Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 193 Top 8 places! [Leader plus update]

Chapter 193 Top Eight Places! [Leadership addition (1.5∞)]

Facing the blade blades that continued to fly, Crowe, who had lost his weapon, could only stretch out the remaining broken sword wreckage at the tip of his claws to resist.

It's a pity that if the Broken Sword, which has lost its length, wants to resist the leaf blade's attack again, the effort it needs to put in is more than a few times as simple.

What's more, Crowe at this time no longer has such strength.


Leaf Blade easily broke through Crowe's defense.

With a cruel sound of a sharp blade penetrating his body, he suddenly yelled out in pain.

In an instant, the diffuse blood mist spewed out like raindrops.

After all, Crowe, who did not block the leaf blade, was cut with a huge scar on his chest, his skin was torn apart, and even the bones inside were clearly visible at this time.

"It's over!"

Many of Crowe's supporters saw such a scene, and these two words rang out in their hearts.

And the other side.

Sniping the tree owl is also taking advantage of the victory to pursue it. Relying on its good physical strength and fast recovery speed, it directly uses the big move of Brave Bird's fierce attack as a general attack.

Faced with the terrifying speed of the brave bird's onslaught, the cool leopard had no power to fight back.

After Crowe fell to the ground, within a few minutes, he was also exhausted, his eyes turned into mosquito coils, and he lost his fighting ability.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! ! !

The hasty termination bell rang.

Before Meow Meow could announce that the winner of the factory competition was Usopp, a pair of long-awaited lucky eggs quickly ran to Crowe's side with their short legs upside down.

This time, they didn't even bring a stretcher, and directly carried various treatment instruments, outputting a burst of output at Crowe's body.

no way.

Usopp's leaf blade star was made by the sniper tree owl in the state of bond evolution.

Coupled with the increase in the energy of Usopp's grass system, its power is simply not something that people at Crow's level can force.

Crowe, who was hit in the chest head-on, had already suffered serious damage to his internal organs. If he wasn't treated in time, he would die completely in this arena in less than ten minutes.

Of course, with Lin Luo watching behind the scenes, it is impossible for him to let his high-quality trader die here.

Therefore, although Crowe was seriously injured, there were not many people paying attention to him in the players' lounge at this time.

Instead, everyone cast serious eyes on Usopp who won the match.

Although we already know that Usopp's strength is not simple, but seeing that his strength is not much different from his, but he was plotted to death by him every step of the way...

Everyone couldn't help raising the importance of Usopp to another level.

This is a powerhouse that is easily overlooked!
Anyone who falls for his hilarious looks will eventually regret it!
Whispering discussions quickly sounded within the players, and even after Usopp swaggered back, it still didn't stop.

Compared to the discussions among the players, among the audience, there was a group of people who completely exploded!



"Final Eight!!! Final Eight!!! Did you see that!? Usopp actually entered the quarterfinals!!!!"

Ke Ya's nimble pupils shone with excitement, and she grabbed the railing of the auditorium with both hands excitedly, showing off to the people around her non-stop.

It looked like his own child had been admitted to Qingbei, extremely proud and proud.

"Eh... Usopp is really strong! Hehe..."

The Bucky Pirates who were sitting next to Kaya immediately began to praise Usopp.

But their gazes glanced at the railing held tightly by Keya from time to time, showing curiosity.

From this moment on, they really discovered...

It turns out that the quality of the building materials in the auditorium is no less than that of the unscathed ring in the chaotic battle.

To be able to maintain a complete shape in Ke Ya's hands, its hardness can be seen!


The battle between Usopp and Crowe ended, and it happened to be the lunch break.

Under the auspices of the Rockets trio, the audience began to exit in an orderly manner to enjoy a delicious lunch at the tourist restaurant on Tenjin Island.

During the meal, people's enthusiasm for the morning battle still did not abate in the slightest. They discussed the players intensely, and began to guess the winner of the four games in the afternoon.


The game in the afternoon did not seem to meet the expectations of the audience.

Garp, Robin, and Zoro fought against B, B, D, and B, B, D, respectively.

These three poor unlucky guys were defeated by the powerful Karp before they even had time to say a line.

And the duration of these three games is even shorter than Nami's Pikachu defeating Smoker and Ghost Stone in seconds.

Only the fourth match was between the lucky Lauren and Bianbu Xiaqu in A, B, C and D.

This battle, which received the least attention from everyone, lasted for half an hour instead.

In the end, it was Lauren who was more skilled. By poisoning and delaying time, he dragged Bianbu Xiaqu and his Pokémon down to the last blood, and then had to admit defeat voluntarily.

The disgusting degree of this tactic can be said to be similar to Usopp's sneak attack from behind!

So far, the 16-in-8 knockout round has officially ended.

And Sanji, Nami, Ace, Usopp, Garp, Robin, Sauron, Lauren, the names of these eight people will also be engraved in the history of One Piece World.

Different from the previous preliminary rounds.

Each of these 8 players has his own style.

Even Lauren, who was lucky enough not to encounter a strong enemy, has attracted the attention of many people through her unique fighting style.

And after the fetters evolved, the per capita strength of level 60+ allowed ordinary people in One Piece World to see the power of Pokémon and earned a lot of word of mouth!
Like the preliminary round, after the knockout round, players and spectators were given a day to rest.


A short break will not affect their expectations for the game, but will allow them to accumulate this expectation and explode at a critical moment!



The short repair time passed by.

In the blink of an eye, the auditorium was full again, and there were no empty seats.

The familiar sound of gun salute resounded through the sky.

Amidst the cheers of the Rockets trio, the eight contestants walked slowly to the ring under the exciting BGM.

Although it's not the first time I've seen this scene, it's not like I haven't guessed the repetitive opening routine...

But the audience at the scene was still inevitably mobilized, cheering for the supporting players along with the rhythm of the music.

As the host, the trio of the Rockets, after briefly introducing the well-known top 8 players, immediately began to introduce the rules of the top four competition.

"Attention all players!"

"Next, I will explain to you the subsequent game process."

Musashi shook his lightly hair, with a bright and charming smile on his face, and said into the microphone:

"The first thing worth paying attention to is..."

"This year's Pokémon League Conference semi-final selection will be different from the previous competition method, but will be fought in the form of a ring battle!"


As soon as Musashi's words fell, there was a sudden sound of gears turning on the ground between the ring and the rostrum.

Immediately, four high platforms slowly rose from the ground, and finally stopped at a position three meters above the ring.

And on the four high platforms, four extremely gorgeous and huge thrones appeared at some time.

Musashi went on to introduce:
"This round of the top four group arena will be bounded by a three-day period!"

"In three days, anyone can choose to sit on those four thrones and become the ring master."

"And the others who don't sit on the throne will become the ones who fight."

"During three days, the challenger must unconditionally accept the challenger's invitation to battle, no matter what time it is!"

"Of course, Lord Lin Luo will use the power of time before the battle to keep the contestants in their best condition, so the contestants who are going to become the champions don't need to worry about the situation of wheel wars."

"Three days later, those who can still sit on the throne will become the top four contestants of this Pokémon League tournament!"

"At the same time, this also means that you will receive the prizes Master Lin Luo prepared for you!"

"Believe me, Lord Lin Luo's reward is definitely beyond your imagination!"

"Even if it's the reward for the first runner-up, it's enough to open your eyes!"

"And there is a world of difference between the rewards of the champion and the runner-up."


"Whether it's for the sake of honor or reward, please seize this opportunity and do your best to stand on a higher ground on this stage where the world is watching!!!"

 Thanks to Zhonghuap and Sha Guya for their support!
(End of this chapter)

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