Chapter 12 Core
Now knowing that he will go to the mall in the afternoon, Zhu Su immediately felt that Lu Cenfeng is really a good person!Because the mall basically has an affiliated supermarket, sanitary napkins need to be found in the supermarket!

Seeing Zhu Su's expression changed from rain to sunshine, Lu Cenfeng was a little amused, but still felt that it was important to hurry up and collect supplies.He urged her in a low voice, "Let's go if you have nothing to do!"

"OK, all right!"

The speed of the next three people is much faster!Because the vegetables and fruits in the market were basically sold out during the day, and there was no need to take them if you wanted to. According to Lu Cenfeng's thinking, there was no need to take such things that would go bad soon.Then among the remaining things, only fresh and frozen foods are worth checking out.

Because if the freezer is put into the space together, the food can be kept for a few more days at least.So they quickly found the row of shops selling frozen goods, and opened the doors of each shop in turn.

The process after entering the store is the same, unplug the power first, and then check whether there is anything stored in the freezer and fresher.If there are any, let Zhu Su put them away completely, and leave the broken and empty ones there.

Walking all the way, collecting all the way, I didn't expect to find a lot of unexpected surprises from it.

For example, in the freezer of a store, there are many frozen instant foods such as dumplings and glutinous rice balls.There is also a store with a lot of sealed packaged cooked food in the fresh-keeping cabinet.

When she was satisfied with the harvest, Zhu Su couldn't help but think in her heart: "The feeling of hoarding is so cool! No wonder many people on the Internet say that women like shopping the most. It turns out that what I like is not the feeling of spending money, but the feeling of spending money. It feels like taking everything for yourself! It's a pity that there are no shops selling clothes and bags here..."

Busy time is always short. After collecting all the things that should be collected, Lu Cenfeng raised his wrist to look at his watch. It was already three o'clock in the morning.This means that they only have two hours left to take a short break!So the three of them hurried towards Ximen again.

When passing by the zombie that was stabbed to death by Yan He, Lu Cenfeng suddenly remembered something!So he quickly stopped and greeted Zhu Su: "Wait! Give me the long knife I asked you to keep!"

"Wide one or narrow one?" Zhu Su had collected several meat cleavers in a row just now, and they were all quite long.

"It's narrow."

"it is good!"

Seeing that Lu Cenfeng approached the zombie as if he wanted to dissect it, Zhu Su quickly handed him the knife!

Then, together with Yan He, they squatted curiously not far from Lu Cenfeng.

Yan He turned his face to look at her, and kindly and tactfully persuaded: "Stay away! Don't burst your blood in a while."

"Oh!" Zhu Su thought so, so he took two steps back in a squatting position.

Yan He: "..."

Lu Cenfeng: "..."

Dear lady, why can't you be more ladylike?Is it really okay to twist like a duck?

Zhu Su looked back at the two with an innocent face, "Why are you looking at me? Hurry up and do it!"

Yan He finally realized that the girl's mind was a bit lacking, and he said directly: "You can see it if you want, but you have to make sure you don't vomit later!"

Zhu Su raised his eyebrows, "I'm sure I won't vomit! I don't know if you will."

Yan He smiled and said nothing more.

Lu Cenfeng shook his head slightly, then lowered his head and raised his knife.

After a slash, the zombie's left rib was immediately opened with a big gash with deep bone visible!After another stab, Lu Cenfeng stretched his hand upwards obliquely, and pulled out the zombie's heart.

"Oh! It's bloody!"

After all, Zhu Su still couldn't help getting some goosebumps and a little nausea, but he was far from vomiting.

Yan He turned his head to look at Zhu Su, and saw that she had no major problems, so he asked Lu Cenfeng inexplicably, "What are you trying to do?"

Hearing this, Zhu Su looked back at him strangely!
Immediately afterwards, he said: "Exactly! Shouldn't the zombie's crystal nucleus be in the brain? How do you dig out the heart?"

"You read too many novels!" Lu Cenfeng didn't read novels at first, but after the end of the world, he always heard people talking about it, so he figured it out when he was bored, so now he naturally knows what Zhu Su was talking about just now.

"The human skull is very hard, and ordinary knives can't break it at all! If the crystal nucleus is really located on the head as it is written in the novel, how can it be collected so easily?"

Zhu Su understood in seconds.

"So it's in the heart?"

"The zombie is in the heart!" Lu Cenfeng said while cutting the heart into two pieces with a knife, "So it's not called the crystal nucleus but the core nucleus, and it can also be collectively called the core."

Zhu Su brought the flashlight closer, and took a serious look at the heart core that Lu Cenfeng had cut out!I found that it seemed to be transparent, with some blood streaks on it, and its shape was irregular.

Lu Cenfeng wiped his hands and core on the zombie's clothes casually, and then told the two to get up quickly and rush to the next zombie.

On the way, Yan He couldn't help but asked again: "What's the use of the core?"

"You are ignorant at first glance! Have you never read online novels?" Zhu Su interjected first: "This thing is for upgrading abilities! Right?"

Ever since Yan He asked the last sentence, she had already suspected that she had guessed wrong before, and it was very likely that only Lu Cenfeng was reborn.

Listening to Yan He's questioning now, she can finally be sure that the other party is just an ordinary person who is as ignorant as she is!It was so easy to talk to him again.

Lu Cenfeng, who was asked, turned his head and glanced at her, and suddenly shut up, "That's right, and it's not right."

His purpose, of course, is to let the silly girl in front of him stop taking everything for granted in the apocalypse.

You know, inertial thinking can also kill people!
But Zhu Su couldn't help complaining: "Huh? What do you mean? Don't just talk halfway!"

Yan He also laughed and said, "Exactly! You are not kind, Captain Lu! How come you have learned how to whet people's appetites?"

"Heh!" Lu Cenfeng laughed at the same tone of the two, and simply confessed directly: "The kernel can extract genetic fluid, which can help people with supernatural abilities improve their abilities."

Zhu Su: "...why do you still need refining?!"

"Yes! It needs to be refined! It's just that this matter still needs to wait, so we can only collect it temporarily. When the time comes, we will go to the major bases to exchange for genetic fluid. In addition, this thing will be the hard currency of the base in the future, which is equivalent to Money in the post-apocalyptic world. It is not only found on zombies, but also on zombie animals and mutant animals. The bigger the size, the more valuable it is. You will learn about the specific classification in the future."

In fact, from the moment he mentioned the end of the world, Lu Cenfeng had already confessed to Zhu Su that he was a reborn person.It's just that he couldn't fully trust her before, so he didn't tell her many things. On the contrary, Yan He was told by him earlier about many things that would happen after the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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