momentum.

"Cha! (Flame Kick!)"

"Blaze Demon Wind Feet Thigh Meat!"

Sanji and the flame chicken are like a blazing fire, bombarding Cobra.

But it's time!
Even though a huge dark purple energy ball flew out, it just rightly blocked in front of the two of them.

The huge energy ball suddenly enveloped Sanji and Flame Chicken.

Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion sounded!
Peng! ! !
The energy ball of the roaring move exploded, repelling Sanji and Flame Chicken who were about to attack back the same way.


After landing, Sanji spit out an unnecessary mouthful of saliva, and immediately wiped the corners of his mouth, and the thought of attack disappeared instantly.

This is the evil attribute!
A magical power that can directly control the thoughts of the enemy!
It's a pity that there is not much evil energy in Suicune's body, so the damage of this move is not much, and it has little effect on Sanji and the others.

But it doesn't matter.

The reason why Cobra asked Suicune to use this trick was just to let Sanji understand...

It is impossible to succeed in the fighting style that wants to rely on sneak attacking him to win!

Sanji grinned, seemingly helpless, and looked at Flame Chicken excitedly, and then murmured:
"It's a pity, I thought I could win easily in this way."

Sanji suddenly loosened the tie that was not damaged in the hot flames, and his face showed a bit of madness.

"In this case……"

"Then we can only choose to break through head-on!!!"

Following the sound of two piercing sounds, the figures of Sanji and Flame Chicken disappeared from the battlefield again.

A battle between the top powerhouses officially begins at this moment!
"Suicune! Use Rain Request!"

Cobra took the lead to create a field advantage for his side.


With Suicune's buzzing sound, the clear sky instantly darkened.

In less than a second, the pouring rain is pouring down!

In the rain, two crimson figures could be vaguely seen, stepping on the wet marble ground, flying forward like sharp arrows.

It's still the same move, the same routine.

Only this time, the target of Sanji's rush has changed from Cobra to Suicune.

Facing the berserk attack, Suicune's eyes flicked sternly, not daring to have the slightest contempt.

It is very clear that in terms of attack speed alone, the opponent is still ahead of itself.

Without Cobra's instructions, Suicune took the initiative to launch a move - Freezing Wind!
Call ~
A cold wind that covered the sky suddenly covered the entire arena.

A layer of ice as smooth as a mirror instantly formed on the ground that was already wet by rain.

The soles of Sanji and Flame Chicken stepped on the ice, smashing the ice instantly.

Affected by the ice, the speed of the two of them also slowed down slightly.

"Caught you!"

A blue light burst out from Suicune's eyes, shining like ice crystals.

Moves - Absolute Zero! ! !
Peng! ! !boom! ! !
The extremely low temperature collided with the soaring flames, and a violent shock wave erupted in an instant, spreading out in all directions.

Audience room.

Seeing the impact storm howling outside the transparent protective barrier, the complexions of Crocodile, Doflamingo and other strong men completely changed at this moment.

They finally understood why the brilliant game before was called the preliminary round.

Because the contestants in the main match are as powerful as they were in the previous battles!
Looking at Suicune, Sanji, Flame Chicken in the arena...

Dover's mouth twitched.

At this moment, he had already realized that if he and one of the trainers were standing on the ring, he was really not sure who the winner of this battle would be.

He had to admit that both sides of the battle seemed to possess terrifying powers stronger than him!
"So this is the true power of Pokémon!?"

Doflamingo couldn't help murmuring softly.

(End of this chapter)

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