Chapter 99
After Christina left to harass the enemy, An Ning commanded his artillery and threw both the cannon and the ammunition cart to the front of the ambush area, just blocking the road.

After moving into place, An Ning personally loaded the last cannon in line, aiming the muzzle at the road.

When fired in this way, the shells would roll all the way down the road, smashing everything they encountered.

The reason why the shotgun is not loaded is because the shotgun particles are relatively small and the kinetic energy is small, and it will stop after penetrating a few people.

Although loading ordinary solid projectiles can't kill a few people when they just come out of the muzzle, they will immediately cause a lot of casualties when they roll along the road.

The most important thing is that the shotgun can only damage the first few rows of the enemy team, while the solid shell can pass through most of the team when rolled.

The people far in front of the team died and the people around them were beaten into two parts. The blow to morale was not the same.

If An Ning wants to win, he must hit the morale of the enemy.

Only by causing enough damage to the enemy in a short period of time and breaking the morale of the opponent can the battle be won.

After all, the number of enemies is four times that of An Ning.

After loading the cannon, An Ning said to the artillerymen: "I need a warrior later, hide in the ammunition cart, and get off the ammunition cart to fire when the enemy approaches."

The cannons of this era need to use a torch to light the fuze, unlike later cannons that only need to pull the rope of the breech bolt.

As for the torches used to light the cannon, An Ning lit a baggage truck, pretending to run away to burn the baggage but failed to burn it in time.

The torches stuck into the burning baggage wagons were completely invisible.

After setting everything up, An Ning began to recruit warriors to shoot.

"I need a warrior to hide here now," An Ning pointed to the hiding place on the artillery cart, and said to the artillerymen, "When the enemy approaches, you should jump up and pick up the gun on the burning baggage cart behind." Torches, light the loaded cannons! Whoever completes this feat will receive a livre of gold!"

Speaking of which, An Ning took out a gold coin, raised her hand high, and let the gold coin fall into the sun.

The shining golden light immediately made several artillerymen raise their hands.

Based on memory, An Ning chose the one who was usually the most courageous, and put a one-crown silver coin into his hand first: "This is a deposit, and you will get gold coins after completing the task."

The artilleryman did not take the silver coins immediately, but said worriedly: "What if the enemy rides forward to check first? The convoy parked on the road is so obvious..."

"Don't worry," An Ning reassured, "I have ordered the cavalry to harass the enemy. Even if they have a cavalry, they will not take the risk of being intercepted and killed by our cavalry. Take your silver coins and be bold!"

"Don't worry, Captain!" The artilleryman who took the silver coin vowed, "I will put the enemy in the nearest place before firing! Look at me!"

An Ning nodded, then he jumped on his horse, dragged a large branch cut from a bush with one hand, and ran along the road in front of the artillery, erasing all the footprints.

While wiping his footprints, he ordered loudly: "Listen to the movement later, get up when you hear the sound of the cannon, take a step forward through the bushes and shoot at the enemy closest to the gun!"

An Ning almost wanted to talk about the front sight, but he realized halfway that the flintlock didn't have a front sight at all these days, because the hit rate of the flintlock was so impressive that there was no need to aim at all.

According to the standard flintlock firing process, the eyes should be closed when firing at the end to prevent the burning sparks in the medicine pool from jumping into the eyes.

After finishing all this, An Ning rode his horse around a little ahead and tied the horse behind another hedge.

Then he returned to his army on foot, went to the very middle of the line, and drew his long sword.

He glanced at the soldiers lying in the haystacks on both sides.

The soldiers all looked at him straight, looking very nervous.

An Ning: "Don't worry, act according to my deployment, we will return with a big victory!"

After finishing speaking, An Ning took a step forward and hid beside the bushes, almost merging with the tree trunk.

At this time, Christina was performing the task of harassing the enemy - using sight.

Her cavalry remained in the enemy's field of vision, maintaining a distance that allowed the enemy to see clearly, but they just didn't continue to approach.

At this distance, Christina carefully identified several horses in the enemy line, and confirmed that they were not Clarice's horses.

— That's weird, where did Clarice and the others go?
While talking, the team's standard bearer shouted: "Tina, look over there!"

Christina looked in the direction of the flag finger and saw a small group of cavalry appear behind the enemy.

Look at the flag is Clarice.

Christina murmured, "Damn it, this guy, didn't he get lost after setting off in the morning?"

The fields around here are full of hedges, and it's easy to get lost if you take a wrong turn.

Christina desperately waved at Clarice, trying to get her to come closer, and the two joined forces to continue completing the task An Ning had given her.

But for some reason, Clarice just couldn't come over, and kept following the enemy line.

Even though Christina ordered the trumpeter to sound the cavalry rallying horn, Clarice did not come to meet them.

On Clarice's side, she saw Christina waving to her side from a distance.

"The boss seems to be waving." The female knight in the team said, "Should we bypass the enemy's group and join them?"

Clarice was speechless: "No, she will definitely read it. After all, we are lost. We will stay here and keep a distance from the enemy. We are ensuring that the enemy marches according to the captain's intention! This is a very important task !"

Female knight: "Ah... this..."

"It's a very important task!"

"But the rallying call has already been blown over there."

"...Can I pretend I didn't hear it?"

"Obviously not."

"Isn't it really okay... okay, everyone is there, let's meet up with Christina, and no one should mention that we got lost! No one is allowed to mention it!"

On Colonel Donald's side, his adjutant suddenly shouted: "The cavalry behind us is starting to speed up! Do you want the troops to form a phalanx?"

Donald said angrily: "Bastard! Just order the cavalry, what a fart! If these women dare to charge into our formation, we will drag them down and reward the brothers for fun! Don't worry, move forward!"

Although he said so, the colonel still paid close attention to the enemy cavalry that was speeding up and overtaking them.

However, he was worried in vain. The cavalry behind sped up just to pass the black-clothed army and join the cavalry in front.

After the two cavalry joined together, they formed a small army of fifty cavalry.

"Strange, the enemy's cavalry shouldn't be so small." Donald muttered.

Adjutant: "Maybe they were dispatched in various directions for reconnaissance."

"Well, it's possible." Donald nodded, "The enemy's cavalry is staring at us so closely, it should be close to the enemy's brigade, go forward! We have won the enemy and have a celebration banquet tonight!"

Under the urging of the colonel, the soldiers of the black army accelerated their march.

After about 10 minutes, the colonel saw carriages and cannons parked on the road ahead, and a carriage was ignited soaring to the sky.

Donald was overjoyed: "The enemy gave up the baggage carts and cannons in order to escape with light equipment! Go forward, go up to put out the fire, and rescue the cannons and baggage!"

(End of this chapter)

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