King's Landing in France

Chapter 1 Time traveled to the era of queuing to be shot

Chapter 1 Time traveled to the era of queuing to be shot

An Ning remembered that she was supposed to be drowsy while pulling the ring on the subway commuting.

Recently, the stupid product manager had another brilliant idea, so An Ning and his technical team worked overtime to realize this brilliant idea.

Today, everything was finally done. In the blink of an eye, the whole team ran away. I was afraid that the product manager would have some new and brilliant ideas, so they would pull people back and continue working overtime.

An Ning was also one of them. Even though it was only five o'clock in the afternoon, he was already so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open, all thanks to the energy drinks he bought from the vending machine before entering the subway station.

This is the peaceful memory until just now.

Now, he looked at everything in front of him suspiciously.

Just like on the subway, An Ning is now surrounded by many people, but these people are all wearing Western-style clothes that look like opera costumes, and their hair and eyes are completely Western.

And these people are all carrying something like a rifle.

Most of the Chinese men were part-time military fans, and An Ning recognized these as so-called flintlock muskets.

This is the main battle weapon commonly known by military fans as "the era of queuing and shooting".

It looks like An Ning is now among the marching line infantry.

An Ning looked down at her clothes, and sure enough they were the same as the person next to her.

He became a line infantryman.

Then An Ning found out that he didn't have a gun, instead he had a marching drum hanging in front of him.

Anning played this thing in the drum team of the Young Pioneers when he was in elementary school.

But he should have forgotten how to hit the ball at that time, but now he beats the drums freely with his footsteps, as if he has never neglected this skill in these years.

——I traveled to the era of queuing to be shot and became a military musician?

An Ning opened her mouth wide, unable to recover from the shock of this amazing fact for a while.

But the world didn't kindly wait for An Ning to accept the reality.

There was a scream in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a group of black shadows landed not far in front of An Ning's left, and the thing spun and bounced, rushing towards An Ning like an oversized bowling ball——

An Ning closed his eyes subconsciously, and then he heard the screams of the people beside him.

Opening his eyes, he saw the people around him slipping, and the shells just passed through the queue, leaving a row of hapless wretches with their legs broken from below the knees and screaming.

Goosebumps formed on the back of An Ning's head, and he wanted to vomit.

Then the second shell came, and this time the shell hit the queue before it hit the ground. It changed from a "rolling ball" to a "goofy ball". stature.

The man's head was like a watermelon that fell from the tenth floor and shattered.

An Ning couldn't even tell the truth, the massive secretion of adrenaline made him short of breath, and his heart seemed to break through the ribs to stop it from jumping out of the chest.

But his hands were still drumming in a well-trained manner, as if they belonged to two different parts from An Ning's panicked brain.

Under the guidance of An Ning's drumbeat, the ashen-faced line infantry marched forward mechanically.

Another shell fell, this time a lime bomb that exploded in the air, the fuse was not left long enough so it exploded very high in the air, and the result was that the sulfur was scattered.

An Ning smelled a strange odor in the air, and immediately felt a burning pain in her lungs.

The person next to him coughed violently.

An Ning wanted to run, throwing down the snare drum and running, away from this hell full of blood, stench and screams, but he was wrapped up by his comrades and couldn't move at all, so he could only move on.

The pain caused by the burning of the lungs was even more terrifying.

Another shell fell.

The screams filled An Ning's ears, overshadowing the military music.

Seeing that the flag bearer on the left was knocked down, An Ning immediately rushed up to take over and carry the flag again.

The emblem on the flag, which looks like a fleur-de-lis - French Army?
Indeed, the military uniform looks a lot like France, with a white main color, a large light blue lapel, and gray suspenders...

At this moment, An Ning noticed the officer walking beside the military flag.

——By the way, if the noble lord is shot, I can use the excuse to protect the noble lord and get out of the charge!I saw this plot in the movie "Barry Lyndon"!

All An Ning could think about was how to get out of this damn hell.

Then the officer master took a ground bomb head-on.

The height of the cannonball jumping was just right, interrupting the officer in the middle, and by the way, all the privates behind the officer were called by name.

An Ning saw the half-moon-shaped "dog tags" that can only be hung by military officers flying high.

——It's over, there's no excuse.

At this time, An Ning suddenly wanted to pee, probably because she was too nervous.

He narrowed his eyes, probably thinking that this should reduce the visual impact of the picture in front of him.

——Don't worry about it, let your mind go, and it's over in one go.

Just at this time, An Ning's line infantry brigade rushed into the dense smoke left by the shell explosion, and his vision became completely gray.

An Ning simply closed her eyes and stepped on the drums.

Because of his nervousness, the rhythm of his drumming accelerated a lot out of thin air.

Suddenly, he felt light find his eyelids.

So he opened his eyes a little, and found that the team had passed through the gunpowder smoke, and then there was the figure of the enemy in the wheat field ahead.

The enemy's formation is very scattered, and it looks like skirmishers performing harassment operations in front of the line infantry brigade.

An Ning heard the people around her exclaim: "Where are our stragglers?"

The next moment, An Ning saw the flash of fire.

The sound of a gunshot came in a few beats, and the bullet had penetrated through the sergeant who replaced the nobleman leading the team in front of An Ning.

The people around An Ning were also shot, and fell to the ground with a crash, only An Ning herself and the standard bearer four feet away were still standing.

An Ning closed her eyes again, waiting for the arrival of death——fuck, this kind of time travel is too foolish!
But no bullets continued to fly.

He opened his eyes and saw the skirmishers in front of him reloading.

However, because the rifles used by skirmishers have rifling for the pursuit of accuracy, and the fit between the bullet and the chamber is closer, so when loading the bullet, it is necessary to use a mallet to hammer the pass to force the bullet into the chamber.

In short, this kind of precise front-loading gun is extremely slow to reload.

At this time, a password came from the far left: "All, stop advancing!"

An Ning's hand reflexively played the drumbeat of "stop advancing". The marching drum was a prop used to command the march of the line infantry in the era of line infantry.

"Raise the gun!" The password still came from a long distance.

This password has been "passed" by many people, and it sounds like there is an echo.

An Ning doesn't have a gun, he only has a snare drum.

Some of the stragglers on the opposite side had already finished reloading. Seeing that they stopped and prepared to shoot, the gang fired immediately and then turned around and ran away.

The task of the skirmishers is to harass, not to shoot at the line infantry.

Because there was no volley, the killing efficiency this time was much lower than the volley just now, but the skirmishers were all armed with rifled guns, which were much more accurate than smoothbore guns, and many people around An Ning fell to the ground.

An Ning said silently in her heart: If you can't hit me, you can't hit me!
The command came: "Fire!"

Immediately afterwards, the gunshots almost deafened An Ning's ears.

An Ning's entire field of vision was blocked by the smoke from the musket gun, and he couldn't see any bullshit in the whiteness.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of incompletely burned gunpowder.

At this time, An Ning somehow changed the way of drumming, and began to beat a series of short drumbeats——

An Ning realized that this was using drums to time the troop loading. He remembered watching a program on the Discovery Channel. In the era of queuing up and shooting, the completion time of each step of line infantry loading was equivalent to three-quarters of a beat. A bar of music.

And the short drum beat by An Ning is three-quarter beat.

An Ning speculates that his soul should have passed on to a well-trained drummer, so his body has formed muscle memory.

While beating the drums, he squinted at the comrades beside him, and found that the comrade closest to him on the left—the living comrade closest to him, trembled when he unpacked the pre-loaded gunpowder pack, and a pack of gunpowder was almost completely spilled on the ground.

Then the man just put the remaining point of gunpowder into the barrel of the gun and started the next step.

——Holy shit, our army is going to be defeated! This is it!This level of training...

At this moment, a shell flew over, and An Ning's observation comrades were gone, leaving only two legs stuck on the ground.

An Ning cursed, and because of the sweat in her hands, the drumstick fell to the ground without her grip.


He was about to pick up the drumsticks when he saw the white smoke from the shooting in front of him dissipate, and the enemy's line infantry also came into view.

The enemy uniform looks like Prussia... Kingdom of France fighting Prussia?Seven Years War?

An Ning could clearly hear the military music on the opposite side.

The shining spears on the opposite side, like a neat row of forests, just grew their legs and moved quickly in the direction of peace.

An Ning, who lived in a peaceful age, had never seen such a formation before.

The password came: "Raise the gun!"

An Ning felt that the person who gave the password was obviously panicked, and the password was given a little too early.

An Ning looked left and right, and found that many comrades in arms hadn't finished loading, and were hurriedly pulling the cleaning rod from the barrel.

——It's over, it's over, it's over...


An Ning saw a comrade rushing to put the cleaning rod back into the slot under the musket, but he couldn't get it in anyway, so he simply threw away the cleaning rod, raised the gun——


The crackling gunshots washed An Ning's ears again.

Once again, the white smoke completely blocked the line of sight, covering the enemy's gray military uniform and the shining forest of spears.

Can't see the effect of the gun at all.

Only the military music of the enemy could be heard getting louder and louder.

Another lime bomb exploded in the air, and the quicklime that fell overwhelmingly caused many people to scream.

Amidst the screams, the enemy's military music became more majestic, while the military band on An Ning's side seemed to be dumb.

From the corner of her eye, An Ning saw that in the queue that had become much looser, someone was already retreating quietly.

At this time, the smoke cleared, and the enemy's line infantry suddenly appeared within 50 meters in front, and An Ning could even clearly see the ornaments and medals on the enemy's leading officer.

Then the enemy's password came.


Then the queue stopped advancing.

"Raise the gun!"

The neat spear forest fell down in one fell swoop.

An Ning was completely hopeless, and he realized very deeply that the god of death was opening his arms to him.

— Damn it's not fair!I don't even have time to accept the fact that I have crossed, so I'm going to die here!
——Damn it, even if you really want to die here, you can pull an enemy back with a gun for me!

——Giving me a drum is too bullying, isn't it?

Accompanied by the password, there are gunshots like firecrackers during the Spring Festival.

The appearance of the enemy was completely engulfed by the white smoke of the shooting.An Ning heard bullets whistling in her ears.

It was like the whisper of death.

An Ning decided to just lie down on the ground.

It's better to live than to die, let's talk about life first.

Now falling backwards, looking as if he had been shot, no one would say that An Ning was a deserter.

However, the moment An Ning made this decision, he was shot.

With a buzz, all thoughts went away from him, and his body fell backwards uncontrollably.

After an unknown amount of time, An Ning opened her eyes.

He stared at the dots of starlight in the sky, and was in a daze for a while before he remembered what was going on.

—I was shot?
An Ning hurriedly confirmed her condition.

As soon as he touched his head, his hand was covered with sticky blood, and pain came along with it.

— shot in the head.

An Ning carefully confirmed the condition of the wound - he knew that touching the wound with dirty hands could lead to infection, but in this situation, the wound is not known to be dirty, and the situation will not be worse if touched.

So An Ning confirmed that the wound was not deep, and felt——

It felt like a bullet had hit him in the forehead and ricocheted.

——Brain ricochets?
The bullets of smoothbore guns are all spherical lead bullets, and this kind of thing will collide with the inner wall of the barrel irregularly before it is released, and the flight state is very random. There are many examples of skull bounce in the history of the earth.

However, the probability of encountering such a thing is much lower than that of China Sports Lottery.

So much so that An Ning couldn't help suspecting that this was his cheat - to travel through time, there must be a cheat, right?
Thinking of this, An Ning patted her head hard.

——It hurts, it’s better not to confirm the hardness of your head, what if it’s really lucky this time?
He stood up and began to check the surrounding situation.

The time seems to have just set, and there is still a little afterglow in the direction of the horizon.

There was a bonfire in the distance, and people in gray military uniforms were cleaning the battlefield, but it seemed that they didn't work hard, and they probably planned to do it seriously tomorrow-the enemy should also rest after the big battle.

A few enemies were loitering on the battlefield, and An Ning stared at them for a while before making sure that they were plundering the property of the dead.

He saw one of them took off the corpse's shoes and put them on his own feet happily.

An Ning touched himself, and made sure that he didn't have any belongings - his military uniform was also that of a soldier, and the enemy's main target should be the officer.

In this era, military officers are noble lords, and they should have valuable things on them.

An Ning continued to lie on the ground, and adjusted to a more comfortable position.

At this time, he suddenly saw in his hand a wide crescent-shaped dog tag like those worn by officers.

——Or, I pretend to be an officer and surrender to the enemy.

——In this era, there should be some rules in the war, and the nobles will be treated with courtesy.

An Ning still has an injury on his head, and if he gets infected, he might have a fever and die. The level of medical care in this era is very poor, and the main method of treatment is bloodletting.

Infected will die quickly.

If you surrender, hurry up and get some spirits to wash the wound, the chance of survival will be higher.

An Ning is very strange, his thoughts are very clear now, as if he was enlightened after being shot in the head.

After making a decision, An Ning reached for the half-moon dog tag——

Then his hand was held down.

With a shocked face, An Ning looked at the person holding his hand, and saw a young face.

Although it was dirty, it could still be seen that this was a handsome young man.

"Get me out, I am the son of the Duke of Orleans, I cannot... be captured here." The boy said.

An Ning: "Get lost, didn't you see that I was injured?"

An Ning is a modern person, and he comes from an ancient oriental country that pays attention to "princes, generals, and relatives". He doesn't care about the title of duke.

However, the boy passed out after finishing what he just said, and did not hear An Ning's answer.

An Ning pushed away the boy's hand that was holding her wrist, and picked up the dog tag. Just at this moment, a whistle blew from the campfire.

An Ning stopped, slightly propped up her upper body, and wanted to see the situation.

He found that those who cleaned the battlefield and those who searched for property from the pile of corpses stopped their work and gathered towards the campfire. Probably the whistle sounded as a signal to gather.

An Ning suddenly realized that this seemed like a good opportunity to escape.

The last twilight in the sky has disappeared, and there is no moon in the sky.

This Black Bulongdong is just right for escaping.

An Ning glanced at the boy who had just asked for help, and estimated the impact of his body shape on his escape speed.

——Well, saving a nobleman and running back seems to be more profitable.

So, An Ning moved, he got up quietly, removed the straps of the marching drum that was still wrapped around him, then carried the boy on his shoulders, and ran wildly through the night.

(End of this chapter)

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