Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 191 The Battle of Destiny

Chapter 191 The Battle of Destiny
Watching Smoker and Ghoststone being carried down on a stretcher, and seeing Nami and Pikachu who were unharmed...

The audience at the scene blinked, feeling an extremely unreal feeling in their hearts.

The lightning that filled the entire space just now was like a scene from a dream.

And the dignified colonel of the Navy Headquarters, an ability user of the natural department, unexpectedly...

It was killed so easily! ?
They had to admit that they underestimated this girl from the very beginning.

And for the first time, the name Nami has entered the eyes of the world's powerhouses.


The dragon hidden in the auditorium raised his mouth slightly.

Although even he didn't expect that Nami or Pikachu would be so powerful now, even without fetters and evolution, they could easily defeat Smoker.

But who wouldn't like the strength of his subordinates?


The war is over.

The spectators, who had just rested for a short time, once again entered the rest period of the competition.

Little Ibrahimovic, who was still reluctant, appeared on the stage, cleaning the huge arena.

And the audience also learned about the players for the next match from the Rockets trio.

Ace VS Lu Renjia.

To be honest, there is no need to look at the result of this battle. Everyone knows who will be the ultimate winner.

Although Lu Renjia's strength is not bad, he has a huge armored rhinoceros, and after the fetters evolved, he has a level above 60.


This kind of strength is really not enough in front of Ace.



"I never thought my opponent would be you, Master Ace."

On the ring, the gentle breeze blew Lu Renjia's golden hair, but there was a helpless wry smile on his face.

As a frequent visitor to the battle area, Lu Renjia's name for Ace can be said to be like thunder.

It can be said that he grew up watching Ace's battles.

On the other side of him, Ace had a silly smile on his face, and said mercilessly:
"Actually, among these players, there aren't many people you can beat, right?"

"Er..." Lu Renjia was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and said:
"It's really straightforward, Master Ace."

"Forget it, as an unknown person in the world, it's worth it to be able to go to this day and show your face in front of so many people!"

After the words fell, Lu Renjia immediately showed a heroic appearance as if he sacrificed his life for righteousness.

With a command from Meow Meow, the battle begins instantly!
"Come out! Iron Rhino!"

"Come out! Fire-breathing dragon!"

Two ferocious Pokémon appeared on the ring in an instant.

At the same time, Ace and Lu Renjia shouted again at the same time:
"Bond Evolution! Charizard (Iron Armored Rhinoceros)!"

Accompanied by two sacred rays of light, a fire-breathing dragon that looks like a fighter and a much more handsome armored rhinoceros were displayed in front of everyone.

The battle is imminent!
In an instant, the arena turned into a fiery sea of ​​flames.

In the sea of ​​flames, from time to time, there would be the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and the painful wailing of cattle creatures.

This is a no-suspense battle!

Under the joint efforts of Ace and the fire-breathing dragon, Lu Renjia and his armored rhinoceros had no power to fight back, and they were beaten back steadily!

In less than ten minutes, Lu Renjia looked at the armored rhinoceros beside him, whose eyes turned into mosquito-repellent coils, let out a wry smile again, and slowly raised his hands:

"I surrender!"

dang dang dang-

The familiar final bell rang, and the two auspicious eggs with short legs fell quickly and quickly came to the side of the iron rhinoceros.

The chubby body seemed to contain infinite power, and it easily lifted the armored rhino onto the stretcher, and then ran quickly to the medical room.

As for Ace, the fire-breathing dragon, and Lu Renjia who were not harmed on the field, they didn't even look at them.

after all……

It was the armored rhinoceros that resisted everything.

On the way back to the players' lounge, Lu Renjia was even relieved for a while.

At the very least, Ace, the strong man recognized by the audience, showed the heyday of bond evolution when fighting against him...

No matter how you look at it, my faux pas is much more respectable than Smoker's in the last round!



Two consecutive fast-paced battles made the audience think that they were watching the preliminaries for a moment. The two sides did not seem to exist in the same dimension.

But in fact, even the loser of these two battles can be regarded as a strong player in the world of Pirates.

After another half-hour break, Miao Miao walked to the rostrum.

"OK! The rest time is over, everyone must be eager to see the players in the fourth group!"

"Then let us give our warmest applause to the fourth group of players who entered the 16-8 knockout round of this conference."

"they are……"

"Usopp, and Crowe!!!"

As Miao Miao's voice fell, the scene once again burst into cheers and applause resounding through the sky.

Even though two fast-paced battles continued in succession, the audience was never bored at all.

Quite the opposite is...

Being able to see Pikachu's underestimated body erupting with god-like power, as well as Ace and Charizard's physical violence aesthetics, the audience's emotions were completely mobilized by the excitement of these two groups of matches, and they all looked forward to the match. The players who come down to play will bring them such a big surprise.

Soon, Usopp and Crowe walked into the ring.

Crowe is still wearing a clean black suit, with ten sharp blades in his hands, swinging flexibly like cat's claws.

And in the face of such a grand occasion, Usopp certainly will not continue to wear his ugly overalls.

After being recommended by the professional Robin, he managed to find a bright red cloak that completely covered his upper body and looked mysterious.

In his hand, he held a huge slingshot shaped like the tentacles of a unicorn fairy, making it difficult for people to see his way.

At this moment, both of them looked at each other with strong fighting intent.

This is a battle of fate that spans time.

No one knows, if it wasn't for the appearance of Lin Luo, Crowe would embark on a road of no return villain, and finally be shattered by the foolish boy Luffy who subdued Usopp, and become a little pirate in the East China Sea again .

What's more, even Lin Luo didn't expect that after obtaining the Pokémon, Crowe would join the revolutionary army by accident.

As the so-called theory does not care about the heart.

Although no amount of good deeds can change his status as a villain, his life will be meaningful if he can fight in the name of the people.

Under the sound of meowing "the battle begins", Usopp and Crowe instantly released their respective Pokémon.

"It's about to go, shoot the tree owl!"

"Go! Cool Leopard!"

Looking at each other's Pokémon, the corners of their mouths turned up, revealing a hint of a smile.

After a month of emergency special training, Usopp doesn't say how familiar he is with Crowe, but at least they are not strangers, and they have a certain understanding of each other's strength.

Of course, in this arena, all relationships will be in vain.

Here, speak with strength!

Without the slightest hesitation, Usopp and Crowe shouted together:

"Bond evolution! Snipe tree owl (cool leopard)!!!"


Seeing the sniping tree owl floating in mid-air with its wings spread out like a ranger, and the cool leopard whose limbs became more slender and whose body is like a sharp arrow, the audience at the scene became excited again.

No matter how many times they have watched the bond evolve, they are always looking forward to the performance of the next group of players.



"Shoot the tree owl, use the feather dance!"

Usopp took the lead and ordered the sniper tree owl to interfere with the enemy.

Featherless, a special flying move that reduces the opponent's attack ability by launching feathers formed from Pokémon energy at the opponent. It is a magical move that can weaken the opponent by 100%.

At the same time, he also took out three dark green ammunition from the pocket on his side, and placed them on the huge slingshot he improved, also known as the Unicorn Immortal.

"Killer Konoha Star Combo!"

Three projectiles glowing green flew out instantly, and they came to Crowe and Kubao in the blink of an eye.

In the next second, the fast-moving projectile exploded suddenly, and countless tiny blades shot at Crowe and Kubao like flying knives.


Facing the leaves all over the sky, Crowe had an evil smile on his face. With his pious image, people couldn't help but label him a "sinister".

Crowe said:

"There's no need for boring temptations, Your Excellency Usopp. Next, let's get straight to the point."

But anyone who has known Usopp knows that Konoha Star is just a projectile that has been eliminated by Usopp, and now it has begun to be sold in the market of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

For him, how could such elementary ammunition harm them! ?

"Paper Drawing·Cat Style!"

I saw Crowe bowing his body instantly, like a standing cat, swaying left and right among the thousands of flying leaves together with the cool leopard, and miraculously dodged all the attacks of Konoha Star.

"What!? Impossible!? How could someone be able to practice paper painting to such an extent!?"

In the audience, some navies who were familiar with the six naval styles were immediately dumbfounded, unable to understand why there were so many people who were clearly not navies on this battlefield, but were able to master the naval moves proficiently.

However, when everyone was shocked, Usopp on the ring suddenly grinned.


He raised his head, his long nose turned up at 45°, pointing to the sky.

"What do you think I am best at, Mr. Crowe?"

Usopp said suddenly.


Kloe, who noticed something wrong with Usopp's expression, was taken aback for a moment, but before he could realize what Usopp meant, the answer had already entered his ears.

"What I'm best at...but lying!!!"

Usopp laughed and shouted proudly:
"Usopp's Secret Technique - Bamboo Forest with a Bamboo Spear!"

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! ! ! ...

The moment Usopp's voice fell, thousands of bamboos suddenly sprang out from Crowe's feet, and the tip of each bamboo was as sharp as a gun.

In the blink of an eye, the ring where Crowe was at was buried by a bamboo forest more than ten meters high, turning into a green ocean.


Usopp laughed and said:
"Didn't you realize that among the three ammunition I just shot, one of them didn't fly out of the leaves, but the seeds of the spear bamboo!?"

As one of the special plants that Usopp found in the primeval forest of Tenjin Island, thorn bamboo has strong hardness and fast growth ability.

As long as Usopp injects a small amount of grass-type energy into the seeds, they can instantly grow up like bullets.

With its sharp tip, it stabs the enemy like a javelin, so Usopp named it the spear bamboo.

However, Usopp was not complacent about getting a hit.

Because of enough low self-esteem and enough denial of himself, he never fights unprepared.

After learning that today's opponent is Crowe, he conducted a crazy research on Crowe, knowing his strength well, it is impossible to be defeated so easily.

as predicted.

At this moment, a gloomy and cold voice suddenly appeared from the bamboo forest.

I saw Crowe, covered in blood and in ragged clothes, slowly walking out of the bamboo forest.

It should be said that Lin Luo specially prepared the plant seeds for Usopp. Even though Crowe had used the armed arrogance to protect himself just now, he was still scratched by the bamboo tip that was shot at quickly.

Fortunately, the wound was not deep, it just looked a little bit embarrassed, but it was actually some skin trauma, and it would not affect the next battle.

Behind Crowe, the strong and strong Kubao was unscathed.

After the fetters evolved, its strength had already reached level 52, so it would not be able to be broken by this level of attack.


Crow supported his glasses with his palm and shot a sharp gaze.

"I underestimated you too much before, Your Excellency Usopp."

"No one who can get here is a fuel-efficient lamp."

Crowe groaned softly as if sighing, and immediately the muscles all over his body tensed up instantly, looking at Usopp and saying:

"Then, next, we will do our best here!"

"Let the horses come!"

Usopp put down his harsh words, and immediately retreated very carefully, exposing the body of the sniper tree owl in front of him.

Sniping Tree Owl:? ? ?
Seeing his master's skillful movements, the sniper tree owl felt tired for a moment.

But at this moment, a piercing sound suddenly came!
I saw that Crowe and Cool Leopard had turned into two bolts of lightning, one left and one right, rushing towards them quickly!

The sharp blade and sharp claws did not make people doubt that their attack was terrifying.


Facing the lightning-like attack, the sniper tree owl suddenly groaned, and immediately two emerald green lights burst out from his eyes.

After the bond has evolved, its strength is as high as level 62!
It doesn't need to be afraid of the opposite!


The sniping tree owl faced up to the difficulties, and a bright white dazzling light burst out from his body in an instant!
This ray of light, like a huge bird, completely wrapped its body, and immediately flew towards the oncoming Crowe and Cool Leopard.

Flying magic skill - brave bird onslaught! ! !
This is a move that can burst out a terrorist attack, but it will cause a certain amount of damage to itself!

Because its side effects are too powerful, few people generally use it as a normal move.


There are exceptions to everything!

Ever since evolving with Usopp, the sniper tree owl has discovered that there seems to be a mysterious power in his body!

This power doesn't usually appear, but once he is hurt, his body will recover at a more terrifying speed than usual.

Reminiscent of when we were making ammunition together, Usopp was repeatedly bruised and fractured, but he was able to quickly recover.

The clever sniper tree owl quickly guessed...

This may be the bloodline ability hidden in his trainer!
After discovering this, it immediately adjusted its battle thinking.

Since your own recovery speed is so powerful, why not use it! ?

Then came the way of sniping the tree owl at the moment, even if the injury is exchanged for the injury, the combat method must be dealt a major blow to the enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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