King's Landing in France

Chapter 98 How to deal with 4 times as many enemies as quickly and cheaply

Chapter 98 How to solve quadruple enemies quickly and easily
On An Ning's side, as soon as he realized that he had entered the enemy's territory, he immediately ordered the front team to change to the rear team, and ran away like a jerk.

Christina became confused and anxious, and quickly asked, "Why are you running so resolutely? Shouldn't you take advantage of the aftermath of the big victory at a time like this to defeat the enemy in one go?"

In fact, the real reason why An Ning turned around and ran was that he didn't want to face the enemy head-on without being sure.

After all, I only have less than [-] troops, and it is not a big problem to fight [-] unprepared enemy troops when I am prepared, but if both sides are already prepared, the situation will be different.

But An Ning can't say that directly, after all, it's a bit ugly to admit that she was counseled.

So An Ning replied: "You don't understand, when we fight in places where the masses support us, the masses will tell us the enemy's movements and at the same time conceal our army's movements from the enemy, which is equivalent to being transparent to us on the battlefield.

"But where the masses tend to be conservative, the situation is reversed. So we can't fight the enemy in areas where we don't have a mass base."

In fact, An Ning's words were not original, but he used what a great man mentioned in his experience summary.

After hearing this, Christina showed an expression of admiration: "You are so cautious. I'm sorry, but I didn't think too much. However, the enemy has already been scared away by us. Do you really need to worry about this?"

An Ning: "They didn't run away and disappeared, but they gathered together. If I guessed correctly, there should be a large number of enemies in the center of the rebellion. It would be very dangerous to be caught by them and fight in the wild."

Christina smiled and said, "Don't worry, with our reconnaissance, you won't suddenly encounter large groups of enemy troops in the wild."

An Ning: "Please."

Christina gave a thumbs up: "Leave it to me."

A day has passed.

Colonel Donald suddenly pulled the reins, causing the horse under his crotch to stop suddenly.

The horse neighed and held its head high, then hoofed upside down and finally stopped.

Donald jumped straight off his horse, examining the ruts on the road.

The captain following behind him asked suspiciously, "What's the matter, Colonel?"

"What do you think is this relatively narrow rut?" the colonel asked, pointing to the rut on the ground.

The captain looked down and looked embarrassed: "This... I can't quite see it."

"It's the artillery. Only the two ruts of the artillery can be so close together, because the cannon is narrower than the wagons used by the farmers to transport grain. The ruts are still very new, and the enemy has just left!"

The colonel got on his horse: "Order the troops to speed up, we are about to catch up with them! If we can catch up with them before their artillery deploys, we will win a big victory."

As soon as the words fell, the captain of the subordinate shouted loudly: "Colonel, look over there!"

Colonel Donald turned his head and saw a group of cavalry coming out of the bushes in the distance.

The first two cavalry carried no flags, but the third who turned the bush carried a tricolor.

Donald cursed: "Damn it! No matter what, the enemy commander, that noble killer knows how to send cavalry out for reconnaissance."

The cavalry team who turned around from behind the bushes also stopped when they saw the army on this side, and the rider who was walking in the front stood up on his horse, straightened his waist and looked towards this side.

Donald's subordinate, the captain, asked, "There aren't many of them. A few of us on horseback can go over and wipe them out."

"Don't be silly, although it's just a group of ladies, they were trained by Brienne's cavalry at least. They were merciless in killing our soldiers outside the apple orchard before." The colonel shook his head.

At this time, the small group of cavalry in the distance had already turned around, and ran back along the way they came from without looking back.

Colonel: "Now we don't have the advantage of a sneak attack, let the troops speed up! Run forward! The scouting cavalry will not be too far away from the main force. It is estimated that the distance between the enemy and us is only a few miles. Run. As long as the enemy does not give up the artillery and baggage, we will be able to catch up!"

A moment ago, Christina rode her horse around the edge of the bushes, and as soon as she turned her horse's head, she saw troops marching in the distance.

"God," she muttered, pulling the reins back to bring the horse to a halt.

The female cavalry behind her pulled the reins one after another, and there was temporary confusion in the entire cavalry.

Christina stopped the horse, stood up on the horseback, straightened her body, and picked up the binoculars.

"Christina, what should we do?" The subordinate asked nervously, "The enemy is a marching column. Let's charge up and kill them now, and we should be able to achieve good results!"

Christina scolded: "You are crazy! The key now is to bring the information back immediately. Andy's brigade has not gone far, and they still have heavy artillery vehicles! If the enemy starts to speed up and chase now, they will catch up soon !"

After finishing speaking, Christina pulled the rein straight away, turned the horse's head, and then whipped the horse's buttocks with a whip.

The horse immediately broke into a gallop.

Christina stood on the horse and rode the horse galloping with superb skills.

The other cavalry also followed him, galloping all the way and retreating.


An Ning heard shouts from behind, and when she looked back, she saw Christina standing on the horse, galloping while standing up like a jockey in later generations, with her body almost parallel to the horse's body to reduce wind resistance.

But because Christina has very strong chest muscles, this action will greatly highlight her figure, so that An Ning can see that touch of white from such a long distance.

— Wow, that's really big.

An Ning thought without feeling nervous.

Then Christina shouted at this time: "The enemy is not far from here!"

An Ning was numb immediately.

What the hell, I turned around and ran away immediately when I found out that I entered the enemy area. Why did the enemy still catch up after running for a day?
Are the enemies so fast?
At this time, when they heard the enemy approaching, the marching queue was a bit chaotic. Many people stopped and looked at An Ning with their guns.

Seeing the situation, An Ning simply raised one hand and shouted: "Team, stop advancing!"

Second Lieutenant Russell immediately shouted: "Stop advancing!"

The non-commissioned officers relayed the order: "Stop advancing!"

The team stops.

An Ning turned her horse's head to meet Christina.

When Christina stopped the horse in front of him, the horse ran too fast and stood up directly, so the girl posed in the pose in Napoleon's famous painting.

"Where is the enemy?" An Ning asked.

"It's in the direction we came, and we can see it after galloping on the horse for about 10 minutes."

An Ning opened her mouth wide: "Isn't this very close? It stands to reason that Clarice should have spotted them when she set off early in the morning. How did you not find them until you set off?"

"I don't know, maybe Clarice and the others have already been caught." Christina swallowed hard, "What should I do?"

An Ning scratched her head and looked back at her troops.

——The army has artillery, and if you move with artillery and ammunition vehicles, you will definitely not be able to escape.

It seems that this battle is bound to be fought.

"How many enemies are there?" An Ning asked.

"I don't know. I think the marching queue is very long. If we compare it to our marching queue... there may be 6000 people."

An Ning: "6000 people?"

Not counting the cavalry and artillery on my side, the infantry is only [-], which is four times the strength of the troops.

Counting the artillery and cavalry is better, the strength is three times worse.

At this moment, An Ning really wanted to leave the army and run with Christina, anyway, there was a horse.

But if it gets wet here, the reputation I have always had will be gone in the future.

But if you don't want to be profitable, the strength of the hard-hitting troops is here.

If your troops are the old guards in the late Napoleon period, you can try to fight four with one and fight hard with high morale.

The problem is that this army of mine is a bunch of fucking mobs who are not much better than the mob.

Even the non-commissioned officers at the grassroots level are the leading soldiers who were promoted on the front line before the expedition.

An Ning was speechless.

He really had no idea, so he thought about looking at the terrain, maybe he could use the terrain to turn decay into magic.

He straightened his body and scanned the surrounding terrain.

Speaking of which, An Ning always felt a little familiar with this terrain.

——Yes, it feels very similar to the picture of Normandy in the game "Hell on Earth", with hedges made of short shrubs everywhere, and the view is poor.

Is this the terrain of the French plains?
An Ning recalled the scene of fighting in the hell on earth again. At that time, he liked to play machine gunner, lying on the ground and shooting across the hedge, killing many allied troops...

An Ning turned her head to look at the section of the road where her brigade stopped to rest, and there happened to be a hedge made of shrubs next to it.

Christina patted An Ning's shoulder: "Speak, what should I do, the enemy is coming soon!"

An Ning: "Dear Christina, what do you think is the easiest way to use fifteen dozen 6000 people?"

Christina looked strange: "Huh? You ask me?"

An Ning smiled. At this time, he was completely calm. He even lowered his eyes and looked at Christina's chest muscles—it was really strong. Nine years ago, she could pretend to be a man. Why is she so strong now? up.

Christina was so anxious: "Why are you looking at my chest? What time is it!"

"Don't worry, did you understand my question just now?"

"I don't want to understand, tell me."

"You'll know it after watching my performance." An Ning turned her head and ordered to the artilleryman, "Artilleryman, move the ammunition cart and cannon to the end of the bushes and throw them in the middle of the road."

Christina: "Are you going to drop the luggage and run away?"

"How come, these cannons are my treasure, I will not give up on him. All infantry, go into the bushes! Hide behind the bushes, all lie down, don't be seen, stand up when you hear the sound of standing up Get up! And, check your muskets, make sure they are all loaded and ready to fire!"

Christina opened her mouth wide: "Are you going to..."

An Ning interrupted her: "You also have a mission. You take the girls back to the enemy, maintain visual contact with the enemy, and keep wandering in the distance of the enemy's sight. Go!"

Christina smiled: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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