Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 197 Your plug-in is being delivered, please wait a moment

Chapter 197 Your plug-in is being delivered, please wait a moment
"That's... Sanji!!?"

Reiju shouted in shock.

Even though I haven't seen him for many years, the familiar curly eyebrows and the mentality of fighting with flames all over made Reiju instantly recognize Sanji's identity.

"But... why is he on the screen..."

Reiju muttered and asked a question that she knew she knew.

Then she suddenly remembered that when her father wanted to physically punish Sanji, it was her own sister who broke the cage with her own hands and helped him escape.

Thinking of this, Reiju immediately turned her eyes to Gage with a guilty conscience, but was surprised to find that his father, who had always been paralyzed, was staring at the big screen above him intently at this moment.


Reiju was silent for a moment, and then turned her gaze to the big screen.

On the screen, the battle between Sanji and Zoro has reached a fever pitch!
Both of them were covered in scars.

Sauron's whole body was red, as if it had been cooked.

And Sanji's body is also full of traces of sword cuts, although the wound has been stabilized with flames.

But that riddled appearance still makes one's heart tremble uncontrollably.

It's really hard to believe that someone can still engage in such a high-intensity battle in such a state.

Compared with the two trainers, the condition of the two Pokémon looks a little better, but it's just a look!
After learning the kendo of One Piece World, Flying Mantis's attack methods are obviously more flexible than the flame chicken who is accustomed to using Pokémon skills.

On the screen, the long-lasting battle seemed to be coming to an end!

The sea of ​​flames all over the sky was cut down by the light of the sword, and a figure like a red ghost suddenly flew out of the flames!

"Three Swords Style, Flame Slash, Six Paths Tsuji!!!" Zoro, who came to Sanji, murmured in a low voice.

Those scarlet eyes, Senhan's sword light, and the power like a god and demon instantly shocked all the audience on the scene and in front of the screen...

But the only one who couldn't shake Sanji who had turned into a flame demon.


Sanji, who was obviously not clear about his mind, still chose to go head-on in the face of the slash that was enough to silence the light.

Fiery flames erupted from his body again, forming a handsome armor on the surface of his body!

The raging flames burned Sanji's body, but the suffocating pain only made him crazier!
I saw Sanji leaping forward, stretching out his calf wrapped in flame armor, and bombarding Sauron's blade with his physical body again.

All of a sudden!
The world seemed to be paused, and all sounds disappeared.

Immediately after...

boom! ! !
The berserk impact swept through Bahuang again, and the entire Tianshen Island began to tremble violently.

But at this moment...

Crack...Crack! ! !
A crisp sound hidden in the roaring sound suddenly appeared and fell into everyone's ears.

As the camera dutifully captures Rotom, Reiju soon discovers that the sound comes from the long knife in the hand of Sanji's opponent!

In Sauron's hands, although those two long knives were not considered famous knives, they were definitely rare in the world. A clear crack suddenly appeared on the two long knives.

Even under the domineering entanglement of Sauron's armed forces, the two swords inevitably shattered.

Just when Reiju thought that Sanji was about to win the battle, something happened!

boom! ! !
I saw that under the cover of Sauron's slash, the flames on Sanji's body suddenly disappeared, revealing his mortal body.


Sauron, whose eyes were shining brightly, suddenly smiled softly, and instantly withdrew the fire-extinguishing knife intent he had temporarily comprehended, and then let go of his mouth, and the words and words in his mouth suddenly fell.

Sauron immediately threw away the two broken long knives in his hands, and suddenly caught He Dao's words with both hands.

"One Sword Style, Dachenshake!!!"

呲! ! !
Without the slightest hesitation, without extra action!
Everything seemed to be natural, and a terrifying killing intent suddenly burst out from the gentle and peaceful words.

A knife!

It's just a knife from top to bottom!

There was a huge wound on Sanji's chest, extending from his left shoulder to his waist.

At this moment, even the blood seemed to be frightened by Sauron's aura, and he didn't dare to show the slightest bit.

It just keeps surging at the wound, as if it wants to return to Sanji's body.

The two landed.

Sanji, who was seriously injured, fell directly to the ground, but a snow-white long knife suddenly reached his throat.

"If you don't want to die, admit defeat!"

Sauron said in a low voice.


Although he was seriously injured, Sanji, whose wounds were rapidly healing under the power of the bloodline factor, was about to stand up and fight Sauron again regardless of death under the influence of the berserk bloodline factor!

But suddenly, a voice came to Sanji's ears.

"Huojia... (We admit defeat...)"

I saw that the Flaming Chicken, who was fighting the flying mantis, suddenly broke free from the fetters and evolved, and returned to its normal form, with one hand raised above its head.


"Flame Chicken..."

As if awakened by the sound of the flame chicken, Sanji's consciousness gradually began to wake up.

He looked at the words He Dao in front of him that had no contact with his throat, and stretched out his hand to touch the huge wound on his chest...


Sanji let out a long sigh.

"I didn't expect that I could lose to you like this."

Immediately, with a snap, Sanji dropped his hands and passed out.

Dang Dang Dang! ! ! !
The hasty bell of the end of the battle came from the speakers on both sides of the big screen, announcing the end of the battle.

The Elya citizens at the scene immediately began to discuss the battle just now.

Meanwhile, outside the square.

Gage, who came to look for Aimo's parents, suddenly stood where he was, with a gloomy face, not knowing what he was thinking.

The group of people who were traveling with him were also silent for a moment, not daring to disturb Jia Zhi's thinking time.

However, no one at the scene knew...

At this time, Jiaji was not actually thinking, but was completely shocked by Sanji's performance!

As the creator of Sanji, it can be said that Gaji knows every cell and every string of genes in Sanji's body!
That's why he recognized Sanji the first time he saw the big screen and stood still.


Looking at the battle of Sanji on the screen, Jiaji felt more and more strange the more he watched it!

He recorded that when he created Sanji, he did use the powerful blood of the ancient family...

But he didn't remember that he had increased Sanji's meter so much! ?

In this short ten-minute battle, Jiaji was surprised to find that Sanji's power at this time seemed to have completely exceeded his imagination!

With his performance just now, almost none of the war machines of the Vinsmoke family will be his opponent!

And what's even more frightening is...

Even though Sanji already possessed such terrifying strength, he was still defeated by this green algae-headed man.


Vinsmoke Gage, who has always been obsessed with the study of blood factors, became curious about this legendary power from another world for the first time.


Seeing the scene where Sanji was carried on a stretcher by the lucky egg and sent to the recuperation room, Jiaji's fingers suddenly moved slightly, and slowly stretched into a secret package on his waist.

"Reiju." Gage said suddenly.

"What's the matter, Father?"

Reiju, who was also shocked by Sanji's strength, was taken aback for a moment, and immediately responded.

Gage seemed to hesitate, but finally took his hand out of the package, and handed a jar with the number [3] printed on it to Reiju's hand.

"Go to the East China Sea and give this to that kid."

"Since we have used the power of our Vinsmoke family, then don't embarrass the family outside!!!"

Gaji trembled, as if he was dissatisfied with Sanji losing the game.

But before Reiju could answer, Gage, who hesitated for a moment, added again:


"As for the matter of the bloodline factor of the power of freezing, I need to look up some more information and make some preparations."

"After you meet that kid, you can stay in Donghai for a longer period of time. As for what to do, you can do whatever you like."

Gage explained in a muffled voice.

No one knows what kind of mentality he has. Knowing that Sanji is a useless failure, he still chooses to manufacture this battle suit that fits the blood factors in his body.

Maybe even Gage himself may not know...

In his iron-blooded and ruthless heart, there is still a silent haven for the "burden" called family affection.

"Father, this..."

Reiju instantly understood what it was when she got the black jar that she had never seen before.

The Vinsmoke Family Trait Battlesuit Jar!

This is a powerful weapon specially developed by her father with all the scientific research strength of the Vinsmoke family, targeting at the different bloodlines of their brothers!
It can be said that everything about the Vinsmoke family is contained in this jar!
It turns out that his father...

Thinking of this, Reiju suddenly showed an elegant smile, and looked up at Gaji.

But found that at this time Jia Zhi had already walked a long way along the street.

While walking, he also left a voice for her:
"I'll just settle the matter with Aimo's parents myself! You go and take the snail boat that came with you, and get to the East China Sea as soon as possible!"

After the words fell, Jia Zhi immediately quickened his pace and walked towards the civilian residential area ahead, as if he was escaping from something.


Shortly after.

A small snail boat broke away from the fleet and slowly moved towards the Red Earth Continent.


Given the distance from the North Sea to the East China Sea, even if Reiju goes all the way smoothly, by the time she finds Sanji, the closing ceremony of the Pokémon League Convention is probably over.



And at the same time.

Tenjin Island.

After the battle between Zoro and Sanji, the scene erupted into extremely violent cheers.

People turned their attention to Garp, Ace, and Lauren who were still sitting firmly on the throne.

At this moment, Lauren only felt that she was sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn on her back, like a thorn in her throat!
Why did he become the fourth challenger just now! ?
My goodness!

What kind of monsters are these! ?
The level of King Minmindo is higher than that of Flying Mantis and Flaming Chicken...

But why is there such a huge difference in performance after the fetters evolve! ?

Could it be that his fettered evolution is fake! ?


Lauren knew very well that the great dimensional businessman Master Lin Luo would certainly not sell them fake abilities.

Therefore, the only explanation is that, as a trainer, he is far worse than others!
"If Sanji-san comes to challenge me later, should I just admit defeat?"

"Isn't that embarrassing?"


"It would be embarrassing to be instantly killed in the arena..."

Lauren, who was sitting on the throne, leaned on her fat chin with both hands, lost in thought.



On the ring, the skillful little Ibrahimovic quickly cleaned up the field.

Afterwards, the Rockets trio walked off the rostrum again and came to the center of the ring.

I saw Kojiro holding the microphone with a gentle and handsome smile on his face.

"Let us congratulate our player Roronoa Zoro, who successfully defeated Blackfoot Sanji and continues to sit firmly on our throne."

"Of course, a temporary failure does not mean a complete disqualification from competing for the top four."

"During the three days, at any time, as long as you want, you can continue to challenge the master!"

"I hope that our Sanji player will not be discouraged after the treatment, and continue to work hard to challenge our four main players."

"Okay, then let's invite the other three challengers to come on stage..."

Under the guidance of several Rotoms, the three of Usopp returned to the ring again.

Only this time, the expressions of Usopp and Robin were extremely dignified.

After witnessing Zoro and Sanji's full-strength eruption, they instantly felt a sense of crisis in their hearts.

Although Robin doesn't value the ranking of the Pokémon League Conference so much, as long as he enters the top four, he can get the mysterious reward from Lord Lin Luo...

Women are always irresistible to mysterious things.

Among the three, only Nami may not be in such a complicated mood at the moment.

She who once fought against Sanji knows very well that Sanji believes in the chivalry spirit of not hitting women.

In other words, as long as she can defeat Usopp and Robin beside her, she has the hope of becoming one of the top four in this conference!

of course……

As for whether Sanji will abandon his faith on this important occasion, it is just an unknown to Nami.

It's just that she doesn't have any remaining points now, and strength is not something that can be said to be there.

Instead of frowning, it is better to actively deal with the next battle.

The bright eyes flickered in Nami's eyes.

Glancing at Usopp and Robin who were still hesitating beside her, Nami suddenly stepped forward, raised her hand in the direction of the Rockets, and said:
"Master Kojiro! I want to challenge the master!"

The smiling voice like a nightingale reached everyone's ears instantly.


Kojiro raised his mouth.

"I don't know which champion Ms. Nami is going to challenge?"

"The champion I want to challenge is...His Majesty Joliver Lauren!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Nami directly reported Lauren's full name.

At this time, Lauren, who was on the fourth throne, did not feel the slightest surprise...

Sauron is still recuperating in the treatment room, and Garp and Ace are almost going to sit still until the end of the three-day period.

So the only one who will be challenged now is himself as a soft persimmon.

Lauren stood up straight away.

Under the eyes of everyone, stepping on the stairs step by step down the high platform.

Needless to say, with just a few steps, it really made him look like a king.

As the king of a country, Lauren still has this temperament!

And just as he was walking down, Lauren suddenly discovered...

Against Nami, he really might not be invincible!
Because he was so scared just now that he almost forgot...

My Nido King is immune to electric damage! ! !
Pikachu without electricity, isn't that just an electric mouse that runs faster! ?

This battle, I may not lose!

Suddenly, Lauren standing on the ring suddenly showed an extremely confident expression, full of confidence in the next battle!
 Thank you book friend 20210418120216272 for your monthly ticket support! ! !
  Suddenly felt the blood of the ancient clan, could it be the source of the devil fruit?

  Take out the power condensed by the blood of the ancient clan and put it in the fruit, will it become a devil fruit?

  Burning fruit is because there are some caught fish in that family, such as the one of Jhin, so the power of flame is not as powerful as magma?
(End of this chapter)

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