Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 200 The top 4 are released, an unexpected lottery

Chapter 200 The final four came out, an unexpected lottery
As Robin was seriously injured and fell into a coma, the evolutionary bond on the Sun Elf was instantly released.

The sun elf in the form of nine tails returned to its normal form again, and immediately under the double attack of Nami and Pikachu, it lasted less than ten minutes before being defeated.



"Congratulations to Ms. Nami for successfully defending the ring! Please, Ms. Nami, take a break and return to our throne after recovering."

Meow held the microphone and relayed the host's job, and immediately looked at Usopp and the three on the ring, and asked with a smile:

"Then, do you know if any of the other three challengers want to continue to challenge?"


Usopp hesitated for a moment, looked around, and suddenly found that among the four challengers, he seemed to be the only one who hadn't fought on stage yet.

After thinking about it for a long time, Usopp finally didn't choose to raise his hand to challenge.

Needless to say, Garp and Ace are the two strongest fighters, against them, it is impossible for Usopp to win!

And the remaining two champions, whether it is Zoro or Nami, also have an overwhelming advantage over him in terms of strength.

Although the three of their Pokémon have similar levels after the bond evolution.

But Sauron himself possesses impressive strength, and for some unknown reason, Nami's Pikachu burst out with unimaginable strength.

After pondering for a long time, Usopp finally found out...

Of the four champions in front of him, it seemed like he couldn't beat any of them?
Although he had a premonition that his strength would stop in the top eight, when this moment came, Usopp still couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"Hey..." Thinking of this, he suddenly sighed softly, "I didn't expect Miss Nami to hide such a powerful move of the electromagnetic gun, otherwise, she might still have the power to fight."

Shaking his head with a sigh, Usopp fell silent again.

Now that he knew that the result would be failure, he no longer had the nature to continue fighting.



There was a brief silence in the arena. Both Sanji and Lauren, like Usopp, had no idea of ​​continuing to challenge.

After a while, seeing that no one was challenging, Miaomiao didn't feel cold, after all, this was already in the planning process.

It picked up the microphone and said with a smile:

"It seems that the challengers are a little tired and don't have the energy to continue fighting..."

"I must have watched the wonderful performances of the players just now, and the audience also need some time to digest it."

"Then in the next three days, the Tenjin Island will be open to the public. The audience can go to the gymnasium to experience the unique training facilities, and they can also go to the Tenjin forest to experience the feeling of close contact with Pokémon."

"Our Rotom is everywhere on the island. If there are players who plan to continue to challenge, the nearest Rotom will inform the audience as soon as possible, so please don't worry about missing the wonderful battle during the visit to the island."

"Then, all the contestants are invited to leave the stage for the time being. We have arranged two rest places for the challenger and the challenger respectively. I hope that everyone can rest and recuperate well. In the coming time, we will bring you more exciting performances!"


As Miao Miao's voice fell, the scene immediately heard sparse whispers.

Four or five hours have passed since the opening of the Final Four Tournament, and some spectators who are not physically fit are indeed feeling a little tired.

Now that I heard that Tenjin Island has started to open the access to the public, I suddenly became interested, and walked quickly to the exit one by one, intending to take advantage of this good opportunity to visit this mysterious island.



Three days passed slowly as tens of thousands of people explored Tenjin Island.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the unveiling ceremony of the top four of this year's Pokémon League Conference.

Because of the competition process, everyone already knew the results of the semi-finals.

Not surprisingly, when Zoro, Garp, Ace, and Nami appeared on the throne of the leader in turn, there was a loud cheer and applause at the scene, which even overwhelmed the splendid scene in the sky. Salute and fireworks.

In three days, Sanji challenged Sauron twice in the arena, but unfortunately, with Sauron's perverted talent, even if the power of the blood factor exploded, Sanji was still not Sauron's opponent.

Secondly, Usopp challenged Zoro and Nami respectively.

In the end, as he expected...

His magical and strange plant moves were completely useless in front of Sauron's powerful strength, and they were cut off by Sauron before they even had time to grow.

And Nami and Pikachu directly used the old routine to pray for rain, and the ring was covered with lightning, so that Usopp had nowhere to hide, and was finally paralyzed by the lightning and lost consciousness.

So far...

The entire semi-finals competition officially came to an end, and the new semi-finals also walked down from the ring leader's high platform and came to the center of the ring under the eyes of everyone.

Holding the microphone in hand, Musashi shouted passionately:
"Let us once again welcome the top four contestants of this year's Pokémon League competition with the warmest applause!!!"

"They are……"

Kojiro and Miaomiao answered the conversation instantly, and said in succession:

"The pirate hunter from the Frost Moon Gym in Frost Moon Village - Roronoa Sauron!!!"

"Vice Admiral from Navy Headquarters - Monkey D. Cap!!!"

"Captain of the Spades Pirates from Goa Kingdom—Portgas D. Ace!!!"

"And the revolutionary army cadre from Cocoyasi Village——Nami!!!"



"What!? Did I hear you right!? Miss Nami, it turned out to be the Revolutionary Army!!?"

"Oh my god! This is the first time I've seen a revolutionary army dare to announce its identity so blatantly. It turns out that the revolutionary army is not superhuman..."

"Hey, hello? What kind of strange idea are you thinking!? However, it is indeed quite strange that pirates, navy, pirate hunters and revolutionary army appear on the same stage at the same time!"

"Looking at it this way, the dimensional businessman is really incomparably free in his choice of trading partners. He is able to make such a bizarre professional combination appear on the ring."



After learning that Nami's identity is the revolutionary army, the audience immediately exploded.

No one thought that Nami, who seemed to be the most innocent and harmless to humans and animals, would be a cadre member of the Revolutionary Army! ! !

Doflamingo in the crowd instantly looked at the figure hidden under the hood not far away, with a serious look on his face.

As early as the first day of the Pokémon League convention, he noticed a dragon hidden in the crowd.

After all, for a powerhouse of their level, that powerful energy and blood power stands out from the crowd, very obvious and obvious at first glance.

It's just that Doflamingo always thought that Long came here to join in the fun, but he didn't expect that he came to escort this little girl named Nami!

This Nami obviously only grew up recently, that is to say, in just a few months, the Revolutionary Army has once again added a combat power of Shichibukai level.

In addition, it has been rumored that the Revolutionary Army has obtained a Pokémon comparable to the Admiral, and there are more than one.

If you think about it this way...


Dover suddenly raised his head, a pair of shocked pupils were hidden under the dark red sunglasses.

He suddenly discovered that despite the words of Long's father, the naval hero Karp, the strength of the Revolutionary Army seems to have surpassed the Navy Headquarters.

As for the world government, there has been no news of contacting the dimensional merchants.

If he is a dragon, he will never let go of such a good opportunity!

"It's's terrible..."

Dover, who was sitting in his seat, suddenly murmured softly, as if this was the only way to make his excited palms stop shaking.

Beside him, Morgens, the president of the World Economic News, didn't notice his abnormality. Instead, he held a quick camera, adjusted the focus, and kept taking pictures of the situation on the ring.

"It's really amazing! The Revolutionary Army, which has been silent for several months, has once again acted in a high-profile manner. This Nami has become a cadre of the Revolutionary Army at such a young age..."

"It won't be long before she can become a high-level leader in the revolutionary army who dominates one of the banners!"

"Ha ha……"

Hearing Morgans' chanting, Dover suddenly chuckled in his heart, thinking to himself:
"It is estimated that by that time, there will be no such thing as a revolutionary army in the world."



Nami's sudden self-explosion caught everyone by surprise.

However, the process of the event will obviously not be put on hold because of this trivial matter.

In addition, Nami had already communicated with the leader Long about this matter, so she didn't feel anything.

On the arena, an exquisite black box suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the sound from the Rotom speaker also successfully drew everyone's attention back.

I saw Miaomiao's face was red, and he raised his paws with a smile, and said:
"Okay! Then let's get straight to today's topic..."

"That's the lottery ceremony for the semi-finals of this year's Pokémon League Convention!"

Because the Final Four has given the players enough time to recuperate, the semi-finals officially started directly.

Meow Meow introduced:
"In front of you is an ordinary box. Inside the box are four small balls, engraved with two [A] and two [B] respectively..."

"Next, the four players will decide the order of the lottery, and those who draw the same letter will compete."

"The two who were defeated will continue to fight to determine the third runner-up and the third runner-up."

"And the two who won the battle will successfully enter the finals and compete for the championship."

"Is there anything the four players don't understand?"

After Miao Miao finished speaking, her eyes shot at the four people present.

And at this moment, Nami suddenly raised her hand and asked:

"Master Miaomiao, what should I do if the strength of the third runner-up is actually higher than that of the runner-up, but because of bad luck, what should I do if I meet a stronger opponent?"


Meow squinted her eyes and turned her gaze to Nami, still smiling and said:

"Luck is also part of strength."


Nami paused for a moment, then nodded and stepped back.

"I understand, thank you Miaomiao-sama!"

But as soon as she returned to the team, she and Sauron looked at each other instantly.

One after another, they could see the other party's thoughts from the eyes of the other party...

If you're lucky, there might even be a runner-up between the two of them! ! !
As long as Garp and Ace draw the same letter! ! !

Thinking of this, Zoro and Nami's hearts trembled suddenly, and they became excited for a moment, and then looked at the ordinary black box with a somewhat exquisite appearance.


Influenced by Nami and Zoro, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became tense.

And after listening to Miaomiao's answer, some viewers also noticed the same thing instantly.

They suddenly realized...

The next lottery will very likely affect the final result of this event! ! !
After a while, seeing that no one was planning to take a step forward, Karp took a step forward at the same time.

"Then let the old man draw the first lottery!"

After the words fell, Garp stepped forward boldly, put his palm into the black box, and immediately took out a poke ball...

And on the top of the elf ball, there is a big black character engraved—【A】!
"OK! Our Karp player took the lead in drawing his own lottery number, so let's ask the second player to come forward and draw lots."

Seeing that Garp had finished drawing lots, Meow Miao immediately advanced the process and looked at the other three.

"Let me do it."

Ace smiled lightly, showing a face as warm as the sun. He seemed to see the tension between Zoro and Nami, and took the initiative to draw lots.

With the rattling sound of the box shaking, Ace suddenly took out the second Poké Ball from the box.


Zoro, Nami, and the audience all choked up, their eyes widened, looking forward to the letters in Ace's hands.


A playful smile suddenly appeared on Ace's face, and then he slowly turned his face to the side, looked at Karp and said with a smile:

"It looks like I'm going to have a fight with you, old man, ahead of time."

Ace slowly raised the Poké Ball in his hand.

On the back of the poke ball, there is a very obvious letter——

[A]! ! !

Looking at the lottery in Ace's hand, there was an instant uproar at the scene and even the whole world!
An audience member suddenly covered his forehead and exclaimed:
"Oh my god! Ace also got an A. Doesn't it mean that there must be someone between him and Karp who will not be able to enter the finals because of defeat?"

Beside him, an obviously aged old navy immediately retorted:

"What you said looks like a young man born after 00. Haven't you heard of the deeds of the naval hero Garp!? He, how could he lose to a fledgling pirate! Even with the help of Pokémon Lieutenant General Garp will never lose!"

Old Navy vowed to slap his fist on his chest to show his determination for Cap's victory.

On the other hand, some people in the audience began to discuss the situation of Nami and Zoro.

"Sure enough, Master Miaomiao is right. Luck is also a part of strength. In this way, between Zoro and Nami, there must be someone who can become the runner-up? What a lucky fate!"

Although Sauron and Nami have shown enough strength, in front of the two great gods Garp and Ace, obviously no audience will be optimistic about them.


Such is the requirement of the competition.

This time, Lin Luo didn't make any more moves in the lottery.

The main purpose of controlling the order of battles before is to let the world understand that even people with little power can gain the world's top strength after owning Pokémon!
Now that there is no need for more publicity, he naturally doesn't bother to make any small moves.

Because the first set of battle order has already appeared, Zoro and Nami naturally don't need to continue to draw the lottery.

Under the auspices of Miaomiao, Garp and Ace soon came to both sides of the ring.

At this moment, everyone, including the Rockets trio and Enel, looked at the field intently, and at the same time imagined what kind of surprise this long-awaited battle would bring to everyone.

Although no one said it, in fact, this battle is the finals in their hearts! ! !
 Thanks to the boss of Jingzhihai for his reward and support! ! !
  Thanks for the monthly ticket support of Mirror Sea! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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