Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 189 An Embarrassing Victory

Chapter 189 An Embarrassing Victory

boom! ! !
The extreme low temperature and cold air collided with the brilliant flames all over the sky, and the entire arena instantly became a double sky of ice and fire.

Facing the speed advantage of Sanji and Flame Chicken, Suicune directly gave up his best water attribute moves.

Compared with the pursuit of precision and explosive water skills, ice moves for the whole field are more suitable for this battle.

In the sky, the downpour caused by the rain-seeking move did not change in any way because of the battle between the two.

Bean-sized raindrops kept hitting the bodies of Sanji and Flamingo, but they were quickly roasted by the hot flames.


Suicune's begging for rain is not only used to make the battle look good!
Water has the ability to moisten things silently!

In battle, this feature is especially important!
Just like this moment...

No matter how hot Sanji's flame was, layers of mist still appeared around his body.

Under the influence of absolute zero, these mist immediately turned into fine ice balls, remaining on the surface of their bodies.

Feeling the suffocating cold, the hearts of Sanji and Flame Chicken suddenly trembled.

At this moment, Sanji has begun to regret not buying the weather skill of sunny day for Flame Chicken.

Originally, their hard power was not as good as Suicune's, but now the humid environment gave Suicune an excellent opportunity to attack.

With the help of the moisture of the rain, the icy cold air released from Sui Jun's mouth suddenly erupted, wrapping Sanji and the flame chicken like a huge palm in an instant.

In an instant, a huge ice sculpture appeared on the site.

The absolute zero of Suicune actually froze Sanji and Flame Chicken, together with their flames, forming a huge glacier.

Ka... Kacha...

There was a crisp cracking sound suddenly.

On the glacier that had just condensed, a clearly visible trace suddenly cracked.

With a bang, a big hole suddenly opened at the back of the glacier.

In the next second, blazing flames suddenly erupted!
The flame that condensed the power of Sanji's blood immediately melted the glacier.

After regaining their freedom, Sanji and Flame Chicken retreated quickly, as if they were afraid of being frozen again by the glacier.

And the ice energy that lost its target scattered in midair under the control of Suicune.

All of a sudden!
The rainwater that filled the sky seemed to be frozen for time by the extreme cold, and they were stranded in the air one after another, being completely icy wind together with the entire space.

Immediately above the arena, an ice field appeared, like an exquisite work of art, standing there, exuding a dense cold air.

"Damn it, it's so strong!"

Sanji, who fell to a safe place, surged with energy and blood, arousing a burst of hot breath, which evaporated all the remaining icicles on his body, and stared at Suicune with lingering fear.

The difference in level makes him face Suicune like a boy who has just been out at sea facing Qi Wukai, and he has no power to fight back.

The heavy rain poured down all over the sky, wet Sanji's hair, making him look extremely embarrassed.


at the same time.

In the waiting room of the contestants, Usopp, who watched Suicune's strength through the big screen, immediately showed an expression of disbelief.

And Lauren, who was in the corner, couldn't help but smiled wryly.

Who would have thought that after the bond evolved, Suicune's strength would directly reach such a terrifying level.

If there is no accident, the winner of this match should be His Majesty Cobra of the Alabasta Kingdom...

Lauren thought.

And in the scene, there are not a few people who have the same idea.

"What a pity..."

Lu Renjia heaved a long sigh, and he didn't know whether he was sorry for Sanji's loss, or he was moved by seeing the strength of his competitors.


At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared beside Lu Renjia.

"That's not necessarily true~"

The eyes of all the players turned to the direction of the voice instantly.

I saw Sauron standing under the big screen with double closed chest, with a relaxed smile on his lips.

"That guy is not so easy to defeat!"

As a partner who often practiced together during the special training period, Zoro knew very well how strong Sanji's resilience is!

He admits that Suicune's power is indeed powerful, but Zoro also believes that Sanji's strength is definitely more than that!

Sauron's eyes froze, and a green light appeared in his eyes.

The evolution of the bond between Cobra and Suicune has a fatal weakness!

If Sanji can grasp this point and operate, the situation will really be uncertain!



During the rainstorm, Sanji lit a moist cigarette with the flame on his body and put it in his mouth.

He sighed and murmured:
"Flame Chicken, it seems that this battle, we can't continue as gentlemen."


The flame chicken shook his head, and then looked at Sanji full of fighting spirit.

After the bond evolved, it immediately understood what Sanji was thinking.

Just as Sauron was able to discover Cobra's weakness, Sanji, who is no worse than Sauron in vision and strength, also discovered the weakness of Cobra and Suicune long ago.

"Since that's the case, then it's our embarrassing moment, hahahaha..."

Sanji laughed indifferently, threw away the remaining half of the cigarette that had been doused by the rain, lowered his hands, and stood in place with the flame chicken, motionless.


Seeing the strange appearance of Sanji and Flame Chicken, Cobra was taken aback for a moment, thinking that they were preparing some big move, and instantly healed up, observing the surroundings vigilantly.

Time passed little by little.

The audience at the scene also showed doubts when they saw the two standing in place suddenly.

But soon, some people understood Sanji's thoughts.

"This brat is pretty smart."

In the crowd, Zeff, who was still dressed as a chef, grinned, his eyes showing anticipation.



In the blink of an eye, three minutes passed.

Sanji and Flame Chicken were still standing in the rain curtain, motionless, letting the rainwater pour over their bodies.

What's even more strange is that even the flame on the flame chicken's body began to show signs of extinguishing at this moment, as if all the strength was concentrated in the body to save energy.

Um! ?

Save energy! ?
Cobra, who was confronting Sanji and Flame Chicken, was taken aback for a moment, feeling the continuous consumption of physical energy in his body due to the evolution of the bond, and instantly looked at Suicune!
not good!

Cobra immediately understood Sanji's thoughts.

He wanted to procrastinate, wait until his physical strength was exhausted, and end the state of fetter evolution!
Cobra, who came to his senses, instantly felt that he was a fool, and he and the other party stared at each other for three minutes in vain!

As an ordinary person with little power, the time that Cobra can maintain the bond evolution is incomparable with monsters like Sauron and Sanji.

If it's just to maintain the state, he can persist for 5 hours, but if it's a battle, Cobra estimates that he can only persist for 2 hours at most!

Although a few minutes of time was wasted just now, fortunately their game has just started, and there is still a lot of room left in time!
In order to keep Suicune in the bonded evolution state, he didn't even use the water energy in his body on purpose, just to save himself a little more energy.

"Suicune, use Blizzard!"

Cobra let out a sudden shout, and pointed to Sanji in the distance.


Suicune, who also realized that he had been tricked, let out a roar, and the ice energy in his body surged wildly, erupting from Suicune's body like an erupting volcano, straight to the sky!

All of a sudden!
The original pouring rain disappeared in an instant, replaced by a roaring gale with icy snowflakes!
If praying for rain is to change the sky through Pokémon's special energy use, then at this moment, Suicune is relying on his formidable strength to turn the entire island into a snowy weather with howling winds!
The already wet ground was completely frozen at this moment.

A layer of ice as smooth as a mirror covered the entire arena.

"Fufufufu, what a power that makes people tremble!"

Looking at the snowflakes and fierce cold wind outside the protective cover, although he didn't experience it himself, Doflamingo could still imagine how cold the weather outside would be at this time.

He has only seen such a method of changing the world with a wave of his hands before on a few people.

Peng! ! !
Just when everyone was amazed by the blizzard, a huge water ball like a cannonball flew out, pointing directly at the direction where Sanji and Flame Chicken were standing!
Only then did everyone discover...

It turned out that Cobra's blizzard move was just a deception.

Their real purpose is to interfere with Sanji's sight and perception through the snowstorm, and then carry out a sneak attack.

The water cannon with terrifying power shuttled through the blizzard. Affected by the blizzard, tiny ice crystals began to appear around the water cannon, and they came to Sanji in the blink of an eye.

"Not good! Get out of the way!!!"

Level 70 is level 70!
If it weren't for the precautions made in advance, Sanji wouldn't even realize that the opponent's second attack had already been launched!
Before he had time to react too much, the muscles under his feet tensed instantly, connecting him on the ground like an exploding spring.

Navy Six - Shave!

As someone other than the navy, whoever uses the awesome physical skills, Shave played a vital role at this moment.

boom! ! !
The huge water cannon bombarded the position where Sanji was just now with unparalleled power, instantly stirring up thousands of waves.

Although Sanji and Flame Chicken evaded in time, the impact of the water cannon and the ice crystals that were thrown hit him, making him grunt in pain.

"Suicune! Continue!"

Knowing what the other party was thinking, Cobra certainly wouldn't give Sanji any chance to breathe.

He really doesn't have much physical strength, so he can't use it casually.

However, Suicune, as a Pokémon, has no restrictions.

In an instant...

Suicune, who was standing in place, seemed to have turned into a machine gun, frantically launching a water cannon move, firing at the position where Sanji and Flamingo were.

Although the accuracy of the water-type skills is not as good as that of the ice-type skills, when the overwhelming water cannons hit, Sanji and the flame chicken were still inevitably hit by the huge water cannons.


Sanji who was hit immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the organs in his body trembled, as if being hit by a truck, his body flew more than ten meters away.


In fact, Suicune's water cannon attack is many times stronger than the truck's impact!
How can an attack at the level of a general be so pleasant!

But when the second pursuit water cannon landed, Sanji stood up quickly, like a mouse found by a cat, and fled in another direction.

That appearance is so embarrassing and embarrassing, it is completely inconsistent with his previous image of a gentleman.

boom!boom!boom!boom! ! ! !

Above the arena, deafening roars were constantly heard.

Under the impact of countless water cannons, the audience can clearly see the trembling ground under their feet.


The more intensive Suicune's attack was, the paler Cobra's face became.

Time passed in an uninterrupted roar.

At this moment, even ordinary people who don't understand anything, in the conversations with the people around them, understand why Sanji is in such a mess.

simply put……

This game has changed from a battle at the beginning to a race against time on the one hand of Sanji.

Although both he and the flame chicken were hit by water cannons during the period, they still ran tenaciously on the ring with their strong perseverance.

at last……

Under another round of water cannon attack from Suicune, Cobra suddenly swayed, his eyes blurred, and he couldn't help but kneel on the ground with one knee.

And Suicune, who was condensing the water cannon moves, was also stunned for a moment, and then a familiar light shrouded its whole body.

However, the light at this moment is not to make it stronger, but to return Suicune to its original state.

Fetters evolve, release...

Whoa! ! !
In an instant, an uproar erupted from the auditorium!
No one thought that under the attack of such a violent storm, Sanji would really persevere! ! !


Sanji, who was about to shave and continue to evade, was taken aback for a moment. Immediately after realizing something, the stasis in his throat suddenly surged up, and he sprayed it onto the tie on his chest.

But he didn't care.

After all, this was already the first mouthful of blood he spewed in the past two hours.

And several of his ribs were broken.

It's just that every time he is hit, the water cannon with extreme explosive power will wash his whole body aside, so that there is not so much blood on his body.

"Finally survived!"

Seeing Suicune restored to its original form in the light of degradation, Sanji immediately opened the corners of his mouth and smiled.

At this moment, he seemed to be fine, completely ignoring his endangered body, and smiled at the flame chicken:
"It looks like it's time for our performance!"

Pain, for a person with the power of the blood factor in his body, is just the key to enlighten his body!


The flame chicken also stopped running away and stood still.

Compared with Sanji, Flame Chicken is in a very good state at this time.

After all, for Pokémon, as long as there is no physical exhaustion, all injuries are nothing more than skin trauma.

Under the bond evolution, influenced by the power of Sanji's bloodline, even the Flame Chicken, which has been shot several times, is still alive and well.




The other side of the battlefield.

Suicune immediately turned his head and looked worriedly at Cobra, who was standing in the ice, exhausted.

The power to maintain the blizzard was withdrawn in an instant, and the extremely cold atmosphere began to gradually warm up.

Although it has been acting very dissatisfied with its trainer, but that's just the way they get along.

When the critical moment came, Suicune would not let Cobra suffer any harm.

"Leave me alone, Suicune!"

Cobra kneeling on one knee suddenly looked up at Suicune.

"I can take care of myself, this is your battlefield! Go on, don't mind me!!!"

Cobra shouted loudly.

As Suicune's trainer, he blamed himself immensely at this moment.

Become Suicune's burden once again!
However, he has no other way...

Cobra, who stood up, clutched his drowsy head, and quickly withdrew to the edge of the ring, as if he was someone outside of the battle.


Suicune let out a low moan.

Sensing Cobra's intentions, it immediately turned around, its eyes bursting with golden light, revealing the pride of being a divine beast.

And this moment.

Sanji and Flame Chicken, who had returned to the fighting state again, had charged towards him with fiery flames.

"Blaze Demon Wind Feet - Premium Ground Meat!!!"

"Cha! (Flame Kick!)"

It was the same method again, the same attack again.

But this time, Suicune, who had lost his state of bond evolution, couldn't see the movements of Sanji and Flamingo at all.


Two paws containing violent power landed on its body, one left and one right, and suffocating flames spread across its whole body in an instant.

Suicune yelled in pain, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes, another shot of absolute zero emanated from his body, after extinguishing the flame, it attacked Sanji and the others.

The two sides fought fiercely again.


Under the power of the bloodline factor after being stimulated, Sanji, who had fled in embarrassment for two hours, not only did not have the slightest drop in attack, but even vaguely gained a lot of improvement!
In the end, under the attack from both sides, the mighty Suicune just lost to the heat of Lie Yan...

With an unwilling wail, he slowly fell to the ground.

This battle, which lasted for two hours, came to an end at this moment.

The two knights who were covered in fiery flames looked at each other, and then turned their gazes to Cobra who was shivering in the corner.

Feeling the scorching breath, Cobra tremblingly raised a hand and sighed:

"I...I admit defeat..."

 Thanks for the support of Iron Fist Holy Judge, King of Fear, hart1992, Chief White Horse, Cao Xiaoyuan, and book friends 20210418120216272!
(End of this chapter)

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