Chapter 11 Looting
With the mentality of not being seen, she had no choice but to turn her head to the opposite side from Yan He.As a result, it was pitch black over there, and it looked particularly oozing!
Zhu Su was so frightened that he had no choice but to turn his head back.

"Hey? This seems to be a grain and oil store! Hurry up and have a look!" Yan He suddenly shouted in a low voice.

"Really? Let's go!" After hearing this, Lu Cenfeng hurriedly greeted Zhu Su and walked over together.

Sure enough, after approaching with a flashlight, I saw the four characters of Yulin Grain and Oil written on the shop signboard.

"Help me take care of it!"

Lu Cenfeng didn't talk nonsense, handed the flashlight to Zhu Su's hand, and then took out tools to start unlocking.

It is still counting by the second, this time it is even faster than when the side door of the market was opened!Because Zhu Su only counted to seven, he heard a 'click'!
When the two men forcefully opened the shutter door together, Zhu Su also took the opportunity to retract the shield into the space.

Raising the flashlight, I scanned the store casually, and saw a pile of rice, white noodles, cooking oil, and a little dried noodles.Zhu Su didn't wait for anyone's orders anymore, went straight in, waved his little hands, and quickly ransacked the whole shop.

Next, the second one is grain and oil wholesale, and everyone is still doing the same.

The third room, the fourth room... It seems that the entire row is wholesale, and there is no coarse grain.

After closing five stores in a row, there is still no shadow of beans.Zhu Su silently calculated in his heart, and finally couldn't help but said: "Lu Cenfeng, the rice we bought before is enough for us to eat for 30 years, let alone other things! Now that we have collected so much, we still have to pay for it. Shall we continue to collect? Or let’s change the row and go find the beans first!”

"That's fine, how about changing the road?" Yan He also had the matter of Dou Zi in mind, and agreed after hearing the words.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Lu Cenfeng rejected it in a rare way, "No, she made a mistake!"

"Did I calculate wrong? Listen to me, I heard that a family of three can eat a bag of 30 catties of rice for about ten days. Wouldn't the [-] catties last for [-] days? Isn't it [-] years!"

"You probably didn't pay attention to the food intake of me and Lao Yan today. Each of us can eat more than twice as much as you. This is only for now, not to mention that the food intake will increase sharply after awakening the power! Let alone 30 years, [-] catties The rice is not enough for me to feed myself for three years!"

Zhu Su: "..."

No wonder they eat so fast!If you eat a lot and eat slowly, wouldn't you spend the whole day eating!
"So we have to collect them one by one! Other things can be collected less, but food is absolutely not!"

What Lu Cenfeng didn't say was that he was really fed up with eating meat all day long in his previous life!

Although the food grown by wood-type supernatural beings can increase a lot, it can't support supernatural beings to eat a lot, but the seeds are scarce!
So even if he had a wood-type teammate in his team at the time, since he chose to join the team, his intention must be to fight, not to be a farmer!So planting food once in a while is only enough to share two bowls of rice per person in the team, not enough to fit between the teeth!

Now that Lu Cenfeng had explained everything clearly, Yan and Zhu naturally followed his orders.So the next actions of the three people were still the same as before, and they didn't stop until they had cleaned up the entire row of grain and oil stores.

And it was this way that they didn't miss the two grocery stores mixed in in the end!

The goods in these two stores are all kinds of beans that the three of them have been thinking about, as well as miscellaneous grains such as corn and millet.

The stall area in the middle was empty, and the three of them picked their heads straight after finishing collecting, and went to the shop on the other side of the alleyway.

When I got closer, I realized that this was a dry goods seasoning store.

Because dry goods are durable and easy to store, all kinds of seasonings are also items that are often used when cooking, so the three of them naturally would not let it go, and opened the door soon.

The first thing you see is a large woven bag with its mouth open.

Pepper aniseed chili noodles, as well as uncommon seasonings such as fragrant leaves and cinnamon, are all placed together in this way.The three of them had no choice but to go into the store to find things like ropes, tie up the pockets one by one, and then put them into the space.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Su discovered a surprise after tying it up!
"There are green beans here!"

"Really? It looks like this row has to open the door to have a look!" Yan He said hastily.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them found good things such as red dates, peanuts, dried goji berries, and dried fungus in the shop, so they became more determined to search from house to house for a while.

So they collected another wave of what they wanted in this row of shops, but they didn't take all the condiments.

Although there are not many beans in each store, but when they are all collected and added together with those in the grocery store, the quantity is still considerable!What's more, they have collected a lot of soy products, so there is no need to look for more beans for the time being.

In addition, the biggest harvest should be dried seafood such as various dried mushrooms and shrimps and scallops!

It's just that after collecting this row of shops, Zhu Su's expression was not as happy as before, but more sad and silent.

So the three of them gathered at the door of the last store, discussing what to look for next and which direction to go, Lu Cenfeng looked at her keenly several times.

Zhu Su has been hesitating whether she should speak or not, but this question is too important to her!So when she was about to leave for the next row of shops, she still asked what was in her heart.

"That, Lu Cenfeng!"

Lu Cenfeng turned to look at her with calm eyes and a peaceful tone.

"Is something wrong?"

Zhu Su was silent for a moment, "...Well! May I ask, will we collect supplies after we leave the market? After all, there is no shortage of food now."

The corner of Lu Cenfeng's mouth curled up very quickly, and then fell down again. He felt that at least this girl was not stupid enough to breathe, and she knew that she had to ask if she had any questions!So he said bluntly: "We have to get out of here before five o'clock in the morning and find a safe place to rest. I will have a fever in the morning, so I can only go to Ginza Mall in the afternoon."

In fact, he had two more things to say later.

But because he suddenly remembered that Zhu Su was a girl, and worried about her face, he stopped in time.

He actually wanted to say those two words - if she was worried about lack of clothes in the future, then there was really no need for it!Because as long as there is food in hand, she can change as many clothes as she wants, and it is entirely up to her!

It's just that Lu Cenfeng guessed wrong this time, because Zhu Su hasn't bothered to think about the clothes so far, and what she's worried about now is actually sanitary napkins!

When collecting things in the shop before, she collected a lot of brown sugar and rock sugar.Many people know the principle of rock sugar to relieve cough and brown sugar to warm up the body, so as soon as Zhu Su saw it, he immediately thought of his aunt!
Then naturally, she began to worry about menstrual issues after the end of the world...

(End of this chapter)

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