Chapter 15 Exposure
"I'm going to be 30 after this Chinese New Year, Team Lu is 28! How about you, Zhu Su? I remember you are a sophomore this year?"

"Uh huh, yes! I'm 20." Zhu Su blushed a little when she said this, because the original owner was 20, and her age before time travel was actually almost 24.

"Well, you two are not young, have you married yet?"

"?" Yan He finally turned his head and glanced at Zhu Su, and instantly felt something was wrong in his heart!

But he still replied: "No! We retired late, and we have been busy starting a company since we changed jobs, so we didn't bother to find a partner!"

"Oh, that's it!" Zhu Su, who didn't know that he had shown his feet, was still thinking of a way to say something, "Then me, why did you suddenly think of coming to me? Just because I have space?"

Yan He was thinking about where Zhu Su's problem came from, so he gave a perfunctory answer.

"Well! It should be."

Zhu Su: "..."

She was still thinking that since Lu Cenfeng didn't have another girlfriend, what happened between them after he sent her to the hospital that night seemed normal.After all, unmarried men and women are unmarried...

In the end, Yan He suddenly poured a basin of cold water over him!Said that she was only found because of the space!
Then what is she thinking about?Maybe Lu Cenfeng just took advantage of the opportunity!

As a result, Zhu Su didn't speak, but Yan He suddenly wanted to ask her a question.

"Zhu Su! Do you still remember how you met me and Team Lu back then?"

"How did you know each other?" Zhu Su repeated subconsciously.

Yan He didn't observe her anymore, but looked straight ahead and recalled: "One of the missions we carried out at the border was to prevent foreign mercenaries from smuggling in with contraband. In the end, the mercenaries took the local people hostage , and was successfully rescued by us later. You are that hostage!"

Yan He finally couldn't help but look at Zhu Su again, staring into her eyes and said: "The situation was urgent at that time, and the Lu team fought hard to save most of their lives before they rescued you!"

"To be honest! I just found out that something is wrong with you! But I can't figure out where the problem is! Although, I think your personality is quite good now, at least it's much better than the coquettish and coquettish flamboyant you used to be. Already!"

Zhu Su: "........."

I rely on!It turned out to be a life-saving grace!

So did the original owner agree with her body?

But why does she always feel like something is wrong?
Also, is she exposed?It was also thanks to the fact that Yan He didn't read novels, if Lu Cenfeng were sitting here, he would have already exposed her!

And no wonder people often say that clothing is like character!It turns out that she from before was really that sexy, coquettish and cheap, eh!

And Lu Cenfeng, looking at his appearance, he really can't tell that he likes that type of woman!

Don't look at Zhu Su's mental activity at the moment, but in fact, only a few seconds have passed.

So right after she heard Yan He continue to say: "But I hope that although you have changed, don't forget the grace of saving your life easily! Since the Space Corps has chosen to hand it over to you, he will also tell you about the end times. If you miss you, it means that he has put all his trust in you, and I hope you will not let him down!"

Zhu Su: "..."

no?What did she say?She didn't say anything!

Why did he suddenly become like a scumbag, ah!What a scumbag!
Zhu Su doesn't want to be misunderstood as a scumbag, let alone lose the trust of the two of them!So he quickly organized his words and said righteously: "Well, brother Yan! I understand what you mean! I will definitely cooperate with my work in the future and will never let down the trust of the organization! Please believe me!"

"Puchi!" Yan He's original expression was very serious, but Zhu Su laughed out loud at what Zhu Su said like a speech!I couldn't hold it back for a while, and said a few more heartfelt words.

"Let me tell you, Zhu Su, that is what you are now! I am willing to say a few more words about you. If you are still the same as before, I will not talk to you at all! You are strict Brother, I said so much for the sake of you now!"

"I know! I know! Thank you Brother Yan for your cultivation!" Zhu Su nodded frantically, expressing that he understood the other party's painstaking efforts!While talking, her mind suddenly turned around!I feel that I am exposed under Yan He's nose anyway, why don't I take this opportunity to ask one more question?
"Brother Yan, do you know what relationship I have with Lu Cenfeng other than saving his life?" Zhu Su asked this question cautiously, his eyes fixed on the expression on Yan He's face.

As a result, Yan He burst out laughing after hearing this!He smiled and said, "What's the matter? It doesn't matter anymore! It's just that he kindly lent you the house for two months!"

Zhu Su was shocked again!
Fuck!What's the situation?
Is it such an excuse to borrow kindly?

Taking off his clothes in the middle of the night, does he want to pay the rent or something?
So from the beginning to the end, there was no relationship between the two of them, and there was just a pervert named Lu? !
Zhu Su, who never remembered that she took off the clothes by herself, suddenly had an epiphany!Immediately, I raised my status several notches in my heart!At the same time, Lu Cenfeng's position in her heart plummeted several notches!It wasn't until he finally put himself on the same level as the other party psychologically that he let out a sigh of relief with a smile.


Unexpectedly, just after she finished her breath, Yan He, who was panting heavily, suddenly broke out another astonishing remark!
"If you have to say that it has something to do with it, then besides you insisting on paying the rent, you are the only one left chasing after him!"

"What! I'm chasing him!"

Zhu Su's eyeballs almost popped out!

How did this just reverse and then reverse again!Can there be an end?

"That's right! Although I don't know how you guys got in touch suddenly after several years, since you knew where our company is, you've been running there every now and then! You always call Team Lu to make appointments for dinner. If you Who would believe that you don’t like Captain Lu? Anyone with a discerning eye can tell! Only Captain Lu has to say otherwise.”

Zhu Su: “……………………”

wipe!She is really troubled! Bara!

She couldn't do such a thing as chasing after a man in the past two lifetimes!
And why turning around is a pit!How can she cooperate happily with them?
"Well, Brother Yan, don't believe me, I really don't like him! Really!!"

Even though he was dying, Zhu Su still wanted to explain again!Although it wasn't Lu Cenfeng himself, Yan He could help her spread the word!

But Yan He glanced at her with a half-smile, and said perfunctorily, "You don't have to tell me here whether you like it or not. When Captain Lu wakes up, you can tell him directly!"

(End of this chapter)

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