Chapter 158 Collapse
After some beatings, most of the people who didn't have the material to repay their debts suddenly felt cold when they wanted to leave this place.

And the rest are either like Han Yu and the others who have no credit and have stored food, or they happen to have nothing, but they want to leave very anxiously but have no way to leave.

For these two kinds of people, Cao Yong simply chose to let them go.

He didn't lose any of his interests, the big deal is to wait for Lu Cenfeng and the others to go down the mountain to collect supplies and then recruit some more.

The liveliness of the base did not reach Lu Cenfeng and the others at all. After he roughly determined a few possible routes, he put down his pen and called Yan He together, and went to the kitchen to make noodles.

After all, if you want to eat conveniently on the road, pasta is second to none!So Lu Cenfeng decided to bake some cakes first.

Just when the two were eager to use up all the pots in the kitchen, they suddenly heard a muffled "boom"!
Then I felt that the whole villa building seemed to tremble three times.

Fearing that something serious would happen, the two quickly ignored the flour in their hands, rushed out of the kitchen one after the other, and ran towards the basement!

As a result, as soon as the two of them got downstairs, they were choked by the dust flying in the air!

"Uh, cough, cough! What are they doing!"

While coughing, Yan He quickly covered his mouth and nose and complained.

Lu Cenfeng, who was running in front of him, coughed worse than him!But after coughing heavily for a while, he suddenly met Zhu Su who ran out of the tunnel with a disheveled face!
The air suddenly became quiet for a while.

Lu Cenfeng suppressed a smile and turned his eyes away, only to meet Xiao Yu and Qiu Bai, who also had loess heads!

Xiao Haicheng behind them was so dirty that people couldn't see it.

"Pfft hahaha... What's going on with you guys! How did you make it like this?"

Different from Lu Cenfeng's restraint and politeness, Yan He didn't hold back at all, and laughed out loud on the spot.

He laughed and asked, "Could it be that the tunnel was blown up? Which fool's idea is this!"

" can ask Brother Xiao!"

After leaving this sentence, Zhu Su trotted past the crowd and hurried upstairs to take a shower.

After Xiao Yu and Qiu Bai looked at each other, no one dared to speak ill of Xiao Haicheng face to face, so they all turned their heads away sullenly.

The remaining three big men look at me and I look at you. In the end, Lu Cenfeng said with a smile all over his eyes: "Tell me?"

"Cough!" Xiao Haicheng cleared his throat, first looked at the sky, then at the ground, even he was quite speechless.

Then he said: "Uh, didn't I think that those metal plates underneath might still be useful in the future? So in order to save some power, I let Zhu Su take it! Who would have thought that only a few pieces of it would be taken away?" It's starting to collapse!"

"Haha... I said, Lao Xiao, you are really good! Just praise you for your ability to live, and you won't be so picky!"

While joking, Yan He also turned around and walked upstairs, saying, "Follow me quickly and find a room for you! After washing, hurry up and get down to pancakes!"

Half an hour later, Lu Cenfeng and Yan He had just finished preparing pancakes, and the two people who happened to come out together after taking a shower came down from the second floor one after the other.

Zhu Su went directly to the kitchen to help, but was met with strong opposition immediately.

"Go, go! As far as your craft is concerned, don't you know anything about it? You should go and play with those two children!"

Yan He pushed her out without any explanation.

On the contrary, Xiao Haicheng, who came a step late, was dragged into the kitchen by Yan He.

Standing outside the door, Zhu Su touched his head guiltily, and finally sat down by the sofa helplessly.

The two boys who were arranged in one bedroom hadn't come down yet because they took turns taking a bath. She was really bored by herself, and after turning her mind around, she suddenly wanted to go into the space to take a look.

Then it was directly sucked in in a physical way.

Sensing her coming in, the original owner immediately asked, "How do you think about what I told you last time?"

Zhu Su was a little puzzled, "What's the matter?"

"You!" The original owner choked, "I asked you to help me collect the supplies! You didn't forget about it, did you?"

"Uh! Hehe, that matter!" Zhu Su laughed awkwardly, "I can promise to help you, but you have to tell me first, are there any good things you can exchange with me?"

"Of course!" The original owner was unambiguous, and even said: "Originally, there are some spirit stones in the space. But I have no ability to absorb them, so I threw them into the energy pool and turned them into water! The remaining talismans! Spiritual weapons and the like, you can’t use them if you can’t cultivate them in this plane! So only the pills are left that should be useful to you!”

"Spiritual stone? Absorption? Can supernatural beings still use spiritual stones? What kind of elixir are those pills?"

Zhu Su only grasped these two useful key points and asked.

"Actually, spirit stones and inner cores are similar in essence. They are crystals made of energy, so of course they can be absorbed! Back then, hey! Heroes don't mention the bravery back then, let me just tell you about the elixir!"

"Don't! I really want to hear what you have to say!"

Although Zhu Su has received the memory of the original owner, because the content is too complicated, Zhu Su really can't remember many small things if the original owner doesn't take the initiative to mention them.

"Don't you have my memory? You don't know how to read it yourself!" The original owner immediately yelled at Zhu Su.

But then, she still took the initiative to speak.

"When I saw those treasures in the space, I thought I was going to develop, but I found that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't use them! So I didn't give up, and secretly gave the Lingshi as a zero-level core to Gao Hua !Anyway, the zero-level cores are all strange in length, and it’s normal to occasionally have a regular shape.”

"and then?"

"Then he absorbed the spirit stone just like absorbing the inner core! He didn't notice any abnormality at all!"

The tone of the original owner suddenly became a little low, "Afterwards, I tried several people, and found that Lingshi is like a core, and only people with supernatural powers can use it."

"I remember that he didn't seem to have supernatural powers in the early stage, so did he wake up later?"


"...Then talk about the pill!"

"Pillions are actually the same."

The tone of the original owner was still not very happy, "The most popular one here is Bigu Pill! You should have read the novel, right? It's the kind of pill that can last for a long time without being hungry after eating it."

"Huh? This is good! I want to change it!"

"It's good for you supernatural powers! It's a pity that I don't have supernatural powers, and eating this thing is like not eating it! Otherwise, I wouldn't be so hungry back then!"

Zhu Su: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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