Chapter 190 Destined
dang dang dang-

Accompanied by a short and hasty ringing of the bell, it announced the official end of the game.

Several pairs of lucky eggs carrying stretchers ran out from the backcourt in an instant. Whether it was Cobra and Suicune who were the losers, or Sanji and Flame Chicken who were the winners, they were all held down by a few huge lucky eggs. On a stretcher, carried to the treatment room.

At this time, Meow at the rostrum suddenly moved her face closer to the microphone:

"Congratulations to player Sanji and his flame chicken, successfully won the 16-in-8 knockout round!"

"At the same time, I regret to announce that Cobra, who lost this game, will bid farewell to this Pokémon League Conference. I hope you can continue to work hard. We look forward to your future performance."

After talking about the familiar scene, Miaomiao immediately showed a smiling face, and said to thousands of viewers:
"Then next, we will have the second round of the 16-to-8 knockout round..."

"The two sides of the battle are Nami and Smoker, please get ready."

"Let's rest for a while, after half an hour, the second battle of the knockout round of this Pokémon League Tournament will officially begin!"

As soon as the words fell, the Rockets trio on the rostrum immediately picked up the documents on the desktop like a news host after the show, and then slowly left the stage.

But when they turned the first corner, after confirming that the audience's eyes would not fall here, the Rockets trio seemed to go crazy and ran wildly.


Before taking the stage, no one told them that a match would take as long as two hours!
It's a good thing for the audience to say, those of them sitting on the rostrum don't even have time to go to the bathroom!
After all, they were playing and playing, but they suddenly left the field under the attention of everyone, which is really unreasonable.

Of course, the rest interval between each match is also designed for the event.

Under the ravages of Suicune, Sanji, and Flame Chicken, the huge arena was already covered with ice and water, which was unsightly.

Although Suicune's physical strength was exhausted, the rain-seeking move had been forced to stop, but the sky was still covered with dark clouds, which made people feel depressed.

And during this short break, a little Ibrahimovic suddenly appeared on the ring.

"Hey, isn't that Master Lin Luo's Ibrahimovic?"

Some viewers recognized it instantly, and thousands of eyes immediately looked at it.

It's just that Ibrahimovic didn't pay attention to the voices of the audience, with a tired look on his face.

With a slight flick of the tail, a fiery monstrous flame spread all over the arena.

All of a sudden!
All the glaciers and water traces evaporated under the flames, and the arena became clean again.

Immediately afterwards, a howling hurricane came, and it rushed straight into the sky. The dark clouds in the sky instantly broke up, and they were blown to nowhere by the gusts of wind.


After tidying up the arena, Ibrahimovic seemed to be reporting to someone. After a cry, he flicked his tail and disappeared instantly.

From the beginning to the end, Ibrahimovic never exchanged a glance with the audience, just like an emotionless cleaner.

However, the power and power of its gestures still made the audience palpitate.

And those really strong people don't even have the courage to look at Ibrahimovic.

after all……

This is a divine Pokémon that can use Admiral Akainu as a toy to blast up, down, left, and right! ! !



Half an hour, whether it is long or not, is not short.

Under the auspices of the Rockets trio who returned to their seats, the second round of the round of 16 and 8 knockout rounds will soon begin.

Under the eyes of the whole world, Nami was wearing a black evening dress, her bare shoulders were delicate and sweet, and the smooth material showed her elegance against the backdrop of her extreme figure.

And behind her, Smoker, with a thick and thick coat that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, with a Hailoushi weapon on his shoulders, accompanied by three wisps of smoke, walked to the other end of the ring with a dignified expression.

"Long time no see, Mr. Navy."

Nami smiled softly, showing a row of small white teeth under her cherry lips, and she took care of her opponent.

Of course, Nami is no stranger to Smoker.

After all, this was the first admiral they captured in Goa Kingdom.

Although more than [-] navies were arrested one after another, many of them were high-ranking officials like Akainu...

But people, the first time feeling is always fresh in my memory.

not to mention……

The admiral was still defeated by Crowe!

Although I don't want to say how arrogant, but the fact is there.

After Nami's Pikachu exploded with real strength, he is fully capable of...killing Crowe instantly.

So this battle seems extra easy to Nami.

Seeming to sense what Nami was thinking, Smoker on the opposite side suddenly snorted angrily, and exhaled two long, smoky breaths from his nasal cavity.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

As if recalling the prison disaster during that time, Smoker slowly put down the ten hands on his back, and then said silently in his heart:

"The me now is not the prisoner I was half a year ago!"

After being rebuilt by the naval scientific research force, this ten-handed handle has changed from only the tip with sea stones to a whole body made of sea stones, and it will never be interrupted by anyone!

After walking out of the prison of the Revolutionary Army, Smoker thought he had become a man who walked out of hell.

After being hit, he began to demand himself hard, training crazily every day, even harder than in Navy boot camp.

And his ghost is also deeply infected, coupled with the psychological blow after the defeat, he evolved into a ghost in a rage, and his strength has risen by more than one step, and now he has reached level 48.

This is why Smoker is so confident.


If you meet other players, even if there is no bond evolution, their strength is enough to shine in this grand event.

However, what they met was Pikachu who had been driving! ! !

Seeing that both contestants were ready, Miaomiao immediately picked up the microphone, and amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, announced the official start of the competition!
A streamer flashed in the eyes of Nami and Smoker at the same time, and confident smiles hung on the faces of both sides.

"Come out, Pikachu!"

"Go! Ghost Stone!"

As two red lights flashed, two Pokémon appeared on the ring in an instant.


Pikachu's two ruddy electric storage pouches burst out with two thunderbolts of lightning. Matched with its fighting spirit, it is extremely cute and instantly attracts countless fans.

But on the opposite side of it, Ghost Stone, who appeared together, was completely weird, with a ghost-like body suspended in the air, and the two sharp claws seemed to be one with the body, but they were completely isolated.

Around Ghost Stone's body, there is even more purple poisonous gas, which makes people dare not approach.


Ghost Stone screamed in a hoarse voice, and immediately there was a very weird laugh.

"Pikachu, use Thunder!"

Nami did not use fetters to evolve as soon as she came up, but chose the most unpretentious fighting method.

During the half-price buff period of the Revolutionary Army, Nami accumulated a lot of training resources.

During the one-month special training on Tenjin Island, these resources were perfectly refined and completely became Pikachu's true strength.

Now, Pikachu has completely surpassed the Pokémon of the same period, and its strength has broken through to level 50 in one fell swoop!
And with the blessing of the divine artifact Electric Bead, it now has strength, bursting out beyond level 60!

Rumble boom! ! !

The clear sky didn't last long before it was once again shrouded in dense dark clouds.

Among the clouds, the golden electric light is like a swimming dragon on the canvas, shuttling at low altitude, with great momentum.


Feeling the violent thunder and lightning in the sky, the smile on Smoker's face froze suddenly.

Only then did he discover that the former Nami had never used her full strength in the battle.

Moreover, the opponent's strength seems to be not a little bit stronger than himself and Ghost Stone! ?

You know, this is in the state of non-bonded evolution!
How could the opponent have such terrifying strength! ?

Smoker let out an incomprehensible growl in his heart.

Looking at the thunder prison all over the sky, the self-confidence he had just picked up instantly shattered.

What's wrong with this world?
Could it be that he, Smoker, is destined to be crushed and beaten! ?

Could it be that I have some BUFF that I will lose every time I stand?
Click! ! !

Before he had time to think too much, the thunder and lightning in the sky suddenly fell.

Smoker instantly elementalized his body and escaped.

But with such a huge momentum, it is obviously impossible for Pikachu to release only one thunder.

Rumble boom! ! !

The thunder and lightning just now seemed to be just an introduction. In the next second, thousands of thunderbolts crashed down like thousands of horses, covering Smoker and Ghost Stone in an instant.

"My goodness!!!"

Looking at the overwhelming thunder and lightning, there was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Who would have thought that such a cute little thing would contain such terrifying power in its body!

"Ghost Stone! Avoid it!"

Seeing the lightning strike, Smoker only yelled a useless command, and then his body froze and instantly turned into a smoke form.


The lightning-type moves are already fast, but under the special blessing of Pikachu, the range of skills is expanded and the hit rate is enhanced.

Facing the thunder that filled the entire space, even the elemental ability of the natural fruit still couldn't completely counteract Pikachu's attack.

Everyone only heard the sound of a thunderstorm, and when their pupils shrank, they saw the elemental Smoker and Ghost Stone covered by thunder.

Seeing that Ghost Stone didn't have time to avoid the lightning attack, Smoker deliberately expanded the range of smoke to protect Ghost Stone.

The power of thunder and lightning is like little snakes, swimming in the smoke.

After half a sound, the thunder in the sky and the smoke on the ground dissipated together.

Smoker lifted his elementalization, his complexion suddenly became extremely weak, and a ray of lightning could still be seen flashing on the exposed skin from time to time.

But luckily...

Because he ate all of Pikachu's attacks, Ghost Stone didn't receive any damage.


Ghoststone looked worriedly at Smoker.

Smoker, on the other hand, had a stern expression on his face, and there was no sign of flinching in his eyes.

Even if the opponent's strength is strong, it's not like he has no chance of winning.

"Ghost Stone, use the cloudy fog!"

Taking advantage of Pikachu's finishing time just after using his moves, Smoker immediately gave instructions to Ghost Stone.

"Guess! (Leave it to me!)"

Ghost Stone nodded and gave a soft cry, instantly understanding Smoker's tactics.

Because Smoker resisted everything by himself just now, so that Pikachu's lightning did not attack it.

At this time, Ghost Stone is still in full state!
All of a sudden!
A large amount of mist spewed out from Ghost Stone's mouth, and a large cloud of turbid smoke instantly covered half of the field.

There was a gleam in Smoker's eyes.

Even though the body was still paralyzed, he still released a large amount of smoke with perseverance, pushing the poisonous smoke towards Nami and Pikachu.

Apparently, he was going to copy Lauren's way, poisoning Nami with the inevitable poisonous smoke, so she had to give up the game.


"This trick is useless to us!"

Seeing the poisonous gas flying over the sky and covering the sky, Nami smiled, then pointed out and said:
"Pikachu, use Pray for Rain!!!"

The moves that Pikachu had learned from Ba Dahu since he was a child finally came in handy at this moment.

I saw that the sky that was originally covered with dark clouds suddenly began to rain sparsely.

" is this possible!?"

Feeling the water droplets slapping on his face, Smoker's complexion changed instantly.

He didn't understand why an electric-type Pokémon would use such a water-type move! ?
But the tiny raindrops quickly joined together and fell in a crackling.

Although it was far less astonishing than Suijun's violent storm, when the rain touched the incoming poisonous smoke, it was wiped out instantly, turning into a puddle of muddy water and flowing around the arena.

Nami smiled sweetly, with a playful light shining in her clever eyes,

"Although I'm very sorry, I will win this game first!"

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!!"

Nami took advantage of the victory to pursue and continued to drink softly.

From between Pikachu's small hands, a large amount of electric current diffused, releasing a turbulent momentum.

All of a sudden!
The world changes color!

The dark world shrouded by dark clouds instantly turned into a piece of golden light, bursting out with thunder!
Zizizizizizi! ! !

Pikachu raised his head suddenly, as if there were lightning flashes in his eyes, and the lightning flowed out.


Boom! ! ! !

Accompanied by a terrifying thunderstorm, a huge thunder column appeared in the air instantly, piercing through the rain curtain with unparalleled power, and bombarding Smoker and Ghost Stone.

"No! I can't take it!!!"

Looking at the mighty thunder in front of him, Smoker finally let go of his pride and roared unwillingly.

Since he came to the East China Sea, he has never won any battles with strong players from all walks of life.

So much so that he began to wonder if he was in conflict with the feng shui of Donghai.

Thoughts flashed by, and the thunder was in sight!
Under the attack spanning two large classes, Smoker and Ghost Stone failed to withstand Pikachu's second round of bombing after all, and their bodies turned into black charcoal and fell to the ground with a plop.



After a long time, the thunder light dissipated, but the scene was still silent.

It wasn't until Miaomiao stood up and announced Nami as the winner of the competition that everyone was shocked to find out...

It turns out that this battle is over.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket support of 00 and Zhonghuap! ! !
  (Leader plus change: 1/∞)
(End of this chapter)

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