Chapter 14 Fever
After she had gone far enough and could not hear the whispered conversation between the two, Lu Cenfeng told Yan He again: "Remember! Don't let Zhu Su get out of the car!! The process of my fever is from high temperature to low temperature. Yes, if it doesn’t work, you can keep driving! Drive until the zombies are hiding in the shadows, and then park in the middle of a square with no shelter on all sides! I will wake up at noon, and I will talk about it when I have something to do.”

"Received! Captain! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Yan He's tone and expression were very serious, and he even used the title he used when he was in the army!It is enough to prove how much he attaches importance to this task.

And he was guaranteeing Lu Cenfeng!He will definitely take the three of them out of this market safely!When Lu Cenfeng woke up at noon, he gave him a complete trio again.

Yan He went to rest, but Lu Cenfeng had to stand on the last shift before he got a fever.

He sat in front of the car door with his mobile phone in his hand, thinking about what materials he had to collect when he went to the supermarket in the afternoon, and recorded the amount of various foods they had collected so far in the memo on the mobile phone.

Not only calculated the approximate edible time of each food, but also calculated the area currently occupied by Zhu Su's space.

If Zhu Su could see it now, he would be shocked by Lu Cenfeng's amazing memory!Be impressed by his meticulous logical thinking!I feel like my brain is growing in vain...

Fortunately, she didn't know, so she wouldn't suffer another blow after her ability to protect herself was despised.

At exactly five o'clock, Lu Cenfeng walked to the sleeping berth and woke up Yan He and Zhu Su respectively.

After they each washed their faces and cleared their heads, he called them out of the car and unlocked the west gate on the side of the market.

Zhu Su first put away the RV with the door open on purpose, and after Lu Cenfeng, whose eyes had already adapted to the darkness, observed the situation outside the market through the unextinguished street lights and various neon lights, and was sure that he could go out, he walked out behind him in a daze One night at the farmer's market, the RV was released with the front of the car out for the first time.

When the car appeared, it was quiet and made no sound.

The three of them slipped into the car like thieves, quickly closed the door, and left the car where it was.

"When do we have to wait until we can drive?"

Zhu Su stood vigilantly behind the co-pilot, looking at the vast world and the zombies on the ground outside the car window, looking anxious.

"It's late in winter, and the sun rises around 06:30." Lu Cenfeng answered very quickly!And he continued: "I already feel dizzy, so be careful!"

After saying this, he staggered towards the sleeping berth and lay down.

It was the closest one, the lower bunk where Zhu Su had just slept last night.

Yan He and Zhu Su looked at each other, and they immediately understood each other's meaning without speaking.

"You go and see!"

"I gonna go see!"

Zhu Su quickly left Yan He behind, and walked a few steps to Lu Cenfeng's side!
I saw that he didn't take off his shoes or down jacket, and just lay down on his side.And his eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, and he looked very uncomfortable!

Zhu Su wanted to pull out the quilt that was pressed under him, but he couldn't pull it out, so he turned around and went to the bunk where Yan He slept last night, and brought Yan He's quilt over.After being covered by Lu Cenfeng, he helped him take off his shoes.

"Huh! Do you really have a fever if you say you have a fever?" After straightening up, Zhu Su hesitated, but in the end he couldn't overcome his curiosity. He bent down and reached out to touch Lu Cenfeng's forehead.

As soon as he touched his hand, it was astonishingly hot, and Zhu Su quickly retracted his hand!In the end, he was suddenly grabbed by the wrist!Pull it forward!
Zhu Su suddenly bumped into a pair of jet-black pupils: "..."

Lu Cenfeng: "...Sorry! It's just out of habit."

Having said that, he didn't let go of his hand immediately, but suddenly lowered his eyes, staring at Zhu Su's red lips that kept exhaling hot air!He pursed his lips tightly and blinked, then slowly let her go.

"No, it's okay!" Zhu Su stood up quickly, raised his hands nervously to scratch his hair, and then explained in a stumbling manner: "I, I am, I just want to see if you have a bad fever? Well, you Take a good rest, I'm leaving first!"

Until he returned to the vicinity of the cockpit, Zhu Su's heartbeat was still extremely chaotic, beating wildly like a drum.

After Yan He glanced at her, he didn't care about the captain immediately, instead he asked her about her first!

"Zhu Su, what's wrong with your face? Why is it so red!"

"Ah?!" Zhu Su hurriedly raised his hand to touch his face!Sure enough, I found that the heat on my cheek was astonishingly hot!

So he quickly turned his back and explained vaguely: "Maybe the air conditioner in the car is too hot! Don't worry about me! I'll just wash my face later."

"Heh!" There was a hint of an unclear smile on Yan He's face, but unfortunately Zhu Su didn't see it.I only heard him ask again: "How is the Lu team? Is it on fire?"

"Yeah!" Zhu Su still didn't turn around, just agreed and then didn't say anything.

Yan He: "..."

It seems that this girl must be shy!I don't know what the Lu team did to them in there?well!Before the end of the world, he also said that he didn't like other people, and he didn't have feelings for other girls!The result is now...

When Yan He kept complaining in his heart, Zhu Su also felt that the temperature on his face had dropped a bit, so he really went to the sink and washed his face again with cold water.

After washing her face, she calmed down again.

Then, involuntarily, he re-examined the relationship between the original owner and Lu Cenfeng in his heart.

Logically speaking, if Lu Cenfeng had a family or a real girlfriend, she should know by now!But until now, she has never heard any news about this from Lu Cenfeng or Yan He!
So, could it be that she guessed wrong again?
But what was the reason for the original owner, a girl, to live in a man's house?

Even if the man doesn't seem to live there.

And what was the reason why Lu Cenfeng had to run home in the middle of the night for the sake of the original owner, just to take her to the hospital?After returning from the hospital, he even stripped off a girl from the original owner...

After thinking about it, Zhu Su still couldn't figure it out!Then I thought that Lu Cenfeng just fell asleep and couldn't hear it!So he began to inquire about Yanhe on the sidelines.

"That, old Yan! Can I ask you something?"

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Yan He looked out of the car window with a casual tone.

"That is, how old are you and Lu Cenfeng?"

"Oh, this matter!" Yan He laughed, he thought Zhu Su was going to ask such a big deal!

(End of this chapter)

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