Chapter 159 Elixir
Zhu Su really didn't know what to say.

Because the situation of the original owner is simply what people often say, entering Baoshan but returning empty-handed!
But she obviously has so many good things, and she can get some food and drink in exchange for just one or two of them!And why be hungry?
Zhu Su thought so, so he asked.

Unexpectedly, he was greatly despised by the original owner!
"It looks like you have never experienced the beatings of the society. You are so naive! You must know that I have only accidentally exposed the volume of the space, and I have been suspected of going to bed! 24 hours a day, even going to the toilet and taking a shower. Someone is watching! If you take out some more things, what do you think will happen? You can't survive or die? I guess torture is light!"

Zhu Su simply imagined the situation, and already felt shuddering in his heart!
Then suddenly, she recognized the reality once again!
The reality is that although she is already very powerful now, she may be the strongest among the three without even saying it modestly!

But when it comes to survival experience and survival wisdom, she is still the bottom one in the team!
So, if she missed Lu Cenfeng like the original owner back then, then she must be in a worse life than the original owner now!

Zhu Su, who was not in the mood to comfort the original owner at all, couldn't help but sighed deeply.

I am very fortunate, but I can't help but clarify my position once again.

From now on, she just wants to be an executor like Brother Yan who doesn't have to think about everything!
As for all the mental work, it's better to leave it to Lu Cenfeng, the reborn boss...

Fortunately, the original owner didn't need Zhu Su's comfort, so he suddenly changed the subject and continued: "There are three bottles of Bigu Pill! But I wasted half of one bottle. I have never dared to use other pills before. I took it out for experimentation, only to find out later that it is not suitable for this plane at all! People with supernatural powers will definitely explode and die if they eat it! Sigh..."

"Hiss!" Zhu Su gasped when he heard this!
Because the regret in the original host's tone is really not hard to hear!
This shows that she really regrets that she didn't take out those pills to feed her enemies earlier...

Zhu Su wanted to ask the original owner, did "later" refer to after her death?How did she find out it wasn't suitable?
But on second thought!
Since the original owner didn't say it clearly, it must have involved her privacy!

So it was decided to forget it.

"Then let's change to Bigu Pills first! How many pills are there in two and a half bottles? How many days can each pill last without hunger? Besides, who said that I can't use the spiritual weapon? Is there a precious sword that can cut iron like mud? Give it to me." Two! No, three, six!"

"You treat your spiritual weapon as Chinese cabbage! How many do you want?"

"Then, how many do you have?!"

"Up to three! Two knives and one sword, do you want it or not!"

"Uh... that's fine too! When can you give it to me?"

"Don't worry, wait until you give me a wave of kernel first!"

"Hiss... Are you exchanging materials or kernels!" Zhu Su couldn't help complaining weakly.

"It's all the same! Let's talk about Bigu Pills. There are ten pills in a bottle. I don't know how many days it lasts!"

The original owner's tone was not guilty at all, anyway, they are now Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer.

Zhu Su couldn't help frowning, "How could you not know?"

"Of course I don't know! When I experiment with others, I can't just take the whole one right?!"

Zhu Su: "..."

"I just took a very small piece after it was broken, and secretly mixed it into Gao Hua's meal. He didn't feel hungry for three days in a row!"

"……You are great!"

At this moment, Zhu Su really admired the original owner sincerely, because she was indeed more cautious and reliable than herself.

So after thinking about it carefully, Zhu Su decided to ask that. This time she entered the space specifically to ask the original owner.

"We are leaving for Ludong base in three days, can I ask you a question about the space stone?"

"Hmm! Yes."

"Do you know how to take the space stone out of the body? I mean the way without seeing blood!"

The original owner first thought for a second, and then suddenly opened his mouth and said: "You are worried that the base is not safe, and you are afraid that you will end up in the same end as me!"

Zhu Su: "..."

There is no need to say it so bluntly!

It's a pity that although he noticed Zhu Su's worry, the original owner still said helplessly: "I really don't know!"

"...It's okay, I'll figure it out myself!"

"Actually, I can give you a piece of advice! If you feel afraid and don't want to be exposed, then it's best not to make large commodity transactions with others! In addition, I will try not to directly pull your body into the space again in the future!"

After the original owner endured it, he finally couldn't hold back and said, "If I hadn't been forced to frequently use space to transfer a large amount of supplies, I probably wouldn't have been targeted! Because I have heard that the real People with space abilities, their space is very small! And they can't enter people at all!"

"I also heard from Lu Cenfeng!" Zhu Su immediately echoed.

The original owner immediately followed up and asked again, "What else did he say?"

"Uh..." Zhu Su suddenly got stuck when asked.

Because the first thing that came to her mind at this moment was that Lu Cenfeng had speculated to her that the original owner might have bad intentions towards her!
After perfunctory words from the original owner, Zhu Su, who tried to fool out half a bottle of Bigu Pill and said that he wanted to try it, quickly left the space.

As a result, when she flashed out of the space, she almost sat on Xiao Yu's lap!
Fortunately, Zhu Su's reaction was sensitive enough, so he quickly stood up straight!

Then he quickly patted his chest to soothe his frightened little heart.

It was nothing at first, who knows what a coincidence!This scene happened to be caught by Lu Cenfeng who just came out of the bathroom!

His face instantly sank!Then she turned on her toes and took two steps straight towards the sofa!

He greeted Zhu Su in a deep voice, "Come here!"

Zhu Su blinked, "?"

Xiao Yu and Qiu Bai also turned their heads and looked over, "??"

"come over!"

After exchanging glances with Lu Cenfeng, he suddenly realized that he was calling his Zhu Su, and hurriedly walked towards him obediently.

But what she never expected was!But Lu Cenfeng suddenly dragged her back to the bathroom!
"follow me!"

"Hey! No, why did you bring me here, ah!"

As soon as she entered, Lu Cenfeng slammed the door shut, and then slapped her without saying a word!

(End of this chapter)

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