Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 196 Disqualified Father and Kind Sister

Chapter 196 Disqualified Father and Kind Sister
The performance of Zoro and Sanji made the Pokémon League Conference burst into unprecedented cheers.

Compared to Garp and Ace's unsurprising, devastating battle...

This kind of online, evenly matched, and uncertain battle is what they really want to see!


boom! ! !
There was another violent tremor, and Zoro and Sanji backed away at the same time.

The flames all over the sky suddenly dissipated.

After landing, Sanji didn't stop at the slightest, and a fiery flame spewed out from the soles of his feet in an instant, pushing his body into a red and black dazzling light, and rushed away.

"Blaze Demon Wind Foot Cooked SHOT!!!"

Sanji, who came in front of Sauron, twisted his body suddenly, like a big windmill, and kicked at Sauron's head quickly.

A dark flash of light passed by!

I saw Zoro holding up the long knife, and the black armed domineering wrapped the blade, once again firmly blocking Sanji's attack!


Sanji spat secretly, the blood in his body surged wildly, and a violent flame erupted from his body again!

But this flame did not burn Zoro, but quickly enveloped Sanji's whole body, turning him into a humanoid demon condensed by flames, and his eyes exuded a captivating scarlet color.

Repeatedly using the whole body to attack to no avail...

At this moment, Sanji chose to completely give up his reason, and no longer suppress the violent power in his blood!
After all, Lord Lin Luo was watching this battle, and Sanji believed that Lin Luo would not turn him into a monster who lost his mind completely.

"go to hell!!!"

After the power in the blood gushed out, a terrifying killing intent erupted instantly, mixed with scorching flames, and struck Sauron's head.


Feeling the sudden pressure on the sword and Sanji's naked murderous aura, Zoro finally understood the meaning of Sanji's words just now.

It turned out that this guy really wanted to kill himself!
boom! ! !
The flames exploded between the two, and a terrifying impact swept across Sauron, knocking him into the air in an instant, and gliding dozens of meters along the marble floor.

This is the first time since the beginning that Sanji has knocked Zoro down.

And the other side.

Affected by Sanji, the flame chicken's eyes suddenly burst into a crazy flame.

After being suppressed and beaten by the Flying Mantis for a long time, it finally began to explode.

Before Flying Mantis' next slash was approaching, the flame chicken jumped back suddenly, and immediately opened his arms violently, aiming his chest at Flying Mantis.

All of a sudden!
A fiery torrent of flames suddenly surged out from the flame chicken's body and gathered in front of it.

"Huo Jia!"

Accompanied by the flame chicken with red eyes shouting loudly, the condensed flames erupted suddenly, forming a violently rotating tornado, which instantly enveloped the body of the flying mantis.


The Flying Mantis wailed in pain, and was immediately engulfed by the blazing flames.

Let go of your mind, Sanji, who is fully bursting out the power of the blood factor in his body, and the flame chicken, who is influenced by the trainer, have once again raised their strength to a higher level at this moment.

"Damn it, why is it so strong?"

Sauron, who was burned by the flames, quickly put his long knife on the ground, stood up quickly, and extinguished the remaining flames on his body.

However, even though the flames had disappeared, the place on Sauron's body that had just been burned by the flames felt an unbearable throbbing pain all the time.

"Is it an attack with a burn effect?"

Today's Zoro is not the novice trainer of the year. He instantly understood that after Sanji broke out, the fire energy in his body seemed to have undergone major changes.

"Flying Mantis, are you alright!?"

Thoughts flashed, Sauron hurriedly looked at the flames aside, and asked loudly.


A slightly angry voice came from the flames, and a sharp cold light suddenly flashed through the fierce flames.

In an instant!
The matchless sword intent burst out like a gust of wind, cutting off all the flames.

"Chuck! (Totally no problem!)"

The Flying Mantis who was also burned slightly moved her face, but she endured all the pain and recovered in response.

That resolute look was exactly the same as Sauron at the moment!

The corner of Sauron's mouth raised, and a sharp look appeared in his eyes.

The burning pain from the flames was still attacking his body, and Sauron knew that the Flying Mantis was suffering the same injury as himself.

"It looks like this battle must be decided quickly!" Sauron said suddenly.


The Flying Mantis nodded in response, and a black light suddenly flicked across the blades of its two arms, which was incomparably captivating.

From this moment on, they have to deal with this battle with the same idea of ​​killing each other as Sanji and Flame Chicken!

if not……

They will only be continuously harmed by the burning state on their bodies and lose this game.

And just as Sauron and the Flying Mantis regained their momentum, the attacks of Sanji and the Flame Chicken have already struck!

"Blaze Demon Wind Feet Level [-] Ground Meat!"

Facing the raging flame wave again, Sauron's gaze suddenly froze.

"Hey~ hello~"

"Don't you think that I will obediently let you hit the second time!?"

boom! ! !
An intoxicating aura suddenly burst out from Sauron's body, slowly forming a strange ghost with a swaying body.

"Three-sword style, beautiful demon, sleepless night, ghost slash!!!"

The huge ghost suddenly opened its scarlet eyes, and cast endless killing intent on its enemies.

At this moment, Zoro and Sanji completely let go of their minds, and regarded each other as a sure-fire target!
The advanced sword from Demon Slash is intended to condense on Sauron's three long swords.

As a wind sounded like a ghost crying, the ghost with a terrifying slash suddenly flew out and rushed towards Sanji.

And at the side of Sauron, the Flying Mantis at this time actually took the exact same pose as Sauron.

It's Sauron's three swords, beautiful demon, sleepless night and ghost slash! ! !
A weeping ghost that was even more intimidating and terrifying also flew towards the flame chicken wrapped in flames.

All of a sudden!
The originally divided battlefield seemed to be synchronized again, like two sets of phantoms in a battle!
As an experimental product, Flying Mantis has a terrible life in the Pokémon world.

After losing the insect and flying attributes, it is like being cut off with both hands and feet. Life has lost hope and only pain remains.

Fortunately, fate did not disappoint it, and it was sent to Sauron by Lin Luo.

After practicing kendo with Sauron, Flying Mantis quickly stepped into the stage of swordsman by virtue of his strong physical fitness.

And after the fetters evolved, it was even more blessed by Sauron on the way of the sword, breaking through and becoming a great swordsman in one fell swoop!
So even if it is to repay the new hope given by Sauron, it must go all out and fight until the last second! ! !
boom! ! !
The sword-like ghost with unparalleled power collided with Sanji and the flame chicken who were transformed into flames, and once again burst out with terrifying power, sweeping out to all directions.

The skies over Tenjin Island, which had been cleaned up completely, once again experienced the baptism of a hurricane.

Just at this moment, the audience at the scene were already accustomed to the aftermath of Sauron and his destructive battles, and they began to discuss one by one, who would be the final victor of this battle!
Even though it was only the first round of the semifinals, the two played like they were fighting for the championship.

After the offensive was neutralized by the slashes of Zoro and the Flying Mantis, Sanji and the Flame Chicken leaped backward in unison with the same movements.

Don't look at Sauron and Flying Mantis who have been given the negative state of burns at this time, in fact, Sanji is not as relaxed as he appears!

There is a price to be paid for using power that has not been fully controlled!

As the battle progressed, Sanji's consciousness began to gradually blur.

This is because too violent forces are attacking his brain under circumstances beyond his control.

If this battle is not stopped as soon as possible, Sanji is likely to pass out completely because he cannot bear this power.

And it was he who was aware of this, and there was almost no hesitation after landing, and the flames burst into the sky again, and the scorching high temperature burned the surrounding air until it began to distort.

But Sanji and the flame chicken turned into a brilliant flame, and charged towards Sauron again.

All of a sudden!
It was as if the accelerator button had been pressed in this battle. The two sides came and went, and the aftermath of the battle shook the entire Tenjin Island.

And just when Zoro and Sanji were fighting.

Beihai, the Kingdom of Aerya.

As a small island country, this kingdom has always been a small transparent state in the North Sea.

Because the land area is small enough, and there is not enough financial resources to pay the heavenly gold, Aierya naturally cannot become a world government alliance.

But such a small island country has ushered in a group of big shots today!



It is different from other places who are paying attention to the development of the Pokémon League Conference.

At this time, the Kingdom of Erya is preparing for a grand welcome banquet.

Because just today, Germa 66, a well-known military country in the North Sea, will visit here.

Although I don’t know why Germa 66 suddenly wanted to visit here, but for Erya, it is a visiting letter instead of Germa 66’s modified human army, which is already a thankful thing!

Although Germa 66 has long since lost its historical glory, there is still no country in the North Sea that dares to provoke them.

Because the country that dared to provoke it has already become history.

It is precisely because of Germa 66's prestige that the king of Ailya dressed up early in the morning and waited in the port.

Not long after, a huge snail ship slowly docked at the port of the Kingdom of Erya.

The lively welcome music played immediately.

From the snail boat, a tall man slowly stepped down.

This person is the king of the Kingdom of Germa 66, the patriarch of the Vinsmoke family, and Sanji's biological father - Vinsmoke Gage.

"The arrival of His Majesty Vinsmoke Gage really makes our place flourish! I am..."

As soon as Gage stepped off the boat, the king of Ailya immediately greeted him with a flattering face, trying to make a good impression on Gage.

However, he hadn't finished reading the self-introduction that he had prepared for a long time, but Jia Zhi suddenly reached out and stopped him.

"Let's forget the useless nonsense."

Gage made a low voice, and immediately looked behind him with those icy eyes.

I saw a beautiful girl with a graceful figure slowly stepping down from the snail boat, and beside the beautiful girl was a blue-haired little girl about twelve or thirteen years old.

"Is it here, Reiju?"

Gaji ignored the king of Erya and asked the daughter behind him.

The neglected king looked embarrassed at this moment, but facing the overlord of the North Sea, he could only smile embarrassingly, and then consciously fell silent.

Hearing her father's question, Reiju immediately looked at the little girl beside her with a kind face, and asked quietly.

After a while, Reiju got up and nodded to Gage, and replied:

"Here it is, Father!"

"Aymo said she still remembered where her home was and could take us to meet her parents."

"it is good!"

Jiazhi's iceberg face, which has not changed for thousands of years, rarely showed a smile. He looked at Aimo with expectant eyes, as if he was looking at a precious artwork, and said:

"Don't worry! Although it's not a pleasant thing to be studied, but with how much you cherish, at least I won't let your family suffer any pain!"

Gage comforted the little girl named Aymo with what she thought were very gentle words.

Aimo is the little girl Reiju rescued from a slave auction not long ago.

Although born in the Vinsmoke family, the gentleness in Reiju's heart has not completely disappeared due to the influence of her mother and Sanji.

So when she saw that Aimo, who was only twelve or thirteen years old, was placed in the auction house, she couldn't hold back and bought it at a price of 500 million Bailey.

If such a little girl is bought by those disgusting nobles and businessmen, one can imagine what will happen to her next.

Because Reiju seldom made such soft-hearted actions, Gage turned a blind eye to the existence of Aimo, and let Reiju bring him by his side as a servant girl.

But by chance, Jiazhi discovered that Aimo, a little girl, could make ice cubes out of thin air and add them to milk tea.

Such a miraculous scene instantly shook his heart.

Gage immediately took Aimo for a test and interrogation.

The result of the test is that this Aimo is not a devil fruit capable person, but her ability to release cold energy is innate!
Although this is not a special power in Aymo's view, after all, this ability has no other functions except adding ice cubes to milk tea and acting as a human body air conditioner.

But the knowledgeable Jiaji suddenly realized...

Aimo, she must be a descendant who lived in the Red Earth Continent [God's Kingdom] eight hundred years ago!

Gaji, who was already studying the blood factor, suddenly became interested, and wanted to study the descendants of this so-called kingdom of gods.


After all, Aymo is just a little girl. Even if she doesn't consider humanitarianism, she must consider whether she can withstand the long-term blood drawing experiment.

So Gage asked Reiju to negotiate a deal with Aymo on her behalf.

Aimo asked her parents to participate in the experiment, and Gage promised that they would not hurt them in the slightest, and also allowed their family to enjoy noble treatment.

Maybe it was Reiju's previous good deeds, maybe it was the future that Gage said, but in the end Aimo agreed to the deal.

Walking on the streets of the Kingdom of Erya, Gage is following the guidance of Aimo, walking towards the home in her memory.

But when they passed by a square, they suddenly found a group of people watching something around a huge screen.


Gage stopped suddenly and looked at his screen.

I saw on the screen, with the cooperation of several professional cameras Rotom, the contest between Sanji and Zoro was like a movie with extremely gorgeous special effects. The effect is even more fascinating!
"what is that!?"

Gage asked suddenly.

Reiju, who was comforting Aimo, glanced at the big screen slightly, and replied instantly:

"That seems to be a broadcast of the Pokémon League Convention. Some media came to us before, but we rejected it."

Although Pokémon is popular in the Great Route and the East China Sea, but in the North Sea, because no one has seen the real thing, the pursuit of Pokémon is not so enthusiastic.

not to mention……

As a country that focuses on scientific research, Germa 66 refuses all outsiders to visit the kingdom. Reiju's doing so is completely in line with the national conditions of Germa 66 Kingdom.

It's just that when Reiju finished answering Gaji's question and looked up at the big screen...

Her expression, however, froze instantly, as if someone had pressed the time stop button! ! !
 Thanks for the support of Riding Shark Donghai, Planting Flowers P, Bald P Feng Xia, and Shadow of War!

  According to the news, the earthquake in Ya'an seems to be quite serious. Friends who live nearby should be careful. The earthquake seems to continue to vibrate for a certain period of time, so pay attention to safety.

(End of this chapter)

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