Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 198 I like watching women fight the most!

Chapter 198 I like watching women fight the most!

After less than a quarter of an hour.

Lauren, who was covered in charred bodies, fell powerlessly to the ground.

On one side, the dazed King Nido looked at Pikachu who was in the state of bond evolution, and then at himself who had withdrawn from the state of bond evolution...

After recognizing the huge level gap and realizing that Pikachu can knock itself up and down just by hitting, it recognized the reality, replaced its own trainer, and chose to give up the game.

And Nami has officially become the new champion of this competition.

Seeing Nami who ascended the throne of the ring leader and waved playfully downward, Lin Luo, who had been observing secretly, couldn't help sighing for Lauren who entered the treatment room.

It's useless, and Nami, the darling of the world, a little king who doesn't even have a background, is really far behind.


With the half-price buff of the Revolutionary Army, Nami did indeed buy a lot of resources and moves for Pikachu, which greatly enriched Pikachu's tactical reserves.

It is also an indisputable fact that ground attributes can restrain electric-type Pokémon.


No matter how Lauren and King Nido aimed at Nami, the nimble Pikachu could always arrive ahead of time and intercept all their attacks.

Although the electric moves could not cause damage to King Nido, all of King Nido's moves were scattered by the powerful thunder and lightning.

Even if there are some attacks that slip through the net, Nami can always rely on her incredible reflexes to dodge with great difficulty.

God knows why Nami obviously has no strength, but her reaction ability and dodging ability are not inferior to the first-class powerhouse.

In Lin Luo's view, maybe this is the necessary condition for the world's darling.

But when Nami and Pikachu attacked Lauren, the obese king couldn't avoid it, so he had to rely on his body to fight hard.

Then, he inevitably lost the game.



"OK! Mr. Sauron, who has fully recovered, please sit back on the throne of the leader."

On the ring, seeing Zoro who had fully recovered, Musashi immediately twisted his right waist and began to guide the process.

And this time.

Sanji, who was still seriously injured and passed out just now, followed Zoro out of the player passage, and stood beside Usopp and the others, amazed the audience!
Although he knew that the medical equipment prepared by Tianjin Island for the players was very thoughtful and advanced, but half an hour ago, he was bleeding to death, and half an hour later, he came to the ring again with a cigarette in his mouth. Nothing happened.

This miraculous scene stunned the audience for a moment, and even began to wonder if their sense of time had been broken?

Because Karp and Ace are too strong, they have almost firmly secured the top four.

So this competition is nothing more than the remaining six contestants competing for the remaining two places in the top four.

In order to prevent too many peeing spots on the field, Lin Luo specially stored a batch of life essence in the treatment room, which was specially used to restore the players' injuries so that they could return to the ring as soon as possible.

"Then next, let our challenger decide whether to continue challenging other challengers."

"Since Sanji has already challenged once, if there are other challengers at the same time as him, the other challengers will be prioritized."

"Challengers, please make a decision..."

As soon as Musashi's voice fell, a mysterious and noble figure like a violet suddenly walked out of the challenger's team.

"Miss Musashi, I want to challenge you!"

Robin spoke first with a smile on his face.

Today, she is wearing a light purple turtleneck sweater, and her lower body is denim shorts that reach a little above the knee, which just forms an absolute white field with the black boots extending to the calf.

The criterion for judging whether a woman is attractive has never been how much she is willing to take off...

It's about whether a woman can still become the focus of the crowd without showing a trace.

And today's Robin obviously did this perfectly!
Compared to Robin, who was well acquainted at this time, Nami, who had already started super-level development and was full of cuteness, still had to stay away.

On the ring, Robin continued to walk forward, his black boots stepped on the hard marble surface, and at the same time stepped on Sanji's heart.

At this moment, looking at the infinitely charming Robin up close, Sanji wished he could become a pet under Robin's feet, preventing the dirty ground from staining the soles of such beauties.

It's a pity that such a good thing is obviously not Sanji's turn.

"Sorry, Nami."

Robin, who walked to the fourth pillar of the main stage, slowly raised his head, looked at Nami who had just been cured briefly above him, and showed a very friendly smile on his face.

"Miss Robin..."

The corners of Nami's mouth raised, and she slowly took out Pikachu's Poké Ball from her waist, not showing any dissatisfaction with Robin's challenge.

On the contrary, it was the fighting spirit burning in her eyes!

It seems that they have been waiting for this battle for a long time!
Women are strange creatures.

They can stick together anytime, anywhere without worrying about any scenes.

But at the critical moment, it can show the great hostility that does its part!



The five-minute dressing time is over.

Nami and Robin, the two high-quality beauties of One Piece World, have already stood on both sides of the ring.

At the same time, Lin Luo, who was in the main control room, took out a large bag of snacks and two buckets of fat house happy water from the void under the very puzzled gaze of little Ibrahimovic, as if he was about to watch a heart-warming movie.

I am ashamed to say that Lin Luo, a dimensional businessman who is not in the Three Realms, jumps out of the Five Elements, and claims to be from the Ten Thousand Realms Chamber of Commerce, has the same hobbies as a certain hero surnamed Lu.

Fortunately, the video equipment that had just been lined up among the audience was explaining to him...

This way is not alone!



Under a gorgeous firework, the battle started instantly.

Nami and Robin threw the Poké Ball in their hands at the same time.

"Come out, Pikachu!"

"Go! Sun Elf!"

Two lively and agile Pokémon appeared in front of the two girls in an instant, each full of energy and spirit.

Pikachu, who has just finished a boring battle, needs a refreshing battle at this moment to satisfy his desire to vent his power!
And the sun elf, who hasn't made a grand appearance for a long time, is looking forward to a stage where he can show himself!

After releasing their respective Pokémon, Nami and Robin immediately looked at each other and smiled.

In the next second, the two chose not to spare any effort at the same time, and exploded with all their strength!
"Use your lightning to wash away all enemies in front of you! Bond evolution!!! Pikachu!!!"

"Sun Elf, it's time to show everyone your mysterious demeanor! Bloom to your heart's content! Bond evolution!!!"

Rumble boom! ! !

Under the clear sky, a thunder column as thick as a bucket suddenly appeared around Pikachu out of thin air, and then expanded rapidly, covering Nami behind him.

And Nami, who was in the thunder and lightning, not only did not suffer any harm, but as if she was bathing in a hot spring, she slowly closed her eyes, enjoying the baptism of the power of thunder and lightning.

All of a sudden!
The divine light of evolution shines in the thunder and lightning that fills the entire space.

In less than half a second, the ten thousand zhang thunder light suddenly shattered like glass and slowly disappeared.

After the fetters evolved, Pikachu's form changed instantly!
After evolution, the markings on Pikachu's body hardly changed, but on the top of its head, a piece of golden hair grew like mushrooms after rain.

Under the influence of the force of static electricity, these hairs were rubbed together and bundled into a pile, and the standing posture changed from the previous four-legs to the ground to stand upright.

If someone puts Pikachu in Kameenin's martial arts uniform at this time and says that it is Pikachu's version of Super Saiyan 3, they will definitely not hear any disapproval!
Contrary to the lush hair, after the bond evolved, Pikachu's size not only did not grow at all, but was even smaller than before.

I don't know if it was influenced by Nami's experience as a thief, subconsciously felt that the small and easy-to-hide body was better, so the image came to Pikachu.


Despite the smaller size, the tail behind Pikachu seems to be extended. It is connected by a slender and slender tail. At the end is a huge yellow lightning. From time to time, there will be a flash of lightning, like a punishment , was high up in mid-air.

And on the other side.

The evolution of the bond between Robin and the Sun Elf also exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

The purple-pink smoke instantly enveloped the figure of one person and one pet.

After the smoke dissipated, the new form of Sun Eevee appeared in front of everyone.

The main style is still the mysterious lavender, and the body has become a bit bigger.

And the ruby ​​on top of its head, which contains superpowers, has also become a bit deeper at this time, leaning towards a dark red color.

The number of tails that were originally divided into two branches increased sharply at this time, and turned into a nine-tailed form.

The end of each tail also bends slightly downward, and the nine tails dance in the air, forming a huge flower that flutters in the wind.

After evolving with Sun Eevee and gaining superpowers, the already elegant Robin instantly added a bit of mystery.

A purple-pink misty wave light loomed in her eyes, making it impossible to see any emotional fluctuations in her eyes.

"Pikachu! Use Pray for Rain!!!"

The battle is imminent!
Nami took the lead in launching the attack command in an attempt to create a favorable combat environment for her side.


Just when Pikachu mobilized the extremely rare water energy in his body and released his moves.

Robin on the opposite side smiled sweetly, as if he had expected Nami's routine, and immediately waved his hand.

"Sun Elf, use Sunny Sky!"

I saw that Pikachu's condensed rain-seeking moves hadn't started to work yet, and a few dark clouds had just shrouded the sun.

But in the next second, the strong sunlight pierced through the dark clouds in an instant, evaporated them, and scattered them on the ring without hesitation.

The corner of Robin's mouth raised slightly, and he said in a slightly playful voice:
"You're not the only one who can use weather moves, Nami."

Sufficient light is the basis for Pokémon to perfectly display itself. As an excellent gorgeous contestant, how could Robin's Sun Eevee not use this move!
"Tch, it was cracked..."

Nami pursed her cute little mouth and murmured dissatisfiedly.

If she can't create rain, she won't be able to use rain to increase the range of electric moves.

But at least the sunny weather is not good for Pikachu and Sun Ibrahimovic. Nami instantly dropped her obsession with the weather, turned around and directed Pikachu:

"In this case, let's attack directly!"

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!!"


Pikachu responded instantly and took a deep breath.

The electric storage pouches on both sides of Pikachu's face swelled up instantly, which is very cute.

However, this lovely scene only lasted for a short moment.

Stab it!

Dazzling lightning suddenly appeared on both sides of Pikachu's cheeks, like a lead wire, and in an instant, fierce lightning power burst out of Pikachu's body like a roaring flood!

boom! ! !
A huge thunder column suddenly enveloped the direction of Robin and the sun elves.

The strength has reached level 60. Under the influence of the electric beads, the power of the [-]-volt move is doubled. At this time, it is not only a [-]-volt move...

Even a million volts... tens of millions of volts... can no longer describe the mighty power of lightning.

"Sure enough, Nami's Pikachu is a bit too unusual!"

Even though he had already guessed the uniqueness of Pikachu in the previous battle, when he experienced it personally, Robin was still shocked by Pikachu's destructive power!
In order to win today's battle, it seems that some other means have to be used.

Robin sighed in his heart, but he had no intention of giving up in action.

"Sun Elf, block it!!!"

With the current strength of the Sun Elf, this attack against Pikachu is obviously too reluctant.

And the swiftness of the lightning attack made it impossible for them to avoid it.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Robin at this time can only be thankful that his sun elf is a Pokémon with super power attributes.

As her words fell, the ruby ​​on the forehead of the sun elf, who had understood it for a long time, suddenly burst into mysterious superpowers.

Even after the bond evolves, the trainer and the Pokémon have the same mind, and they can give instructions even without speaking.

But the trainers who are already familiar with giving commands by voice still haven't given up this habit, as if the commands given by voice can boost the moves.

A transparent wall suddenly appeared in front of Robin and Sun Elf.

It is the super energy type move that can resist all elemental damage - light wall.

In the next second, the terrifying power of thunder and lightning struck in an instant, like a turbulent turbulence, bombarding all of them on the light wall.


The sun elf suddenly uttered a cry of pain, but immediately after, a strong light burst out from the dark red gemstone on its forehead again.

A huge super power instantly injected into the light wall, isolating all the power of lightning.

"The frontal battlefield is left to you! Sun Elf!"

The resolute Robin crossed his hands in front of his chest in an instant.

Even though Lei Guang couldn't accurately grasp Nami's figure, she still remembered where Nami was just now.

"Forty Wheel Flowers Four Trees Deep Lock!!!"

A bewitching purple light flickered in Robin's eyes.

In an instant!
Four huge palms composed of ten arms suddenly appeared around Nami, grabbing at her limbs.

And in that palm, lavender light is emitting, like a protective shield, helping the arm to resist the power of lightning around Nami.


Before Nami could react, the four huge arms clamped her down in an instant, holding her high in the air, like Jesus crucified on the cross, displayed in everyone's sight.


Pikachu, who was attacking, instantly realized that something was wrong, and quickly turned his head around.


The power of lightning on Pikachu's body didn't seem to dissipate in the slightest. Instead, it increased its horsepower and bombarded Nami away!

 Thanks to dogs and gary for their monthly support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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