King's Landing in France

Chapter 2 Broken Soldiers and Robbers

Chapter 2 Broken Soldiers and Robbers

The moment he carried the Duke of Orleans on his back, a small luminous symbol appeared in An Ning's vision.

It looks like the kind of mission goal guidance when playing games.

At the same time, a task reminder appeared on the left side of the field of vision: open the branch line "Son of the Tollestern House": send the Duke's son back to the Duke safely.

Why did the Duke of Orleans have the surname Thorestaire?Shouldn't the Duke of Orleans be called Louis-Philippe?The reason why An Ning knew the name of the Duke of Orleans was that when the Bourbon dynasty was restored, the son of the Duke of Orleans became the king of France.

The Duke's name is actually different from another time and space, An Ning doesn't know what this means.

He didn't think too much, and started to run following the guidance. After running a few steps, he felt that something was hitting his thigh, which was very uncomfortable, so he found a bare tree as a cover, squatted down and put down the little boy to check what happened.

It turned out to be the saber hanging on the young prince's body. The end of the scabbard was restless, hitting An Ning's thigh time and time again.

An Ning handed over the saber without saying a word, and held it in his hand.

His field of vision changed immediately, and a graphic of a saber appeared in the lower right corner of the entire field of vision, which obviously represented the weapon he was equipped with.

——Sure enough, as a time traveler, I have a system.

An Ning immediately planned to arm himself and turn himself into a macho man who could switch weapons with the number keys 0 to 9, so that he would be able to deal with whatever happened on the way to escape.

He followed the shadow cover, felt around the tree, and finally found a rifle.

The side that is likely to win has already cleaned up the battlefield, and handed over the rifles on the ground first.

The barrel of the gun that An Ning touched was already filled with mud, and the mud was pressed tightly, and it was still air-dried, and it didn't seem to loosen at all when it was shaken.

The rifle has become a mallet.

It is estimated that the remaining weapons on the battlefield are almost in this state, and now they are in a mess, so it is not easy to search for them.

And at this time, a beaming chorus floated from the enemy's camp in the distance, reminding An Ning that she was still under the enemy's nose.

Once the enemy is alarmed, there is really nowhere to escape.

An Ning put down the rifle that had turned into a stick, and crawled towards the young master's position in the dark. On the way, he found a rather elastic thing.

At first he thought he had touched a woman's vagina, but then he realized it was a leather water bag, and there was still more than half of the bag of water in the water bag.

——Yes, I don’t know where to get supplies for this journey, I have to bring a water bag.

Then I lay dead for a whole day today, and I will be hungry later to have dry food.

An Ning groped and began to search again.

It's a pity that the line infantry would put down their luggage and dry food before attacking, and go into battle lightly. After searching for a long time, An Ning couldn't find anything that could be eaten except for the water bag just now.

He didn't know what time it was at night and how many hours before dawn.

Maybe the latitude here is high, and it is early in the morning in midsummer.

An Ning carefully returned to the original place, picked up the young master of the Duke's family on her back, and carried the young master's saber, and then went straight to the reminder symbol in the dark night.

Not long after starting to flee, An Ning heard the Prussian singing finished, and then someone played a new tune.

It's a sad ballad about a crippled veteran who returns home only to find his wife dead and a lonely grave left.

This sad tune made An Ning want to surrender to the enemy, especially the high-pitched solo after the chorus, which made the whole night sad.

An Ning could tell that what the enemy was speaking was not the same language as An Ning was using now, but he couldn't tell which language the enemy was speaking.

It stands to reason that An Ning has heard more or less European languages. He likes to play a game called "War Thunder". In it, drivers from different countries can be set to speak their own languages. With this game, An Ning is used to German and French. Pronunciation of common European languages.

But the enemy's language sounded nothing like any language An Ning had ever heard.

But An Ning can still understand.

Maybe this is the benefit of the time traveler.

By the way, the language that An Ning himself uses is not Chinese at all, but he understands it naturally, and it is this language that he speaks directly without thinking too much.

This should be the benefit of the time traveler, otherwise it would be too tortured to spend a few months learning the language of this world after time travel.

An Ning ran wildly while thinking, trying to stay away from the enemy camp as much as possible.

The young master has something on him, and he keeps poking An Ning's back, stiff.

Judging from the felt shape, it may be a medal.

I really can't bear this young master, so I threw away the medal and took it back to the Duke... It feels like I have completed part of the task.

This young man was also unlucky, he went to the battlefield wearing a handsome military uniform and a large medal, but he was defeated in a big battle, and his wealth and life rested on An Ning, a passerby who suddenly appeared.

An Ning ran while thinking wildly.

He has already run through three "waypoints", but the next waypoint still appears in the distance.

This system is also true, it doesn't show how far away the waypoint is, just hanging An Ning in the distance.

While running, An Ning was worried that he might encounter enemy cavalry. After all, he was running on a wide plain with few trees, so the cavalry could see him from a long distance during the day.

—and hope that the enemy's cavalry is also celebrating victory with the infantry.

An Ning ran past another navigation waypoint.

At this time, his strength was gradually exhausted, and he couldn't run anymore.He looked back and found that the bonfire of the enemy camp was far away in the sky, so he found a bush by the side of the road, put down the young master, and rested against the bush.

At this time, the young master woke up: "...water..."

An Ning took out the leather water bag, took a big gulp to quench his thirst, and then gave it to the young master.

The water in the water bag has a strange smell, but now An Ning can't care about that much anymore.

The young master took a sip of water, then smashed his mouth and returned the water bag to An Ning.

"What's your name?" The young master asked An Ning in a clear and weak voice, "The Tollestern family must repay their favors and pay their debts."

—And there are debts to be paid, are you a Lannister?
Tucao returned to Tucao, An Ning still began to think about how to reply, and then he found that he actually had the memory of this life, but he had been suppressed by the hot war and nervous escape before, so he didn't notice it.

The year is 1780 in this world.

The name of An Ning's life is Andy Frost, he lives in Caen, and his father is a leather craftsman.

The son of a leather craftsman, he played marching drums in the army - quite reasonable, maybe the head of the marching drum lost by An Ning was tanned by An Ning's father himself.

In addition, Andy and Anning have similar pronunciations, and they can be used interchangeably.

So Anning—no, Andy whispered, "My name is Andy Frost, the son of a cobbler."

"Is that so? I am the third son of the Tolestel family, Crotz de Tolestel. You can call me Crotz. My father is the Duke of Orleans..."

An Ning: "Understood, Mr. Tollestel."

Although people said that you can call her by name directly, An Ning still decided to be more cautious. After all, she just traveled through time and was unfamiliar with the place of life, so what should I do if I break the taboo?
Crotz seemed a little dissatisfied with An Ning's reaction, but he didn't say anything, but turned his head to look at the wilderness behind him: "I'm here to experience the battlefield... I thought this would be a brilliant victory."

An Ning shrugged.

If it was the Seven Years' War, the Prussian army that lost to Frederick the Great was not ashamed.The problem is that An Ning vaguely remembers that it is already 1780. If this is the Seven Years' War, isn't it too late?
Could it be that the historical process of parallel time and space is different?
It doesn't matter, whether it is the Seven Years War or not, has nothing to do with An Ning, a military musician playing drums.

An Ning only wants one thing now, to flee back to his own people, and then see how Tollestair will repay his kindness.

It is best to keep yourself away from the battlefield.

An Ning recalled this morning's experience again, and the horror of the battlefield gripped his mind again.

The desire to escape from the war that had sprouted at that time struck again.

——I don’t want to go to the battlefield again in this life!
Just as An Ning was thinking this, a red arrow suddenly jumped out of his vision.

Veteran game player An Ning saw this situation and immediately realized that there were enemies around.

He immediately turned to face the direction of the red arrow, and at the same time drew out the saber of young master Tollestel that he had been carrying all along.

At this time, a gap appeared in the cloudy sky, and the moonlight fell from the gap, illuminating the five figures in front of An Ning.

At first glance, these five people are wearing military uniforms, but upon closer inspection, they are all different uniforms. Some of them are wearing officer’s white leggings on the lower body, while the upper body is the gray military uniform of a private soldier, and there is a grenadier’s dog skin on their head. cap.

There is no doubt that this is a gang of rogues who have made a fortune by looting the battlefield.

The leading robber was wearing an officer's jacket, with a bunch of medals hanging on his chest in a mess, and two officers' half-moon dog tags.

It is unknown how many officers were looted.

"Oh, this personal bodyguard is really loyal." The bandit leader with a medal grinned, and the moonlight illuminated his broken teeth, "But will your master give you a son? Why don't you join us and send him If he stole it, he must have gold coins on him, we will share it with you..."

The boss turned his head and glanced at his subordinates. He seemed to be nodding a wave of people's heads before saying, "One-fifth for you."

Immediately, a robber joked: "Boss, you forgot to count yourself. It's one-sixth..."

"Shut up! Don't you see I'm negotiating with someone!" The leader glared at the speaker, then looked at An Ning who was holding the knife, "How about it, think about it?"

Another robber with a pitchfork grinned, "Come on, he can't understand what we're saying."

But An Ning understood. After hearing what the robber said, he realized that the other party was speaking German, and he understood the other party's German as if he understood Chinese.

——So this is also my hack?
An Ning said, "I can understand what you are talking about."

"Wow," the bandit leader showed surprise, "It seems that the officer master has a entourage who understands German, and he has prepared for the worst. How about it, consider our proposal just now?"

An Ning is indeed thinking about it.

Of the five opponents, except for two with pitchforks, the rest of them carried knives or bayonets removed from their guns, and he had only a saber.

It's obvious that you can't work hard on the other side, at this time you should—

When it was too late, An Ning heard the sound of the hammer of the flintlock being opened behind him.

Behind him is only the young master Klotz resting against the tree——

The next moment, the gun went off.

The bullet flew to nowhere, anyway, none of the five people seemed to be shot.

The bandit leader roared "Fuck! Kill them!", brandishing the knife in his hand, he rushed towards An Ning.

At this moment, An Ning entered the bullet time, just like in the Assassin's Creed series of games, in the game, as long as you press the correct button during the bullet time, you can use a beautiful defensive counterattack to instantly kill the enemy!
Of course, this simple and crude system disappeared in the latest few Assassin's Creeds.

But this did not affect An Ning's body to move flexibly.

He opened the bandit leader's knife with the saber in his hand, and then sealed his throat cleanly with a sword.

The bandit leader knelt down on the ground clutching his neck, struggling to speak, but Zizi's blood-spitting throat finally let out a weak hiss.

The bandit leader fell to the ground with a hissing sound.

This process happened so quickly that several gangsters who were about to rush forward were all stunned, staring blankly at the leader who fell to the ground.

An Ning shouted angrily in German: "Who else!"

Several rogues looked at each other in blank dismay, and then the two with the pitchforks ran away first, and the other two also dropped the bayonets in their hands and ran away.

"Don't run!" Klotz stood up holding the gun, and continued to reload impatiently. As a result, his hand shook when he tore off the gunpowder bag, and all the gunpowder was spilled.

An Ning held down the young master's reloading hand: "Are you crazy! Shooting may attract the enemy! You can still see the fire in the enemy's camp from here!"

"But... these rogues seem to have killed many officers and soldiers..."

"Come on! Even if you shoot, you won't be able to hit them. Fire with the precision of a flintlock gun at such a night, it's like drawing a lottery!" An Ning grabbed the pistol and stared at the young master, "You want to go back alive , just listen to me. We have to continue on our way tonight!"

The young master pursed his lips, was silent for a few seconds and then nodded: "Okay! I'll listen to you."

He paused, and then suddenly showed a respectful expression: "Are you really just a military musician? Your swordsmanship just now is very beautiful!"

——Of course it’s beautiful, that’s because I started it.

An Ning raised her face: "I just know a little about swordsmanship."

Speaking of which, An Ning put the knife back into the scabbard, and then began to look at the pistol that was snatched from the young master just now.

The moment he picked up the pistol, the weapon icon in the corner of his vision turned into a pistol.

He fiddled with the pistol, then raised the gun in the direction where the bandits fled just now, and then the front sight appeared.

At this moment, An Ning knew a little bit about her cheating.

(End of this chapter)

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