Chapter 199 Railgun
"what's the situation!?"

The audience at the scene watched Pikachu attacking Nami without hesitation, and their faces suddenly showed surprise.

The panic-like thunder and lightning made them think for a moment that Pikachu was taking the opportunity to take revenge on his trainer.

boom! ! !
The mighty thunder power descended in an instant, covering Nami and the four huge arms completely.


Robin's complexion changed suddenly, and he bared his lower teeth in pain. Under the paralyzing force of Thunder, the arms crossed on his chest instantly relaxed.

Following that, the four huge palms holding Nami immediately turned into petals all over the sky and disappeared.

Although the giant hands transformed by Robin have protective shields condensed with superpowers.

However, the power of Pikachu's electric moves is doubled, which is obviously not something Robin can bear.

Although the body made of Huahua fruit will not cause Robin any substantial harm, any touches on the body will be returned to Robin intact.


Franky made it!


Of course.

In fact, what shocked Robin even more was that Pikachu would choose to attack his trainer without hesitation.

This point, she did not expect at all.

You know, even if Nami has the ability to control lightning after the bond evolution, Nami should not feel well under such a high-intensity electric shock, right?
Just as Robin was thinking this way, the scene that appeared in front of her in the next second made her exclaim instantly:
"how can that be?"


The moment the huge palm disappeared, Pikachu also canceled and disappeared suddenly, and the thunder, lightning, light and shadow all over the sky suddenly dispersed.

I saw that Nami, who was struck by lightning, was still intact at this time and fought back to the same place, as if she had never been attacked before.

Looking at the wonderful expressions on the faces of Robin and the audience, Nami couldn't help feeling secretly in her heart:

"Fortunately, I learned to use the power of the thunder element to assimilate the power of lightning during the special training, otherwise it would have been really dangerous just now."

Although she had already collected a lot of information about Robin, Nami obviously didn't expect that Robin would be able to jump over the thunder and directly use her memory to summon her arms to grab herself!
This made Nami instantly realize that the information she had collected before was beginning to become outdated.

During this month, Robin became stronger again!
At the moment when Nami and Robin were thinking...

The Sun Elf at the side took advantage of Pikachu's chance to rescue Nami, and suddenly dispersed the light wall move.

Powerful spiritual power suddenly condensed from the dark ruby.

Without the command of the trainer, a wave of mental power like a cannonball was suddenly launched, and it hit Pikachu in the direction!
Moves - strong mind! ! !
As the advanced skill of the basic move of the super energy system, mental power, both in attack strength and attack range, are far superior to ordinary mind power attacks.


Nami, who saw everything in her eyes, instantly lifted her spirits, and quickly took out a metal coin from her pocket and placed it on the thumbnail, quickly aligning with the flight track of her mental thoughts.

"Super Electromagnetic Gun!!!"

Stab it!

A bright electric light began to dance at Nami's fingertips, as if the elemental elves of the thunder system were dancing lightly under the mysterious guidance.

And in the next second, the coin located between the thunder and lightning suddenly ejected, ravaging towards it at a speed not inferior to that of mental strong thoughts.

Along the way, the air seemed to be intimidated by this small coin, and they all scrambled to disperse to both sides, creating a violent hurricane.

boom! ! !
A deafening roar suddenly erupted above the ring.

The coin carrying the terrifying lightning power collided with the mental strong thoughts that condensed the super-powerful fluctuations in an instant, and the terrifying energy fluctuations ran away in an instant, forming a powerful shock wave that spread out to the surroundings.

Its momentum is huge, not at all inferior to the situation when Sauron and Sanji fought just now.

The eyes of everyone in the auditorium widened in an instant, and even the few people in the contestant area were shocked.

what's the situation! ?

In the information they learned, didn't it say that Nami was just an ordinary person with little power?
Even after the bond evolved, it shouldn't suddenly become so powerful, right? ?

"Fa... what happened!?"

An old pirate made a puzzled voice for everyone.

They couldn't figure out why such a terrifying power could erupt from a small coin in Nami's hands! ?
It can even match the attack of a sun elf whose strength has reached level 60! ! ?
And this time.

Sensing the faint exclamations coming from all around, Nami's brows could not help but raise slightly, slightly mischievous.

Electromagnetic gun, this is a powerful move that uses the power of lightning to create a specific magnetic field, so that the metal bursts out with terrifying power!

Of course, this trick was not created by Nami herself.

It was taught to her by the owner of the Tenshin Gym, Enilo, during the special training period.

At that time, Anilu called a group of trainers who used electric Pokémon to guide them alone.

But in the end, the only one who can perfectly master this move is Nami, who is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic power.

This made several other electric-type Pokémon trainers beat their chests and cast envious eyes on Nami.


As the true originator of this trick, or the mover, Lin Luo knows that the reason why Nami was able to learn this trick is also due to her top-level talent that is extremely sensitive to the weather!
Nami can easily sense the weather because changes in temperature, humidity, and magnetism in the air will be magnified dozens of times in her perception!
Now, she has only used part of her talent, but she has become a powerful electrician in the eyes of all electric-type Pokémon trainers.



"What a funny little girl."

On the ring leader's platform, seeing Nami's thin body burst out with such amazing strength, Garp's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help murmuring.

Sauron and Ace on both sides of him also nodded in agreement.

Even Zoro, who had also undergone a special training camp, didn't know that the girl Nami actually hid such a trick in secret!
have to admit...

With this move alone, her strength has surpassed most people, enough to step into the ranks of the strong!
After seeing Nami's strength, several strong men in the Pirate World sitting in the auditorium showed even more complicated expressions.

Doflamingo looked gloomy.

Although I know that Nami is only a rare success among most people, but a little-known ordinary little girl has reached such a height just by relying on the power of Pokémon...

This made him, a veteran powerhouse, panic instantly.

If this continues, the strength of those trainers who own Pokémon will definitely surpass their veteran forces.

And the injection of new forces is bound to bring a huge impact to them.

If he can't keep up with the pace of the times as soon as possible, he, the king of the underground world, may be eliminated by these people at any time!
After all, he is very clear about how amazing the interests behind him are!

Suddenly, Dover picked out a phone bug from his bosom, and sent instructions to the members of the Doflamingo family at home...

I didn't say much, just let them sort out all the financial resources and resources that the family can mobilize as soon as possible, and make sufficient preparations for the dimensional transaction!


Just when everyone was shocked.

On the arena, however, a violent impact erupted again.

Although surprised that Nami possessed such power, Robin, who has rich combat experience, knows very well that he cannot be immersed in the opponent's strength.

Accompanied by the dance of petals all over the sky, one arm suddenly sent Sun Eevee into the sky.

And in front of Robin's body is also an illusion, the figure suddenly disappears and disappears.

The attack power of Nami and Pikachu is so amazing that Robin had to use superpowers to hide his figure.

Otherwise, whether it is Pikachu or Nami, as long as she is attacked once, she may be forced to withdraw from the battle.

So Robin quickly recognized his position, which is to create good offensive conditions for Sun Ibrahimovic and do a good job of supporting himself.


Looking at Robin who suddenly disappeared before her eyes, Nami frowned slightly.

Of course she knew that this was Robin's use of superpowers to hide her figure.

Nami has seen this way of using superpowers more than once during her special training.

Only in this way, her battle plan of "catch the thief first" will change.

After all, under the influence of superpowers, at this moment, even if he is domineering and knowledgeable, he can no longer capture Robin's position.

"It's troublesome!"

Thinking of this, Nami's eyes immediately turned to the sun elf who stepped on the palm of her hand and came to midair.

Under the blazing sunlight, the sun elf's hair seemed to become smoother, and its nine tails fluttered in the air.

A magical light suddenly flashed on the gemstone on his forehead.

It's still a familiar move - mental attack!
"Cut~ In this case, let's get rid of the sun elves first!"

Relying on the blessing of Pikachu's electric beads, Nami instantly gave up her plan to find Robin's figure and focused her eyes on the sun elf.

The short orange hair fluttered in the strong wind, and a majestic lightning flashed suddenly.

"Pikachu, use Thunder!!!"

Nami stretched out her hand, and a coin exactly the same as before appeared in her hand again.

In the fettered state, she can obtain the majestic lightning power from Pikachu, so there is no need to worry about insufficient energy.

boom! ! !
In an instant!
Another super-electromagnetic gun condensed with the power of lightning flew out, threatening to hit the sun elf in mid-air.

But right now!
Arms that appeared inexplicably rose from the ground suddenly, intercepting the action trajectory of the super electromagnetic gun in an instant

The palm wrapped in superpower suddenly turned into a fist, and then with the power of the arm swing, it bombarded the super electromagnetic cannon!

Peng! ! !
There was a huge muffled sound.

The arm instantly turned into petals all over the sky, slowly scattered, and then disappeared.

Kanami's super electromagnetic gun was also intercepted so simply and rudely.

In a corner of the arena.

Robin, who endured a super electromagnetic gun, suddenly covered his right hand in pain.

Although it was just a pain in the brain, facing such a violent attack, Robin still couldn't tell whether the pain just came from the spirit or the body.

at the same time.

Pikachu's thunder move and the sun elf's spiritual thoughts are sent out at the same time!

A thunderbolt suddenly struck down from the clear sky, and struck the sun elf's body suddenly.

At the same time, the attack of mental obsession also enveloped Pikachu's thin body.

boom! ! !
boom! ! !
Two explosions sounded one after another, followed by two Pokémon's cries of pain.

However, at this critical moment, two determined eyes burst out from the eyes of Pikachu and Sun Elf.

I saw two Pokémon standing up quickly with their injuries stiffened.

Without anyone's prompting, terrifying energy fluctuations condensed on his body again.



Following the screams of the two Pokémon, another thunderbolt bombarded the body of the sun elf, and a mental force condensed with super-power flew towards Pikachu again.

Just when everyone thought that this scene would be a re-enactment of the classic a few seconds ago...

A figure suddenly appeared beside the sun elf.


Robin, who was out of the invisible state, closed his eyes tightly, stretched out his hand to caress the body of the sun elf, and the powerful superpower was activated instantly!
In the blink of an eye, the figures of her and the sun elf disappeared in place.

rumbling rumbling...

The lightning that fell from the sky struck the ground of the ring, but after a huge shock, it quickly dissipated without any gains.

And at the same time.

The spiritual force of the sun elf bombarded Pikachu again.

Seeing that the thunder did not hit the opponent, the small Pikachu instantly slapped his tail on the ground, trying to use the shock force to avoid the attack.

Who would have thought that the strong mind created by the sun elf turned suddenly halfway and bombarded Pikachu's body again.

Peng! ! !
In mid-air, Pikachu, who was hit head-on, flew upside down in an instant, rolling dozens of times on the ground like a rubber ball.


Nami yelled in concern.

But feeling that the evolutionary state of the fetters is still stable, she was relieved.

At least it shows that the attack just now did not inflict too much damage to Pikachu.

Immediately, Nami turned her gaze to Robin and Sun Elf in the distance.

Seeing that Robin's figure was about to disappear again, Nami quickly took out a coin.

Another raging super electromagnetic gun flew out.

Seeing this, the sun elf quickly condensed the light wall move, trying to resist Nami's attack.


"I can't let you run away like this anymore, Sister Robin!"

Nami's eyes were firm, but she controlled the electromagnetic gun to change direction instantly and bombarded Robin's side.

Call ~
The berserk power impact immediately stirred up a strong hurricane, blowing to Robin and the sun elf on one side, making Robin lose the chance to condense superpower energy.

Seeing this, Nami raised the corner of her mouth slightly.


The super power in the fettered state is too omnipotent, and she must not give Robin a chance to secretly assist.

And this super electromagnetic gun not only prevented Robin from disappearing again, but also made the sun elf use a useless move.

In a battle of this intensity, the slightest operational error will be magnified as the key to victory!

Of course Nami doesn't want to miss this opportunity!
Taking advantage of the fact that the sun elf was in a temporary stiff state because of using the light wall move, she immediately waved her hand:
"Pikachu, use Volt attack on Robin!!!"


The moment Nami's voice fell, Pikachu, who had been prepared for a long time, suddenly condensed terrifying thunder and lightning power.

At this moment, Nami couldn't care less about sisterhood.

Robin, who can use super powers, is more difficult to deal with than the sun elves in a certain sense!

A dazzling golden flash suddenly pierced through the void and slammed into Robin fiercely.

At this moment, no accident happened.

Under the double blessing of the electric beads, Pikachu's full-strength Volt attack, let alone Robin affected by the electromagnetic gun...

Even a strong man like Ace may not be able to completely avoid it.

boom! ! !
There was a violent impact sound, and Pikachu, who had no sympathy for women, even knocked Robin into the air.


Robin yelped in pain.

The pitiful look on my face instantly touched the hearts of all the men present, but it couldn't change the outcome of this battle...

 Thanks to book friends 20190729182021792 and book friends 20200505142839682 for their support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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