Chapter 100 The Tree Can Talk

The baggage cart thrown on the road has achieved better results than expected.

The enemy army in black ran along the main road, and rushed up.

An Ning maintained the state of being integrated with the tree, waiting for the start of the gunfire.

At this time, he suddenly thought of one thing: the French also fought in Vietnam. If we want to teach these trees to speak Vietnamese, we may be able to scare people to death across time and space...

The black-clothed army began to enter the ambush area, and An Ning raised his voice, fearing that something might go wrong and the black-clothed army would find out.

Several black-clothed army leaders riding tall horses passed by An Ning's ambush position.

But they didn't stray too far from the team. It should be as An Ning expected, and they were afraid of Christina's little cavalry who was watching from a distance.

Through the leaves, An Ning looked at the guy who might be the leader of the enemy. That guy should be a nobleman, and his rank should be a colonel.

There are many officers and non-commissioned officers in the black army. These nobles have been hanged by peasants in other parts of France, but they are still officers in the rebel army of the church.

An Ning saw the enemy colonel stop not far from the burning baggage truck, and probably felt that something was wrong.

But he did not give the order to stop the troops.

Nearly half of the black team entered the ambush circle.

An Ning's ambush formation is a double horizontal formation, and the enemy's marching formation is a four-way column. With the same number of people, An Ning's formation should be twice as long as the enemy's.

But because the number of enemies is larger, the status quo is that the enemy's marching column is much longer than Anning's ambush area.

It is physically impossible for the enemy to all enter the ambush zone.

An Ning figured that the situation was almost over and it was time to fire, but the warrior hiding next to the artillery remained silent.

—Did he get scared when he saw the enemy approaching?

do not!

At this time, the leader of the enemy was very close to the roadblock left by An Ning. Maybe he could see that the artillery blocking the road had been loaded!

Damn it, warrior, fire!An Ning was anxious like an ant on a hot pan.

Colonel Donald approached the baggage train parked in the middle of the road.

At this time, he had discovered that only one car was burning, and it was at the rear of the discarded convoy.

It looked like the burning car was deliberately blocking the view.

Moreover, the cannon in the middle of the road has completed the unloading action, and it is in a firing state.

If the enemy is fleeing in a hurry, is there time to do such a thing?
The Colonel vaguely felt that something was wrong.

If the gun has been loaded with shot, and fires on the road at this time—

Thinking of this possibility, the back of the colonel's head went numb.

At this moment, he saw something move on the baggage cart behind the cannon!
It's a man hiding in a baggage wagon!It's a trap!

In desperation, the colonel took out his pistol, but at this time, the pistol could not be fired immediately, and gunpowder had to be poured into the igniting powder pool first.

Without this step, even if the trigger is pulled to make the flint spark, it will not be able to ignite the gunpowder in the barrel—unless the spark just passes through the small hole between the medicine pool and the barrel and falls on the gunpowder in the barrel. The odds are not much higher than the odds of drawing an SSR from a mobile game!

The colonel hurriedly took the powder pot and poured powder into the pistol powder pool, and at the same time shouted: "Stop him, stop him!"

But everyone else was in a daze, and some of them didn't even see the person who got up from the delivery cart.

Donald watched in desperation as the ambush bad guy picked up the torch from the burning baggage car - it turned out that the car was set ablaze to hide the torch!
Not at all to burn all the luggage!

Enemy, cunning and cunning!

The colonel dropped the powder pot, raised his pistol, and at the same moment as he pulled the trigger, the ambushers fired the cannon's fuze.

The sound of the guns drowned out the sound of the pistols firing.

It's over, thought the colonel, we're going to be shot in the face!

However, what was ejected from the muzzle was not shotgun shells, but a solid iron ball, and the iron ball got into the ranks of black-clothed troops running on the road next to the colonel!

In the blink of an eye, there were a lot of people in the queue!

This is a [-]-pound infantry gun loaded with ammunition, and a shell can break a human leg as easily as breaking a straw!
In an instant, in an instant, there were hundreds of unlucky one-legged men in the ranks of the black-clothed army.

The screams instantly resounded throughout the team.

"My legs!"


An Ning shouted with all her strength: "Everyone stand up! Raise your guns!"

While he was shouting, someone had already moved first.

After all, everyone was very nervous at this time. Hearing the sound of the cannon was like touching a taut spring, and it started all of a sudden.

A blue front suddenly appeared in the bushes, and countless guns were aimed at the chaotic black-clothed soldiers who were bombarded on the road!
In this case there is no need to order fire at all.

The soldier, who was so nervous that he raised his gun, grabbed the trigger and killed him.

Crackling gunshots rang out.

The row of bushes on the side of the road seemed to turn into a bunch of smokers, and they all blew a puff of smoke on the black-clothed soldiers on the road.

This time, the soldiers in black on the road were blown away.

An Ning can't see this from the main perspective, because the smoke from the salvo is too large, the field of vision is blank, and the enemies close at hand can't see it.

But the wall made of smoke is not soundproof, and the screams of An Ning can be heard clearly.

Good guy, with the overwhelming screams, you don't need to look at them to know that the enemy's morale has been hit like a blow from the bottom.

But it's not over yet!
At this time, it is necessary to continue to cause casualties to the enemy in order to completely destroy the morale of the enemy.

So An Ning brandished his long sword and rushed towards the smoke, shouting as he charged, "Kill! For freedom!"

The deafening shouts of killing were detonated by his roar: "For freedom!"

"Long live the citizens!"

The soldiers in blue were imposing like a rainbow, rushing through the white smoke like a tide with their bayonets upright.

There is no need to choose a target at all, the moment it rushes through the smoke, it is a dense formation of enemies.

The only thing that affected the killing efficiency of the first round of this wave of charges was that many bayonets chose the same target.

Others stabbed enemies who hadn't fallen after being shot.

It is said that a military doctor in the Napoleon era conducted research and found that [-]% of the corpses on the battlefield were stabbed to death by bayonets.

All in all, the killing efficiency of a bayonet charge is much higher than that of a volley of guns!

In just one second, the enemy suffered nearly a thousand more casualties. In addition to the previous shelling and volleys, the enemy's casualties were close to a quarter in an instant.

Even the regular army can't bear such a high instantaneous casualty!
The collapse of enemy morale is only a momentary event.

The enemies in the ambush zone decided to turn around and run almost at the same moment.

The enemies who didn't enter the ambush area also turned around and ran away when they saw this.

At this moment, An Ning couldn't care less about the collapse of the enemy's morale. He was too busy killing the enemy.

He had already cut down the fourth enemy, and the lapel of the blue uniform was full of the blood spurted by the enemy.

"Kill! Kill!" He shouted mechanically, completely dominated by adrenaline, and became a pure hacking machine.

"You know! I'm Brienne's sword master! I've won two thousand mock sword fights!"

An Ning didn't even know what the hell she was shouting about.

By this time, he had cut through the enemy formation and rushed to the shoulder on the other side of the road.

At this moment, he saw a gentleman riding a tall horse rushing towards him, the long knife in his hand reflected the cold light.

Obviously this rider wanted to kill An Ning!

Be the commander of the enemy!
Although the army has been defeated, the enemy's commander is fighting high!
At this moment, An Ning's mind went blank, and her full-screen body responded by itself.

He imitated the approach of the protagonist played by Mel Gibson in the American movie "The Patriot" in his impression, picked up a flag of the Black Army on the ground, used the flagpole as a spear, inserted one end into the ground, and then knelt down alone——

The sharp head decoration of the flagpole head digs into the horse's chest.

The horse fell, throwing the foe on horseback into the dirt.

An Ning stood up, rushed in front of the stunned enemy, and chopped off his head.

"Enemy general, I'll take off his clothes!"

——Mom, what the hell am I shouting!
But the almighty translation system works!
The surrounding soldiers in blue cheered.

At this time, An Ning suddenly heard the horn of the cavalry attacking, and it was Christina who was chasing and destroying the scattered enemies.

But this is not important anymore, there will be no more rebels in the entire Konta area.

(End of this chapter)

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