Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 192 Gou Zhiyi Dao, Continues In My Heart

Chapter 192 Gou Zhidao, continues in my heart
With the blessing of the energy of the flight system, even with Crowe's attacking speed comparable to that of a razor, he can still only watch the big bird wrapped in light flying towards him at high speed.

"not good!"

Crowe's eyes turned sharp immediately, he knew very well that when the speed reaches a certain level, it can also become a kind of power!
Under the same mind, Kubao quickly turned around and returned to defense.

Wrapped in the armed domineering color, the ten sharp blades are shielded in front of the chest like a shield.

The cool leopard even used the ability to sharpen its claws early on, making its claws extremely sharp, offsetting the effect of the previous feather dance, and slapped towards the big bird in front of it!
boom! ! !
A huge roar sounded like a mountain collapsing suddenly.

The sniping tree owl in the form of a brave bird collided with the sprinting Crowe and the cool leopard, and immediately set off a huge wave of air.


Crowe, who was of average physical fitness, was instantly blown away by the sniper tree owl's attack, and several ribs were broken.

Even if he has obtained domineering practice, even if he has mastered the six moves of the navy, compared to those real monsters, the current Crowe is still too weak!

According to the division method of Pokémon's strength, he can only be regarded as around level 45 now, which is equivalent to a pirate with a bounty of around 2 million on the great route.

Compared to a year ago, he never imagined that he would become so powerful.

But for this stage, level 45 is a bit too weak.

It is so weak that any Pokémon's attack may seriously injure it.

Fortunately, he didn't get hit by the tree owl just now in vain.

The moment he came into contact with the sniper tree owl, Crowe controlled the fear of pain in his heart and instantly activated the evil energy in his body!
After the evolution of fetters, a trainer with evil energy in his body is like mastering spiritual magic, which can make the enemy's thinking into chaos!

In terms of effect, the evil attribute and the fairy attribute have the same effect, but one is to confuse the opponent's brain, and the other is to make people obsessed with themselves.

And the sniper tree owl with the ghost attribute happened to be in his arms, and was affected by the energy of the evil attribute that restrained it, and instantly entered a state of chaos.

At the same time, the impact of Brave Bird's onslaught also suddenly failed.

at this time!

The eyes of the cool leopard who had been preparing for a long time immediately flashed, and the paws that had been sharpened were raised high!
Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Moves - sneak attack!
The chaotic sniper tree owl didn't have time to react, and was immediately hit by the sharp claws of the cool leopard. With double the energy of the evil attribute, an obvious scratch appeared on his chest immediately.

"Shoot the tree owl!!!"

Seeing that the sniper tree owl was attacked, Usopp quickly yelled.

At this moment, the unique bond evolution effect of the ghost system shows its power!

Usopp's mental power and the sniper tree owl were instantly connected together, making the sniper tree owl's chaotic brain clear again.

"Chirp! (I'm fine!)"

The sniper tree owl screamed.

Feeling the burning pain in the chest, it immediately gave Kubao a vicious look, as if there was endless anger in the eyes.

Moves - scare!
The energy of the ghost system went straight into Kubao's brain, making its thoughts of preparing to take advantage of the victory disappear in an instant, as if it saw some terrifying monster, and its eyes suddenly showed fear.

"Cool..." Kubao retreated unnaturally.

And at this moment, Crowe's voice came again:
"Cool Leopard! Don't be afraid! Use the wave of evil to fight back!!!"

He was seriously injured and it was difficult for him to continue to participate in the battle, but he just took this opportunity to jump out and stand in the distance to guide the cool leopard.

Affected by the trainer's voice, Cool Leopard also broke away from the state of fear.

But immediately, an inexplicable sense of shame emanated from the bottom of my heart.

With the help of this emotional power, an evil aura suddenly emanated from the cool leopard's body, and immediately condensed into a sphere, and launched it towards the sniper tree owl in the sky!
Seeing this, the sniper tree owl quickly flapped its wings and leaped into the sky, trying to avoid the attack of the cool leopard.

If such a strong energy of evil attribute bombards it with twice the damage, even if the level difference between them is not small, it will still suffer a lot of damage.

However, despite the sniper shooting, the tree owl has already flown to high altitude.

But the wave of evil, which has the attribute of being sure to hit, is like a homing missile, following behind it, chasing after it!
For a sniping tree owl without flying attributes, flying is not its strong point.

Half a minute later, the tree owl still couldn't dodge with a sniper shot, and was overtaken by the swiftly attacking wave of evil, taking a solid blow.

boom! ! !
The attack of the wave of evil stirred up a gray-purple smoke screen in the air, and at the same time made a violent blasting sound.


From the smoke screen came the cry of the tree owl in pain.


Seeing this, Crowe on the ground shouted instantly.

Being hit by two double-damage moves one after another, even if the tree owl's level is higher than that of the cool leopard, it will definitely be affected at this moment.

Crowe thought in his heart that he was about to let the cool leopard use malicious pursuit, and once again deal a heavy blow to the sniper tree owl.

However, what he didn't notice was that...

Just when the sniper tree owl and the cool leopard had a short confrontation, a sneaky figure suddenly jumped out of the bamboo forest with the spear just now.

It was Usopp who sneaked to the other side of the field with a cowardly appearance, and then sneaked into the bamboo forest!

To be honest, Crowe actually noticed Usopp's movements just now.

It's just that at that time, Crowe thought that Usopp was trying to find a place to avoid the attack.

In addition, all his energy was focused on shooting the tree owl, and his injuries were not small, so he selectively ignored Usopp.

Unexpectedly, Usopp would suddenly jump out from the other side of the bamboo forest at this time, and the unicorn in his hand aimed at him early!
"Kill the Green Star Demon!"

A unique seed suddenly shot into Crowe's feet at a speed that was hard to catch.

Crowe, who was concentrating on the confrontation between the cool leopard and the sniper tree owl, was still looking forward to the degree of injury of the sniper tree owl in the explosion smoke, and found no abnormality at all.

The seeds controlled by Usopp grew instantly after falling to the ground, and turned into a huge flytrap in the blink of an eye.

"What's wrong!?"

A sense of suspension hit.

Crowe, who hadn't reacted yet, stood on the head of the flytrap with a blank face.

In the next second, the Flytrap suddenly retracted its head downwards, and then opened its huge mucus-filled abyss mouth, and immediately rushed towards Croton.


Looking at the monster under his feet, Crowe suddenly lifted his spirits.

But he, who was already injured, had no time to avoid the flytrap's big mouth.

When being swallowed, Crowe only had time to let out a sigh, and then he was swallowed by the huge flytrap.


Feeling that his trainer was being attacked, Cool Leopard turned around immediately, and immediately saw Usopp running towards the depths of the bamboo forest.


The cool leopard roared angrily, and its body instantly turned into a purple lightning bolt, leaping high and reaching the head of the Venus flytrap.

The sharp claws stretched out, turned into ten sharp blades and continuously slashed with sharp slashes, and immediately cut the head of the flytrap, and rescued Crowe inside.

Crowe, covered in mucus, fell to the ground, and immediately took a big breath.

"Phew!...Phoot!...It's no wonder Usopp-sama is hiding such a magical move!"

You know, in the previous battles, Usopp has never used this special plant attack, even if he encountered crises several times!


He has been hiding his clumsiness in a planned way since the very beginning of the meeting!
At this moment, Crowe no longer dared to underestimate Usopp, and quickly turned his gaze to the bamboo forest, frantically searching for it.

It's just that Usopp seems to be hiding his aura, blending with the whole bamboo forest, so that he can't catch his figure at all.

And in the bamboo forest, Usopp is indeed like what Crowe thought at this moment, wrapping his whole body with grass attribute energy, like a stone, staying motionless in a corner, and silently chanting the invincible spell:

"You can't see can't see me..."

How can a qualified sniper let the enemy find his hiding place!
And at this moment, something strange happened outside the bamboo forest again!

High in the sky, the sniper tree owl who was hit twice had a look of pain on his face. Obviously, two consecutive moves with evil attributes made him feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it is a grass-type Pokémon, and its health bar is thicker than ordinary Pokémon, so it is not in any crisis.

While Crowe and Kubao were searching for Usopp, the sniper tree owl took the opportunity to fly away.

It can be said that there is a Pokémon for every kind of trainer.

The sniping tree owl is exactly like Usopp, who has brought Gou Zhidao to the extreme.

High in the sky, the sun is shining brightly.

Sniping the tree owl instantly launches a grass-attribute move-photosynthesis!
The originally scorching sun became the most primitive nourishment at this moment, nourishing the body of the sniper tree owl, coupled with the super fast healing brought about by the evolution of the fetters, allowing its originally injured body to quickly recover.

In just a few tens of seconds, the injury on Sniper Tree Owl's body was completely healed, and his overall mental outlook became more energetic.

In the auditorium, the brows of the people who saw everything in their eyes frowned instantly.

Many people began to whisper:

"This Usopp and sniping tree owl's style of play is too disgusting!?"

"That is to say, the trainer hides to attack, and the Pokémon is seduced openly. When attacked, it can recover infinitely... Such a combination is a bit strong, but it makes people look uncomfortable. "

"Hey, as long as you can win, why do you care so much about him?"



Usopp's fighting style has aroused fierce debate among all.


Whether they like Usopp's fighting style or not, the balance of victory in this battle has begun to tilt seriously!



on the ring.

An elite gaze suddenly flashed across the eyes of the sniper tree owl hidden under the hood.

Immediately, the body erupted with terrifying energy fluctuations again.

Brave Birds Attack!Attack again!
The turbulent energy fluctuations in the air immediately attracted the attention of Kubao and Crowe.

Crowe frowned, and immediately gave up looking for Usopp, and turned to deal with the sniper tree owl from the air strike.

With his current physical condition, he couldn't withstand the second collision of the tree owl!
"There is no way!"

Crowe gritted his teeth violently and shouted:

"Cool Leopard, use the wave of evil!"

"We can't fall here!"

Although it is known that with the level of Kubao, it is impossible to completely block the attack of the sniper tree owl through the wave of evil.

But now, they can only use hedging methods to attenuate the opponent's attack strength.


The evil energy condensed on the cool leopard's body again, but from the bamboo forest, Usopp's voice suddenly came again:
"Must kill Nepenthes green star!!!"

Usopp, who shares the vision with the sniper tree owl, can still hit the cool leopard perfectly even in the claustrophobic bamboo forest.

The green seed shot on the cool leopard's body, causing it a slight pain.

But in the next second, the seed swelled instantly, turning into a huge pitcher plant that directly wrapped the cool leopard and its evil wave.


The sudden turn of events startled Crowe.

He never expected that Usopp could accurately snipe them without showing his face!
The wave of evil that had just formed and had not had time to launch was instantly swallowed by the pitcher plant together with the cool leopard.

Peng! ! !
Suddenly, there was a loud explosion sound from the huge pitcher plant.

Immediately afterwards, the leaves of the pitcher plant shot in all directions, as if a cannon had been stuffed by a naughty child.


The cool leopard who saw the light of day let out a low and uncomfortable sound.

Although his attack didn't do much harm to him, during this interruption, the sniping tree owl in the sky flew down like a sharp arrow.

boom! ! !
He is obviously a sniper-shooting tree owl who looks like a ranger, but now he is obsessed with this fighting method of fighting with his body!
Under the powerful impact, the cool leopard's body instantly sank into a big hole, and immediately flew upside down, gliding tens of meters on the hard marble ground.


The vengeance that had just been hit was avenged, and the sniper tree owl immediately flapped its wings and cheered excitedly.

"Cool Leopard! Are you okay!?"

Enduring the pain in his body, Crowe hurriedly chased the cool leopard in the direction where it was knocked into the air.

But how could Usopp and the sniper tree owl waste such a good opportunity!

Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh! ...

"Secret Technique: Flying Leaf Star Burst!"

From the bamboo forest, several missiles were shot out suddenly.

After passing through the bamboo forest, those few missiles seemed to be magical, and instantly turned into huge rotating blades, as sharp as swordsman's slashing waves, and slashed towards Crowe.

"damn it!"

Crowe, whose travel route was predicted, had no time to dodge, so he could only raise the ten blades in his hand, preparing to resist the leaf blade attack.

All of a sudden!
Fire is shining!


Several leaf blades collided with Crowe's ten blades one after another, making a melodious sound of Jin Ge's clanging.

But for some reason, Crowe only felt that the leaf blades hitting his ten blades were sharper and heavier than the other!

An extremely ear-piercing crisp sound suddenly came out.


Crowe's eyes widened instantly, showing an expression of disbelief.

But next, all the ten long knives in his hand were broken.

Shards of metal slashed across his face and shot backwards.

Seeing this, Long, who was in the auditorium, couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Although he also hopes to have two revolutionary army fighters enter the ranks of the top 8.

Considering Crowe's current strength, it is too difficult, too difficult to defeat this Usopp!
Don't look at Usopp's incomparably wretched way of fighting, and they all use sneak attacks to create opportunities for their own side.

But from stabbing the bamboo forest at the very beginning, to hiding in the bamboo forest, to being able to accurately hit Crowe even without vision.

This young man named Usopp is at the top level in the world in terms of resourcefulness and sniper skills.

Coupled with such stubborn tactics...

All I can say is, Crowe, it's not wrong to lose.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket support of Huahuap! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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