Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 194 Zoro VS Sanji!

Chapter 194 Zoro VS Sanji!

award! ?
As Musashi's voice fell, the eyes of both the contestants on the stage and the audience off the stage instantly widened!
Because Lin Luo never announced the specific content of the reward, so everyone didn't pay too much attention to the reward.

But now that Musashi mentioned the reward again, everyone in the arena couldn't calm down for a moment.


Sauron murmured, his eyes kept echoing among the players around him, but then he turned his eyes to the audience in the distance.

Looking at those faces full of anticipation and excitement...

Zoro had to admit that if his purpose of coming to the Pokémon League Conference in the first place was to revive Kuina...

Then his thinking now has more or less changed.

If you can……

In fact, he also wants to climb higher and go further!
He wanted to stand at the top of the world, and then said to the revived Kuina: "The original promise, I made it!"

A very rhythmic buzzing sound suddenly came from behind Sauron.

In the sword box, the double scabbards that felt Sauron's will were constantly trembling, responding to Sauron's ambition!
Sauron smiled slightly, and looked at Garp and Ace again.

Although he knew that his thoughts at this time might be a little naive and a little whimsical.

But if he doesn't even dare to think about it, then what qualifications does he have to compete for the throne of the world's number one swordsman! ! !

"Then, contestants who are preparing to become the master, please choose your throne!"

After introducing the rules of the competition, Musashi took a step back with a smile, and handed over the next stage to the 8 players on the field.

But the moment her voice just fell!

A dark green boot has already stepped forward.

tread... tread...

Under the attention of all the people, Sauron stepped forward step by step, and walked directly under the first throne of the master.

I saw him grinning lightly, and said to himself:

"Then, let this competition test whether I am qualified enough to climb the highest point!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sauron jumped directly onto the high platform.

Facing the eye-catching position, he sat down without hesitation.


Sauron's proactive attack instantly caused an uproar on the scene, and even among audiences all over the world.

They thought that the first one to be in the ring would be recognized champion and runner-up candidates like Garp or Ace...

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Sauron, a young man who had been ignoring him all this time!
Although Sauron's strength is obvious to all, in the sea, he is definitely a famous figure.

But on this stage, with such strength, he is just a "junior".

At this moment, both those who supported Sauron and those who did not support Sauron fell into silence.



Frost Moon Village, Frost Moon Gym.

Since Sauron showed his invincible strength in the preliminary round, Donghai's media company kept up with current events and set up an additional large-scale broadcasting equipment here.

at this time.

Seeing the step that Zoro took without hesitation, Koshiro Shimotsuki, who was Zoro's master, suddenly showed a gratified smile on his face.

He also only learned a few days ago that the apprentice who was lost because he went to the naval base to exchange bounties had magically become a trainer...

And the strength has reached the world's top level.

To be honest, when he first learned that Sauron's life trajectory had completely exceeded his expectations, Koshiro was very shocked and felt strange.

He even wondered if the man staring at the green algae head was his apprentice.

In his impression, Sauron was not a person who would give up the way of the sword and practice other powers.


When he learned that one of the prizes of the Pokémon League Conference was the ability to resurrect the dead, he instantly felt relieved.

As Sauron's master, he immediately guessed what Sauron was thinking.

At the same time, he recognized his apprentice even more.

Koshiro narrowed his eyes behind the glasses into two slits, looked at the figure sitting on the throne on the screen, and murmured:
"Go on like this, Sauron."

"At this moment, you are already standing at the apex of the world!"




Looking at Sauron who was sitting on the throne, looking chic but actually nervous, Garp suddenly gave a nostalgic chuckle.

Immediately, he started to take steps, slowly walked to the second high platform, jumped lightly, and landed in front of the throne in an instant.

"Then, let the old man be the second challenger!"

Garp laughed and leaned back, crossed his arms, crossed his legs and waited.

"Hey, I didn't get the first limelight, what a mistake!"

Seeing that the first and second positions had already been occupied, Eston clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction.

Lei stretched out his hands and took off the sun hat on his head, and walked towards the third seat very naturally, sat down on his buttocks, showing a bright smile on his face.

In an instant, Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Nami, and Lauren were the only ones standing still.


Usopp blinked, looked at the gorgeous fourth throne on the high platform, but didn't intend to step forward at all, but instead looked at Sanji.

As far as the strength currently displayed, Sanji is undoubtedly the fourth among them.

So according to the order, the fourth throne should be Sanji.


The moment Usopp's thoughts flashed, a pair of clean jet black leather shoes suddenly stepped out.

After awakening the power of blood, Sanji, who had already abandoned the lighter, lit the cigarette in his mouth with his fingers, and immediately strode forward.

But just when everyone thought he was going to the fourth throne, Sanji walked directly in front of Zoro, stretched out his hand without any hesitation, and shouted to Musashi:

"Miss Musashi, I want to challenge the champion - Roronoa Zoro!!!"


The audience stood up in amazement and looked at Sanji in puzzlement.

I don't understand why he wants to challenge a powerful opponent when the throne is still vacant.

Even Musashi, who was in charge of hosting, was stunned by Sanji's operation.

However, after hearing Meow Meow's reminder in her ears, she immediately came back to her senses, and did not ask Sanji why he did this, but directly announced:
"Sanji chooses to challenge the challenger Zoro, then please wait for five minutes for the challenger and the challenger. After five minutes, we will start the first battle of the semifinals!"

"Please leave the other players in an orderly manner."

"Oh, right!"

As if remembering that there was still no candidate for the last throne, Musashi quickly added:
"Now there is still a champion position. I don't know the other four contestants. Who is interested in being the champion?"

Musashi glanced at the remaining four contestants.

The four of you looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them planned to take a step forward.

Usopp has a cowardly character, so he naturally didn't dare to be the champion.

On the other hand, Nami and Robin didn't want to wait a while to be challenged by others to be embarrassing, and they didn't have any idea about this position.

Subconsciously, the three of them looked at Lauren together.

"Uh... what are you looking at me for?"

No longer planning to go any further, Lauren, who was about to watch the play, noticed the eyes of everyone, her expression froze for a moment, and she said with a puzzled expression:

"Don't you want me to be the champion!?"


Usopp, Nami, and Robin nodded in unison.


Seeing that the eyes of the three did not seem to be fake, Lauren's breath suddenly stopped, and his eyes slowly turned to the gorgeous high platform.

To be honest, he is excited about this position.

But at the same time, he was very clear that that position did not belong to him.

Even Usopp, who seems to be the weakest at present, seems to have the power to easily defeat him.


Thinking about it along this line of thought, Lauren suddenly realized...

At this time, it may really be the only chance for him to sit in that position.

Thinking of this, Lauren no longer hesitated, and stepped forward to the fourth ring pillar.

Compared with the other three who jumped up and stood on the high platform, Lauren could only walk up the narrow stairs around the pillars step by step.

Seeing that Lauren was seated on the fourth throne, Musashi immediately began to guide several other contestants into the competition seats.

five minutes later.

Under the eyes of everyone's anticipation, Zoro and Sanji stood in front of the ring.

"I didn't expect that you would be the first person to challenge me."

"I thought it was Robin or Zenami..."

Sauron smiled lightly and said calmly.

Sanji's fingers were on fire, he continued to smoke the cigarette he had already smoked, and after exhaling a round smoke ring, he opened his mouth and said with emotion:

"I didn't expect you to be so courageous, daring to sit in that position before Garp and Ace."

"The strength of those two people is not at the same level as ours."

"Ha ha."

Sauron grinned and replied:
"But we can't never catch up with them, can we?"


Under the scorching sun, a just-right breeze caressed the empty arena and Sanji's golden hair.

After getting Zoro's answer, Sanji was stunned for a moment, but then chuckled again.

"I have to say, on this point, I am not as good as you!"

"No no no..."

Sauron immediately shook his head repeatedly, revealing a row of clean white teeth, and joked:

"After a long time of contact, you will find that there are many places where you are not as good as me!"


"You green algae head! I really don't get along with you!"

Sanji took out the Pokeball of the flame chicken, and looked at Zoro with an unhappy expression.

"Who said no!"

Zoro also took out the Pokeball of the Flying Mantis from his side, his eyes flashed, and he entered the fighting state instantly.

To deal with Sanji, Sauron finally chose to use the flying mantis.

Sanji's flame chicken has dual attributes of flame and fighting. No matter which Pokémon he uses, he will eventually be restrained by the attributes.

In the face of a speedy opponent like Sanji, the ability to control metal provided by the double scabbard will not be very effective, and the defense increase of the steel attribute is not obvious enough.

It just so happened that Sauron hadn't let the Flying Mantis show his face at this conference...

And today's battle is exactly the time! ! !
"Come on, flame chicken!"

"Let this green algae head see our strength!"


A red light flashed, and the sturdy body of the flame chicken appeared on the ring in an instant.

"Come out, Flying Mantis, enjoy this rare opponent!"

With a wave of one hand, Sauron instantly threw the poke ball in his hand.

All of a sudden!
A flying mantis with a strong figure and two sharp arm blades appeared on the ring.

As soon as the two Pokémon appeared, they immediately showed a powerful aura.

A looming flame suddenly burst out from the flame chicken's body, spreading to the surroundings.

At the same time, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the Flying Mantis, and the arm blade in his hand trembled slightly, as if he couldn't wait to chop something.

"It's started! It's started!"

At this moment, both the spectators at the scene and the spectators in front of the screen were moved by the aura of the two of them, their eyes widened and they watched the game intently.

"Flame Chicken (Flying Mantis)! Bond Evolution!!!"

Without a trace of hesitation, Zoro and Sanji could feel each other's determination for this battle, and instantly activated the bond evolution, showing the strongest state!
bake! ! !
A flame that seemed to come from hell suddenly erupted from every pore of Sanji's body, burning the surrounding air.

The flame chicken has also evolved from the previous fighter form to a black and red form surrounded by flames.

In comparison, Sauron did not change much in form after the bond evolved.

The main reason is that due to the genetic mutation of the flying mantis, the energy of the bug system and the flight system that should have existed has completely disappeared.

Instead, it was its pure physical strength!

Faint mist suddenly erupted from Sauron's body!

After receiving the power of the Flying Mantis, Sauron's power instantly increased by two steps compared to before, reaching level 60.

In this regard, it is not much different from Sanji who has used his blood power.

As for the Flying Mantis after the fetter evolution, apart from the narrower arm blade in its hand, the biggest change should be its wings extending from the waist and falling to one side!

Influenced by Sauron, after the fetter evolution of the Flying Mantis, its seldom-used wings turned weirdly towards the left side of the body, like a sharp knife out of its sheath.

Sauron took out the word Hedao, and skillfully held it in his mouth, and immediately held the two spare long knives in his hand.

"Sure enough, this ordinary sword is not as useful as a double scabbard!" Sauron sighed regretfully in his heart.

Both parties are ready.

Zoro and Sanji looked at each other.

In the next moment, the four figures disappeared in place in an instant!
On the wide arena, four lightning bolts suddenly appeared.

Two are red like flames, and two are emerald green like forests.

They slammed into each other at a speed that surpassed the limit of the human naked eye! ! !
boom! ! ! !

Fierce flames mixed with ferocious air waves swept towards the surroundings like a tsunami, erupting with terrifying power.

"There are two tricks!"

Zoro's muscles exploded all over his body, with endless fighting intent in his eyes, he stared at Sanji who blocked his attack with one leg in front of him.

"You too!"

Sanji retorted without hesitation, but was extremely shocked in his heart.

At this moment, he has already exploded the blood power in his body to the maximum power, but facing the power of Sauron, he is faintly inferior.

This was the first time he felt that the power of Sauron's all-out burst could be so powerful!
On the other side, the Flying Mantis and the Flame Chicken were also in a stalemate!

The only difference is that in terms of pure strength, the flying mantis is obviously slightly better than the flame chicken.

The stalemate lasted only a few seconds, and the flame chicken was defeated.

The Flying Mantis seized the right moment, turned around and manipulated the flank, and instantly hit the flame chicken's waist and abdomen, forcing it to retreat.


After a successful blow, Flying Mantis immediately excitedly touched the two long knife-like arm blades, showing a provocative expression.

 Thanks to Planting Flowers P, Soviet Armored Soldiers, Book Friends 533***966, and Caribbean Leopards for their support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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